Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C165 The Girl

C165 The Girl

Gao Fei rolled a few times and dodged the bullets. He got up from the muddy water, turned around and held onto the Assault Rifle, then aimed at the heavy machine gun's position in the bamboo building with an accurate long shot.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Following the series of gunshots, Astoli's men who were surrounding the machine gun were hit in the head. They didn't even have time to cry out as they fell back into the aisle like wooden stakes that had been blown apart by a strong wind.    


Surprised, Astoli quickly crouched down and shouted, "Quick, machine guns, machine guns!"    


A few more Waste Soil Member roared and pounced forward. Just as they raised up their machine guns, a blue flame whizzed over from the left: Whoosh!    


"Be careful, rocket launchers!"    


As Astoli shouted, she suddenly jumped out from the bamboo building's railing!    


There were still four or five men following her.    


By the time she landed heavily in the muddy water beneath the bamboo building, the rocket had already exploded in the corridor of the bamboo building: BOOM!    


Astoli watched as her men, who were standing next to the heavy machine gun, flew into the air, screaming and waving their hands and feet in the air.    


"Jia Mo Ye, Jia Mo Ye, tell your men to come down quickly!"    


Astoli rushed towards the last bamboo house and yelled at the top of her lungs, reminding the rest of her men to hurry downstairs.    


As long as they escaped from the bamboo tower and joined the hostages below, the enemies hiding in the watchtower would not dare to recklessly shoot because they were afraid of harming the hostages.    


Actually, there was no need for Astoli to remind him. With more than thirty of his men hiding on the right side of the bamboo tower, Jia Mo Ye was already rolling and crawling down the bamboo tower with his weapons in hand.    


Before the last two Waste Soil Member s could climb over the railing, another rocket flew over, causing them to be eternally engulfed in flames.    


However, just as Astoli had hoped, when the remaining people all jumped down the bamboo tower and mixed in with the hundreds of hostages, Barbara and Monkey, who were on the left and right of the watchtower, no longer dared to recklessly fire their rockets.    


Moreover, they had become the target of the Waste Soil Member. Under Astoli's lead, the remaining forty to fifty terrorists all struck the two watchtowers with their firepower.    


For a moment, the bullets were like shooting stars streaking across the night sky as they whizzed towards the two watchtowers.    


Fortunately, Monkey and Barbara, who were both experienced in battle, threw away their bazooka as soon as they saw the enemy jump down from the bamboo tower and hide amongst the hostages. They walked down the watchtower with Assault Rifle in their arms.    


At this moment, the entire abandoned base was in chaos. The wails, screams, injured screams, and the sounds of bullets tearing through the air could be heard. Coupled with the raging flames from the two bamboo buildings, it gave people a sense of reality that they had arrived in hell, and they couldn't even cover up the heavy rain that had already turned into a torrential downpour.    


At this point, for both the rescuers and the defenders, it was undoubtedly a failure: the rescuers had not rescued everyone, and the defenders had only left most of the hostages.    


However, compared to the rescue team, the defense team had suffered a lot of losses. Besides the more than 30 men led by Astoli and Jia Mo Ye, the rest of the people had basically all boarded the train to the Kingdom of Heaven. As for the rescuers, not a single one of them had met with an accident. However, there were still dozens of hostages that had been shot at.    


The cruel reality made Jia Mo Ye exceptionally angry. He roared like a beast and fired at the group lying in the mud.    




He had hit several hostages in the leg and was rolling in the mud while screaming miserably.    


The fear of the hostages made Jia Mo Ye excited. He laughed out loud, pointed his pistol at the nearest hostage, and ferociously said, "Old thing, go to hell!"    


"Jia Mo Ye, don't kill them!"    


Astoli, who had roughly bandaged the wound on her right knee, immediately shouted loudly to stop when she saw that Jia Mo Ye was about to kill the hostage.    


Until now, she had no idea who the rescuers were, but she knew that whoever they were, they held hostage in their hands.    


These hostages were the talismans they exchanged for Mai Maiti Ping's Anggui. The more they had, the better.    


Before Astoli's roar could fade away, she saw Jia Mo Ye's head suddenly turn into a rotten watermelon. Red and white brains splattered everywhere, his body swayed for a moment and then fell to the ground.    


Gao Fei, who was half-kneeling in the mud, borrowed the light from the fire in the bamboo house to shoot a criminal in the head. Then, Monkey's voice came from the Ear Microphone: "Zorro, Zorro, retreat, retreat!"    


At the same time, a teenage girl struggled to Gao Fei's side, extending her hand and crying, "Uncle, Uncle, save me, save me!"    


This girl was imprisoned with her mother in the female prison, together with Shen Yinbing.    


After the rescue operation was exposed, her mother was shot to death while she was hugging her and retreating. Her right leg was also broken, and with a strong desire to live, she struggled to climb up to Gao Fei.    


In the faint fire, Gao Fei saw despair and fear in the girl's eyes, but her strong desire to live gave out a brighter luster and increased her crawling speed.    


"Child, come here!"    


