Heaven Slautering War God



Li Chen hit her as he scolded, "Who gave you the courage to provoke me? Had he eaten the heart of a bear or the guts of a leopard? If I don't teach you a lesson, you won't know that you're just a dog. "    


The more Li Chen scolded, the uglier Xu Shaoyun's face became. Li Chen did not slap that disciple, but Xu Shaoyun's face!    


"Enough!" Xu Shaoyun said fiercely.    


It was as if Li Chen had never heard of it, the sound of his palm slapping kept ringing!    


"You!" Xu Shaoyun's expression turned cold, and a flame instantly ignited in his hand as he charged towards Li Chen.    


Li Chen was already prepared. The moment Xu Shaoyun moved, he threw the youth in his hands out, and with a flash, the keel bar appeared in his hands. Not giving Xu Shaoyun the chance to retract his hand, Li Chen's keel bar was fiercely swung out!    




Xu Shaoyun let out a scream and retreated quickly. He then squinted his eyes and looked at Li Chen with an expression of disbelief: "You sneaked an attack on me?"    


Li Chen chuckled: "Young Master Xu, those words are very interesting. You were the one who made the first move, I was just passively defending, how can you say that I ambushed you?"    


Xu Shaoyun's face alternated between white and red. What Li Chen said was right, he was the one who made the first move, and also the one who accused others of sneak attacks. No matter how one looked at it, it felt like there was a thief calling for a thief.    


In the eyes of others,'s sneak attack on Li Chen had indeed failed, but Xu Shaoyun himself knew that at that moment, Li Chen had used her keel bar to ruthlessly smash his arm.    


"Looks like if I don't teach you a lesson today, you really think you're invincible!" Xu Shaoyun scoffed, and the surrounding flames appeared. A Fire Wolf opened its mouth and roared, and pounced towards Li Chen.    


"An insignificant skill!" Li Chen scoffed, but even though he said it like that, he did not dare to underestimate his opponent. After all, Xu Shaoyun's strength was far stronger than Xu Shaotian's.    


No one could recognize the Life Transmutation Incantation in this place, so Li Chen naturally no longer hid his feelings. With a hand and two hands, the keel bar slowly slid across the air, and the black colored spiritual strength s' hand filled with palms, only to see that the originally incomparably ruthless fire wolf actually slowly quieted down. It continuously swam under Li Chen's palm, and slowly turned into a ball of ordinary flames, before finally dissipating within Li Chen's palm.    


Li Chen licked his lips, "Is there anything else? Bring it over as well! "    


"You!" Xu Shaoyun's expression was strange, as he could not believe the scene in front of his eyes. He activated his Cultivation Methods in disbelief, and suddenly, another ten fire wolves rushed towards Li Chen.    


Li Chen was surrounded by Fire Wolves on all sides, but he was still calm and composed on all sides. Tens of black fogs appeared on Li Chen's palm, which seemed to have life of its own as they surrounded the dozens of Fire Wolves, pulling them closer and closer to Li Chen. The fire wolves got smaller and smaller in Li Chen's palms, but they became brighter and brighter, and finally turned into a ball of light in Li Chen's hands.    


Xu Shaoyun's face was overwhelmed with shock, he could not believe that his fire wolves had actually been completely refined by Li Chen.    


"Is the Fire Wolf Skill that powerful? I might as well let you experience my Tactics of the Broken Wolf! " Li Chen sneered.    


"What Savage Wolf Tactic?" Xu Shaoyun was at a loss.    


Li Chen did not wait for Xu Shaoyun to regain his senses, with a flash of his hand, a ball of light flew towards Xu Shaoyun and the rest.    


The ball of light was not even the size of a bowl, but once it got closer, Xu Shaoyun could clearly see that there were dozens of golden colored little wolves running around inside the ball.    


Boom!" The whole room rumbled. The light ball quickly exploded and swallowed Xu Shaoyun and the other two.    


Li Chen carelessly took the jade from the three people behind, causing Xu Shaoyun to be startled and angry at the same time, as he continuously glared at Li Chen with his eyes.    


"Want to kill me?" Then come if you have the ability! I will follow you to the end! " Li Chen sneered, and unhesitatingly scraped all three of their jade hands clean. He then called out to Su Qingluo and Chang Chunfeng, and the three of them continued to climb towards the fifth floor.    


Su Qingluo and Chang Chunfeng looked at Li Chen with a weird expression. The two of them were extremely surprised at Li Chen's strength, to the point that they did not even put the people from Seven Scholars Sect in their eyes.    


Every level ahead was getting harder and harder to advance.    


There were many mechanisms that Li Chen and the rest wasted a lot of effort on.    


"Level seven!" This place is so quiet! " Chang Chunfeng said softly.    


The three of them continued onward. In the blink of an eye, they had already reached the seventh level.    


The name of the seventh floor was the Heart Lock Layer. When Li Chen and the other two arrived at one room, they waited quietly. A wave of faint noise came from the air.    


"What's that?" A black shadow flew past quickly, scaring Su Qingluo and causing him to scream out loud.    


"What kind of monsters did we encounter on this level?" Li Chen could not help but be confused.    


