Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C149 Zhang Wenwen to Fight for Her Mother's Man

C149 Zhang Wenwen to Fight for Her Mother's Man

Qin Chengcheng's sudden appearance had destroyed Zhang Wenwen's plan, and this already made her angry.    


Before she could think of a way to attack Qin Chengcheng, a young woman in a dress came up to her with a shy face.    


Zhang Wenwen glanced at the short but plump, slim, sexy and mature woman. She rolled her eyes and asked first, "Who are you?"    


Needless to say, this little woman was Yan Hong.    


Yan Hong looked at Gao Fei and smiled, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Yan Hong and I am now the permanent vice president of Jinnan."    


Zhang Wenwen waved her hand, interrupting Yan Hong's words without any trace of politeness: "Enough, enough, what Vice President, even if you're the Queen of Eagle Britain, I still won't recognize you!"    


Yan Hong smiled and sat down next to Qin Chengcheng, "Young lady, we are not acquainted, but Uncle Gao and I are familiar with each other."    


"Are you familiar with each other?"    


Zhang Wenwen looked at Gao Fei warily and asked, "What is your relationship with Uncle Gao?"    


Yan Hong said slowly, "Me? I'm Gao Fei's cousin."    


"Cousin?" "Why do I feel like something is amiss? There is not a single similarity between the two of you."    


Zhang Wenwen looked curiously at Yan Hong and Gao Fei.    


Gao Fei sighed, "Wenwen, don't let your imagination run wild. She is indeed my cousin."    


"Oh, I didn't expect you to have a rich woman cousin. Then let her pay for today's Western cuisine."    


Zhang Wenwen rolled her eyes and made this suggestion.    


Yan Hong didn't seem to care at all. "Sure, whatever you want to eat, just order!"    


After Yan Hong revealed her background, Shieh Hongyan's eyebrows gently twitched. However, she soon returned to normal with a faint smile on her face.    




Yan Hong raised her hand to call for the waiter. Before the waiter could come over, she heard an unexpected voice. "Hey, isn't this Beishan Group's Deputy Director Yan? What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here. "    


Zhang Wenwen turned her head to look behind her and saw a woman in a black dress with red leather sandals walking over with a surprised expression.    


Gao Fei glanced at her and muttered in his heart: Keep pretending, you guys keep pretending. At worst, we'll all sit together and no one will say what they wanted to say.    


Yan Hong, who had just sat down, immediately stood up and took two steps forward. She enthusiastically stretched out her right hand: "Director Mu! "Hello, hello. Have you come here to eat as well?"    


Glancing lightly at the women surrounding Gao Fei, Mu Tianya pursed his lips and smiled. He shook hands with Yan Hong and said, "That's right, Deputy Director Yan. Are these your customers or friends?"    


"Hur hur, we are friends, but we also have relatives."    


Yan Hong smiled and asked politely, "Director Mu, shall we sit together?"    


Yan Hong inviting Mu Tianya to sit was definitely just a courtesy.    


She knew very well that Mu Tianya, based on his identity as the CEO of the Eagle Britain and, would definitely not sit together with a stranger, especially since there was an unfamiliar man among them (Gao Fei).    


However, to her surprise, Mu Tianya actually went along with it and said, "Okay, since I'm not used to eating alone, I feel honored to be able to sit together with Deputy Director Yan's family and friends."    


Yan Hong was slightly stunned and immediately gestured with her left hand, "Director Mu, please take a seat. Waiter, bring the menu over!"    


"Sorry for disturbing you."    


Mu Tianya nodded with a smile and sat down next to Qin Chengcheng.    


With Yan Hong sitting outside her room, the 213 seating area that Zhang Wenwen had set aside for her had six people sitting there, five women and a man, three on each side. The men were handsome, the women charmingly beautiful …    


I finally managed to convince my mother to muster up all her courage and use all of her charm to pull Uncle Gao back. For this, I specially arranged this Western cuisine meeting, but who would have known that so many women would appear here? Fortunately, I had the foresight to 'catch' Uncle Gao with my mom first …    


Looking at the three beautiful young women with extraordinary bearing, Zhang Wenwen became extremely angry. She quickly picked up the recipe, opened her mouth and pointed at it, "I want three pieces of 80% ripe Australian steak and the same amount of Russian Britain fish."    


Paste, and Italian foie gras, fried salmon with mashed potatoes, roast pork chops, a pan of crispy sausage pizza... "    


"Wenwen, don't mess around!"    


After seeing her daughter order more than ten dishes in a breath without stopping, Shieh Hongyan reprimanded her in a low voice.    


Zhang Wenwen shrugged bitterly and threw down the recipe. "What are you afraid of? Deputy Director Yan is treating you anyway!"    


Shieh Hongyan reprimanded him coldly, "Even if Deputy Director Yan were to treat us, with so many dishes, would you be able to eat?"    


Zhang Wenwen raised her chin and said, "I can't eat. I can pack!"    


Why does this sound familiar to me? Gao Fei thought: Oh, right. Shen Yinbing said the same thing that night. I don't know if she packed it or not.    


Staring at her daughter, Shieh Hongyan smiled apologetically at Yan Hong and said to the waiter, "Young brother, just give us three servings of steak. There are too many dishes on the table for us to eat."    


Qin Chengcheng immediately said, "I want the same amount of steak."    


Yan Hong looked at Mu Tianya and asked, "Director Mu, what about you?"    


Mu Tianya lifted his hand to stroke his hair and said with a smile, "Since everyone wants a steak, then I want a steak too."    




