Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C88 Teach You

C88 Teach You

Gao Fei previously treated Yan Hong as a friend that didn't need to spend money. Since they were all friends, he couldn't just ask her to spend money.    


However, after hearing Su Beishan's words, his attitude changed drastically and he treated Yan Hong as his woman.    


Spending his own woman's money was perfectly justified. Brother Fei didn't care about others saying that he was a pushover: Hmph, to eat even if he's capable!    


With a strong economic backing, Mr. Gao, who already treated money as dirt, didn't care that much. He bought 10 cigarettes in the supermarket.    


According to Mr. Gao's principle of handling affairs, if he was holding several hundred thousand yuan in pocket money, he wouldn't rent a house even if he was beaten to death.    


However, since the landlord was Shieh Hongyan, all of this was no longer a problem. Would there be a gorgeous lady like Shieh Hongyan in a five-star hotel?    


When the trunk of the car was almost full, Gao Fei drove towards 129 North Garden Street: Beautiful girl, I'm coming!    


When Gao Fei arrived at the Liberation Road, the sky had already turned dark. The street lights lit up and meandered to the distance, just like the twinkling of stars.    


"Sigh, the night scenery of Jinnan is pretty good. Which bastard said that the Jinnan City seems to be in the outskirts of Tianjin City?"    


While waiting for the red light to turn green, Gao Fei put his left elbow on the window as he looked at the roadside with a cigarette in his mouth. He felt that life was so good.    


Thinking about that landlady, Mr. Gao was even more thankful that God brought him to this world, and it was a man!    


As a man, if he didn't have the heart or the guts to act like a pervert, it would be best to go with Su Beishan when he saw that the beauty didn't want to take it for himself.    


Even the old man had said something about lust, what reason did Gao Fei have to not be tempted by the beautiful young lady?    


Was she going to learn from the hypocrites who were secretly robbing men and women, but were serious on the surface?    


While Gao Fei was trying to find more reasons to pick up girls for himself, the green light at the intersection lit up and the car in front started moving forward.    


He started the car very naturally and when he was near the zebra crossing at a uniform speed, a Shadow suddenly ran over from the right and crashed into his car.    


Gao Fei immediately braked and scolded: "F * ck, you want to find death and hang yourself, don't come to scold us for our bad luck! Seeing me drive a BMW, you think I'm rich? "    


Gao Fei got off the car swearing. He walked around the car and saw that the person who crashed into the car and squatted on the ground was a girl with her hair dyed in different colors.    


Just as the little girl was about to get up, another person ran over and shouted, "Wenwen, are you alright!?"    


"Scram!" "Don't let me see you again in the future!"    


The girl raised her head, scolded, and helped the front of the car to stand up.    


That person was stunned and did not dare to come over.    


The little girl spat towards that side, then she turned around with both hands on her waist and shouted at Gao Fei, "Idiot, how did you drive a car? Didn't you see that your grandaunt was going to ride a horse, it's you!?"    


This girl who bumped into Gao Fei's car and cursed at him turned out to be his new landlady, Zhang Wenwen.    


Gao Fei really admired Shieh Hongyan, and he also had the dirty thought of getting her into bed. For this, he was willing to pay any price other than not becoming a eunuch.    


However, this didn't mean that Gao Fei was that infatuated with Shieh Hongyan's daughter.    


On the contrary, she hated this little girl.    


"Hmph, who did I think it was? So it was you, how boring."    


Gao Fei was too lazy to argue with Zhang Wenwen because of Shieh Hongyan. He turned around and was about to leave.    


However, Zhang Wenwen pulled his arm, "Hey, hey, Gao Fei, go slowly, I have something to discuss with you!"    


"Let go, what are you trying to do in front of everyone?"    


Gao Fei shook off her hand with a righteous look.    


"Yell! I say, you with the last name Gao. Are you thinking of opening a dyeing workshop after I give you three points of color?"    


Having been rejected, Zhang Wenwen flew into a rage and once again grabbed his wrist.    


Zhang Wenwen was not happy right now. She should have been happy.    


Because when she asked her mother for the money, Shieh Hongyan gave her an extra 100 after scolding her.    


Zhang Wenwen, who got the money, coaxed Boss Shieh Hongyan at home for a while, then excitedly rushed over to find her boyfriend Betel Seed.    


Betel Seed said he was her boyfriend, but in reality, he was just a youth.    


After Zhang Wenwen went to Betel Seed's house, she found out that he had gone out with Wang Fan and the others, so she went straight to the bar where they used to hang out.    


When she arrived at the bar, she saw Betel Seed eating with a lady in his arms    


Instantly, Zhang Wenwen's small heart was greatly hurt. She grabbed the bottle of wine on the table and smashed it against the young lady's head before turning around and running out of the bar.    


Zhang Wenwen turned her head and cursed as she ran. When she crossed the road, she bumped into Gao Fei's car.    


When Zhang Wenwen saw that the driver of the car was Gao Fei, her heart stirred. She was about to give the driver a good chance, but was rejected.    


Gao Fei's ignorance made Zhang Wenwen even angrier. She grabbed his wrist and shouted, "You with the surname Gao, did you know that your grandaunt usually gets people to do things for you, causing people to come and beg for me while crying? I'm in a good mood today so I'm favoring you. I didn't expect that you, the son of a turtle, would actually start pinching me. "Seeing your smiling face, you can tell that you're lacking grass with a single glance."    


