Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C285 The Development of the Story

C285 The Development of the Story

As one of the most brilliant generals in the history of the state of God, Huo Quou, in 121 B.C., beat up the fierce Huns with a lamentable hymn: Kill my Qilian Mountain, make my six animals die; Lose my mountain, make my married women lose their color!    


Even such a powerful Hun was annihilated by Huo Quou's cavalry, let alone a little Lou Lan.    


Huo Quou only brought eight thousand elite troops. In just half a month, Lou Lan had collapsed on his horse, and Emperor Lou was captured along with his royal family members.    


After Huo Quou swept through Lou Lan, he began to set up a government office here to turn this place into a county with Dahan Empire.    


After Huo Quou had attacked Lou Lan, he had originally planned to kill all 146 royal members, including those who were still alive, to eliminate the root of the problem to avoid any future troubles. However, one of his deputy generals advised him to not start a massacre and to avoid provoking People of Loulan's wrath. After all, Lou Lan had hundreds of thousands of men while the Han army only numbered eight thousand.    


Huo Quou listened to the assistant general's advice. He even waited for the members of the royal family and placed them under house arrest. Then, he sent people back to the imperial court to request the dispatch of civil officials to build a prefecture.    


Unfortunately, Huo Quou didn't know it, especially since he had a little daughter named 'Ling Yu' who had been learning skills from a Shaman under the Qilian Mountain since a young age.    


The shaman was the original faith of the northern people and had an early origin. He was already very developed and mature in the matriarchal society. Most of the Shamans were clan leaders. The Western Queen Mother who had been deified by the Central Plains was the Shaman and Chieftain.    


Legend has it that shamans could communicate with deities and let mortals see their dead relatives. They would have all kinds of curses and spells that ordinary people couldn't even imagine, and spreading the plague was one of the Shaman's abilities.    


Hence, some very old-fashioned things happened. When Ling Yu learned that Lou Lan had been attacked by Huo Quou and that her father had been kidnapped and placed under house arrest, she had activated her Qilian Mountain and snuck into Lou Lan's palace.    


With the help of her personal bodyguards, Ling Yu snuck into the government office where Huo Quou lived, and in the water he quoted, she added a very powerful poison.    


On the same night, Huo Wei, who was quoted as having a plague virus, died at the age of 23.    


After Huo Quou's death, the Han army fell into chaos. Ling Yu took the opportunity to rush into Wang Mansion with her men, rescue her father, and then organize an army to attack the Chinese army barracks.    


The violent fighting of the Peerless Battalion warlord Huo Quou had completely destroyed the confidence and courage of the Han army. Soon, they were chased out of Lou Lan, and over half of them were killed.    


The remaining Han army carried Huo Quou's corpse and fled eastward while howling and crying.    


Not long after Huo Quou's death, his body had turned into a snow-white liquid. Not only were the blood capillaries visible, but even his internal organs could be seen. Even if he was wrapped in cloth, it could still turn into a viscous liquid that flowed out, unable to be transported back to the big man.    


With no other choice, his men buried him in the desert east of Lou Lan, then fled back to the big man with his clothes.    


When he found out that his most highly regarded general, Huo Quou, had actually died at Lou Lan's hands, Emperor Han Wu stood at the entrance of the palace, pounded his chest with his hands and knees while wailing, "Go to war and die, our Great Wall will be destroyed!" I would rather live less than thirty years and be sick and revive!    


The many generals of the imperial family were also filled with grief. They all asked for Lou Lan to send their troops to kill them. Lou Lan would not return until Lou Lan was destroyed!    


In 116 B.C., Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent his generals, Zhao Po Nu, and Wang Hui to attack Lou Lan with tens of thousands of troops.    


The domineering Han Army attacked Lou Lan from all sides. After nine days, they finally captured Lou Lan's entire territory.    


Even before the Han army attacked the palace, they knew that the situation had gone awry: the death of Huo Quou had completely infuriated Emperor Han Wu. This time, the Han army would not let King of Loulan Nu off, and in fear, they actually killed themselves while the Han army was attacking King of Loulan Palace.    


With his death, Lou Lan's troops completely gave up resisting and started to flee.    


After Zhao Po Nu and Wang Hui broke into the palace, they did not need any captives to order their men: regardless of gender or age, behead them without question!    


As a result, from the seventy old men to the three year old children, they were all massacred.    


Only Ling Yu, the youngest daughter of them all, was escorted by a few bodyguards as she escaped from the secret passage before the palace was invaded by the Han army. She was also the only descendant of the bloodline of the Anggui King.    


The day when the Han army failed to find the culprit who plotted against Huo Quou, Ling Yu, and dispersed their anger on the princes, ministers, and civilians, nearly a hundred thousand people in Lou Lan City were slaughtered.    


The people who had luckily escaped from the city fled into the depths of the desert, sobbing.    


Lou Lan, who had existed for more than two hundred years, was destroyed just like that.    


If that happened, People of Loulan, who had escaped, would definitely return home and create Lou Lan again. Then, she would become a deputy general, Wang Dingdang, and lead 3,000 elite soldiers to guard the city and establish a government office, which would be renamed 'Huzhou'. This would allow Lou Lan to become a complete military fortress.    


After Zhao Po Nu and Wang Hui led the tens of thousands of Han soldiers back to the imperial court, Wang Ding became Lou Lan's highest officer in Huo County. He began to send people to apprehend the native people of Lou Lan's land for slavery.    


In this way, within the following month, about seventy thousand People of Loulan were arrested and brought to Lou Lan City, where they became slaves of the Han Army.    


