Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C325 Who Should Die

C325 Who Should Die

If there wasn't any danger, Teacher Qin wouldn't mind riding on a camel by herself and flirting with some handsome guy. She would enjoy this honeymoon as much as she liked.    


But now, just as the terrible desert storm was approaching, if Teacher Qin was allowed to ride a mad camel alone, she was determined to tell someone: How could a small, flirtatious woman like me ride a mad camel?    


Therefore, when Tieh Tu ordered Gao Fei to separate from her, she screamed that she didn't want to ride the camel alone.    


In fact, when the camel started to run crazily, Gao Fei had the thought of separating from Qin Chengcheng, because he was very clear that if the two of them ride the same camel together, they will definitely fall behind after a long time.    


In the desert storm, falling behind meant death.    


However, when Tieh Tu yelled at him to take Qin Chengcheng away, Gao Fei didn't want to do that anymore.    


It wasn't that she didn't want to, it was that she didn't dare to. If Qin Chengcheng rode a camel alone, even if she was as brave as she was when she was in bed, even a fool could guess that she wouldn't be able to run for long before she was knocked down by the charging camel and then completely buried by the yellow sand. Hundreds or even thousands of years from now, the generations would probably dig up a beautiful desert mummy.    


Gao Fei slightly raised his body, and just as he was about to shout at Tieh Tu, he heard Qin Chengcheng cry, "Gao Fei, you said it before, if I was in danger, even if your life was in danger, you would come and save me! "The sob sob sob you said!"    


"Idiot, what are you thinking? How could I abandon you?"    


Gao Fei hugged Qin Chengcheng's waist tightly and waved his hand at Tieh Tu, signalling to him that he wouldn't let Qin Chengcheng ride on a camel alone.    


Tieh Tu shouted angrily: "Are you f * cking crazy? Quick, quickly get her away! "    


Before Tieh Tu's angry shout could fade, strands of sand suddenly rose up from the mirror-like desert. Old Halle, who was at the front, let out a wolf-like howl: "Xin Feng, Xin Feng, Liu Tie is going to be angry! It's because there's a woman. A woman is going to make Hu Da angry! "    


Before the sandstorm arrived, the faster the wind came, the greater the scale of the storm.    


Originally, when the experienced Old Halle saw that the sky was not good, the sandstorm would take another hour to arrive. He could have brought the caravan to a dilapidated temple in the ancient river in front of him ten minutes in advance, otherwise, he could have safely survived this storm.    


But he didn't expect that Xin Feng would come so quickly, ten minutes earlier than he expected!    


This way, even if they arrived at the 'safe haven' in time, it would be too late for them to prepare for the wind to blow.    


Old Halle turned his body and looked behind him. He then took out a handful of Short Dagger s from his travel bag and raised them up high. He yelled something as he stabbed the camel in the skin.    


Suddenly, he stood up like a frightened horse, his two powerful hind legs kicked off the ground like a golden arrow, and with a 'sou' sound, he flew out. His speed was at least twice as fast as when he was running!    


The humpbacked man ran with his life on the line, leading the camels behind him.    


The camels whined in unison, raising their four hooves to give chase.    


At this time, Tieh Tu was so anxious that he could no longer control his camels. He could only turn his head and curse. He then bent over the camel, tightly holding onto the rope and did not dare to move again.    


Although Qin Chengcheng was currently very scared, she also heard Old Halle's words.    


Then, she suddenly understood why Old Halle wanted to charge them more money.    


At the same time, he also suddenly understood why Tieh Tu was so hostile towards her from the beginning.    


It turned out that there was an old superstition in the desert: Hu Da did not like foreign women entering his territory. If a foreign woman entered the depths of the desert, he would be angry, and the wind would blow.    


Women, because of the original characteristics of the body (menstrual period), are considered 'filthy' by people in the desert.    


It was fine if they were local women, but they were Hu Da's subjects. They were just like parents' daughters. Even if their daughters didn't change, parents could still forgive them.    


However, the foreign women were not able to do so. Very few of them believed in Hu Da. After entering the depths of the desert, it was equivalent to blaspheming Hu Da. Only then would he get angry and use the storm to destroy the infidels …    


Qin Chengcheng was smart enough to guess all of this from Old Halle's words. She also realized that even if Tieh Tu wasn't born and bred in the desert, he at least knew these rules.    


Unfortunately, Gao Fei didn't know. Otherwise, no matter what he said, he wouldn't bring Qin Chengcheng into the desert.    


By the time he understood this logic, it was already too late. The ten camels were madly running with their lives on the line. The yellow sand kicked up by the camels was blown onto their exposed skin, causing them great pain.    


The sandstorm had arrived.    


The sun, which had been shining brightly, had now turned a pale yellow.    


However, not long after, the sunlight became even more hazy. The seemingly distant black line was like a black dragon baring its fangs and brandishing its claws as it roared and quickly arrived above the caravan.    