Before Zhang Wenwen could curse out any more, she felt a sharp pain on the back of her neck, and then she fell flat on the roof.    


"Hey, what's going on!?"    


Zhang Wenwen was greatly alarmed. She had just turned her head when she saw a certain someone raise his hand and slap her on her butt viciously.    


"Ah!" You … You dare to hit me? "Fuck, how dare you hit me!?    


Zhang Wenwen was stunned for a moment before struggling with all her might. "You dare to hit this mistress' head?! I will tear you into a thousand pieces!"    


Zhang Wenwen's scolding had made Gao Fei extremely angry. He pinched the back of her neck with his left hand while his right hand spasmed against her butt, "I'll make you curse. I'll make you not learn well. I'll make you not cherish the good life you're living today!"    


Because Zhang Wenwen was pleasing to the eye, coupled with her vicious scolding, Gao Fei had no mercy when he spanked her. It was definitely the truth.    


At first, Zhang Wenwen could still struggle and curse.    


However, when Gao Fei's right hand slapped her butt for the fifth time, she suddenly cried out: "Woo, woo woo!" Stop hitting me, I won't curse you anymore, aiyo! "    


"Not scolding? Too late! I have to discipline you for your mother today. Do you know how hard it is for her to feed you? Why don't you understand her? "    


Towards Zhang Wenwen's begging, Gao Fei was unmoved and just spanked her butt.    


"I didn't grow up eating shit like that. I, Gao Fei, Old Gao, Brother Gao, Uncle Gao, Uncle, Dad! Please spare me, stop hitting me, I'm a girl! "    


Zhang Wenwen cried and struggled as she used both hands to cover her butt.    


When Gao Fei was beating up the girl's ass on the street, a lot of people around saw it. However, no one cared about it. Everyone thought it was just a parent teaching a child. Didn't they hear the girl calling him 'Dad'?    


Gao Fei finally came to his senses after hearing Zhang Wenwen cry and call out that she was a girl. He released her and snorted coldly, "Hmph, to think that you have the face to know that you're a girl!"    


"Wu, wu wu, it hurts so bad. Dad, just beat me to death!"    


Zhang Wenwen cried and slipped out of the car with her hands on her hips.    


"Never mind that I'm called Dad, I don't have a daughter like you!"    


Gao Fei stared and didn't realize that the words he said were actually the words that most fathers would only say when they were angry.    


"Wu, you are my father. Otherwise, why would you hit me so ruthlessly?"    


Zhang Wenwen wiped away her tears while crying. However, she slowly turned her feet to the other side of the car. When she felt that Gao Fei didn't pose a threat, she shouted at the two young men on the roadside, "Betel Seed! Are you all f * cking fools? Seeing that her aunt has been bullied by others, but is instead watching the show! "    


Betel Seed was confused, "Oh, Wenwen, isn't he your family?"    


"Bullshit family, who the hell is he? "He's just a tenant of my family!"    


Zhang Wenwen looked at Gao Fei warily and growled, "Get the hell over here! Beat this bastard to death!"    


Betel Seed, who was hiding in the shadows beside the road with his brother, didn't hesitate when he heard Zhang Wenwen's words. He suddenly waved his hand and said, "Wang Fan, come with me!"    


Betel Seed and Wang Fan each took out a half-meter long white wax stick from their back and rushed over.    


Seeing that his daughter was actually calling out to her father, the onlookers shook their heads and sighed, "Ai, the world is on the decline after the fall of morals!"    


With a loud shout, Betel Seed rushed in front of Gao Fei and raised his white wax stick high in the air. Just as he was about to smash it down onto Gao Fei's head, he was suddenly stunned, "It, it's you!?"    


Once upon a time, Betel Seed and the rest were instructed by Peng Yuanhang to kidnap Gao Fei. They wanted to teach him a lesson — only then did they realize that this person was a despicable person who played the part of a pig to eat the tiger.    


That time by the Yellow River, Betel Seed and the others' memories were still fresh in their minds …    


Therefore, when he saw that the one he was going to beat was Gao Fei, all his courage vanished into thin air. His angry expression turned into a smile, "My, my hero, it's been a while. How have you been?"    


Gao Fei also recognized Betel Seed and his companion. Glancing at the sticks in their hands that were frozen in mid-air, he lightly said, "Scram."    


"Yes, yes, let's scram, immediately scram!"    


As if they had been pardoned, Betel Seed and his companion threw away their sticks and turned to run, but then they heard Gao Fei say, "Stop."    


Just as if dogs that pounced forward were stopped by a rope, the two of them braked and slowly turned around with a smile that was uglier than crying: "Hero, you, what else do you want?" If you don't mind this lowly one, then stop making things difficult for us and treat us like sh * t. "    


Looking at the dumbstruck Zhang Wenwen, Gao Fei said, "In the future, you are not allowed to play around with her or else you will have to bear the consequences."    


"Yes, yes. We will never stay with Wenwen again. Thank you, hero!"    


Betel Seed and Liu Yi were submissive. They waited for Gao Fei to wave his hands like he was shooing away flies before turning around and flying away.    


Gao Fei walked around the car and headed towards Zhang Wenwen.    


The little girl was frightened to the point that she covered her butt with both hands and continuously retreated, then asked with a trembling voice: "What, what are you doing?"    


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