Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C347 There Are Actually Seven or Eight Suns in the Sky

C347 There Are Actually Seven or Eight Suns in the Sky

It was because the woman was blocked by the man wearing only a shirt. Gao Fei couldn't see the woman's face clearly, but he could tell that she was naked. And the voice she made was also Qin Chengcheng's!    


It was a sensible man who knew what had happened when he saw this scene.    




After seeing his woman humiliated with his own eyes, Gao Fei's eyes became bloodshot as he roared and pulled the trigger!    


The muzzle of the gun spat out a dark red flame and the furious bullets shot out like lightning, accurately hitting the head of the man who was only half-dressed and causing some white objects to splash out.    


Under the control of both anger and shame, Gao Fei was completely mad. He only let go of the trigger after shooting out dozens of bullets from the magazine.    


Then he stood still: for he saw that the man was still standing, with his long white legs on his shoulders, and Qin Chengcheng was still lying flat on the stone, motionless, but the cry was gone.    


Gao Fei slowly lowered his gun and walked over step by step. Then, he saw two paper men.    


These two people were both people made of paper. They were about the same size as a real person. However, they had no face.    


The clothes of the man standing was just a drawing.    


As for Qin Chengcheng, she didn't even draw on the stone. She was just a paper man made of white paper.    


It was no wonder that Gao Fei had shot dozens of bullets at the back of that person's head. However, he did not move and only shot up some white objects: shreds of paper.    


How could a paper man imitate Qin Chengcheng's voice and shout Gao Fei's name for help?    


Gao Fei felt that the things that happened to him right now were even weirder and harder to understand than seeing Su Beishan walk into the Yellow River after he died.    


Gao Fei looked at the two paper men in a daze. He didn't know how long he stayed in a daze for, but then he suddenly raised his foot and kicked the paper man out of the big rock. Then, he sat on it.    


"No, I can't be this impetuous. I have to remain calm, maintain absolute calm, or else my mind will collapse!"    


The cold air coming from the black stone made Gao Fei bite his tongue. The fresh smell of blood was like a ladle of cold water, ruthlessly suppressing the anger, impetuosity and other negative emotions in his heart.    


"I have to be calm, I have to!"    


Gao Fei took a deep breath, took off his backpack, took out a magazine and put it on, then found a bottle of balm and pointed it at his eyes and forehead.    


Immediately, he felt his spirit shake. His eyes began to hurt from the stimulation of the essential balm. Tears flowed down his face, but he felt much better.    


Lifting his chin, Gao Fei shook the essential balm against his mouth a few times to cool his hoarse throat. Then, he laid flat on the big rock with his hands tightly holding the submachine gun.    


Since there was a torch here, he might as well start it. Anyway, Gao Fei didn't care about being poisoned anymore. The most important thing right now was to rest.    


Gao Fei fell asleep within a few seconds of lying down.    


He thought he had been walking around in the cave for more than two days. In fact, he had been walking around for almost four days and four nights.    


A person could survive for half a month without eating, up to a week without drinking water, but five days without sleeping would be enough for them to finish playing.    


Gao Fei was ready to throw caution to the wind: "So what if you like it, even if you want to bite me alive, I still have to sleep!"    


It was precisely because of this' certain death 'mentality that Gao Fei finally relaxed and quickly fell asleep.    


Although he was in a deep sleep, Gao Fei's sixth sense could still detect that something had entered the stone room and was coldly staring at him from not too far away. As long as he opened his eyes, he would be able to see that thing.    


However, Gao Fei did not open his eyes. What he wanted the most right now was to sleep!    


After that, the thing seemed to have walked up to the stone. His sixth sense told him that there was a face that he did not know. It was definitely not more than ten centimeters away from his face.    


But he still did not open his eyes: I need to rest!    


The heavens could guarantee that even if he carried Gao Fei away and put him in boiling water for a stew, he wouldn't open his eyes.    


Perhaps those sneaky things were moved by Mr. Gao's fearless attitude. For the next ten hours, they didn't disturb him and let him sleep here.    


Finally, Gao Fei slowly opened his eyes.    


It was pitch black in front of his eyes. The torch above his head had long since been extinguished, and the smell of pine resin still lingered in the air.    




Gao Fei let out a long breath, turned around and sat up.    


The submachine gun was still clutched tightly in his hand, the backpack was still there on his head, nothing was missing.    


He turned on the wolf-eye flashlight on the barrel. Due to the long usage of the flashlight, the electricity was running low. Soon, it turned yellow.    


Gao Fei took off his flashlight and threw it on the ground. He took out the Intense Light's flashlight from his backpack and turned it on.    


Under the dazzling light, Gao Fei saw that the two paper men were already gone.    


However, he didn't mind. He just laughed and rubbed his flat stomach. Then he took out the last canned fruit from his bag.    


This was his last bit of food.    


He didn't think much of it either. After using the trident to pry it open, he ate it clean of the soup.    