Gao Fei said. Just as he was about to hug the girl, he suddenly saw dozens of dark blue bullets flying towards him.    


It turned out that when he had shot Jia Mo Ye in the head, Astoli had also found his position, leading her men to fire at him crazily.    


Out of pure instinct, Gao Fei immediately changed his action of throwing himself at the girl and jumped to the side. He rolled a few times on the ground and rolled into a puddle with his head tightly touching the ground.    


Gao Fei suddenly raised his head only to find that the girl had stopped crawling. Her back was almost broken by the bullet, and her outstretched right hand was stuck in the air for a moment. Then, it powerlessly drooped down and her eyes gradually dimmed down, yet there was still a strong desire to leave this place.    


Maybe she had a good name, like Anna, or Alice. Maybe Maya had gone to the Holy See with her mother just to learn more about the mysterious Old Eastern Kingdom, maybe she had a brother and sister who were just as smart, maybe she had a handsome, loving father.    


But no matter what she was called, what she had possessed, how beautiful her future was, all of it came to an abrupt end at this moment.    


Life became eternal.    


Just like how he didn't see those flying bullets, and didn't hear the sounds of Monkey and the rest shouting and retreating from the Ear Microphone, Gao Fei looked at those lifeless eyes in a daze. The unprecedented sense of guilt and powerlessness made him want to close his eyes and roar into the sky, crying loudly and ruthlessly!    


If it wasn't for him bringing people to save Shen Yinbing, The Authority of the Dynasty would have been forced to release Mai Maiti. This girl might have been humiliated by the criminals, and she might have died in the end, but at least she wouldn't die right now.    


She was dead.    


He died right under Gao Fei's eyelids!    


His eyes were filled with regret, regret, fear, despair, and grief!    


However, he did not escape the ecstasy and color of life!    


After the girl died, her eyes were like two sharp daggers, viciously stabbing into the weakest spot in Gao Fei's heart. Blood was flowing, no matter what excuse he used to bandage her, he couldn't stop it!    


Kill them all!    


Gao Fei no longer dared to look into the girl's eyes. When he painfully closed his eyes, his desire to kill all those Waste Soil Member s was as strong as ever!    


He did not want the reward, nor did he want a reason. Just for the sake of the girl's despairing eyes, he wanted to kill them all!    


Gao Fei grabbed onto the Assault Rifle, and just as he was about to jump up, Monkey's anxious voice sounded from within the Ear Microphone: "Zorro, where are you!? We've already led about a hundred hostages into the jungle. Why haven't you come back yet? "Answer, Zorro, answer!"    


Following that, the Great Orangutan, Whiteboard, Barbara, James, and even the old geezers in the distance all crazily called out to him through their earphones, requesting for him to leave immediately.    


The anxious roars of his comrades were like a basin of cold water falling from the sky, instantly extinguishing the flames of impulse that rose from the bottom of Gao Fei's heart.    


"Child, just you wait. Uncle will definitely let those demons escort you to heaven!"    


Gao Fei clenched his teeth and suddenly flipped over the mountain. He rolled over the puddle and jumped up from the ground like a rabbit, heading towards the outer area of the base.    


Seeing someone jump up from the ground in the distance, Astoli, who was leading her men and rushing over, shouted in unison as she fired.    


More than a dozen bullets pierced the night sky. The rain of mist formed a seven or eight meter wide death scythe. It grinned evilly as it roared and chased after that person.    


From that person's jump and running speed, Astoli was sure that he was the savior, the bastard who destroyed Jia Mo Ye with a single shot!    


At the same time, when she pulled the trigger, she was certain that this person would not be able to escape from their death scythe. She was prepared to admire him being shot and then falling helplessly to the ground.    


However, what made Astoli and the Buddha of Heavens surprised was that under the powerful brandishing of the Sickle of the God of Death, the fellow who was desperately running forward suddenly turned into a snake!    


His body twisted in an odd way. Although it was only for an instant, he managed to dodge the bullets perfectly.    


Furthermore, their pace was very similar to the Sampa legion on on the football field. They were in an irregular 'S' shape, yet they did not slow down in the slightest as they continued to sprint forward!    


"Kill him, don't let him escape!"    


Astoli, who had witnessed all of this with her own eyes, felt an inexplicable sense of fear rising from the bottom of her heart.    


However, when she pulled the trigger, the man suddenly jumped forward and disappeared from her line of sight.    


One of Astoli's men cheered, "He's been hit!"    


Was he hit?    


With this question in mind, Astoli led her men through the muddy water and ran towards the place where the man fell.    


There was nothing in the muddy water, not even a ghost.    


Someone asked in surprise, "Eh, where is he? I just saw him lying on the ground!"    


Astoli waved her hand and got shot. She yelled, "Chase after him! Chase after him!"    


Seven or eight men shouted in unison and chased after the base's main entrance.    


However, they had just chased for a few dozen meters when a few whistling bullets pierced through the rain of the dark night, accurately concentrating the heads of a few people.    


"Get down! Stop! Everyone come back! There's a sniper over there!"    


Astoli screamed and fell into the mud first.    


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