Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C319 Teacher Qin be More Serious

C319 Teacher Qin be More Serious

Gao Fei only realized that he might have said something wrong when he casually said that he came to the school to find Qin Chengcheng. He was about to explain himself when Zhang Wenwen turned around and left.    


He hurried to catch up with her. "Hey, Wenwen, wait a moment!"    


Zhang Wenwen didn't even turn her head around. Instead, she quickened her pace. "Since you're here to find Teacher Qin, why are you still making me wait!"    


Gao Fei smiled bitterly, "About that, it's not that I don't know where she's working, that's why I wanted you to bring me around."    


"I don't know!"    


Before Gao Fei could finish his sentence, Zhang Wenwen interrupted him and ran away.    


Don't look at how Zhang Wenwen, who was wearing a sports coat, ran very quickly. However, Gao Fei could catch up to her even if he had one foot.    


However, this was on campus. With that girl's weird temper, Gao Fei was pretty sure that if he really caught up, she would scream for help and someone would come to capture the janitor.    


If that happened, Director Gao would be utterly humiliated.    


Looking at Zhang Wenwen's back as she quickly ran into the Chinese department building, Gao Fei shrugged helplessly and muttered, "This child seems to have been spoiled a bit too much by me. It seems that I have to strengthen her ideological education in the future."    


Just as Gao Fei was having a headache over Lily, Jack came over, still in his timid voice. "Brother Fei, do you want me to go and get Wenwen for you again?"    


Gao Fei immediately shook his head. "Oh, there's no need. Student Zhou Xiaoyu … "    


"Just call me Xiaoyu, that's what my older brother in my hometown calls me."    


"Alright, Xiaoyu, can I ask you for a favor? Take me to Qin Chengcheng."    


"Teacher Qin, she was in class four just now. It's about time she returned to her office."    


Zhou Xiaoyu nodded happily: "Brother Fei, please come with me."    


Gao Fei nodded and followed Jack to another teaching building. However, he did not notice that Lily was grinning at him viciously from the window of the third floor of the Chinese department's corridor.    


Walking to the corridor on the fourth floor of the school building, he turned left and headed east to an office door at the end of the corridor. Zhou Xiaoyu knocked on the door gently.    


Zhou Xiaoyu dodged to the side and said in a low voice, "Brother Fei, Teacher Qin is inside. You can go in by yourself, I won't be accompanying you."    


"Alright, then I'll thank you. When there's nothing to do during the weekend, come to my restaurant with Wenwen. I'll treat you to dinner."    


Gao Fei thanked her with a smile. But when he was about to open the door, he suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, go back and tell Wenwen that I'm going on a long trip tonight. I might not be able to come back this weekend. Let her find a place to play."    


"Alright, I understand. Brother Fei, goodbye."    


The well-behaved Zhou Xiaoyu waved his hand and quickly walked away with his sandals while holding the corner of his skirt.    


Qin Chengcheng was reading the documents by herself in her office. When she heard the knock on the door, she said that she was welcome to enter, but she didn't see anyone enter. While she was confused, the door opened and the look in her eyes quickly turned into surprise.    


"As the saying goes, one would not come to the Three Treasures Palace for no reason. I've missed you, so I've come to find you."    


Just as Gao Fei closed the door with a smile, Teacher Qin ran over and hugged him, kissing him heavily on his lips.    


"Shh, shh, shh. This place is my ideal paradise, my sacred place that cannot be desecrated. We'd better show some respect." Gao Fei pushed her away.    


"It looks like you're going to die. Do you want to fight with me in this cultural holy land against three lilies?"    


Teacher Qin's eyes were filled with happiness as she licked her lips. She moved the man's heart and scolded him, "I think you owe that much more and more, beast with a human's face." "Go, stop messing around. I have a serious matter to discuss with you."    


Although Qin Chengcheng said it casually on the surface, she didn't dare to do that kind of thing in the school office.    


After all, this place wasn't Gao Fei's office, so the soundproofing effect was pretty good.    


Putting aside the fact that other teachers could come in at any time, just based on the fact that Teacher Qin's screams would probably spread throughout the entire building, she might as well just die.    


"Hehe, there's nothing I can do about it. I was the one who got her to release so many hormones when she saw you."    


Qin Chengcheng giggled and walked to the desk. She picked up her own cup and poured a cup of tea for Gao Fei before sitting down on the chair opposite him.    


Gao Fei raised his hand and patted on that soft foot. He said seriously: "Don't mess around, I have something very serious to ask for your permission."    


Seeing Gao Fei's serious look, Qin Chengcheng realized that he really had something on his mind. She withdrew the fire in her heart and said, "What is it? As long as it is something I can do, it will be beneficial to you. I will do my best."    


Gao Fei pondered for a moment, then said: "To be specific, I have to start from the《 Anggui Book》. Since this book is related to the secrets of the dynasty, and it already has staff of the relevant departments involved, I can't share too much information with you. The less you know, the better it will be for you. "The situation is like this …"    


Next, Gao Fei explained in detail that he was going to the Western Regions with a staff member from a department of the Dynasty of God but lacked someone who could read small charms and wanted her to go with him.    


