Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C275 A Red Sister like Mother

C275 A Red Sister like Mother

Looking at Shen Yinbing's pale face and sweat dripping down like rain, Yan Hong's eyes were filled with maternal pity. "Xiaobing, have you had a nightmare again?"    


"Red, Sister Hong."    


Shen Yinbing's voice was hoarse as she said these words. She immediately threw herself into her arms, shivering all over.    


The moment she woke up, Shen Yinbing was already certain that what happened just now was a bizarre nightmare.    


In reality, there was no dead father by her side, no strange woman with gray hair, and no tens of thousands of poisonous snakes. All of this was just a nightmare that did not exist.    


However, even if she woke up and returned to the real world, she still couldn't forget that terrifying scene in her dreams. It was as if in the next moment, she would once again be surrounded by thousands of snakes, which was why she was like a frightened child, subconsciously jumping into Yan Hong's warm embrace, seeking protection.    


In the past, Shen Yinbing didn't even look down on Yan Hong.    


This petite, dissolute little woman, with a bold, tasteless personality, was nothing more than a mother's name in her eyes.    


If it wasn't for the fact that she truly loved him, Shen Yinbing would have already chased her out of the Beishan Group and found a place to stay in the shade.    


But now, when Su Beishan had died mysteriously, especially when Shen Yinbing no longer trusted Gao Fei, Yan Hong's position in her heart had risen to the level of a close relative.    


If not for her thin skin, Shen Yinbing really wanted to hug her and cry out emotionally, "Mom!"    


Yan Hong gently patted Shen Yinbing's back with her left hand, her right hand holding onto her hair as she consoled, "Xiaobing, don't be afraid. With Sister Hong here, no one will be able to hurt you. "Don't be afraid, ah."    


Yan Hong's comforting words were like a cool stream, slowly diluting the fear inside Shen Yinbing's soul. Her expression gradually returned to normal, causing her to suddenly realize that this little woman, who was usually submissive to her, could actually give her such a strong sense of security.    


"Sister Hong, I-I'm fine now."    


Shen Yinbing gently struggled out of Yan Hong's embrace. She took out a few tissues from the tray on the table and wiped the sweat off her forehead. Then, she turned her head to look out the window.    


Outside the bright French windows, the autumn sun was shining brightly and the distant mountains were like a shroud. On the road, there was a steady stream of traffic, filling the area with vitality.    


This was Shen Yinbing's real life.    


That terrifying scene just now was just a nightmare she had during her lunch break while lying on her desk.    


No matter how terrifying the dream was, it was still not a reality. It was just like the difficulties one faced in life. No matter how big it was, it would eventually be solved.    


Yan Hong poured Shen Yinbing a glass of water and placed it on the table, "Hey, Xiaobing, this is the third time you've had a nightmare, right? Is the contents of the nightmare the same as the previous two times? "    


The last two times Shen Yinbing had a nightmare, she had also let out a terrifying scream, startling the secretary outside, Xiao Soong.    


Xiao Soong, who noticed that Director Shen had been in a terrible state these days, immediately called Yan Hong about this.    


These past few days, Yan Hong had been busy with the Racetrack projects, and was very busy.    


However, when she heard that Shen Yinbing had nightmares at noon, she immediately adjusted her work schedule and did her best to rush back to Beishan Group Headquarters during lunch break.    


Today was the second time Yan Hong had returned to headquarters in the afternoon. When she heard that Shen Yinbing was sleeping on her desk again, she was worried that she would have nightmares, so she quietly entered the room.    


Sure enough, just as Shen Yinbing was crying, Yan Hong woke her up in time.    


Shen Yinbing was silent for a moment. Then, she said, "Hmm, the content is pretty much the same."    


"Xiaobing, how about this?"    


Yan Hong tried to ask, "At noon, you'd better take a little rest or not at all. "If you really can't do it, then go to my office and rest. That way, I can accompany you."    


Shen Yinbing smiled and slowly shook her head. "Sister Hong, actually, I don't want to take a nap either. But every time after lunch, even if I try my best to force myself to not rest, I can only stay awake for at most ten minutes before falling asleep."    


