Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C328 A Mysterious Man in Black Who Was Not Afraid of Bullets

C328 A Mysterious Man in Black Who Was Not Afraid of Bullets

After hearing Qin Chengcheng's scream, Gao Fei jumped up with the gun in his arms and ran up quickly.    


When Gao Fei accompanied Qin Chengcheng onto the sand dune, it was quiet for a few kilometers; not even a shadow of a ghost could be seen. It was as if all life was resting somewhere after the storm had stopped.    


It was precisely because of this that Gao Fei was able to make it convenient for Teacher Qin to stay there by herself.    


But now, she let out a short cry of surprise.    


The voice was short, but it carried great fear. It was like a timid person suddenly encountering a malicious spirit. Just as soon as he cried out, his throat was strangled.    


Did she run into some wild beast or something?    


Gao Fei thought like this, but his feet didn't stop at all. Like a rocket, he floated rapidly up the sand dune.    


Then, he saw two people.    


One of them was Qin Chengcheng, who had just finished her meal.    


The other one was a Black-robed Man.    


Not only was this person wearing black, but his entire head was also wrapped in black cloth. Only his eyes were visible. He suddenly looked like a ghost, standing motionlessly beside Qin Chengcheng. A black hand rested on Qin Chengcheng's shoulder.    


It was good enough for a coquettish little girl who had just pulled up her pants in the desolate and mysterious desert to have such a ghost-like figure suddenly appear and not be scared senseless on the spot.    


With a "hua la" sound, Gao Fei, who was rushing over, raised the submachine gun in his hand, pointed the gun at Black-robed Man and shouted: "What are you doing? Let her go! "    


Gao Fei's timely appearance made Qin Chengcheng feel a lot more at ease. With a trembling voice, she said, "S-Gao Fei!"    


"Don't be afraid, he won't dare to do anything to you!"    


Gao Fei leaned his body slightly to the side and slowly walked towards them with his submachine gun in his hands.    


Don't look at how Black-robed Man seemed to have Qin Chengcheng under his control. However, after Gao Fei rushed up the sand dune, he was confident enough to kill him at the first possible moment.    


Speaking of which, Ghost Dance's marksmanship wasn't just for show. He could use bullets to castrate a male fly within a hundred meters …    


However, Gao Fei did not want to easily kill people before he knew who Black-robed Man was, and whether he had any accomplices. This made him feel more and more kind.    


The Black-robed Man that mysteriously appeared saw Gao Fei approaching with a gun in his hand, but didn't panic at all. Instead, he grabbed Qin Chengcheng's shoulder and slowly retreated.    


When people walked, because they had to lift their knees, as their legs alternated, their shoulders would naturally have a conditioned reflex action (Lifting the left foot would cause the right shoulder to sink). No matter how well you controlled it, you still couldn't escape the eyes of the fighting expert Gao Fei.    


But when this Black-robed Man was dragging Qin Chengcheng's hind legs, his shoulders didn't move at all.    


Gao Fei didn't even notice that his knees were bent, sliding horizontally backwards against the sand dune!    


What was going on!?    


Gao Fei's eyes narrowed when he saw this. Without any hesitation, he pressed his right index finger down on the trigger. The muzzle of the submachine gun shook slightly and the bullets shot out at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye!    


Qin Chengcheng's first reaction after getting grabbed on the shoulder by Black-robed Man was naturally to struggle.    


But no matter how much she struggled or how much strength she used, Black-robed Man's black right hand was like a magnet sticking onto her body, preventing her from escaping.    


And most importantly, Qin Chengcheng, who was only wearing a sports uniform, could feel a ghastly coldness coming from Black-robed Man's hands. It was as if that wasn't a hand, but a ice stick.    


Qin Chengcheng's first reaction was that this Black-robed Man was not a human but a ghost from the Underworld.    


Otherwise, why would his hands be so cold and his body exude an indiscernible sinister aura?    


Qin Chengcheng, who was extremely terrified in her heart, only had enough time to call out his name after Gao Fei appeared. She felt her entire body turn cold and her teeth chattered;    


Although Qin Chengcheng could not speak, she could still see the flash of light from Gao Fei's gun. Following that, she felt a heat wave flash past her face, and the soft 'pu' sound of a nail piercing into meat behind her could be heard. She could also feel the trembling of Black-robed Man's right hand, which was holding her shoulder.    


Then she felt the liquid splatter around her neck.    


However, this wasn't the blood that a normal person would gush with after being hit by a bullet.    


The blood was hot, but the liquid that splashed on her neck was cold!    


What's going on? Qin Chengcheng's mind rumbled. Could it be that he isn't a human, but a ghost!?    


After noticing that something was wrong, Gao Fei immediately pulled the trigger. The bullet grazed Qin Chengcheng's face and accurately hit Black-robed Man's right shoulder.    


Before he could figure out who this Black-robed Man was, where he came from, and why they attacked Qin Chengcheng, Gao Fei didn't want to kill him, so he hit his right shoulder to make him let go of Qin Chengcheng.    


Gao Fei's shot hit!    


However, what surprised him was that after Black-robed Man's shoulder was hit, his body only trembled slightly. He did not let go of Qin Chengcheng and instead pressed his body quickly onto her back.    


His long nails shone with a devilish light as he held them horizontally against Qin Chengcheng's throat, continuing to slowly retreat.    


He wasn't afraid of bullets!?    


Gao Fei was shocked because Black-robed Man was right behind Qin Chengcheng. He subconsciously moved the gun down and pulled the trigger again: Bang!    


