Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C382 Once There Was Happiness

C382 Once There Was Happiness

King of Loulan slowly stood up from the rattan chair and took a sharp knife from the maid. He cut off the lamb's ear and then held it up high.    


According to Lou Lan's customs, the first roasted lamb had to be dedicated to King of Loulan.    


King of Loulan wanted to cut off the most delicious left ear from the lamb for his own use. After that, he would divide the lamb among the most important people, symbolizing the gift of the king.    


Immediately, the cheering young men and women yelled in unison, as if they had gone mad, "Her Majesty The Queen thousand years, thousand years, thousand years!"    


King of Loulan raised his sheep's ears high and slowly made a gesture of suppression towards her people.    


Immediately, the square that had gathered at least ten thousand people came to a screeching halt. Only the creaking sound of the barbecued meat could be heard. Everyone was looking at their king with reverence, listening to the sacred sounds.    


King of Loulan spoke up. Although his voice was low, everyone present could hear his words, "My hardworking and simple citizens, I have a question for all of you today."    


After a pause, King of Loulan asked in a loud voice, "When the foreign invaders invaded, other than Lou Lan, who was fearless and fearless, who else participated in this war and used his courage and blood to block the enemies?"    


Heh heh, is he going to publicly praise This Prince Consort? After hearing King of Loulan's words, Emperor's Son-in-law Gao, who was lying on the chair, immediately sat upright. He was ready to accept People of Loulanmin's cheers in the most positive way.    


However, what made him disappointed was that King of Loulan's voice had already faded away, but the scene was still silent. This made him feel very unhappy: "Damn, it can't be, you dare to ignore my contribution?"    


At this moment, he heard King of Loulan raise his voice again. She shouted, "Tell me, who is he!?"    


Just like a ladle of cold water that had suddenly been poured into a boiling pot of oil, the thunderous voice bellowed out in an orderly manner: "It's a Prince Consort! Prince Consort! Prince Consort! Prince Consort!"    


Looking at the excited People of Loulaneming who was shouting 'Prince Consort', Emperor's Son-in-law Gao's eyes were somewhat moist. What virtue or ability do I have to have the people supporting me like this?    


King of Loulan pressed down his hands again and waited for the cheering to stop before slowly saying: "That's right, it's Prince Consort. In order to thank the Prince Consort for his great contribution, tonight I will give this sheep's ear to your brave Prince Consort! My eagle-like warriors, flower-like girls, are not you all cheering as much as you can, when are you all waiting for me!? "    


"Oh, oh, oh!"    


Before King of Loulan's voice faded, tens of thousands of people on the scene once again started happily dancing. There were even dozens of good-looking girls dancing with streamers in their hands like little deer, singing as they came to the front of Gao Fei, surrounding him. Everyone's eyes were filled with gentleness like water.    


Emperor's Son-in-law Gao was immediately enchanted by the sea of flowers. Other than giggling, he didn't know what else to do.    


The time for joy always passed by extremely quickly. Just when Gao Fei was enjoying more and more the company of the beautiful ladies, the bonfire party ended in a very depressing way. He was carried into King of Loulan's bedroom by two burly guards, along with a chair and chair.    


Emperor's Son-in-law Gao, who was a bit drunk from the wine and beauties, always felt that a pair of aggrieved eyes were staring at him the moment he entered the palace. He subconsciously turned his head around and saw a girl's shadow flash past, hiding in the crowd.    


Although he didn't see the girl clearly, Gao Fei knew she was Shui'er.    


Shui'er had been in the square for the bonfire party since last night, but she had been secretly observing the man.    


She knew that with her own abilities, she simply wasn't worthy of such an outstanding man. Being together with him for a single spring, with a hidden knot in her womb, was already a great fortune for her.    


Furthermore, she didn't expect that she would be able to accompany him often in the future. She only needed to occasionally look at him from a distance like she did tonight, and then she would be satisfied.    


There were some things that some people could only have possessed once, but that was enough for an ordinary life.    


The cheers had died down and the fire had died down. Whatever had happened just now, whether it was happiness or sorrow, at this moment and in the future, it had become a thing of the past that could never be repeated.    


Gao Fei was still sitting on the rattan chair. He looked up at the seven bright moons in the sky and let the cold wind blow on his face. He didn't move for a long time, until the fragrance of mint came from behind him.    


"It's almost dawn."    


When Gao Fei said this, King of Loulan also said the same words.    


After that, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if they had a tacit understanding of each other.    


Since last night, when King of Loulan and Gao Fei were alone, they no longer wore that terrifying mask.    


Just like some people were used to wearing masks after dinner, King of Loulan's act of wearing a mask had also become a habit.    


Jack, on the other hand, hoped that when they were alone, she had better not wear a mask: anyone would be in a good mood when facing Shimei, and a good mood would help heal.    


