Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C443 Monocrotophane

C443 Monocrotophane

Raising his head to look at Mu Tianya, Gao Fei smiled but didn't answer her question. Instead, he asked, "What kind of man is that? Why isn't he guarding you?"    


Mu Tianya's eyes lit up. He did not reply Gao Fei but asked with a smile: "Are you jealous?"    


The smile on Gao Fei's face froze as he coldly snorted: "Hmph, will I be jealous because of you?"    


"Then why do you care so much about Considine?"    


"I just can't bear to see a foreign white face. "Mu Tianya, although I've agreed to your one year agreement, I'll say it again here. If you have other men in your heart, then the one year agreement will be annulled. You can throw yourself into other people's arms, I guarantee that you won't even fart."    


After Gao Fei said that, he placed the wine cup on the bar counter. As he yawned lazily, the elevator opened and a few people walked out.    


The first to walk out was a young man who appeared to be a year or two older than Jack. He was also slightly taller, and wore a frameless glasses.    


When this young man walked out of the elevator, he was chatting and laughing with his companion. Occasionally, he raised his head and saw Gao Fei, who had one foot on the stairs.    


Neither of them knew each other. Out of politeness, the man smiled and nodded at Gao Fei before starting to talk with his companion again.    


Although it was Gao Fei's first time seeing this man, this man had left a deep impression on him: this guy had the smell of a man. He gave off a scholarly vibe.    


As though trying to test Gao Fei's thoughts, the moment this man appeared in the hall, at least seven to eight maids dressed in ancient clothing surrounded him. They rushed to pass the silver tray over and asked, "Prince Mo, have a drink?"    


Young Master Mo, who received a lot of attention from his companions, didn't show any arrogance when facing these 'low-level' waiters. Instead, his attitude became even more amiable. Because there were too many girls surrounding him, his handsome face blushed, and he waved his hand with a restrained smile, "Thank you everyone, I, I don't want to drink yet."    


Young Master Mo was like a giant magnet, attracting the attention of all the women at the scene. There were even more than ten foreign girlfriends who were walking towards him with shining eyes.    


Just like two beautiful women who were naturally enemies, the appearance of the woman that was highly welcomed by Young Master Mo gave Gao Ye a strange feeling of neglect, causing him to twitch his mouth in disdain and curse something in a low voice.    


Mu Tianya held onto the railing, stared at Young Master Mo who was walking towards the center of the hall and asked softly, "Do you know who this Young Master Mo is?"    


Gao Fei casually answered, "It must be another person like Zhang Yaoming, with a powerful background, right?"    


Mu Tianya replied leisurely: "He is indeed one of the top people in Jingdu City, but his reputation is something that even the likes of Zhang Yaoming could not match. Although he was young and rich, he was the most passionate about philanthropy. He was usually polite to everyone and praised them. His name is Mo Guyan, and together with that Setting Sun Young Master from Hee Family, they are called the Twin Boys of the Divine Dynasty by the busybodies. "    


After pausing for a moment, Mu Tianya continued to explain, "There are also people who say that the reason why the Shuangjun of the Divine Dynasty was so outstanding was because more than a thousand years ago, in his famous poem, 'To the End of the World', the poet Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty mentioned two names."    


"Oh, what did the poem say?"    


"Big Desert Guyanqian, the sun has set on the river."    


Gao Fei said faintly: "Bullsh * t, their names clearly borrowed their poems, but those people had to say that the poets mentioned their names earlier on, they sure know how to flatter people."    


Mu Tianya smiled, "But no matter what, they are now the representatives of the young talents of the entire Divine Dynasty."    


Gao Fei looked at Mo Guyan, who was surrounded by more and more women, and asked casually, "Why didn't you go over and leave a good impression on that Young Master Mo?"    


Mu Tianya replied, "You should know that my heart only belongs to you."    


Gao Fei was silent for a moment, then whispered: "If it was eight years ago, I would have believed you."    


Mu Tianya was also silent. Only after a long time did he say: "I know I made a mistake at the beginning, but now I'm doing my best to correct it."    


"Some things are like broken ancient porcelain, no matter how skilled you are at repairing it, it still won't break."    


After saying this, Gao Fei raised his cup again, and walked to the corner of the Southeast Angle, but Mu Tianya said with a trembling voice: "Gao Fei, you, you promised me, you would give me one year's time."    


"I didn't forget, I tried to convince myself, to accept you again, but I really couldn't. Now, even if I lose sleep, I won't think of you anymore.    


Gao Fei said and walked away quickly.    


Mu Tianya leaned on the railing powerlessly, watching Gao Fei walk into the crowd, then disappearing in a flash, tears slowly flowed from the corner of his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Gao Fei, you know, I would rather die than leave you, but if I didn't leave, they would have killed you." You know what? How I want to tell you this, how I want to! "    


Unfortunately, Gao Fei had already gone far away, so he couldn't hear Mu Tianya's words.    


After a moment of sadness, Mu Tianya took out a silk handkerchief and gently wiped the corner of his eyes. He then turned around and walked up the stairs.    


