Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C327 Desert Night

C327 Desert Night

Although the temple was old, it did not have much archaeological value.    


Before the desert had covered most of it, the statues, murals and everything else had been taken away by the 'archaeologists'. Now, it was just an empty stone house.    


Of course, it couldn't be said to be empty. At the very least, there were several hundred tons of yellow sand inside.    


The area above the godly temple wasn't very big, only about dozens of square meters. The yellow sand had already filled up the area near the window. After Old Halle jumped in, he followed the pile of sand at the window and rolled to the foot of the wall.    


Next were the three people of Lao Liu's group, followed by Ye Xinshang, Qin Chengcheng, and Gao Fei. Tieh Tu was the last to enter.    


When Gao Fei came down, he felt that the whole world had become quiet.    


The wild sand that was flying in the sky was isolated outside. It was so quiet that one could hear the heartbeats of Old Halle and the others.    


However, the light was very dim, and he could barely see the people on the other side of the wall.    


Tieh Tu, who was the last one to climb into the window, didn't slide down the sand. Instead, he stuck his feet into the sand and took out a portable flashlight from his backpack and turned it on.    


Immediately, the world in front of Qin Chengcheng brightened up, and she quickly withdrew her feet.    


Only then did she realize that her right foot was resting on Ye Xinshang's thigh.    


Ye Xinshang only smiled at Qin Chengcheng's subconscious movements and observed the surroundings.    


The space of dozens of square meters was mostly occupied by yellow sand, which made it a little crowded below. However, it was not enough for them to get close to each other, but Qin Chengcheng could smell the disgusting bad tobacco smell on Lao Liu's body, which made her lean towards Gao Fei.    


At this time, Old Halle spoke. He said to Tieh Tu, who was guarding the window, "Boss, please watch the window to prevent any wild beasts from entering."    


When they climbed through the window, there were already a few Sand Wolves gathered outside. They believed that there would be more Sand Wolves, Sand Foxes, and the like to seek refuge here.    


If he let them in, it would be beautiful … However, in order to breathe, he could not seal the window, so he could only send people to guard the window.    


Tieh Tu didn't say anything to Old Halle's suggestion. He nodded his head and didn't make any assumptions. He just took out his Model 05 submachine gun from his backpack, assembled it in a few seconds, loaded the magazine, and pointed the safety outside the window.    


Although the place was crowded and there were wild beasts guarding it, which could pounce on people and tear them apart at any time, it was no doubt a paradise for life compared to the tempest outside.    


After giving orders to heaven, Old Halle, who was sitting cross-legged on the wall, closed his eyes and muttered something to himself. It seemed like he was praying for Hu Da's protection.    


It seemed that Lao Liu and the other two had similar experiences, so they quickly calmed down and secretly looked at Tieh Tu and Qin Chengcheng.    


When they looked at Tieh Tu, they were envious of the Type 05 Mute submachine gun in his hand.    


She looked at Qin Chengcheng with obvious disgust and ruthlessness, as if it was her existence that made Hu Da angry and almost caused everyone to lose their lives.    


After their gazes met, Qin Chengcheng subconsciously shrank into Gao Fei's arms.    


Gao Fei didn't even raise his eyelids as he said lightly, "Don't be afraid, whoever dares to have any ideas about you, I will skin them."    


Gao Fei's voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone in the godly temple to hear. There was a clear killing intent in his voice that even Old Halle, who had his eyes closed, could feel it.    


Lao Liu and the other two immediately lowered their eyes and didn't dare to look at Qin Chengcheng again.    


In the bottom of Qin Chengcheng's heart, however, a sense of safety and happiness arose involuntarily.    


For the next half an hour, no one spoke. The storm continued, but those Sand Wolves didn't appear at the window. It seemed that they knew Tieh Tu, who was guarding the window, was not to be trifled with.    


After running for their lives and recovering their physical strength, someone's stomach let out a rumbling sound.    


At this time, Old Halle opened his eyes and slowly said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the storm will not stop tonight. We will be staying here for the night. In order to prevent the beasts from invading, the eight of us will split into four groups. Each division will wait for three hours, with the others to rest.    


Lao Liu nodded with a hoarse voice, "Ok, Old Halle, let's do the calculation and replace that brother above us."    


Old Halle's suggestion was very reasonable, so everyone naturally agreed with it.    


After assigning the night watch, Old Halle took out a leather bag from his backpack, along with a few pancakes and some pickles. He didn't try to be polite with the others and started to eat without hesitation.    


When Lao Liu and the other two started to eat, Tieh Tu, who was guarding the window, threw down his backpack.    


Wu took out cans, ham and mineral water, and gave them to Ye Xinshang and Qin Chengcheng.    


Qin Chengcheng shook her head and whispered, "I'm not that hungry yet. I don't want to eat it."    


Gao Fei knew that she was too scared just now, so he didn't force her, "Okay, you rest first. We'll both be on duty tonight. I'll call you when the time comes."    


"Mm, don't forget to call me."    


Qin Chengcheng hummed in a low voice as she curled up her body in Gao Fei's embrace and quickly fell into a deep sleep.    


After eating his fill, Lao Liu and Old Halle replaced Tieh Tu.    


When they were replacing Tieh Tu, Lao Liu looked at the Type 05 submachine gun. It seemed like they wanted to borrow it. After all, it had powerful firepower and was the best weapon against the Sand Wolves and other wild beasts.    


