Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

C22 Yu Bu

C22 Yu Bu

Zheng Zinuo smiled when he heard this. He hurriedly circulated the soul cultivation technique that Feng Ziyan taught him and summoned his martial soul. A faint yellow figure appeared behind him.    


"Eh? Why is it a yellow martial soul? I heard Dad say that you are an orange martial soul. Could it be that you've concealed Dad's martial soul grade?" Feng Ziyan asked doubtfully.    


"No, I don't know my own martial soul grade." Zheng Zinuo shook his head and said, "Elder Fang told me about it."    


"Oh, then Elder Fang must be mistaken. The orange color was somewhat similar, perhaps there was a mistake. " Feng Ziyan nodded her head, but still said with doubt. " But even if you are a yellow martial soul, your talent can't possibly be so high. He had just comprehended the Soul Upgrade Spell, but his soul force had already improved so quickly! Even I can't compare to you. "    


"Hehe... Is it fast?" Zheng Zinuo smiled when he heard that. He rubbed his head and said, "I feel that it's quite slow. It's probably because senior sister taught me well. Plus, this Soul Upgrade Spell is too powerful. That's why I leveled up so quickly. "    


"Of course not." Feng Ziyan said with a serious expression, "This Soul Upgrade Spell is the most basic skill that the Hidden Spirit Sect must learn. It is divided into seven levels: red, orange, yellow, blue and purple. It is the same as the martial soul, and this Soul Upgrade Spell is only given to warriors below the warrior level. It is used by children who cultivate soul power. Because the technique was gentle and slow. It will not harm the weak meridians of children, so it is widely used. After breaking through to samurai, this technique was almost useless. He had to choose the cultivation technique that was most suitable for him, so this Soul Upgrade Spell was the lowest level technique. For most people who cultivated it, even those with great talent would need at least ten days to half a month to increase their soul power. Not to mention that one had yet to undergo any sort of body transformation training to absorb the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth to transform it into soul power. How can you advance so quickly?" The more Feng Ziyan analyzed, the more puzzled she became.    


" En, that is a little strange, hehe... " Zheng Zinuo rubbed his head and laughed foolishly. Originally, he was a martial arts amateur. After suddenly obtaining a technique, his soul power immediately increased by one level. Furthermore, he could freely pull out his martial soul, not to mention how happy he was now.    


"Senior sister, don't even think about it. Isn't it good to improve quickly? It's better to quickly teach me the movement technique that you were talking about, right?" Zheng Zinuo urged. Although his soul power had increased, it had no practical value. That was not what he was thinking.    


"Hmm, you're right. It's a good thing to improve quickly." Feng Ziyan thought for a long time but could not come up with anything. She did not dare to ask her parents and other senior brothers. Otherwise, she would be exposed, so she nodded and continued. " Fine, since your comprehension ability is so strong... Then the movement down there shouldn't be too hard for you. "    


From this moment on, Feng Ziyan gradually changed her view of Zheng Zinuo. She slowly said, "Just now, you were able to use the Soul Upgrade Spell to pull out your own martial soul. Although the soul power in your martial soul is only at level four, Try using the Soul Guiding Art in the Soul Upgrade Spell. Slowly absorb the soul energy from the martial soul behind you into your body and then use your mind to suppress it. You can draw it to your legs and then slowly place it in the Gushing Spring Acupoint under your feet. This is also the place and the place. " Feng Ziyan was afraid that Zheng Zinuo would not understand, so she used her hand to point at the center of his feet and continued.    


"When you use the Soul Guiding Technique, you must be careful. Do not use it unless absolutely necessary. Do not suck out all the soul power in your martial soul. Otherwise, once you use up all of your soul power, you may suffer internal injuries. Injuring yourself, you must grasp this point well. Do you understand? This is what my parents often tell me. You must remember this."    


" Un, I understand, I'll give it a try. " Zheng Zinuo was extremely excited. He hastily chanted the Soul Guiding Incantation and slowly channeled half of his soul power, which was at level two. He used his will to lead the soul into his legs and slowly became lewd. It was like a warm spring water had been poured into the Gushing Spring Acupoint under his feet.    


At this moment, he only felt that his two feet seemed to suddenly become bigger, but in reality, there was no change at all. His legs were also filled with explosive power. He subconsciously got up, bent his legs slightly, and jumped.    


"Wow..." With a scream, Zheng Zinuo had not even used his full strength when his body flew over two meters in the air. Then, he slightly lowered his body, and his feet firmly stepped on the ground. When he turned around, he found that he was already five to six meters away from Feng Ziyan.    


"Too powerful, so powerful!" Zheng Zinuo was overjoyed, but his body turned soft and the martial soul behind him disappeared. His legs trembled slightly, and a sense of exhaustion hit his heart. Even his mind, which had been filled with excitement and clarity, felt a little dizzy.    


"What's going on?" Zheng Zinuo hurriedly reached out to support a small tree beside him. Only then did he barely manage to not fall to the ground.    


"Hahaha..." Feng Ziyan saw this and laughed loudly. She pointed at Zheng Zinuo and laughed so hard that she leaned forward and back.    


