Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C191 A Man of Great Importance Is Not Concerned with Trifles

C191 A Man of Great Importance Is Not Concerned with Trifles

"She's awake."    


When Shen Yinbing realized she had been kidnapped, a man's voice came from her left.    


She slowly turned her head and saw three shadows looking down on her. There were three red dots, one bright and the other dim. They should be the cigarette smoke.    


Soon after, Shen Yinbing found herself sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree. However, her hands and feet were unbound.    


Subconsciously, Shen Yinbing held onto the tree trunk and stood up. However, just as she stood up, her body went limp and she sat on the ground again.    


"Don't be afraid, your body is weak. That's because your incense has not completely stopped burning, but don't panic, it will be fine very soon."    


Damao blew out a smoke ring and squatted down. He used his right index finger to pick up Shen Yinbing's chin, "Director Shen, it's really wrong. We offended you tonight, please forgive us."    


Shen Yinbing forcefully shook off his fingers and asked with a trembling voice, "Who, who are you? "What, what do you want to do?"    


"It's not important who we are. What is important is that you understand a principle, Director Shen."    


Damao sat cross-legged on the ground, his proud eyes gleaming in the night like a wolf catching its prey: "Even if we don't have any ideas for you, someone will still do it. "Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. Director Shen, you were hung on the OF platform and became a hot topic in the eyes of the assassins."    


As expected, Shen Yinbing's heart went cold again as she whispered, "B-but as far as I know, you are not allowed to touch me until Ghost Dance's mission is finished!"    


"Ghost Dance? Do you know Ghost Dance? "    


Shen Yinbing's answer was out of Damao's expectation. He turned around to look at his companion and said in a surprised tone, "Eh, Director Shen, I didn't expect you to know the rules of the OF platform."    


What the hell's the point of me knowing? You kidnapped them, didn't you? Right now, the most important thing is how I can be moved by you all, letting me go is the way of the king.    


Shen Yinbing swallowed her saliva with great difficulty and forced herself to remain calm. "I know you all do this for money! However, I can guarantee that as long as you let me go, I will follow the price stated on the OF platform and float up another 20%. This can be considered as your reward, how about it? "    


The bounty on the OF platform for Shen Yinbing was 5 million USD.    


Now she's promised another twenty percent, which is six million dollars.    


If 6 million US dollars were converted into RMB, it would definitely not be a small sum. For Beishan Group which was currently short of funds, it could be said to be very important.    


But no matter how important it was, it was not as important as his own life. Money could be earned again, but there was only one life left.    


After Shen Yinbing threw out this condition, she looked at Damao with hope, hoping that he would agree to it.    


After all, she had no enmity with these people, and they kidnapped her just for money.    


Damao's eyes flashed. He didn't say anything for a long time.    


Shen Yinbing was apprehensive and asked in a low voice, "You think it's too little?"    


At this time, Oosima walked over, bent over and whispered something into Damao's ear.    


Damao nodded and looked at Shen Yinbing. "Director Shen, we need eight million."    


In fact, not to mention Damao, even if it was eighty million dollars, if Shen Yinbing could take it out, she would still take it out without hesitation.    


Therefore, she immediately nodded, "Okay, deal!"    


Damao asked, "Then how do we get the money?"    


Shen Yinbing replied, "In my car, there is a small bag containing cash cheques. As long as I sign and seal it, you can make a request for money from any of the four big banks."    


Oosima raised a bag: "Is this the bag?"    


Shen Yinbing took a look and nodded. "Yes, this is my bag."    


"Then you can sign it."    


Oosima threw the bag over.    


Shen Yinbing picked up her bag and said, "Can you guys wait for the lights? I can't see what to write."    


Oosima then turned on the flashlight.    


Using the light from the flashlight, Shen Yinbing finished filling out the cheque after a moment. She tore it off and handed it to Damao: "Check it."    


Damao took the cheque and carefully examined it. After nodding his head, he carefully put it in his pocket.    


Licking her lips, Shen Yinbing asked, "Now that I have already satisfied your requirements, shouldn't you let me go?"    


However, Damao slowly shook his head: "Not yet."    


Shen Yinbing froze for a moment before shrieking, "Why!?"    


Damao smiled proudly, "Actually, Director Shen, you should know very well, before we safely get our hands on the money, we won't let you go."    


"You two, you're going to let me go only after dawn?"    


Shen Yinbing's spirit immediately became listless.    


Damao thought about it and replied, "I might not let you go after dawn."    


Shen Yinbing slowly raised her head and asked with a trembling voice, "Why?"    


Damao stretched his head forward and laughed sinisterly: "Because to us brothers, money is not the most important thing. Most importantly, we need a reputation. We do not know why the famous Ghost Dance delayed his action after accepting the task. However, we are very clear that if the three of us succeed in killing you after failing the mission, then we will be able to become famous in the world of assassins. "    


Shen Yinbing finally understood that the other party had no intention to let her go. In the end, his final goal was still to get rid of her.    


Shen Yinbing's teeth chattered, as if she had just fallen into an icy cave. "You … You guys didn't keep your promises! Despicable!"    


