Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C170 Then Let's Fight to the Death

C170 Then Let's Fight to the Death

After the hundreds of North Supersonic special forces had retreated out of the jungle, Ruan Gehsing, who accompanied Gao Yunhua, saluted him immediately and used an extremely sincere tone to say: "Mr. Gao, just now, I personally witnessed the military might of your country's warriors. To be honest, I am very shocked in my heart, because you are the world's most outstanding criminals, please allow me to use the military salute to pay respects to you!"    


Gao Yunhua returned the greeting with a serious expression, "Major General Ruan, I am the colonel of the Divine Punch Explosion Protection Bureau. I thank you on behalf of my country for your cooperation and assistance!"    


Since the other party was sincere, Yunhua treated him with respect and stated his position.    


"I wish you all the best. I'll bring some people to wait outside. We'll be ready to receive your orders at any time!"    


Ruan Gehsing put down his hands, turned around and quickly left the forest.    


When Gao Yunhua and the criminal law of North Supersonic finished their mission, the thirteen members of the special storm squad had already quickly found the best hiding place for their line of sight and angle. Four of them took out some equipment from their backpacks and instantly assembled the eighty-nine types of Sniper Rifle used by the divine court for Special Forces.    


Gao Yunhua stood under the tree and looked at the other side with the phoenix eye communicator in his hand.    


This was what he had taken from the old man. He had to contact one of the hostages.    


After listening to the conversation between Astoli and Simtin through the communicator, he understood that there was a hostage rescuer among the base's hostages.    


He had heard from the girl called Shen Yinbing that that person was probably the hero who saved them last night, Detective Zorro.    


It was precisely that Detective Zorro who, after sneaking into the hostage, let Gao Yunhua hear about Astoli's scheme and decided that he would definitely not let Mai Maiti go so easily.    


Who is Detective Zorro?    


Gao Yunhua looked at the communicator in silence for a moment, then raised it to his lips and said in a low voice, "Hello, Jack. I am Colonel Yunhua Liu of the Divine Punch Bureau of Explosion. I have already heard about the terrorist plot, and I thank you very much for taking the risk and obtaining such important information for us. No matter which nation you are from, the Divine Court will thank you. "Now, I have led a special squad of the Divine Dynasty to the meadow and taken over the task of rescuing the hostages. Please give us your greatest cooperation, thank you!"    


There was no sound coming out of the communicator.    


"Little Li, bring that shattered body over here with you!"    


Jack sighed softly. Liu Yunhua put on the communicator by his ear, picked up a loudspeaker hanging from a tree, and walked out of the jungle towards the meadow base.    


After seeing someone walk out of the forest, Astoli and the others, who were waiting beside the water prison, immediately became vigilant.    


Taking the binoculars from Simtin, Astoli took a glance at them and her face changed, "It's the criminal law of the dynasty!"    


After sending the nineteen foreigners to the North Supersonic army, Astoli no longer had any more fears. She prepared to detonate the bomb in the water prison as soon as she found Mai Maiti and hid in the forest (there were still a dozen of them in the depths of the meadow to reinforce him), so that the people of the imperial court would be able to cry.    


Furthermore, she was very clear that there were many conflicts between the North Supersonic and the Divine Dynasty. Even if they were being hunted down by humanitarian people, they wouldn't do their best.    


However, she never expected that after sending away the foreigners, a criminal of the imperial court would appear.    


"What is going on!?"    


Astoli was a little surprised and raised her binoculars to take a look. Then, she saw two criminals of the imperial court escorting a person out of the forest.    


The person being held was like a dead dog, his head lowered and not moving at all.    


However, Astoli was sure that this person was Mai Maiti, who she was willing to give up everything for.    


After focusing her binoculars on Mai Maiti's face for a moment, Astoli put down her binoculars, punched him hard on the iron bars of the water prison, and cursed, "Bastard, they dare to torture Mai Maiti, so they put up two hostages and make them kneel there. This is the result of them touching Mai Maiti!"    


Simtin replied, waved his hand to call his companions and pulled out two hostages from the water prison.    


Of the two hostages, one of them was potbellied while the other one was skinny and had fainted.    


Upon hearing Astoli's demonstration to kill the hostages, the big-bellied hostage struggled in extreme fear. After screaming, he did not want to come out, but he could not resist those terrorists.    


Simtin dragged the two hostages to the water prison and casually threw them on the ground. Then, he used the Assault Rifle to aim at the back of their heads.    


Gao Yunhua walked forward slowly until he reached the front of the swamp.    


He had also seen the two hostages being dragged out and realized what the other party was trying to do, but he did not care. He sneered and turned his head to give a signal to Little Li.    


Little Li and Little Li understood what he meant. They let go of Mai Maiti and kicked him onto the ground, then stepped on his back. The guns were pointed at the back of his head.    


After seeing Xiao Li treat Mai Maiti like this, Astoli's expression changed. Didn't the people of the Divine Dynasty care about the safety of their citizens the most? How dare they show such a tough attitude? Did he dare to trade Mai Maiti for everyone's safety?    


