Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C326 He Did Not Abandon Me

C326 He Did Not Abandon Me

Gao Fei never thought that Qin Chengcheng would suddenly bite him and force him to withdraw his arm. It was to make him release her that she would fall off the camel and let him catch up with the camel.    


At this moment, Gao Fei was moved, and his nose suddenly became sour: Why did she sacrifice herself for me like that? Other than giving her happiness physically, what else did I give her?    


I am a man of my stature, why would I bring my wife out and watch her sacrifice herself for me just to survive?    


If I abandoned her and ran for my life, would I still be born to my parents?    


No, I would rather be buried with her in the middle of the desert.    


Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep peacefully for the rest of my life!    


The moment Qin Chengcheng fell off her camel, these thoughts floated into Gao Fei's mind like a flash of lightning.    


When he suddenly turned around and looked behind him, Qin Chengcheng's delicate body was like a kite with its string cut, blown far away by the strong wind mixed with yellow sand.    


Gao Fei no longer hesitated and leaped. Borrowing the fierce wind, he pounced towards Qin Chengcheng: "If we're going to die, then let's die together!"    


Would he come down to me?    


Would he just ride his camel and go against the wind?    


If he doesn't care about me and runs for his life, then wouldn't it be too unfair of me to die?    


If he dares to run for his life, even if I turn into an evil ghost, I will still pester him, pester him for the rest of my life!    


After Qin Chengcheng fell off her camel, she was blown away like a kite by the wind. However, her mind was incomparably clear.    


At this moment, she suddenly felt regret. She regretted dying like this.    


There was also a deep resentment, hatred towards the man who could have escaped by himself!    


No matter what, she had already voluntarily fallen off her camel, leaving her hope of living to the man.    


Qin Chengcheng's body rolled in the wind. Her head smashed into the yellow sand, and before the pain could reach her, she was sent flying even further away.    


I'm going to die!    


All of a sudden, Qin Chengcheng's negative thoughts disappeared, including Gao Fei's hatred from escaping alone, her heart calmed down again. People often say, if you really love someone, then you should wish him a happy life. Since I love Gao Fei so much, isn't letting him escape alone the right choice, why should I hate him?    


Gao Fei, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely wait for you to become your wife!    


A smile appeared on Qin Chengcheng's face when her body was curled up (her mask had already been removed by her secretly). She was happy and peaceful, even the sky was filled with yellow sand, but it was unable to cover her kind and pure smile.    


However, that smile froze at the corner of Qin Chengcheng's mouth, because she saw a black shadow break through the yellow sand like an agile hawk and suddenly appear in front of her, grabbing her hair with a loud shout.    


Then, both of them tumbled to the ground and rolled far away along the sand dune.    


As she rolled on the ground, Qin Chengcheng kept her eyes open as she looked at the man hugging her tightly. Tears welled up in her eyes, making her unable to see anything clearly.    


Gao Fei, it's Gao Fei!    


He didn't abandon me, he really came back to save me!    


Fool, why are you doing this, do you love me!?    


Qin Chengcheng bit her lips hard, and when she tasted the fresh and bloody taste, she screamed, "Fool, fool! Why did you come, why did you come back! "You know, I intentionally fell off my camel, so that I could pull you along with me …"    


Before Qin Chengcheng could finish her sentence, a large amount of yellow sand covered her and Gao Fei.    


The sandstorm that filled the air, the love and hatred of the entire world, all disappeared at this moment, leaving only darkness and the sound of her heart beating rapidly before she died. She could also feel the man tightly hugging her.    


In the end, she died together with him. She was satisfied for her entire life. Sigh!    


Qin Chengcheng sighed happily in her heart. When she was about to accept death by suffocation, she suddenly felt a headache and her body involuntarily stood up.    


Then, the flying sand filled the air once again in her world. Then, Gao Fei shouted, "Hug my waist, don't let go!"    


It turned out that after being covered by the yellow sand, Gao Fei immediately rushed out of the sand and plucked Qin Chengcheng's hair, pulling her out from under the sand.    


Teacher Qin thought that living and dying with Gao Fei was the best fate for her, but Gao Fei didn't think this way: He can't die, he must return alive, because he has too many concerns!    


Subconsciously, Qin Chengcheng hugged Gao Fei's waist with both of her hands and said in a hoarse voice, "Gao Fei, we won't be able to escape. Really, I, I can't see the road, I can't see anything!"    


Gao Fei's back was facing the southeast. He held Qin Chengcheng with his right hand and spread his legs to prevent himself from falling down. The yellow sand that came from his back hit his back and neck. It was painful like a bullet.    


Qin Chengcheng was right. Under such circumstances, no matter how strong Gao Fei was, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long. He would be blown away by the wind and buried under the sand dozens of meters deep before he died.    


However, his strong desire to survive made him try his best, even if it was futile.    


A rock as big as a child's fist was blown by the wind and hit the back of Gao Fei's head ruthlessly. Gao Fei's vision darkened and his body staggered a few times and almost fell to the ground.    