"What's wrong? Is it that funny?" Zheng Zinuo rubbed his head and took a few deep breaths. He felt that his exhaustion had improved a lot. He asked in confusion.    


"You fool, it was so funny just now. Hahaha..." Feng Ziyan laughed as she walked over and said, "Do you really think this movement technique is as simple as you memorizing the chant just now? You need to learn how to use it agilely. You just used the Soul Guiding Technique. Injecting your soul power into your legs, but do you feel that the soul power you inputted disappeared after only using it once? "    


" Yes, that's right. Moreover, you felt dizzy and dizzy, and your whole body felt weak. " Zheng Zinuo nodded and replied.    


"That's right." Feng Ziyan was no longer laughing. She explained, "Use the Soul Guiding Technique to transfer the soul power from the martial soul into your body. When you use the technique, you also need to use the Soul Guiding Technique. Circulating the soul power that you have drawn over to your legs and the Gushing Spring Acupoints under your feet unceasingly. At this time, you must cooperate with your footsteps. This is the so-called movement technique. Come, let me demonstrate it. " After saying that, Feng Ziyan stood up straight and took five unique steps with light steps. Then she stopped and continued.    


"These five steps are called Yu's Step. It is a relatively low level movement technique. When you are switching between these steps, it will be like when I take my first and second steps, there will be a pause of about one breath. Within this period of time, you must use the Soul Movement Technique and Soul Guiding Technique to work together. Only by achieving a cycle between the soul power and the legs can you complete the Yu's Step when you have used up the least soul power. And when you want to stop and stop casting the Yu's Step... The process of sending it back would also need to be slowly transmitted back to the martial soul. You cannot be too fast or too slow. Everything will be based on reality. " Feng Ziyan taught him with great care.    


Zheng Zinuo came to a realization when he heard her. He hurriedly followed Feng Ziyan's instructions. He remembered the Soul Guiding Technique and the Soul Activating Technique in his heart and practiced the Yu's Step's footwork a few times. He then summoned the martial soul again and resummoned his soul power. But this time, he became much smarter. He had only used the first level of soul force to cast the Yu's Step.    


Sure enough, Zheng Zinuo took three steps in a row. Every step he took was about two meters. Besides, he didn't feel dizzy like before. He felt happy in his heart. However, at this moment, he didn't use the Soul Activation Art to keep up with his pace. Before he could use the Soul Recovering Technique, the martial soul suddenly disappeared. His chest tightened, and he stopped again, panting for breath.    


Luckily, Zheng Zinuo's current soul power was very weak. Otherwise, these few strikes would definitely have resulted in internal injuries. This was also the reason why Feng Qingyun needed his disciples to first read the Martial Cultivation Virtue Scripture and then undergo body transformation. Wait! Only after reaching a certain level would he be able to pass down the Martial Cultivation Method.    


The Martial Cultivation Method was not as simple as he had imagined. He could use a cultivation technique to cultivate it without any worries. Without a very deep foundation of the Martial Cultivation Virtue Scripture, one wouldn't be able to understand the various meanings of the Martial Cultivation Method. Without a strong physique, one wouldn't be able to withstand the impact of the soul force. If it was light, one would suffer from severe injuries, and if it was heavy, one would suffer from qi deviation and become a cripple.    


Feng Ziyan saw that Zheng Zinuo could walk three steps with the Yu's Step for the first time, and she immediately looked at him in a new light. When she first learned the Yu's Step, she was a level eleven warrior. It took her three days to fully grasp the trick of the ___, although it seemed easy to explain. However, if the Soul Guiding Technique, the Soul Activating Technique, and the Yu's Step's steps and aura were fully combined, it would be very difficult to master them without a certain level of mastery.    


According to Feng Ziyan's thoughts, it would take Zheng Zinuo at least three to five days to master this Yu's Step Movement Technique. If he wanted to use it in real life, with his talent, it would take him at least ten days to half a month. However, he didn't expect that in less than an hour, there really wouldn't be an hour. He had completely comprehended it, although he was still a bit lacking in practical application. But she knew that Zheng Zinuo would definitely be able to use it smoothly in less than a day.    


"Senior sister, I have a question." Zheng Zinuo was not in a hurry. He rested for a while and waited for his chest to feel better before he slowly stood up and asked. " Senior sister, why didn't you bring out the martial soul when you were casting the Yu's Step?"    


"Hehe... Little fool." For some reason, Feng Ziyan liked to call Zheng Zinuo little fool. The more she called him, the more convenient it felt. She reacted and replied with a smile," Because senior sister has already reached the realm of rank 12 warrior, and has true soul power. Soul power below level ten doesn't need to be used to activate the martial soul. When you reach my level, it will be the same." After saying that, she looked at the sky and said, "Alright, it's getting late. Let's hurry down the mountain. You can slowly practice your Yu's Step and Soul Upgrade Spell, but you must never practice it in front of my senior brother and my parents. Remember it well. " After saying that, he ran down the mountain.    


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