Another light, crisp sound rang out, as the blue bullet accurately flew between Qin Chengcheng's legs and hit Black-robed Man's left calf.    


This time, Gao Fei saw even more clearly that the bullet had indeed entered Black-robed Man's leg. However, he was basically unaffected, and continued to retreat as if he had been bitten by a mosquito.    


Black-robed Man who was' immune 'to bullets was annoyed by Gao Fei, so he used the bullet to dry Qin Chengcheng's throat again and again. Although he didn't cut Qin Chengcheng's throat with his nails, a strange sound came out from his mouth: "Slight Slight Slight Slight!"    


It sounded like a laugh, but also like a cry. It sounded like the cry of a duck, but no matter what it sounded like, it didn't sound like the cry of a human.    


Gao Fei was shocked, he was truly shocked.    


Anyone who encountered a monster that could not be killed by bullets would be shocked.    


Cold sweat broke out on Gao Fei's forehead. He clenched his teeth and was about to try firing another shot when he heard someone behind him yell in panic: "Don't move!"    


Gao Fei quickly turned his head and saw a few people climbing up the sand dune.    


At the front were Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang, followed by Old Halle.    


It was Old Halle who told Gao Fei not to act.    


It turned out that while Qin Chengcheng was screaming, Old Halle was also climbing out of the window, preparing to find a place to take care of his personal hygiene.    


After hearing Qin Chengcheng's scream, Old Halle looked up and saw Gao Fei quickly rushing up the sand dune. He immediately realized that something was wrong and also climbed up the dune.    


While he was climbing up the dune, Gao Fei had already pulled the trigger twice.    


At this time, Tieh Tu and Liu Yi, who were resting inside the godly temple, also heard Qin Chengcheng's shout and quickly rushed out.    


They were much faster than Old Halle and almost caught up in the blink of an eye, climbing up the dune ahead of him.    


Seeing that the Black-robed Man was holding Qin Chengcheng hostage, Ye Xinshang and Wu Tie were also shocked. Just as they were about to charge over, Old Halle suddenly shouted.    


Subconsciously, Tieh Tu and Ye Xinshang's bodies paused as they turned around to look at Old Halle.    


Using the morning light from the sky, Tieh Tu and Tieh Tu could see Old Halle's eyes filled with fear and uneasiness.    


When he knew that the Black-robed Man Gao Fei and the other two were all thinking like that, he saw Old Halle quickly run forward a few steps, then take off the blanket behind him, and lay down flat on the ground. Then, he knelt on top of the blanket, with his forehead pressed against the ground, he raised his hands high into the air, and shouted with a strange tone of voice.    


Seeing Qin Chengcheng being pressed against the throat with her venomous nails, Old Halle did not allow anyone to save her. Instead, he kneeled on the ground devoutly and shouted some words that others could not understand.    


What is he doing, praying?    


Gao Fei and Ye Xinshang looked at each other and saw the puzzlement in each other's eyes.    


Old Halle prayed faster and faster. In the end, he looked like he was about to lose all his strength. White air was also rising from the front of his head. It was probably because of the evaporation of his sweat.    


Just when Gao Fei didn't understand what Old Halle was doing, the three of them also climbed up the sand dune.    


Seeing the Black-robed Man, the faces of Lao Liu and the other two also changed.    


At this time, Old Halle finally raised his head and shouted at Lao Liu.    


Lao Liu quickly opened his backpack, took out something white and threw it in front of Old Halle.    


Gao Fei saw clearly that it was a dead white pigeon.    


Old Halle held this Bai Ge in both hands, lowered his head, and used his knees as legs to draw a mark on the sand. He slowly 'walked' to Qin Chengcheng, held Bai Ge high up, and shouted with a desolate voice, "Jia Lu Ma Ya, Momas!"    


Then, Gao Fei saw the Black-robed Man's right hand suddenly flash and easily pick up Bai Ge. He lifted her up and looked at her for a moment before flipping his right hand, causing Bai Ge to disappear and her long nails to disappear as well. His right hand left Qin Chengcheng's shoulder.    


Black-robed Man's right hand moved away. Qin Chengcheng, whose legs had gone soft, immediately collapsed in front of Old Halle.    


Old Halle didn't pay any attention to it and continued reciting those weird words with his palms facing the sky.    


Black-robed Man slowly raised his head to look at Gao Fei. After standing there silently for a moment, he suddenly let out a sound that sounded like a smile, then turned around. His knees did not bend at all.    


Facing the direction that Black-robed Man left in, Old Halle did three actions of prostrating himself before climbing up from the blanket.    


Gao Fei handed the gun to Ye Xinshang, rushed over and picked up Qin Chengcheng.    


After the horrible scene just now, Qin Chengcheng was like an injured kitten, shivering in Gao Fei's arms.    


Although the storm last night had caused the world to change colors, it made people feel even more desperate.    


But in Qin Chengcheng's eyes, the storm was not at all as cold as the Black-robed Man just now. She would never forget that cold feeling.    


Old Halle looked at them coldly and sighed. He rolled up the blanket, walked to the side and sat down cross-legged on the ground.    


Tieh Tu, who had been silent all this time, walked up to Lao Liu at this moment. He handed over his Type 05 submachine gun with both hands and said, "This is for you."    


Lao Liu was surprised for a moment and then ecstatic. He quickly took the submachine gun and hugged it tightly, thanking her in a hoarse voice.    


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