Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C142 Shen Yinbing Was Hung on of Platform

C142 Shen Yinbing Was Hung on of Platform

"How tall is she now? Is your academic performance okay? "    


Next, Shen Yinbing asked a few more questions in an easy-going manner, as if she was chatting with an old friend.    


Lao Wang felt slightly grateful and answered them truthfully. In the end, he didn't forget to thank Director Shen: "I thank her for her concern on behalf of my daughter."    


Shen Yinbing waved her hand with a smile, "No Lao Wang. I heard Gao Fei went to your house once?"    


After hearing Director Shen mention Gao Fei, Lao Wang's heart skipped a beat. He had a bad feeling, "Yes, I just treated him to a meal."    




Shen Yinbing nodded and asked again, "Lao Wang, you are already considered an old man. You also know that I just became the CEO not long ago, and some things I haven't fully considered, so I am unable to do everything and lack the care of my subordinates. Cough, about that, do you have any financial difficulties with your family? If there is one, you can tell me. "    


Lao Wang quickly said, "Thank you for Director Shen's concern. Although my family's condition isn't that good, but the hardest days have passed. My daughter's body is getting stronger and stronger. That way, I can concentrate on my work."    


Shen Yinbing nodded again. "Alright then. I'm relieved."    


What are you relieved about? Lao Wang was a bit confused when he heard Shen Yinbing say: "Lao Wang, I called you up this time because I want to tell you something."    


"Please speak."    


"The current market economy is not in a good mood. This is something that everyone knows. The Beishan Group Store is so big, and the operation of this fund has encountered difficulties."    


Shen Yinbing's face turned serious. "In order to get through this crisis, the company has decided to fire some people!"    


Lao Wang didn't hear what Shen Yinbing said after that because he was already stunned. He finally knew why Shen Yinbing called him here: he was going to be fired.    


After recounting the difficulties the company faced, Shen Yinbing finally said what she wanted to say the most, "I'm very sorry, Lao Wang. You are among the people who were sentenced."    


Lao Wang was now the deputy director of the logistics department. He was not a big official, so he definitely knew about the internal affairs of the company ahead of the average employee. However, he had never heard that the company was preparing to lay off workers.    


Just before he came to the office, he had even chatted with his colleagues, saying that after the southern Racetrack was activated, the Beishan Group would rise to a whole new level and the prospects would be even better.    


When he received Xiao Soong's call, Lao Wang even naively thought that Director Shen wanted to give him a promotion or raise his salary. After all, after he went to the logistics department, he worked diligently and was praised several times by the department head.    


However, never in his wildest dreams did he expect that Shen Yinbing would send him here to dismiss him!    


At this moment, Lao Wang felt like the sky had fallen. He spoke as if someone else was speaking, and he didn't know how he left the CEO's office. He followed the stairs back to the office of the logistics department as if his soul had left his body.    


When he saw Lao Wang come in, his colleagues, who usually joked with him, looked at him with eyes full of pity. The secretary of the CEO's office, Xiao Soong, was sitting on his chair.    


"Hur hur, Lao Wang is here. Did he take the stairs?" So slow. "    


Xiao Soong chuckled as she stood up, "Lao Wang, I already know about your situation. Director Shen specifically instructed me to tell you that she will give you an additional three months' salary." Three months is enough time for you to find a new job. "    


Lao Wang looked at Xiao Soong blankly. He didn't say anything and just sat down on a chair.    


I lost my job, I was fired, what would I use to raise a strong man in the future?    


Lao Wang's mind was in a mess. He raised his head and asked Chief Li, who usually took care of him: "Li, Chief Li, can I ask you something? Besides me, who else was fired from our corporation?"    


Commissioner Li sighed and walked over. He patted his shoulder and said, "I asked Xiao Soong just now. She said she would only dismiss you."    


Lao Wang smiled dumbly: "Oh, so it was just to dismiss me."    


Commissioner Li looked around and asked in a low voice, "Lao Wang, have you done something that Director Shen isn't satisfied with recently?"    


Lao Wang smiled bitterly, "I … I haven't been able to talk to Director Shen for half a year. I work diligently at work and return home on time after work. What can I do to make Director Shen unhappy?"    


Commissioner Li was also curious, but he had no way to keep Lao Wang, so he could only pat him on the shoulder to comfort him.    


The renovation work on the pedestrian walkway was in full swing. Gao Fei, the de facto big boss, was hiding in the hotel room, drinking wine and watching TV.    


Gao Fei was very confident in the planning team led by Mary. He was also clear that as an amateur, it was best not to point fingers and point things out on the spot, in case he gets rolled up in the eyes of his international friends.    


Thinking about the days from a month ago, then looking back at the present, Gao Fei had the feeling of being a person from two lifetimes: "Actually, life has always been beautiful, the key is what kind of life you want to live. We've cultivated our minds and minds for two whole years, and we've finally made it out of it. Hehe, with the setting sun at the Western Restaurant, I don't need to do those shameful things anymore. "My day, it's really good, Chenglang Gordon …"    


After drinking the wine, Gao Fei walked into the room and took out his laptop.    


Open, login OF website, login backstage.    


It had been a month since he took on the job of assassinating Su Beishan.    


However, that time, he almost lost his life. If it wasn't for Mu Tianya returning in time, Mr. Gao probably would have been in the Yama Hall bathing in the frying pan.    