There was a lot of sugar in the canned fruit, which could quickly replenish one's physical strength.    


After finishing the last can, Gao Fei stretched comfortably. He had never felt such comfort before. He straightened his body and jumped down from the big rock.    


Gao Fei admitted that it was extremely easy for them to kill him while he was sleeping.    


However, since he didn't do anything with those things, it meant that he still had the value of living.    


Or it could be said that they didn't want to kill him so quickly, they just wanted to play him to death!    


Thinking about this, Gao Fei sneered and muttered: "Then let's play, bro will play with you until the end! If you still want me to walk around in circles in the cave, I'd rather die in this stone room! However, no matter what, from now on, it's best for all of you to not show your faces. Because I will never show mercy to you just because you guys didn't take the opportunity to attack me! "    


Gao Fei had already finished the last can and didn't plan to worry about what he would eat next. If he could only walk in circles in this dark cave for the rest of his life, it would be better to die.    


So what if you like it!    


After being mentally prepared, Gao Fei turned on the flashlight and walked out of the stone room. After shaking left and right, he found that there was only a cave on the left side of the stone room.    


It seemed like they were forcing Gao Fei to go left.    


Mr. Gao didn't care about it. He held his submachine gun with his right hand (his index finger was on the trigger) and held the flashlight with his left hand. He walked along the cave with big steps and intentionally shone his light on the wall.    


The walls were bare and there were no portraits.    


This time, after walking along the cave for more than ten minutes, he did not feel dizzy nor did he feel lucky. Thus, he simply whistled and sped up his pace.    


The cave was winding downwards, it turned a few corners on the road. Just when Gao Fei thought it would go on forever, he suddenly saw a faint light spot in the distance in front of him.    


Gao Fei's footsteps stopped and he immediately sped up as he ran towards that bright spot.    


That bright spot, as Gao Fei ran, it became brighter and bigger, finally becoming as big as a window.    


Gao Fei suddenly stopped and his eyes were filled with excitement: "Daylight, this is Daylight!"    


So it turned out that as long as one walked out of the cave entrance, they would be able to see the blue sky, white clouds, birds, and beauties …    


"Those things have trapped us for so long, and now they're letting me go so easily?"    


Gao Fei could not believe his eyes. After wiping them with his hand and confirming that it was indeed daylight, he cheered and ran forward.    


The window gradually grew larger and became a door. The two doors were as big as one another!    


Standing inside the door, Gao Fei could see the lush trees outside, the birds singing on the branches, and the faint sound of human voices.    


Seeing that he was about to escape, Gao Fei calmed down and slowed down his pace. His eyes were wide open: After staying in the dark for a long time, he has to gradually adapt to the daylight outside. If he rushed out, the daylight will pierce his eyes.    


Although Gao Fei wasn't in absolute darkness (he had a flashlight), he still forced himself to gradually adapt to the daylight outside.    


At the same time, he raised his vigilance. Many people died on the eve of victory.    


If someone was lying in ambush at the cave entrance, and he had just left the cave, wouldn't he be wrongly accused?    


After taking a few deep breaths and making all the necessary preparations, Gao Fei walked to the entrance of the cave step by step, with his body pressed against the wall.    


Sunlight, dear sunshine, represents the sunshine of life on the hole, on Gao Fei's feet.    


He stopped again and listened. There was the sound of birds outside, voices in the distance, but no one's heartbeat or breathing outside the cave.    


Slowly, almost inch by inch, Gao Fei walked out of the hole.    


Then, everything suddenly became clear before his eyes!    


He was standing on the hillside of a hillside. The trees beneath his feet were lush, the grass was wild, and a narrow goat trail snaked down to the ground. A light breeze blew, bringing with it the fragrance of flowers. On the road at the foot of the mountain, two or three people were walking.    


Farther away, there were more people. It looked like a city gathering.    


"So I just came out like that? came out unscathed!? "    


Gao Fei turned around and looked at the entrance of the cave with disbelief. He was sure that he had come out and left that creepy ghost cave.    


He felt as if all of this was a dream, a very real dream.    


After being trapped in the ghost cave for so long, he had actually come out unscathed!    


At this moment, Gao Fei suddenly wanted to cry. He felt that being alive was much better than being dead …    


However, Mr. Gao didn't cry and quickly recovered from his ecstasy: "Where is this?" Am I not beneath a desert that is desolate? How can I suddenly come to a place where the flowers are singing?    


Could this be an oasis?    


Brother, after walking in the cave for so long, you actually came to an oasis?    


That's not right, because on the way here, Tieh Tu and Xinshang once said that there was no oasis within a few hundred kilometers around Loulan Ruins!    


The nearest oasis was probably the three willow trees. What kind of bullsh * t oasis was three willow trees?    


The scenery here should be even more green than in Ba-yin Autonomous Region!    


"What the hell is going on?"    


Gao Fei raised his head in confusion and looked towards the sky.    


Then, all the blood in his body stopped flowing. There were actually seven or eight suns in the sky!    


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