However, Tieh Tu ignored him. He put the gun on his shoulder and slid down the yellow sand. He didn't ask for the food Ye Xinshang passed over. He lay on the sand on his back and closed his eyes.    


Gao Fei and Ye Xinshang leaned against the sand heap with their shoulders close to each other, lit a cigarette and started to talk in a low voice.    


"Lao Tieh has been to this desert before?"    


When Gao Fei talked about Tieh Tu, he didn't have any scruples: "When I was in North Africa, I had been to the desert a few times, but I never had the custom to forbid women from entering."    


Ye Xinshang replied faintly: "This is the third time we've come to this desert, but we haven't encountered any big storms."    


"And for that?"    




"Since you know about this custom, why didn't you tell me when you were in the mainland?"    


Gao Fei lowered his head to look at Qin Chengcheng, who was in his arms, and said, "If I knew, I wouldn't have let her come with me."    


Ye Xinshang smiled bitterly, "When you said you wanted to find someone who could understand those things, we didn't expect you to look for Teacher Qin. We had always thought that you would look for a man." We didn't know Teacher Qin was a woman until you arrived at the airport, but by then it was too late to change her. Besides, we don't really believe that a woman would actually encounter such a thing in this desert. "Heh, what a coincidence."    


Gao Fei nodded and lit up a cigarette. After a long time, he said, "Xinshang, no matter what happens, I must bring her back safely. Do you understand?"    


Ye Xinshang slightly raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Lao Tieh seems to have said that if the three of us can't protect her safety, then we might as well drown in our own piss."    


Gao Fei laughed dryly, "Haha, I have not encountered a storm yet, that's what I thought too. But now, it seems that if Old Halle didn't find us in time, the three of us would not have been able to escape this storm. "    


"Even without Old Halle, Lao Tieh can still bring us here, because we spent the night here before. As you know, Lao Tieh's ability to find the way is the best amongst us."    


"Mhmm, no wonder Lao Tieh can always tell you where to run when you're running for your life."    


"That's not escaping, just taking temporary shelter. Don't make it sound so bad, okay?"    


"What's so bad about that?" It's just running with its tail between its legs. "    


"Forget it, I won't bicker with you anymore. Sleep."    


Ye Xinshang yawned and glanced at Lao Liu's two companions.    


Gao Fei knew that he was worried that those people would not have any good intentions towards them after all four of them fell asleep, so he smiled and said, "You go to sleep first, I'm not tired yet."    


"Call me in an hour."    


With that, Ye Xinshang turned around and closed his eyes with his back facing Gao Fei.    


Gao Fei blew out a smoke ring and looked at Lao Liu's two companions.    


Because Lao Liu was standing guard outside the window, his two companions were not worried and had already closed their eyes to rest.    


After smoking one cigarette, Gao Fei suddenly said in a low voice: "Xinshang, I really didn't know Qin Ziyang would be the girl you like."    


Ye Xinshang's body trembled slightly, but he did not say anything.    


Not only was the sudden storm coming fast enough, it was also going on for a long time. It was only around three in the morning that it gradually weakened.    


As soon as the sandstorm subsided, the beasts that had been hiding around the roof of the temple scattered, as if they knew that if they stayed any longer, they might be killed by the people who were hiding inside.    


Gao Fei and Qin Chengcheng were responsible for guarding the last shift.    


Although Old Halle, Lao Liu, and Tieh Tu did not like Qin Chengcheng, she was still a woman after all. She was also ranked last in terms of hardships.    


Gao Fei took the gun from Tieh Tu's hand and pulled Qin Chengcheng out of the window.    


Maybe it was because Hu Da was tired of playing sandstorm games, but at 4 am, the desert regained its calm.    


It was strange to say that as soon as the wind stopped, the sky became cool once more. Countless stars were blinking in the sky. The sky was blue and the east was turning white. The air was also abnormally fresh.    


Looking at the sky full of stars, Qin Chengcheng sighed emotionally, "Alas, the night sky here is really beautiful."    


"No matter how beautiful she is, I still have to eat something. Otherwise, I won't have the strength to continue on my journey tomorrow."    


Gao Fei took out a can of fruit from his backpack and handed it to Qin Chengcheng.    


After finishing the canned fruit, Qin Chengcheng said in a low voice, "Gao Fei, I, I want to make it easy for you."    




Gao Fei laughed.    


Qin Chengcheng's face reddened. "No, it's someone who will, it'll stink inside." I'll … I'll go somewhere else. "    


"I'll go with you?"    


"There's no need for that. You're here, I, I..."    


"Hah, alright then. I'll send you over so that you won't encounter any wild beasts."    


Gao Fei smiled.    




Qin Chengcheng agreed with her head lowered and followed Gao Fei up the dune.    


Standing on the dune, he looked around and saw nothing but silence.    


"You, you go further away."    


Qin Chengcheng seemed to be unable to hold it in any longer as she began to untie her belt.    


"Ai, I'm already an old couple, what's there to be embarrassed about?"    


Gao Fei shrugged disapprovingly, turned around and walked down the sand dune.    


Early in the morning, when the temperature in the desert was at its highest, a cool breeze brushed against his face, making him feel extremely comfortable.    


"Well, if the desert was always like this, how nice would it be?"    


Just when Gao Fei sighed, he suddenly heard Qin Chengcheng's scream from above the sand dune: "Ah!"    


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