Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C349 Let Go of That Girl

C349 Let Go of That Girl

The person in the black car was a girl.    


The girl wore black clothes woven from fine cloth with a white belt tied around her waist.    


Although she was dressed plainly, she was still rather beautiful. Her long hair was hanging to the side, and she wore a small flower woven from a white cloth. Her eyebrows were beautiful, her eyes were like stars, her nose was small, and her lips were bright red.    


When the sturdy man with sideburns saw the beautiful woman who fell out of the carriage, his eyes lit up and he laughed, "Ha, ha, ha, what a beautiful lady!" "Phew!"    


The man with a full beard pulled his horse over and dismounted, walking up to the girl with greed in his eyes. He cupped his hands and asked with a smile, "Yo, ya, ya, little girl, are you scared?"    


The girl did not dare to look at the bearded strong man's face and quickly raised her sleeves to cover her face. She endured the pain on her left foot and timidly said, "N-nothing much, thank you for your concern, little prince. I … I will be fine."    


While the girl said this, her left hand was touching her left ankle, and her body was trembling slightly.    


"This fellow is actually a little prince?"    


Gao Fei, who was watching this scene from the side, started to feel that this dog-shit world was getting interesting. He actually met a little prince with a full beard, looking like he wanted to tease the Respectable Woman women.    


"Hehe, little lady, is your little foot injured? Let me show you. "    


With an evil smile on his face, the prince bent down and grabbed the girl's left foot.    


The girl was shocked and exclaimed: "Old Gossa!"    


Old Gossa, the old man who drove the girl.    


When he saw that the little prince wanted to flirt with his young miss, he ran over and did not dare make a move. He could only beg, "Little prince, little prince, I beg of you, please let Shui'er go. Since Shui'er's father has just passed away, and her father was once a palace guard!"    


The Prince smirked and said, "Oh, so her name is Shui'er. What a good name. I wonder what her father's name is?"    


Old Gossa replied immediately, "Shui'er's father is called Mattega, he was once a palace guard and died of an illness a few days ago. I accidentally offended His Royal Highness when I came back from the grave, so I ask that Your Highness forgive me for my master's sake!"    


"What face does a dead ghost have? If I knew your young miss was so beautiful, I would have already proposed marriage. It's not too late to get to know her now, and your young lady just died. Meeting me today can also be considered her good fortune. From now on, you all have a new backer. Ha, haha, little lady, don't be afraid, This King will bring you home right now! "    


The little prince laughed out loud, bent down and grabbed Shui'er's arm and left leg. He didn't even use any strength before he carried her on his shoulder.    


Shui'er was shocked. She could no longer care about the pain in her left foot as she struggled and cried, "Let me go! Little Prince, I beg you to let me go!"    


"Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, I beg you, please let my Miss go, I'm going to kowtow to you!"    


Old Gossa kneeled on the ground and kowtowed to the little prince.    


"You reckless old thing, scram!"    


The little prince was furious and kicked Old Gossa in the chest.    


Old Gossa screamed miserably and fell onto the ground. Before he could get up, the two followers of the little prince rushed over and whipped him, "You old bastard, you're tired of living, you dare to disrupt His Royal Highness' plans!"    


Shui'er, who was struggling on the shoulder of the little prince, became even more frightened and worried when she saw her old family rolling around while hugging their heads and screaming. She pounded on the shoulder of the little prince and wailed as if she wanted to jump down.    


However, with her weak body and her fist that was not much stronger than an itch, how could she break free?    


The passersby, let alone being angry, did not even dare to look at him and kept their distance.    


The little prince slapped Shui'er's body with his big hand and said with an evil grin, "Young lady, you should save your energy and use it on the bed at home. Ha, ha, ha!"    


"Old Gossa, Old Gossa!"    


As Shui'er cried, the little prince threw her onto the horse. Just as he was about to jump onto the horse, he heard someone say softly, "Let her go."    


The little prince was stunned.    


No one had dared to stand up and fight against Gayne when he had learned from experience that the taste of bullying was pleasing.    


Who would've thought that there would be a bold person who clamored for him to let go of Shui'er today?    


The little prince raised his head to look at the roadside and saw a guy wearing strange clothes, carrying a poker on his shoulder and carrying a weird backpack, coldly staring at him.    


Needless to say, this prawn who has to stick his hand out and meddle in this injustice is our absolute male lead, Michaelis!    


Originally, when Gao Fei saw that the little prince tried to rob the civilian daughter, he was interested and didn't intend to meddle in other people's business. Firstly, there were oddities everywhere, Gao Fei still didn't know what kind of place this was, what era it was, and whether it was on Earth or not.    


Secondly, men usually enjoyed the thrill of stealing a civilian's daughter!    


But then again, the person who tried to steal the girl had to be a man himself.    


If it wasn't, he would be filled with righteous indignation. If he had the ability, then he would have to stand out and pull out his sword to help, just like the current Gao Fei.    


