Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C196 The Legend of Joy and Weeping

C196 The Legend of Joy and Weeping

After being led down the mountain by Liang Jiaojiao's group, Shen Yinbing finally realized that the mountain was called Coiling Dragon Mountain.    


The shock that Coiling Dragon Mountain had suffered, to Shen Yinbing, was about the same as the fright she had suffered in the prison in the North Supersonic. It was deeply engraved in her heart …. For two days, she didn't even smile.    


However, whether it was the North Supersonic Meadow or Coiling Dragon Mountain, the two calamities could be considered to have come without any real danger. What truly worried Shen Yinbing was that, from tomorrow onwards, her 'safe period' would be over.    


This proved that she could be assassinated by an unknown killer at any time in the future. The only solution was to be like her father, stuck at home all day, even sunning herself in the yard, under the protection of the security guards.    


To a girl like Shen Yinbing who was still in her prime, losing her freedom was undoubtedly cruel.    


"Tomorrow, I'll have to sit on my balcony and watch the sunrise."    


Shen Yinbing sighed and opened the drawer of her desk. She took out the invitation from Gao Fei.    


The other day, when Gao Fei came to deliver the invitation, Shen Yinbing didn't think about the 31st of this month. It was already impossible for her to appear in public.    


Staring at the big red invitation card for a long time, Shen Yinbing helplessly pursed her lips and casually put it into the wastebasket at her feet. "Since I can't go, what's the point of keeping it?"    


"Alright, then let me pull myself together and enjoy the free air of the last day!"    


Taking a deep breath, Shen Yinbing turned on the computer.    


The first thing Shen Yinbing did every day after she found out that she had been hooked up to the OF platform was to log on to the platform and see if her name was still there.    


Every time she clicked on the platform's web page, Lily's only hope was that her name would suddenly disappear!    


Unfortunately, Director Shen's dream had never come true in the past month.    


"Please don't be infatuated with me, I'm just a legend."    


Shen Yinbing laughed self-deprecatingly as she opened up the web page on the platform and looked at her name with a practiced swipe of her mouse.    


The mouse slid across the page from top to bottom. Shen Yinbing muttered, "Hey, where's my name?"    


The mouse slid from the bottom to the top. Shen Yinbing froze, just like a sculpture. Her eyelashes didn't even bat an eyelash.    


After an unknown period of time, she finally 'came back to life'. Her breathing became rapid, and the hand holding the mouse began to tremble. Little by little, she began to search for her name.    


On the OF platform's target list, there were a total of 170 names. Almost every 3 to 2 days, a name would disappear or be added with a new name.    


But no matter how the rankings changed, Shen Yinbing's name was always rewarded with five million US Dollars, and she firmly occupied the top three spots on the list.    


But today, among the 170 names, Director Shen searched more than 10 times before pushing her laptop away. She laid on the table and started to sob, her shoulders heaving.    


Director Shen's tears at this moment were tears of happiness and joy. Her name had actually disappeared on the last day of her safe period!    


This proved that there would be no more professional killers coming after her, and she would be able to live her old, free life.    


She didn't know why her name had disappeared, but she knew that this month was the darkest period of her life. Every day she lived in fear and trepidation.    


Only those who experienced death threats would understand how wonderful normal and ordinary life was.    


Shen Yinbing cried very sadly, very joyfully, and so much forget myself that Xiao Soong knocked on the door twice and did not hear.    


Xiao Soong was very confused. She pushed open the door gently and saw Director Shen crying on the table. She turned pale with fright and hurried to the table. She asked cautiously, "Director Shen, what's wrong?"    


"Oh, Xiao Soong."    


When Xiao Soong asked this question a second time, Shen Yinbing realized that someone was coming. She sniffled and raised her head with a smile, "N-nothing. I-I'm just too happy!"    


Xiao Soong blinked her eyes in a daze. "I cried because I was too happy. Is this the legendary tears of joy?"    


Shen Yinbing did not care how surprised Xiao Soong was. She shouted, "Xiao Soong, immediately inform the heads of each department that there will be a double salary today. Lunch will be served at the restaurant for free!"    


Xiao Soong's face was full of disbelief. "Director Shen, you …"    


Shen Yinbing raised her hand. "There's no need to ask anything. Just do as I say!"    


"Yes sir!"    


After Xiao Soong made sure that Director Shen wasn't joking around, and that her expression was still normal, she turned around and walked quickly towards the door.    


She had just reached the door when someone knocked on it.    


Xiao Soong opened the door and saw Jiao Enzo standing there with a warm smile on his face.    


"Assistant Jiao, you're here, please come in."    


"Thank you, but is Director Shen here?"    


Jiao Enzo looked up and walked into the office.    


"Enzo, I need to tell you a piece of good news, a tremendous piece of good news!"    


Shen Yinbing wished now to announce to the world that she had been freed from the shadow of death.    


Looking at Shen Yinbing's bloodshot eyes, Jiao Enzo asked in confusion, "What good news?"    


Shen Yinbing spoke word by word, "My name disappeared from the OF platform!"    


Not many people knew that Shen Yinbing had been hung on OF, but Jiao Enzo was one of them.    


Jiao Enzo's eyes flashed and he exclaimed in surprise, "Really!?"    