Yan Hong said to the waiter, "We'll have a total of six steaks, another soup, and two bottles of Lafite."    


"Hmph, I was going to have a big meal, but I didn't expect that I would only be able to eat steak Ma. Can't I just shut up?" You don't have to pinch me, you pinch is wrong, you pinch Uncle Gao! "    


Zhang Wenwen twisted her body to avoid Shieh Hongyan secretly reaching over to pinch her hand. She took the opportunity to put her mother's hand on Gao Fei's waist. In the eyes of outsiders, Shieh Hongyan was secretly hugging Gao Fei's waist.    


She quickly retracted her hand and lowered her eyes. She made up her mind that it would be more and more outrageous to take care of this damned child after dinner. Was she that afraid that her mother would not be able to find a man?    


While Zhang Wenwen was messing around, a complicated look flashed across the eyes of Yan Hong and the other two. They subconsciously looked at Gao Fei, who had been silent all this time.    


Mr. Gao, who was squeezed in the middle by a mother and daughter pair, just sat there like a wooden person. His eyes were on his nose and his nose was on his heart, as if he didn't see all of this.    


The best way to deal with this situation was to keep quiet.    


After Zhang Wenwen shut her mouth, Gao Fei was playing dumb again. The atmosphere immediately became awkward.    


However, the trio of Mu Tianya, Qin Chengcheng, and Yan Hong guessed that Gao Fei already knew that all these people were in this restaurant. However, he didn't remind them and just pretended to be stupid.    


Soon, the waiters served the dishes they had ordered.    


From outside the window, the sound of sirens could be heard.    


Gao Fei narrowed his eyes and looked down from Shieh Hongyan's plump body. He saw a police car stop below and a few Enforcer s jumped down from the car.    


He knew that the Enforcer had rushed over to deal with the case of the porter, Lee Decai, injuring Junzi.    


The first one to get off the carriage was a female police officer wearing a round hat.    


When the policewoman accidentally looked up, Gao Fei suddenly felt that she looked very familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before.    


However, before he even had a second glance at the policewoman, she had already walked quickly to the window and out of sight.    


Gao Fei didn't care about it. At this time, Qin Chengcheng, who was sitting close to the other side of the window, broke the silence, "Everyone, let's sit together today. Let me introduce myself. We are fated to meet. My name is Qin Chengcheng, and I am a professor from the Teachers College of the province.    


With Qin Chengcheng's introduction, Mu Tianya was the second to introduce himself: "My name is Mu Tianya, and I currently work for Eagle Britain Group, so I am business friend with Beishan Group's Deputy Director Yan, and I am very happy to meet everyone."    


Compared to Mu Tianya's low-key self-introduction, Yan Hong was even simpler, "I'm Yan Hong, the permanent vice president of Jinnan, and Gao Fei's cousin."    


Before Yan Hong could finish her sentence, Zhang Wenwen raised her hand and shouted, "My name is Zhang Wenwen, the future special class teacher of the people, the beautiful young woman who can make all the beauties in the world lose their color like peonies, is my mother, Shieh Hongyan. "Right now, she is making friends with me, Uncle Gao. If nothing unexpected happens, it might not be long before you guys get to drink my mom's and Uncle Gao's wedding wine."    


Sigh, how could I have such a shameless and silly girl. Can't you see that these girls are all here for Gao Fei? "Your mom and I already have a daughter like you, what's there to argue with?" Shieh Hongyan sighed inwardly. She was too lazy to explain anymore, so she just turned her head to look out the window.    


Honestly, even though Shieh Hongyan had such a big daughter, she was, after all, the former number one beauty of the Divine Dynasty. Her standards were not ordinary, and she didn't even like the man who defeated Cao Zhi because of his appearance, which was better than Pan An's.    


And Gao Fei seemed to be a little bit inferior to Shieh Hongyan's requirement of "choosing a mate".    


She dressed up today to meet Gao Fei because of what Zhang Wenwen said: "Why do we always attract white eyes all these years?" Is there always a man coming after you? Isn't it because we lack a man around us? Gao Fei's condition isn't that good, but he's good at fighting. Plus, he cares about your daughter like a real uncle. It's fine if you don't want him, but at least you have to be friends with him, right?    


It was because of Zhang Wenwen's enticement that Shieh Hongyan meticulously dressed up and came to Royal Western Restaurant.    


However, she didn't expect that after being provoked by Qin Chengcheng and the others, Zhang Wenwen would brazenly say that she was having a good relationship with Gao Fei and there was even the possibility of them getting married.    


The first to react was Qin Chengcheng, but the moment she opened her mouth, she was immediately stopped by Zhang Wenwen, "Teacher Qin, don't talk for now! I know, that night in the commoner district, Uncle Gao said you were his girlfriend. But I found out afterwards that you had a husband. I just found out that Uncle Gao said you were her girlfriend that night to provoke my mom. Hehe, if he didn't mean that to my mother, would he do that on purpose? "    


After a pause, Zhang Wenwen continued: "Of course, if you insist on fighting with us for Uncle Gao, then don't blame me for proclaiming it in Teachers College. Oh, by the way, if you're angry about it, you can take my admission notice back. "Ah, to be an honorable teacher of the people is certainly something to be yearned for, but compared to my mother's happiness, it is nothing at all!"    


"Zhang Wenwen, I think you may have misunderstood. I don't have that intention towards Gao Fei at all, we are just normal friends. "Also, I don't have the right to stop you from going to school. Let's do it this way. I still have things to do, so I'll be taking my leave first."    


Qin Chengcheng stood up from her seat with a cold expression.    


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