The little prince looked at Gao Fei, who was walking over with a disbelieving expression, and asked, "What, what did you just say?"    


Gao Fei smiled and repeated: "I just said, I told you to let her go."    


Not only was the little prince and the rest shocked, even Shui'er who was on the horse was shocked as well. She looked at the fellow who dared to offend the little prince and was dumbfounded: "Does this man not know that Brother Mo is the most spoiled brother of the queen?" He, he's so handsome!    


In terms of height, the little prince Brother Mo was a bit taller than Gao Fei, and his figure was also more muscular.    


However, in terms of appearance, the little prince who looked like a wild beast, in the hearts of the young girl, the passionate young married woman, and the resentful married woman, how could he compare to the handsome and elegant pretty boy, Gao Fei?    


"Ha, ha, ha. You actually dare to ask me to let her go. It seems that you are tired of living!"    


The little prince who spoke fluent Chinese but always had a foreign accent was stunned for a moment before laughing maniacally towards the sky. He pointed at Gao Fei and looked at his two men: "I'm so happy, where did a bald donkey with no hair come from (Gao Fei has short hair, all the men here have long hair), Hash, Renzu, break the legs of this bald donkey first!"    


The two of them, who were whipping Old Gossa, heard this and laughed. They raised their whips and swung it in the air, immediately producing a firecracker like sound: "Yes, Your Royal Highness!"    


Gao Fei's expression didn't change when he saw the two people walking over. It was as if he was scared silly. He just stared at their waists: each of them had a scabbard on their waists.    


Gao Fei had noticed it earlier. The three of them had a wild hare and other prey on their horses. It seemed that they had just come back from hunting and had run into each other.    


"Bald ass, you dare to interfere with His Royal Highness's affairs, you're really tired of living!"    


Hash and Hash's eyes revealed a savage light as they swung their whips towards Gao Fei's face. Looking at the fierce squeaking, they really wanted to blind Gao Fei with his dog eyes!    


To be honest, when Gao Fei saw the sabers, bows and arrows on Hash and the others' waists, he felt like he had traveled (or perhaps it could be said that he had arrived at a secluded paradise) to the era of cold weapons.    


In the era of cold weapons, there were a lot of fierce people, like the famous Nine Yin White Bone Claw, Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms, Evil Warding Swords, and so on.    


In this era, how could Gao Fei, who came from a later generation (or should we say a civilized society), be a match for Gao Fei, a person who flourished over ten meters long and could shatter boulders with a single slap?    


These two were the guards of some prince, they were probably the legendary royal experts, right?    


Therefore, when he decided to stick his hand into this matter, Gao Fei decided to use the submachine gun and let these barbarians have a taste of bullets!    


However, when Gao Fei saw the two of them walk over, he felt that there was no need to shoot.    


Because he could see from the way they walked that they were not even a martial arts expert. If he were to use bullets against them, Mr. Gao would definitely bully them. He would be struck by lightning!    


Shui'er, who had been placed on the back of her horse, let out a worried cry. "Watch out!"    


The care and concern of the twenty-eight beauties were akin to a needle hitting on the cow, Mr. Gao.    


Furthermore, he had suffered a lot in the cave these few days, so he had a bunch of Evil Qi in his heart.    


Mr. Gao suddenly let out a clear hiss. His feet slipped half a meter horizontally like lightning, and when he bent down to avoid the whip, his right foot suddenly kicked upwards, heavily kicking into Hash's crotch.    


Just as he was about to retract the whip, he suddenly felt as if his crotch was hit by a giant iron hammer, his vision suddenly went black, with a scream, he threw away the whip and covered his crotch, jumping on the ground at least two meters high, then fell flat on the ground, unconscious.    


After neatly putting down the hash, Gao Fei didn't wait for Renzu who pounced on him to do anything. Gao Fei used his left hand to grab the whip that was thrown out from the hash, and with a low growl, he leaped over Renzu's head and wrapped the whip around his neck with a flip of his hand.    


Gao Fei's left hand, which was holding the submachine gun, grasped the end of the whip precisely with three fingers. Gao Fei held the gun tightly with three fingers. Gao Fei bent his left hand, grabbed the end of the whip accurately with three fingers, and grabbed the barrel of the submachine gun.    


After his neck was strangled, no matter how strong Lun Su was, he could only stare with wide eyes. With his mouth wide open and his tongue sticking out, how could he organize an effective counterattack?    




Gao Fei let out a sigh of relief. His hands once again shouted and tightened the whip around Renzu's neck. "Don't move, I'll break your neck if you move!"    


"Uh, uh, uh!"    


After a series of struggling sounds came out from Rennesak's open mouth, he obediently stopped struggling.    


Gao Fei had his hand on Renzu's neck as he looked at the stunned Prince. He said with an eerie tone, "I'll say it again, let go of that girl immediately."    


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