With regards to Emperor's Son-in-law Gao's twisted logic, King of Loulan agreed after a moment of silence.    


Looking at King of Loulan's beautiful face, Gao Fei lifted his hand and gently touched it.    


King of Loulan frowned. He was about to use a euphemistic tone to warn Gao Fei not to do something so frivolous in the future, but he quickly withdrew himself and said, "Don't be disgusted, I won't touch you again."    


King of Loulan's eyes narrowed, and then he laughed coquettishly, looking at the moon outside the window: "Hehe, you're my consort, just like you're mine. I'm also yours, why would you say that?"    


Gao Fei didn't continue the topic with her. Instead, he asked, "When can I leave here?"    


King of Loulan's eyes narrowed again as his smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth and he whispered: "Do you miss home?"    


Gao Fei said frankly, "Yes, I'm homesick. I've never felt anything like it before. "    


King of Loulan asked again: "Even if I was by your side all day, you still want the outside world? Or the person outside? "    


Gao Fei turned his face to the flawless face and said, "To many people, you are a god-like existence. And I'm just an ordinary person. I can't fit into your life, just like you can't walk into my world. "    


King of Loulan was silent. After a long time, he finally said lightly: "You haven't tried it, why don't you know that I can't enter your world?"    


"Some things don't even need to be tried."    


Gao Fei smiled and quickly changed the topic, "Even now, I still don't know your name."    


King of Loulan raised his hand and twiddled a strand of wet hair. "My ancestor was called Moxie Ningrong, I'm called Moxie Zhengdong, my Year is called Zi Wei, and now it's three years."    


Gao Fei was stunned, "Moxie Zhengdong? "Whoa, what a domineering name!"    


"The name is nothing, it's just a code name. A few months after my mother became pregnant with me, she gave it to me. At that time, she thought I was a boy."    


"Oh, I see. "What about your brother? I heard others call him Brother Mo."    


"Brother Mo is his nickname. It's fine if he doesn't have a famous name, but everyone will soon forget about him."    


"Oh, Saul, it means sorry."    


Seeing King of Loulan was a little sad, Gao Fei smiled apologetically, "Then, what do you want me to call you?"    


King of Loulan smiled, "You can call me whatever you want. King of Loulan, Her Majesty The Queen, Moxie Zhengdong, Zhaodong, Dongdong, Dong'er, Sister, wife, and even darling."    




Gao Fei laughed out loud: "I didn't expect you to know this, then I'll call you darling."    


"I thought you were going to call me darling."    


King of Loulan smiled sweetly. With a flip of his right hand, a golden weapon appeared.    


This is the Golden Snake Sword that White-robed Man pierced Gao Fei's stomach with.    


Gao Fei took the sword and weighed it in his hand. He said thoughtfully, "When I was trapped in the cave by you, I seemed to have dreamt that this sword was right. What material was this sword made of? Why was it so cold?"    


King of Loulan shook his head: "I don't know either, it should be a special kind of meteorite, right? Not only was it incomparably sharp, but no matter how long it took to refine it, it would not change shape, and at almost the same time it was taken out, it became ice-cold once again. This is a treasure, it's very suitable for your use. "    


Gao Fei shook his head, "Forget it, you should keep it. No matter how formidable this toy is, it is still a cold weapon. It won't be of much use outside... When can I leave? "    


The corner of King of Loulan's eyes twitched as he slowly said: "In at most ten days, your injuries will almost completely recover."    


Gao Fei asked again, "What can I do in these ten days?"    


"What do you want to do?"    


"I think..."    


Staring at King of Loulan's slim body, Gao Fei swallowed his saliva and giggled: "You know how to do that?"    


King of Loulan rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Anytime, anywhere."    


Gao Fei's eyes lit up: "Can we do it tonight?"    




As King of Loulan said this, he stood up slowly and untied the ribbon tied around his waist.    


Gao Fei's heart was beating like a drum. He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and was just about to touch the beautiful body when a loud sound came from his chest. His qi and blood instantly surged, and when he opened his mouth to spit out something sweet, King of Loulan quickly waved his hand and rapidly tapped on his chest a few times.    


With a quick wave of King of Loulan's hand, Gao Fei's surging breath calmed down in an instant. His vision went dark and he collapsed onto a chair.    


The moment Gao Fei collapsed, he noticed a red birthmark the size of a copper coin on King of Loulan's right rib.    


That red birthmark was not just a birthmark, it was a woman's face. It looked very strange and very real.    


"How can this be? I just took a look. "    


When Gao Fei's breathing gradually calmed down, he looked at King of Loulan again. His beautiful body was already covered by a black muslin.    


After tying the ribbon around his waist, King of Loulan explained, "That's because my body itself is a type of martial arts that can confuse people."    


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