Damao admired Shen Yinbing's fearful look. He chuckled and said, "Hehe, so what if you're despicable? There is an old saying in your God's court that those who become major events don't care about small matters. "Every successful person will do whatever it takes to achieve his or her goals."    


"You, you will all die a miserable death!"    


Shen Yinbing bit her lips as tears streamed down her cheeks.    


"From the moment we set foot in this business, we have been prepared to die a horrible death."    


Staring at Shen Yinbing's bullying body, Damao smirked as he stretched out his hand: "But no matter what, before we die a horrible death, not only did we get three times the salary, we can also enjoy the beautiful CEO's enchanting body. This is something that is hard to get even if we die a horrible death."    


"Take your hand away!"    


Shen Yinbing screamed and quickly retreated half a meter to the side of the tree with her hands on the ground. When she mustered the strength to turn around and get up, Damao fell on her with an evil grin on his face.    


"Let me go, let me go!"    


Shen Yinbing cried and screamed as she reached back to scratch Damao's face.    


Damao, who treated Shen Yinbing as a helpless person, was caught off guard and his face was scratched by her long nails.    


Angry, Jack slapped Lily hard in the face. "You smelly cousin, do you have to struggle before you die?"    




Shen Yinbing's head buzzed from Damao's slap. She screamed when she saw two other men surrounded her with fiendish smiles. The light from the flashlight shone on her face, giving her a feeling of helplessness exposed to the three men's eyes.    


"Beauty, stop struggling without doing anything. This is your fate. Since you are powerless to resist your fate, why don't you take it as a form of enjoyment? "    


Damao chuckled sinisterly. He grabbed the clothes in front of Shen Yinbingxiong's body with both hands and tore them apart!    


In the nineties of the last century, Gang-ge was a famous figure in the Stonecutter Village. With his unique investment vision, he carried the few thousand yuan he earned from the tractor transfer and headed south to the Development Zone, becoming the first citizen of the new dynasty.    


In just a few short years, taking advantage of the fact that the stock market was growing faster and faster, Zhang Gang quickly became one of the ten million rich people and advanced towards the billionaires!    


Those were absolutely glorious days that should be carefully enjoyed by Gang-jie in his lifetime.    


It was a pity that Gang-ge agreed to the common saying of the people: "It doesn't matter what happens, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you lose."    


The stock market had made him, and destroyed him, the man who was going to become a billionaire in the East Asian economic crisis that shocked the world. In one night, he had lost a clean bag of eggs, his wife and children had run off with the others, and he had become a completely poor farmer.    


Many of the big bosses of the same generation as Brother Gang couldn't stand the excitement of going up and down, and finally chose to jump down from the tall building …    


But Gang-ge's vitality was undoubtedly very strong, and from this, he was able to understand what a real life was. He no longer had any interest in the stock market or the shopping mall, so he dejectedly returned to his hometown.    


After so many years, those unbearable times had long become a thing of the past. Gang-ge finally adapted to living a peaceful life under the chrysanthemum gathering fences and leisurely saw the south mountain. Every day he lived in the orchard, living a life of paradise.    


Late at night, when the urinating brother was out for a nap, he saw a car bumping along the rough mountain road (the dry road) past the orchard at the foot of his mountain, stopping at a narrow path that led up the mountain a short distance away.    


He didn't understand who would come here in the middle of the night, so he walked closer to the orchard.    


Then he saw a few people get out of the car.    


One of them was carrying a person on his back, and the four of them were quickly climbing up the mountain.    


Gang-ge knew that at the top of this mountain, there was a Dragon King's Temple that was left behind during the period of the Republic of China, and it was fairly well-preserved.    


It seemed like these people were going to the temple.    


However, why would they come in the middle of the night with a person on their back?    


From the long hair of the person on his back that was blown up by the night wind, Gang-ge was almost sure that it was a woman.    


With this question in mind, Gang-ge quietly walked out of the orchard and came to the front of the white car.    


If it had been any other farmer, he definitely wouldn't have known what brand this car was.    


But Gang-ge had seen a lot of things, so he was able to tell that this was a BMW with a glance.    


Late at night, starless, luxurious BMW, white clothed woman, small temple at the top of the mountain!    


These words quickly linked together into one of the bloody scenes that had always been played on TV: Someone was kidnapped!    


After realizing this, Gang-ge was shocked and ran down the road towards the main road. Although he was in dire straits, his spirit was not sapped away. He still had the manliness to help and see injustice!    


He was going to the police!    


At the same time, he was also very depressed: Why not a phone, now that the copycat was so cheap, he could call the police.    


As soon as he ran onto the main road along the mountain road, he saw a car speeding towards him from the north.    


Block this car and go to the Law Enforcement Agency, this is the only chance to save others!    


Gang-ge stood in the middle of the road like a warrior about to be executed. He spread his arms and shouted, "Stop!"    


The car screeched to a halt, the door opened, and two men jumped out.    


"The two of you, I'm in a great hurry!"    


Before he could finish, someone asked in a low voice: "Hey, did you see a white BMW passing by?"    


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