Sighing softly, Shen Yinbing said as if she was in a dream, "That's weird. When I was at home alone at night, I never had this kind of nightmare. I didn't even know how to dream. I slept like this until daybreak."    


Yan Hong frowned as she looked around the office. "Could it be that the feng shui of this office has changed?"    


Shen Yinbing and Yan Hong were not ignorant commoners. They believed Yan Hong's words only because they were trying to comfort themselves in the mall.    


Shen Yinbing looked around and shook her head. "Nothing. Everything is the same as it used to be. Nothing is missing."    


"Then why do you always have nightmares at noon, when you have the most yang energy?"    


Yan Hong looked around in puzzlement: "Xiaobing, how about this, I heard that there's a monk called Honest Monk from the Qianfo Mountain recently, I think he should come and take a look at the office layout?"    


"Honest Monk?"    


Shen Yinbing was stunned and quickly shook her head. "Forget it. I … I don't believe these Sister Hong. Go back to your work. I'm fine now."    


"Oh, then I'll be going. The construction work on Racetrack is indeed very tight."    


"Oh." Yan Hong turned around and walked to the door. Just as she took a few steps, she heard Shen Yinbing say, "Sister Hong."    


Yan Hong stopped and turned around with a smile. "What's wrong, Xiaobing? Is there something else?"    


Shen Yinbing took a key from her drawer, walked over and handed it to her. "This is the key to the room I just bought in New Sunlight City, room 602, Unit 1, Building 22. Can you go there at night? "    


Without the slightest hesitation, Yan Hong took the key and said, "Alright, I'll move in tonight. We'll take care of each other. "Xiaobing, you look much better now."    


"It will get better and better."    


Shen Yinbing chuckled lowly. "Sister Hong, thank you."    


Yan Hong's nose twitched as she forced a smile and said, "Thank me? Ha, what are you thanking me for? Don't forget, I'm yours, Sister Hong. Heh, heh. "    


After laughing for a while, this little woman walked out of the office while twisting her sexy waist.    


After walking out of the main hall, Yan Hong took out her phone and dialed Gao Fei's cell number.    


After the phone rang for a while, Gao Fei's lazy voice came from the other side, "Yawning, what do you need me for?"    


Yan Hong whispered, "Xiaobing had a bad dream again at noon."    


Gao Fei was silent for a moment, then said: "What does that have to do with me?"    


Yan Hong bit her lips and said sternly, "Gao Fei, you know Xiaobing cares about you the most!"    


Gao Fei sneered: "You care about me the most? If she really cared about me, would she say she didn't trust me when I looked after her wholeheartedly? "    


"That's what you did to disappoint her."    


Yan Hong took a deep breath and asked, "Where are you now?" I want to talk to you face to face. "    


"I'm in the dining room office. If you want to come, come."    


Gao Fei hung up after saying this.    


Yan Hong was stunned for a moment as she heard the disconnect of the phone. She then walked over to her red Ferrari.    


Yan Hong had just gotten into the car when a person walked out from the side of the hall and stared at her like a venomous snake.    


But soon after, this person lowered his head, turned around, and quickly walked into the hall.    


Earlier, Yan Hong, who was driving, seemed to have glanced in their direction and smiled.    


His smile was filled with disdain and mockery.    


Shen Yinbing bit her lip and lowered her eyes as she saw Yan Hong's red Ferrari heading north through the French windows of the CEO's office.    


Yan Hong just said that she wanted to go to Southern Mountain, so she should have driven her car south. But now, she went in the opposite direction, and Shen Yinbing basically didn't need to put too much effort to guess what she was going to do.    


"Well, if you go, will he give you the book?"    


Shen Yinbing sighed softly. After a moment of confusion, she heard someone knocking on the door.    


"Come in."    


The moment Shen Yinbing finished her sentence, Jiao Enzo pushed open the door and walked in.    


Upon seeing Jiao Enzo, Shen Yinbing's lips unconsciously curled up into a warm smile.    


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