Supreme Saint Of World

C19 Beheading

C19 Beheading

Xu Yuanba originally saw a white-clothed person riding an immortal sword, so it must be one of the country's immortals. He immediately put away the weapon in his hand and somewhat cautiously lowered his head to bow to greet him.    


When he raised his head to take a peek, he was shocked. He saw that this immortal elder was actually a delicate and pretty youth. Furthermore, he was currently glaring at him with a face full of anger!    


His heart was suddenly filled with doubt. He thought to himself that he had seen paintings of Immortals from the surrounding kingdoms, but none of them were as young as this youth and even so hostile towards him.    


Could it be that a deity from a distant country came here to roam? Thinking about how he blocked the hammer he threw out, his heart couldn't help but let out a thump. He didn't dare to hesitate as he clasped his hands and respectfully asked, "May I ask where you are from? What business do you have here?"    


"Kill you!"    


The two simple words that came out of the youth's mouth were like the clashing of metals. It was loud and clear, and contained a shocking amount of anger and killing intent, causing people to feel a chill run down their spines.    


"What?" You want to kill me! Little bastard, I guess I should be the one giving you a good slap because you don't even know your last name? Do you really think that the Innate realm is invincible!? "    


Xu Yuanba's face turned ashen when he heard that. He himself was also an Innate realm expert, but he had not yet learned any techniques in the sect, so he was unable to perfectly utilize the spirit energy within his body and could only use his physical strength. But even so, he was not someone anyone could pinch, right?    


He was initially polite, but he didn't expect this youth to not appreciate his kindness. Now it seemed that this youth had just entered the Xiantian realm and although he was playing with a flying sword, his two sledgehammers were given to him by the resident immortal.    


Thinking of this, the black-faced man's face turned into an evil grin as he stirred the Qi and blood in his body, and the muscles in his body began to exert a crazy amount of strength.    


"Little bastard!" "Come and die for your father!"    


Xu Yuanba let out a loud shout with a savage look on his face. The two hammers twisted the air and covered the hammers with a thick layer of air, quickly smashing down towards the white-clothed youth's head!    


Some of the surrounding soldiers secretly lifted their heads to peek at this scene. They were immediately scared pale. Not to mention personally experiencing it, just the sight of this might was enough to make them feel like they couldn't control themselves.    


There were also some soldiers who saw this scene and felt an unprecedented sense of pride surge through their hearts. They all brandished their weapons and shouted out crazily, "General Xu is mighty, and has slain an immortal!"    


"Slaughter the Immortal!"    


"General Xu is invincible!"    


The sound waves engulfed the entire area, causing the morale of the troops in Chu to drop even further.    


Hearing the shouts that entered his ears, the corner of Chen Fan's mouth rose. He was so angry that he started laughing, "Slaughter immortals? Hehe! Let me show you what a true Xiantian is! "    


With a wave of Chen Fan's right hand, the flying sword circling above his head turned into a streak of light and struck against Xu Yuanba's hammer with a powerful whirlwind.    




The hammers and swords clashed, and a huge gash appeared on the originally hard and heavy sledgehammer in the blink of an eye.    


At the same time, the flying sword was sent flying.    


"Haha!" Immortal? It was only this much! "Since you dare to help the Chen Army, then let's see how I'll kill you!"    


When Xu Yuanba saw that his hammer had been broken, he was shocked. He immediately saw that the flying sword was just sharp, and its power was far inferior to his own.    


The two hammers danced so tightly that not even the wind could penetrate through, sending the flying sword flying again and again. Although the surface of the hammers was full of scratches and holes, he still managed to close in on Chen Fan.    


"I'll just use you to try out my moves!"    


Seeing him approach, Chen Fan did not panic at all. With a sneer on his face, he controlled the flying sword to move forward and increase the output of his spiritual energy.    


In the blink of an eye, the runes on the flying sword lit up one by one. It was a cyan light that transformed into an azure flood dragon that bared its fangs and brandished its claws!    


This azure flood dragon was more than ten times more powerful than before!    


As the green flood dragon swallowed and spat, not only did it have a cyan wind blade accompanying it, but it also had a howling gale. The formidable pressure here made it hard for anyone to breathe!    




Xu Yuanba's expression changed greatly upon seeing this. He was unable to dodge in time, so he could only brace himself and use his hammers to meet the blow, but was sent flying by an unstoppable force. Even the two hammers were smashed into two discs.    


"NO!" "I was wrong. Please spare my life, immortal elder!"    


As he flew through the air, Xu Yuanba's entire body was spitting out blood. He watched as the azure flying sword that had turned into a flood dragon relentlessly followed him. It quickly enlarged in his eyes and was too late to do anything!    


"Isn't it too late to beg for forgiveness? Why didn't I see you begging for mercy when I just massacred the citizens of Chu and injured my father! "    


Chen Fan looked at the man, his face filled with rage. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he increased his strength.    


The flying sword that had transformed into a cyan dragon became even stronger as it charged forward at an even faster speed. The wind it brought caused the surrounding soldiers to be unable to open their eyes.    




With a loud explosion, the azure Flood Dragon passed through the black-faced man's body. The big fellow's face was filled with fear, and before he could even change his expression, his entire body had been pierced through, and he exploded into a cloud of blood!    


It was a pity that the mighty and domineering number one general of Chu didn't even have the strength to fight back against Chen Fan. He died on the spot, leaving behind nothing but a pile of bones!    


The Korean soldiers who had previously shouted for Xu Yuanba were now choked by an invisible giant hand, unable to make a single sound.    


Not only that, all of them lowered their heads with pale faces. They wished that they could drop them to the ground. They were afraid that Chen Fan would notice their shouts and kill them all out of anger.    


Chen Fan withdrew his azure flying sword and floated in the air. He stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the hundreds of thousands of Korean soldiers with a cold expression.    


"Whoever offends the soldiers of our Zhenyuan Army will be killed without mercy!"    


After taking a deep breath, he let out a loud exhale. The spiritual energy in his body mixed with a strong killing intent as it fused into these eleven words.    


The sound waves rumbled, and the killing intent and might of heaven and earth contained within the words caused the frightened soldiers within a hundred meters to turn pale. They knelt on the ground, trembling, unable to raise their heads.    


"Immortal Elder is mighty!"    


After a while, a loud noise suddenly came from the Zhen Yuan Army. When the soldiers of Chu saw that this immortal elder, who was displaying an invincible attitude, was on their side, they all stood up happily and raised their weapons to cheer.    


"Could this person be Immortal Elder Ye!?" They have come to save us! "    


After Chen Tiexin woke up in his tent, he was told by Guo Lin that he was saved by a white-clothed immortal elder outside. Just as he wanted to ask, he heard a shocking shout from outside the tent. He quickly had the soldiers carry him and force him out.    


As soon as he opened the tent, Chen Tiexin saw the back of the white-clothed, imposing figure. His heart was instantly excited and his face was full of joy. He thought to himself that the Zhen Yuan Army could be saved today.    


"Release the arrows!" Even if he is an Innate Ranker, we can still grind him to death! "    


After the sound wave dissipated, a pale general from the Korean Army stood up shakily and looked at Chen Fan with a stern expression.    


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