What was even more unfortunate was that Wang Ding, who had made a great contribution in this battle, had once again infiltrated Lou Lan City on the same path as Ling Yu, who had died from Huo Quou's illness.    


In order to avenge her father, Ling Yu, whose mind had been clouded by hatred, had completely lost all rationality. She had actually ignored the safety of more than 70,000 citizens and repeated the same old technique, poisoning 73 wells in the city with a plague virus that could make people cough incessantly until they coughed to death.    


Thus, a large scale plague broke out.    


In one night, everyone, including the three thousand Han army and seventy thousand Lou Lan army under Wang Dingyuan's command, died in the plague.    


That terrifying plague was more than two thousand years later than the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. For dozens of years, no one dared to come close, and even the birds that came to look for food all died. The caravans on the Silk Road would take a detour far away.    


From then on, Lou Lan became a dead city.    


As time passed and the natural environment changed, Lou Lan, who no longer had a resident, was gradually buried by the yellow sand.    


However, before Lou Lan turned into a dead city, Ling Yu, who hated the whole world, plundered wealth that was comparable to a nation's. She infiltrated the Dahan Empire in an attempt to turn the Han Dynasty into a barren wasteland.    


After she had snuck into the territory of the big sized man, she had relied on her strong financial resources and hundreds of loyal guards by her side to create the Anggui Cult by using the name of Lou Lan's first Sovereign King 'Anggui'.    


The purpose of the existence of Anggui Cult was to destroy the Han Dynasty and reappear in the golden age of Lou Lan!    


After a few years of development in secret, the Anggui Cult absorbed thousands of people who were dissatisfied with the big size man, and began to plan to use the plague to destroy the Great Han Dynasty.    


However, perhaps Ling Yu's massacre was too heavy and angered the heavens. The night before she was going to start her mission, she suddenly died for no reason.    


Although Ling Yu had died and brought her abilities to the underworld, where she could control the plague, the Anggui Cult that she had created and her huge fortune had been preserved and inherited by her hundreds of loyal followers.    


Without the terrifying plague that could kill tens of millions of men and women like Ling Yu, the loyal followers could only wait in ambush and wait for an opportunity to descend into chaos.    


The devotees chose a new Anggui King and set up three palaces and six courtyards, following the example of the burly man's palace.    


The three palaces and six courtyards within the Anggui Cult were not the concubines or consorts, but rather some departments.    


Among them, the three palaces were split into Eastern Palace, West Palace and Middle Palace, and each palace had one Palace Master.    


Three palaces were divided into six courtyards, and two more courtyards were placed under each palace.    


Every courtyard also had a Master.    


The six courtyards were the Eastside Court (where all the women were charmer) and the Chunfei Courtyard (where they were good at assassinating by trickery).    


The Xi Guang Yuan under the jurisdiction of the West Palace (Assassination by force), and the temple courtyard (Muddle with the government).    


The Middle Palace controls the Blue Porcelain Courtyard (which specializes in medicine, such as plague) and the Godly Phase Courtyard (which specializes in Yin Yang Eight Trigrams, and Odd Door Escape).    


As for the Six Courtyards, they were divided into eighteen paths, with three paths being managed in each of them.    


With sufficient financial support, the massive underground organization had developed rapidly. Within a few short decades, it had infiltrated into their respective territories and patiently waited for the world to fall into chaos to find a chance to rebuild Lou Lan.    


However, perhaps the gods had abandoned Lou Lan and failed to change the dynasty in the many times of chaos in the Divine Lands.    


Later on, as the Stellar Transposition took place, the blue ocean became mulberry fields and Anggui Cult entered the twenty-first century.    


Under the heavens, it was a complete farewell to the era where hundreds of thousands of people fought on the battlefield to the death.    


With the development of high technology, the new Anggui King finally realized that repaying Lou Lan was just a joke, and was no longer in the mood to accomplish anything great, allowing his subordinates to walk the eighteen paths of the three palaces and six courtyards to seek their own path.    


The disheartened mood of the Anggui King caused the vast majority of the Anggui Cult Cult members to lose their confidence and they began to enjoy a peaceful life that was not easy to come by.    


However, the department that Ling Yu valued the most, a department that held power and authority within Anggui Cult, had never given up on this long-cherished wish of hers, which was to diligently and diligently search for and create an opportunity to restore Lou Lan.    


However, in order for West Palace to take on the heavy burden of being able to help Lou Lan, they would need the support of personnel and financial resources.    


However, if he wanted to use the resources left behind by the first generation Anggui King (Ling Yu), he must first obtain the four scrolls that she left behind: the《 Anggui Scripture》.    


These four《 Anggui Classic》 were respectively located in the Anggui King, Eastern Palace and the West Palace. And in Master of Middle Palace's hands.    


Only by obtaining four copies of the《 Anggui Scripture》 can I find the enormous treasure that Ling Yu had hidden in some place in the Divine Realm in the past through the enigmatic hints inside. Only then will I be able to order the three great Palace Master s and order them to take out the names of their disciples for my use …    


… ….    


"Do you understand? Now you should know why someone wants that copy of the《 Anggui Book》 in your hands, right? "    


At this point, Peng Yunmu sighed and looked to the east.    


In the distant sky to the east, there was already a red color. It turned out that it took Peng Yunmu a full hour and a half to finish telling this story.    


"I understand, but I also don't understand."    


Gao Fei felt that his brain was rather big, and asked with a wry smile: "The time in the story you told is not right. According to historical records, Lou Lan was attacked around 100 B.C. "As for Huo Quou, he had already died in 117 BC. How could he possibly attack Lou Lan in seventeen years?"    


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