While thinking, Astoli shouted in a low voice to stop the person who wanted to shoot the hostage: "Simtin, wait a moment!"    


At this moment, Gao Yunhua, who had walked forward another ten meters, raised his loudspeaker and shouted sternly, "Astoli, if you dare to hurt a hostage, I will order for Mai Maiti to be killed and have a life and death struggle!"    


How did he know my name!?    


Astoli was startled, but since she had over a hundred hostages in her hands, she was not afraid of the gods coming up with any tricks, so she sneered and walked forward, "Alright, since you said it like that, then I will have to kill those two hostages first! Ha, haha, Mai Maiti's biggest wish is for the people of the dynasty to die cleanly! With so many people accompanying him in his funeral, he would definitely be happy to see that happen. "Now, I will count to three, and we will fire at the same time!"    


Astoli walked up to the two hostages and aimed her AK-47 at them. She then counted down with a cold voice, "Three, two!"    


Before Astoli could yell out, Yunhua spoke again, "Astoli, before we do anything, I want you to listen to a conversation."    


Gao Yunhua said as he placed the phoenix eye communicator behind the loudspeaker and turned on the recording settings.    


Immediately, the conversation between Astoli and Simtin was clearly heard by the loudspeaker...    


After hearing the conversation, Astoli felt chills run down her spine.    


She never thought that her conversation with Simtin would be recorded and be taken over by the Chinese side.    


She finally understood why the people of the Shen Dynasty were so tough. Why Mai Maiti was beaten up like that. They knew that even if they handed over Mai Maiti, they would still kill everyone. Was there a need to let Mai Maiti go?    


Astoli and the others had spent all their effort planning for this hijacking. Currently, more than sixty of their comrades had died with honor. They only had one goal, and that was to save Mai Maiti!    


To Astoli, Mai Maiti was the soul of the Waste Soil Member. His life was precious enough and he also had the password and account number of the base camp's funds. Let alone more than a hundred hostages, even a thousand hostages wouldn't be enough to buy him back!    


Astoli was ashamed and angry after she found out about Mai Maiti's conspiracy to kill everyone. Her eyes were filled with a frightening killing intent: Among the hostages at the base, there was actually someone who had a communication device hidden!    


She had to find this person and kill him!    


"Simtin, immediately bring people to search the three water prisons. There's no need to find the person with the communication device, kill him immediately!"    


Astoli ordered Simtin in a low voice.    


Simtin nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the water prison quickly.    


Gao Yunhua kept his communicator and looked at Astoli. He asked, "Astoli, are you still going to kill the hostages?"    


Astoli took a deep breath and said coldly, "I can take a step back."    


Gao Yunhua followed up: "What do you mean, take a step back?"    


Astoli sneered, "If you release Mai Maiti, I will release everyone. But I have to find the guy who leaked the news to you."    


Gao Yunhua said harshly, "You are dreaming!"    


Astoli also said sternly, "Then let's fight to the death! I'll give you ten minutes to think about it. You'll be in charge of the safety of those hostages! "    


Then, without waiting for Yunhua to say anything, she turned around and walked towards the water prison.    


Astoli gave Gao Yunhua 10 minutes to consider, but in reality, she hoped that Simtin could lead people to find the 'snitch' among the hostages. If he dared to spoil her plan, he must die!    


And she was sure that even if Liu Yunhua knew what she was going to do, he wouldn't dare act rashly. Of course he dared to kill Mai Maiti, but he didn't dare to bet more than a hundred lives on it.    


Just as Astoli expected, Yunhua saw more than a dozen gangsters rush into the water prison and start searching behind with each hostage. Yunhua's eyes flashed a cold and contemptuous smile.    


He was very clear that since Detective Zorro dared to sneak into the base alone, he should be prepared for any mishap. He definitely wouldn't be easily found by the enemies.    


In each of the three water prisons, four terrorists had gone down. They carried rifles and ordered everyone to raise their hands and start searching.    


These people were searching their bodies. They were not as gentle as the nurse's sister in the hospital. Their actions were all very rough. The three water prisons were filled with curses, crying and splashing water everywhere. Everything was in chaos.    


Simtin was in charge of searching the northernmost water prison. He cursed and searched it, but he didn't find anything.    


"Cao, search again. I don't believe that I won't be able to find that bastard!"    


Simtin grabbed a hostage by the shoulder and pressed him against the iron fence. Just as he was about to search carefully again, he heard someone's cheers from the southernmost water prison: "Found it, found it!"    


Simtin turned his head and saw a guy with a face full of mud holding a radio in his left hand and an AK-47 in his right hand.    


The man screamed miserably and fell into the water with a splash. Just as he struggled to get out of the water, he was held down by the heads of the four gangsters. Two of them directly pulled out their Short Dagger s and stabbed into the water … …    


In the blink of an eye, the mud on top of the hostage had turned red and stopped struggling.    


The leader of the bandits, Abu, who was in charge of leading the search team for the Southern Water Prison, grabbed the communicator from his companion and climbed onto the water prison first. He handed it to Astoli who was walking over and said, "We've already taken care of that guy!"    


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