Arriving at a room on the fourth floor, Mu Tianya closed the door, shook off the high heels on his feet, and then slowly walked to the sofa with his bare feet and sat down on it heavily.    


On the coffee table in front of the sofa was a bottle of foreign wine, a goblet, cigarettes, a lighter, and an ashtray.    


She took out a cigarette and placed it in her mouth. Just as she was about to light the fire, she spat it into the ashtray, poured herself a glass of white wine and drank it down.    


After drinking a full cup of high alcohol, Mu Tianya's face suddenly flushed red and he started to cough intensely while covering his mouth.    


After coughing for a long time, he collapsed on the sofa, gasping for breath. His lifeless eyes stared at the ceiling and he stopped moving until his cell phone rang.    


However, Mu Tianya acted as if he didn't hear anything and didn't care at all.    


After the first ring, the bell rang again, as if it would continue ringing if she didn't pick up the phone.    


It wasn't until the third ring did Mu Tianya pick up his phone lazily. He didn't even look at the caller ID and just picked up the call. He asked in a lazy tone, "Hello, I'm Mu Tianya from the Connor Group."    


A very soft and pleasant female voice came over the radio, "Why aren't you answering the phone?"    


These seven words didn't have the slightest hint of reproach, on the contrary, there was a hint of concern. However, Mu Tianya jumped up from the sofa as if he was stabbed in the butt with a nail. His face was also pale as he quickly explained, "I, I drank a few more cups, didn't hear …"    


The woman didn't argue with Mu Tianya at all. She just asked, "Have you done what I told you to do?"    


Mu Tianya pursed his lips and said: "I just invited him, but he didn't come."    


The woman said, "Oh, it seems he has no feelings for you at all?"    


Mu Tianya quickly shook his head: "No, no, yes, yes! I could see that he cared a lot about me! However, they definitely resent me for betraying him and stubbornly refusing to forgive me. "    


The woman was silent for a moment before asking, "Can you do this?"    


Mu Tianya nodded vigorously: "I will definitely do it, as long as he carries that thing with him!"    


The woman on the other side didn't say anything, but Mu Tianya didn't dare to hang up the phone and just waited calmly.    


Only then did Mu Tianya let out a long sigh of relief. He raised his hand to feel the sweat on his forehead and slumped onto the sofa, but he immediately jumped up and ran into the suite. After being stunned for a moment, he ran out again, put on his shoes and hurried toward the stairs.    


He walked around the bar, but didn't see Liu Xiaoloong.    


At first, he thought this guy might have gone to fetch water.    


However, after waiting for more than ten minutes and not seeing anything, Gao Fei suspected that Lu Li went to rest. Thus, Gao Fei took out his phone and started to make calls.    


A normal beep sounded from inside the phone, but no one answered.    


"Did this guy fall into the toilet and get washed away by the water?"    


Leaning on the bar and looking at Mo Guyan, who was surrounded by a lot of people, he curled his lips in disdain. He felt that it was better for him to find a room upstairs to have a good night's sleep.    


Gao Fei put down his glass, picked up a piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth. Just when he was about to walk towards the stairs, his phone rang.    


It was Liu Xiaoloong.    


Gao Fei picked up his phone and asked lazily, "You couldn't have been washed into the fecal drain, right?"    


Liu Xiaoloong's excited voice came from the other side, "F * ck! You just fell into the toilet. Stop nagging and quickly come to room 307 on the third floor. Master Liu has something good to tell you!"    


Without waiting for Gao Fei to say anything, Liu Xiaoloong immediately hung up the phone.    


The third floor and fourth floor were signs for the important guests that Imperial Society had specially arranged. On the door of each room, there was a small sign, on which was written the words "Reception Office".    


According to Liu Xiaoloong, Gao Fei arrived at the door of room 307. After looking at the small plate, his right hand that was about to push open the door suddenly stopped. He took two steps back and looked at the plate again.    


There were two words on the sign, Han and Ying. The writing was very simple, with only four words: Ion Fund.    


Ion Fund?    


Liu Xiaoloong is here?    


Why would he go inside?    


She must have arranged it, right?    


The moment Gao Fei saw this brand, he seemed to have thought of something. He took out his phone and was about to call Liu Xiaoloong's cell phone, but just as he was about to tell him to get the hell out, the door opened and a girl walked out.    


Shen Yinbing.    


The girl that walked out was Gao Fei's ex-girlfriend, Shen Yinbing.    


Xiao Soong followed behind her. Both of them were filled with excitement as they tightly held onto something that looked like a contract.    


"Xiao Soong, this trip of ours to Lai Jingducheng was not in vain!"    


Shen Yinbing, who was chatting excitedly with Xiao Soong, suddenly saw Gao Fei standing in front of the door. Her smile froze for a moment and then bloomed again. However, it wasn't as natural as before. "You, you were looking for me?"    


She thought Gao Fei was waiting for her at the door.    


Therefore, before Gao Fei could say anything, Shen Yinbing quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm very busy right now, so I don't want to say anything to you."    


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