In the end, he said, "Of course, you can choose not to go. After all, during this trip to the Western Regions, there might be some unknown danger. If you go, no matter what the result is, the relevant departments will give you a generous reward. That's why I came to you and asked for your opinion. "    


Qin Chengcheng said without thinking, "I'll go."    


Gao Fei advised, "You'd better think about it carefully, because there might really be a danger that you can't predict."    


Qin Chengcheng frowned. At this moment, the smile on her face had been replaced by sorrow and she said blandly, "There is no difference between living and dying for me. I'm sure you can see by now that the only thing I'm interested in right now is being with you. Working and going home were just ways to kill time. If I can die for you in the Western Regions, then I will definitely be able to leave peacefully. At the very least, I have found a little value in my life. "    


Gao Fei frowned, "Qin Chengcheng, I am not happy at all with your words. Because you give me the feeling that you're just my plaything. "    


Qin Chengcheng shook her head and said softly, "Gao Fei, believe me, I don't have any intention in doing this. I just feel that I have completely fallen. If I could make a contribution to the dynasty, perhaps I could regain a bit of myself, or perhaps some dignity as a human being. I know you're not happy with what I've said. "But I must tell you clearly, what you have conquered is not only my body, but also my heart. I would rather do anything for you without any regrets, do you understand?"    


Gao Fei was stunned for a moment: "I don't understand, but you can ask the Leader to take a leave of absence now. Let's take a week's vacation for now. Tonight, around 9: 00, I'll pick you up at your house door."    


Around 5: 30 in the afternoon of early autumn, the sun still seemed to be shining overhead, making the pedestrians drowsy.    


This was the most leisurely time for the dining hall. The staff were cleaning the dining hall.    


After entering the restaurant with a beautiful young woman, Lao Wang, who was sitting at the bar chatting with Lian Xue, suddenly had an idea. He gave her a look, then quickly got down from the chair and went up to her: "Excuse me, is there anything I can help you with?"    


When Qin Ziyang first came to the restaurant, she told Lao Wang and others that she was Director Gao's girlfriend.    


However, in the end, she limped out of the restaurant while crying.    


Lao Wang obviously didn't have the right to participate in Director Gao's dirty work. He also didn't know who this beauty was, but he knew he had to take good care of every woman in Director Gao's class, even if she came from the Hong Jian district.    


There was no need to ask. The one who came was none other than Qin Ziyang.    


The beautiful young woman beside her was Faang Xiaotine.    


After Faang Xiaotine came in, she pretended to be the boss of the restaurant. She looked around and nodded her head from time to time. It seemed that she was very satisfied with the layout and decoration of the restaurant.    


Glancing at Faang Xiaotine, Qin Ziyang smiled and said, "Manager Wang (the last time she came, she knew Lao Wang was the manager of the restaurant), I'm here to find Gao Fei."    


Gao Fei's taste was too good. Not only did he have a girl like Zhang Wenwen by his side, but he did not let go of this thirty-seven year old young woman.    


Lao Wang glanced at Faang Xiaotine and said apologetically, "Lady, it's really a coincidence that you came. We, Director Gao, just left not long ago."    


Qin Ziyang smiled and shook her head. "Oh, it's alright. Can we go to his office and wait for him?"    


"I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, young lady."    


Lao Wang explained, "Director Gao won't be back tonight."    


Qin Ziyang frowned slightly, "He doesn't go back to the restaurant for dinner tonight? Could he have gone to the Hospital of Qianfo Mountain again? "    


Lao Wang shook his head. "No." We, Director Gao, have gone far. "    


Faang Xiaotine continued, "Going out? Where is he going? "    


Lao Wang laughed, "I don't know where Director Gao will go. But he told me before he left that he'd probably be out for a few days. "    


Qin Ziyang then asked, "Then, who did he leave with?"    


"I don't know either."    


Lao Wang shook his head apologetically. When Qin Ziyang took out the phone and was about to call Gao Fei, he suddenly said, "Oh, right. Director Gao received a phone call before he left. In the phone, I seem to have mentioned the desert, and even asked him with a smile if he had anything ready to ward off evil. "    


The desert to ward off evil?    


Qin Ziyang's narrowed eyes flashed with a trace of light before they returned to normal. She said regretfully, "Sigh, Aunt Faang, we came at the wrong time. It seems like Gao Fei is going on an adventure with his friends. "    


Faang Xiaotine said in dissatisfaction, "Exploring? "I have nothing to do after I've eaten my fill. Ziyang, call him and tell him to cancel his trip immediately. Tell him that I'm waiting for him here!"    


Qin Ziyang quickly advised, "Aunt Faang, forget it. It seems like Gao Fei also wants to go out and relax. This is even better.    


"Mm, that's true. Alright then, let's let this kid roam around outside for a few days. We'll talk about it when he comes back."    


After saying that, Faang Xiaotine didn't bother with Lao Wang as she turned around and walked towards the door.    


Looking at Faang Xiaotine's back, Lao Wang was deep in thought. This young woman spoke with a very high tone, as if she was Gao Fei's mother.    


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