Shen Yinbing pushed her laptop in front of him, giggling as she said, "Take a good look and see if you can find my name."    


Jiao Enzo grabbed the mouse and carefully searched the list a few times before he finally shook his head: "No, really no, it's too unbelievable. Xiaobing, it seems like your kindness has finally moved the heavens and made the person who wanted to kill you discover your conscience and took the initiative to remove your name."    


Shen Yinbing didn't think that she was that kind.    


Initially, in order to take revenge on Gao Fei, she was able to mercilessly fire Lao Wang, who had a sick child in his family. If Gao Fei hadn't rushed to the restaurant in time, she believed that Lao Wang would have run into a BMW.    


However, all of this wasn't important. What was important was that her danger had been averted!    


This was a joyous occasion worthy of celebration.    


Staring at the computer, Shen Yinbing giggled for a while before asking Jiao Enzo, "Brother Enzo, what do you need me for?"    


"Oh, it's like this. About Southern Mountain."    


Just as Jiao Enzo finished his sentence, he was interrupted by Shen Yinbing with a wave of her hand. "I'm not working today!"    


Jiao Enzo was stunned. "You're not working today?"    


"Yes, I'm going to give myself an extra day off today. I'm so happy!"    


Shen Yinbing paced back and forth in front of the table, mumbling something. No one knew what she was talking about.    


Jiao Enzo opened his mouth to speak, but she said: "Brother Enzo, you go ahead and busy yourself first, I want to call dad."    


Jiao Enzo also understood that after Shen Yinbing's own crisis was resolved, of course, she had to tell her relatives this huge piece of good news. Jiao Enzo also understood that after Shen Yinbing's own crisis was resolved, of course, she had to tell her relatives this enormous good news.    


Therefore, he smiled and nodded. "Alright, Xiaobing. I'll go out first. It's noon. I'll invite you to the bar to celebrate with me."    




Shen Yinbing nodded in agreement without a second thought.    


The moment Jiao Enzo walked out of the office, Shen Yinbing had already dialed Lao Su's cell phone.    


"Xiaobing, what's the matter?"    


The moment Su Beishan's tired voice came out of the phone, Shen Yinbing shouted excitedly, "Dad, I want to tell you a huge piece of good news! What do you think it is? "    


Because his daughter was almost killed the night before yesterday, Lao Su hadn't had a good rest these two nights. He racked his brains to think of a way to solve his daughter's crisis, so he felt very tired in the morning.    


However, when he heard the excitement in Shen Yinbing's tone, his eyes immediately lit up. He abruptly sat up from the deck chair and asked with a slightly trembling voice, "Xiaobing, did your name get off the platform?"    


Lao Su's darling daughter's name disappeared from the OF platform. This was what Lao Su wanted the most, so when Shen Yinbing told him to guess a big piece of good news, he immediately thought of it.    


Shen Yinbing nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes!"    


"This is great, this is great! This is great news, no, this is even greater than the heavens!    


Su Beishan let out a long sigh of relief. Perhaps it was because he was too excited, but his vision turned black and his phone fell to the ground with a "pa" sound.    


Hai Bo, who was serving beside him, quickly picked up his phone for him and asked with concern, "Director Su, are you alright?"    


On the other side, Shen Yinbing also understood what was going on and quickly asked, "Dad, are you alright?"    


"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm just too excited."    


Su Beishan took the phone and muttered with a gratified smile on his face, "He did it, he finally did it."    


Shen Yinbing was a little puzzled, "Who finally did it? "Dad, what are you talking about?"    


Su Beishan laughed and said, "It's nothing Xiaobing. Let's go home after work in the evening and call Yan Hong. Let's have dinner together." "Yes, all right, let's do it.    


After he hung up the phone, Shen Yinbing got up from her chair and walked to the window quickly. She opened her arms, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.    


The morning sunlight shone on Director Shen's jade-like face, as if she was plated with gold, making her beautiful face even more enchanting.    


"It's great to be able to live freely."    


Only after a long time had passed did Shen Yinbing slowly put down her outstretched arms and turn around, returning to the back of the desk.    


The normal response to a happy occasion is to share it with someone close to you.    


After she sat down, she immediately called Yan Hong who was currently staring at Southern Mountain.    


When she heard that the sword of Damocles hanging over Shen Yinbing's head had finally disappeared, Deputy Director Yan was overjoyed as well, causing Director Shen to have to comfort her in return.    


Shen Yinbing knew that Yan Hong's tears of joy came from the bottom of her heart. She was well aware that the notorious little woman had already treated her as her own daughter.    


After telling Yan Hong to go back to the villa for dinner, Shen Yinbing hung up. She tilted her chin and thought for a moment before finding Gao Fei's cell phone number.    


Shen Yinbing's original phone had already been lost at the North Supersonic. In order to make it convenient for her to contact her customers, Yan Hong had helped her get a new phone card, which was still her original number. She also saved the numbers of the people she used to contact.    


Gao Fei's cell phone number had also been changed, but it was impossible for Director Shen to pay attention to those numbers. She only needed to look at the contact's name.    


After dialing Gao Fei's number, Shen Yinbing's mood had completely returned to normal. She said calmly, "Hello, where are you?"    


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