The sky suddenly darkened without any forewarning. Hundreds of millions of tons of yellow sand, under Hu Da's command, roared and swept across the entire desert.    


Sometimes, when the wind blew, even the entire massive sand dune would scatter and flee as if it had grown legs.    


In the hinterland, if the wind speed can reach level nine, it will cause a great deal of damage. The tiles of the houses will be blown away, and the trees with the thickness of a bucket may be broken.    


Old Halle and the camel, who were used to seeing the wind, might treat the wind as a 'cool' bestowed by Hu Da.    


This wind speed that could make Old Halle run with his life on the line had reached the limit of the wind speed, level 12!    


The strong wind blew away all the yellow sand in the desert, carrying along its unstoppable force towards the northwest. It swept away the sunlight, the desert and all the shadows of the camels in front of Gao Fei.    


Qin Chengcheng was wearing a goggles. If she wanted, she could 'admire' this level twelve gale that no one in the mainland could see in a lifetime. However, she was hugging Gao Fei's arm tightly with her eyes closed, crying in a low voice.    


Many times Lily had thought of her as a walking corpse, forced to do it in front of her husband and the man who was now protecting her.    


That humiliation made her completely fall. It made her deeply infatuated with the feeling of being filled up by this man. It was as if there was nothing else in the world that was worthy of her value other than being done by him.    


Including her own life.    


More than once, she had imagined that it was better to die than to live!    


This was because the man that she was deeply infatuated with had a woman that he deeply loved.    


Perhaps only death could wash away the shame on her body and let her remember that she was still a person with dignity.    


However, when death came so realistically, she was filled with incomparable fear.    


She discovered that no matter how comfortable a death was, it was better to live.    


At least, at this moment, she could feel that Gao Fei cared about her.    


If not, why did Gao Fei hug her so tightly, afraid that she would fall down like a camel?    


It was the force from Gao Fei's arm that slowly drove away the fear in Qin Chengcheng's heart and calmed her down. Afterwards, she felt an inexplicable excitement. Didn't I desire to be together with him forever? Since this wish could not be fulfilled while alive, it would also be a good ending if he were to die in this storm!    


This thought caused Qin Chengcheng to turn from excitement to craziness. She then lost her mind and turned her head to look at Gao Fei, who was on her back.    


Because Gao Fei was wearing a mask, goggles and a hat, Qin Chengcheng couldn't see the expression on his face, nor could she see his eyes. However, she could feel from his strong arm that this man was using his tenacity to raise his hand and whip the camel with his whip, trying his best to not fall behind.    


In fact, it was Gao Fei who kept the camel at the moment because he was trying so hard to spur the camel on.    


However, he believed that it wouldn't be long before the camel carrying the two of them would be gradually shaken off by its companion and lose itself in the vast yellow sand.    


Gao Fei understood this very well. He knew that if he wanted to stay in line, he would have to either push Qin Chengcheng down or get down by himself.    


All along, Gao Fei had always placed Qin Chengcheng as his bed mate. He could go through fire and water for her, but that didn't mean he loved her.    


Love is a very strange thing.    


Sometimes, even if a woman gave her all to a man, she might not even be able to win the heart of a man, just like Qin Chengcheng and Gao Fei.    


And sometimes, even if a woman didn't do anything and always caused trouble for a man, a man still couldn't forget her and was willing to do anything for her, just like Gao Fei and Shen Yinbing.    


Gao Fei admitted that he didn't love Qin Chengcheng and only treated her as a bedtime partner.    


With Boss Gao's current status and his pretty good image of a pretty boy, it would be easy for him to find a good bed mate.    


Will you die for a woman who doesn't love, who enjoys being crazy with her in bed?    


I'm sure a lot of men hold up a middle finger and shake it and say, No!    


Gao Fei thought he was one of those men.    


However, at this moment, when he had to push Qin Chengcheng away in order to survive, he somehow chose to jump off his camel to fight for Qin Chengcheng's life!    


As this thought rose in Gao Fei's mind, he muttered to himself, "Bro, you're so silly, it's not because you love her, but because I brought her out. Then we have to let her go back safely. This is the responsibility, the principle of being a human."    


Once he made up his mind, Gao Fei took a deep breath and was about to lie down beside Qin Chengcheng's ear, telling her to grab the camel tightly. When he was about to jump down and chase the camel in front of him on foot (the camel Qin Chengcheng was riding previously had now gone to Old Halle's side with a light body), he suddenly felt a sharp pain on the arm she was hugging!    


Qin Chengcheng took off her mask and fiercely bit his arm.    


A mouthful of blood.    


Before she could even yell out in anger, Qin Chengcheng suddenly fell head first towards the bottom of the camel. At the same time, she screamed, "Gao Fei, don't worry about me, don't forget me, run!"    


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