How long can I last, and die here?    




Gao Fei was in so much pain that his vision turned black. He could no longer resist and was about to give up. As the wind blew away, a crisp camel's bell rang by his ear!    


The crisp sound of a camel's bell was like the lightning that split the dark clouds. It scared away the Death God who had grabbed Gao Fei by the throat with both hands, causing him to suddenly wake up: How can I forget my brother!?    


As the camel's bells rang, the three camels rushed to Gao Fei and the other student at a speed even faster than the wind. They then turned around and shouted, "Quick, get on the camels!"    


The one who shouted was Tieh Tu.    


It turned out that after Gao Fei and Qin Chengcheng fell off the camel, the camel was like a monkey that had just escaped from the mountain of five fingers.    


Tieh Tu half turned around. When he saw the empty camel, he was shocked and shouted at Ye Xinshang, "Gao Fei is gone!"    


Ye Xinshang, who was in the midst of 'spurring his horse', was also paying attention to Liu Tie and the other two who were at the very back. Ye Xinshang, who was in the middle of 'urging his horse', was also paying attention to Liu Tie and the other two who were at the very back.    


The camel was in pain. Under Ye Xinshang's lead, it ran towards the road while howling.    


Coincidentally, he arrived just as Gao Fei was having trouble holding on.    


Tieh Tu shouted and flew towards the camel they were riding.    


Although he was almost blown away by the wind, he was still able to grab the camel's tail in time. He used some force and his body flipped, landing precisely between the two camels.    


Because of Tieh Tu's tall and sturdy stature, the camel he rode on was the largest one among the ten camels.    


Plus, he had been in the second place everywhere, so he hadn't whipped the camel. Therefore, the camel still had some physical strength left.    


Only then did he give his camel to Gao Fei and Qin Chengcheng.    


Seeing Tieh Tu jump on the camel, Ye Xinshang immediately turned his horse around and shouted, "Run!"    


Before Ye Xinshang finished his sentence, Gao Fei had already carried Qin Chengcheng and jumped onto the camel. The camel felt pain on its belly and ran towards the southeast against the wind.    


Although Gao Fei and Qin Chengcheng would still ride the same camel, which would still fall behind in terms of speed, this camel was the strongest and also had the best stamina. Even if they couldn't catch up with the other camels, they wouldn't be too far behind.    


Most importantly, Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang had already returned. Gao Fei was no longer alone to look after Qin Chengcheng. He could throw her onto the other two camels when the camels under him were exhausted.    


This way, the three camels would carry the two of them in turn, making the burden much lighter.    


While 'spurring the horse' ran, Gao Fei tightly held Qin Chengcheng's waist. He didn't care that the two arrogant girls in front of her would be crushed into a cake, he fiercely pressed on her back and shouted, "Don't bite my arm again!"    


The wild sand that filled the sky and the apocalyptic atmosphere seemed to have lost their terror at that instant. It made her voice carry a hint of flirtatiousness, "Brother Fei, I won't."    


Lily was five years older than Jack, and she used to call him by his first name.    


Gao Fei was already used to it.    


Now, she suddenly charmingly called Brother Fei. This kind of feeling made Brother Fei feel comfortable with her nonsense. In this kind of life and death situation, Brother Fei couldn't help but curse at the fox spirit in his heart.    


Under the observation of Teacher Qin, who was bewitching, Tieh Tu was undoubtedly a good camel driver, and he seemed to be very familiar with the road as well. She felt it was strange that Ye Xinshang, who was constantly shouting, suddenly changed the direction he was running in and wanted to ask Gao Fei: Is that handsome guy, a native desert native?    


With the combined efforts of Gao Fei and the other two, the three camels finally caught up to Old Halle and the others after running for more than ten minutes.    


Old Halle was the first to run down a dune.    


Below the sand dune was an ancient river crossing of the Peacock River. A stone roof similar to bread suddenly appeared in the vast desert.    


It turned out that many years ago, the local residents believed in Hu Da and built a temple here.    


After the Western civilization vanished, a large portion of this lonely temple was buried by yellow sand, revealing a roof the height of a person.    


This was where Old Halle relied on to escape the storm.    


By the time they arrived, a few of the more quick-witted Sand Wolves had already arrived. Seeing so many people and camels rushing over, the Sand Wolves hiding at the side of the roof whined a few times, but didn't escape.    


Old Halle didn't care about that. He rolled off the camel and scrambled towards the roof.    


Following closely behind, Lao Liu and the others also grabbed their luggage, jumped off their camels, and rushed over.    


"Here, here!"    


Old Halle jumped onto the roof and kneeled on the ground. His hands quickly pulled up the yellow sand.    


Lao Liu and the other two men also pulled up the sand rapidly like marmots.    


When Gao Fei's group of four got off the camel and stumbled over, Old Halle had already dug out a window under the yellow sand and jumped into it.    


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