"This is your first time failing a mission, but I don't feel the slightest bit of regret. This is three million dollars, whoever wants to earn it can earn it. It has nothing to do with you anymore." "Oh, that's wrong. It's a matter of murder and arson. It has nothing to do with us anymore."    


Looking at the notification of failure, Gao Fei smiled without a care. He casually pulled the list of assassins and his eyes immediately lit up: "Yo, when did another big fish appear? Five million!"    


As soon as he said that, his smile froze on Gao Fei's face. He felt that the person's name was very eye-catching: Shen Yinbing!    


Su Beishan's name was still on the OF bounty platform, but Shen Yinbing had been "hung up". Furthermore, her bounty was even higher than Lao Su's bounty of $2 million!    


Gao Fei slid quickly and checked the bayonet's information carefully. He confirmed that this was the Shen Yinbing that he was familiar with. The date he appeared was today, seven minutes ago.    


"Who was it that wanted to kill Shen Yinbing? And why did you kill her? "    


Gao Fei pondered for a moment and quickly clicked on the "accept the mission" key.    


He was afraid that if he was just a little bit late, others would take on this task first.    


According to the OF rules, as long as someone accepted a mission, the other killers could not make a move against the target within a month.    


At the same time, if this person did not complete his mission within a month, he would never get another chance to show off.    


In other words, Gao Fei would only be able to get Shen Yinbing a month's peace if he took over the business first.    


Gao Fei stared at Shen Yinbing's detailed information. His mind was racing as he began to list the people who might be willing to see her die: Elegant? Or Peng Yuanhang?    


Other than Elegant and Peng Yuanhang, no one else in Shen Yinbing's network of connections possessed such economic strength. After all, five million USD was equivalent to thirty million RMB.    


Moreover, both of them had a reason to hope that Shen Yinbing would disappear.    


Elegant, because when calculating her Racetrack, she suffered greatly.    


As for Peng Yuanhang, because he was suspected by Shen Yinbing, he had completely lost the opportunity to pursue her. Peng Yuanhang, on the other hand, had completely lost the opportunity to pursue her because of Shen Yinbing's suspicion.    


"Thirty million. Peng Yuanhang probably won't be able to afford it. Then seventy percent is probably elegant. However, the elegant halberd is in Shen Yinbing's hands. Even if he wanted to take revenge on her, there's no need to choose such an extreme method right? "    


Unconsciously, Gao Fei started to analyze for Shen Yinbing. He forgot that he had nothing to do with her anymore. Whether she was dead or alive had nothing to do with him.    


Gao Fei's nervousness towards Shen Yinbing was subconsciously a kind of habitual thought. He didn't even notice it himself.    


"Dear Di, you fly slowly. Be careful of the rose with thorns in the front, darling Di, you …"    


Just as Gao Fei was deep in thought while staring at his laptop, his phone rang.    


Gao Fei picked up the phone, looked at the caller ID and picked up: "Lao Wang, what's the matter?"    


The caller ID showed that it was Lao Wang, but the one who spoke was not Lao Wang himself, but his daughter, Wang Xiaozhuang. There was an obvious sobbing tone in his voice: "Uncle Gao, it's Xiao Zhuang! Where are you? "    


After hearing Wang Xiaozhuang's voice, Gao Fei was stunned for a moment: "I'm in the hotel, what's wrong?" Little Zhuang, don't cry, what happened? "    


Wang Xiaozhuang cried, "Uncle Gao, come over quickly. Wu, my dad, he's drunk. He's crying. I can't persuade him no matter what. He's at the three restaurants on Flower Garden Road!"    


"Your father cried when he was drunk? Ah, then wait a minute, I'll be there soon! Don't cry, Little Zhuang, take care of him first! "    


Gao Fei hung up his phone and quickly rushed out.    


"What the hell is wrong with Lao Wang? He got drunk and went crazy when he had nothing to do. Seriously."    


Along the way, Gao Fei received two more calls from Wang Xiaozhuang. He was crying even harder, so he could only take out a few pieces of Red Sun and threw them to his brother, "Bro, please hurry up!"    


After grabbing a few bills, the brother felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood. He stepped on the throttle to the limit and passed a white Chevrolet from the right.    


Soon, the taxi stopped at the three restaurants on the border mentioned by Wang Xiaozhuang.    


Before the car could stop, Gao Fei jumped out of the car. Just as he was about to rush towards the restaurant's entrance, he heard his brother say: "Sir, your phone!"    


Gao Fei was in a hurry and forgot to take his phone from the chair.    


"Thank you, brother!"    


Gao Fei thanked him. He opened the car door and grabbed his phone, then waved to the guy who thanked him. Just as he turned around, a white Chevrolet stopped in front of the taxi.    


Gao Fei looked at it subconsciously and was shocked, "Hey, why are you here too?"    


The door of the Chevrolet opened, and a beautiful young lady wearing a Plenda Dress walked out. It was Qin Chengcheng, whom they had not seen for more than a week.    


Qin Chengcheng raised her head and looked at the three borderline restaurant signs. She said lightly, "Little Zhuang called me. I left her my contact number that night."    




Gao Fei stole a glance at Qin Chengcheng's legs. After swallowing his saliva, he walked towards the entrance of the restaurant first.    


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