The monster did not appear, but continued to let out ear-piercing noises, which immediately made the minds of Li Chen and the other two unwell. Li Chen gritted his teeth, and with his Divine Sense, he surrounded himself, causing the power of the noise to gradually decrease. Su Qingluo and Chang Chunfeng anxiously did as he said, but helplessly, the two of them, as spiritual consciousness s, were not as powerful as Li Chen, so they were more or less affected by it.    


"That thing is over there!" Li Chen shouted. In a corner not far away, a huge bat shaped monster was hanging upside down on the roof.    


Li Chen walked forward amidst the loud noise. The further he walked, the louder the ear-piercing sound became, and Li Chen turned to worriedly look at Chang Chunfeng and Su Qingluo who were following him. As expected, their foreheads were already covered with sweat.    


"Wait for me here! Protect your mind! Don't let this monster take the chance to disturb your mind! If I am not careful and fail to pass this hurdle is small, then I might have to leave my heart demon behind and cause a huge impact to my future path of martial arts! "    


Hearing Li Chen's words, the two of them stopped and focused on protecting their minds.    


As for Li Chen, he looked at the monster hanging at the corner of the wall. The monster seemed to have sensed something and actually slowly opened its eyes to look at him.    


The pair of fiery red eyes swept across Li Chen with a sharp gaze, and then, the ear-piercing sound became all the more intense.    


Li Chen frowned, he waved his finger and a burst of powerful force transformed into a sharp blade that slashed forward.    


The monster let out two disdainful snorts, and the power instantly dissipated within the room.    


Li Chen raised his eyebrows, this monster was actually not touching a single spiritual strength! Could it be that only the attacks of the Spiritual Sense could affect it?    


One of them quickly separated out, and the golden light turned into a golden sword that quickly slashed across the sky. The monster's eyes blossomed with a strange color, and following that, it actually flew out from the corner.    


Only now did Li Chen clearly see what the monster looked like.    


The monster's entire body was covered in dense black hair, and although it wasn't very long, it's entire body was covered. The blood red eyes on its face revealed two sharp teeth, and a pair of gigantic wings hung by its side, as though it could pounce at any time and tear the Spiritual Sense that Li Chen had turned into pieces!    


Li Chen was not afraid at all, the golden spiritual consciousness in front of him had turned into a golden dagger and slashed straight towards the monster's face!    


Seeing that the short sword was right in front of its eyes, the monster opened its mouth and swallowed it, revealing its bloody mouth.    


Li Chen was startled, he felt a powerful force ripping his spiritual consciousness apart. He clenched his teeth and endured, the small golden sword rushing in the monster's mouth did not disappear, but instead, became stronger!    


Li Chen's heart was startled, the golden little sword had transformed into a humanoid shape, if one looked carefully, one would see that the person was similar to Li Chen, the golden little person raised his fist and punched towards the monster!    


At the same time, the noise in the room became louder and louder! Su Qingluo and Chang Chunfeng had already started to lose blood from their seven orifices!    


Li Chen was furious, he released another strand of consciousness, transforming into a golden little person. The two little people working together, the monster kept on releasing miserable cries.    


"Break for me!" Li Chen roared out, his Spiritual Sense suddenly multiplied, the monster screamed out, and the little gold man inside the monster's body finally broke through the monster's body and rushed out!    


Amongst the wutu tower, the monster would not die. It would evolve from a few spirit stone, and even if it disappeared now, another one would appear after about half a quarter of an hour.    


Li Chen quickly helped Su Qingluo and his group up, and the three of them quickly climbed down to the next level.    


Fortunately, they did not encounter any strong monsters next. Li Chen, Su Qingluo, and the other two had a tacit understanding and completed the mission.    


In front of them, Li Chen could see Li Fanyin and Ning Caifu from afar.    


Ning Caifu seemed to want to come over and greet Li Chen, but in the end, because of the two fellow disciples beside him, they couldn't come over. He only smiled at Li Chen from afar.    


Li Fanyin, on the other hand, had nothing to worry about. He walked over and his slender figure straightened: "Congratulations for passing the trial. I'll be waiting for you from the back!"    


Li Chen nodded.    


Following that, there were a few people who passed the trial. Some of them even had injuries of varying sizes.    


When it was about to end, Li Chen saw the three people from Seven Scholars Sect.    


The three of them looked extremely miserable, this was all thanks to Li Chen's last technique, the "Savage Wolf Tactic"!    


Xu Shaoyun glared at Li Chen viciously, wishing that he could immediately grind Li Chen's bones to dust!    


"Brother Shaoyun?" How did you become like this? " A cry of alarm sounded out.    


It was a man with a strong and hard face, who looked at Xu Shaoyun in disbelief.    


Xu Shaoyun was in a rather sorry state, but it seemed that he was rather familiar with the man. In front of everyone, he just barely managed to smile, "I accidentally suffered a little."    


Xu Shaoyun took out three jade stones, which could be considered as having completed his mission and earned the qualifications to participate in the next round.    


Li Chen knew, that Xu Shaoyun must have robbed the disciples of the other sects, which was why he had the qualifications to enter the next competition.    


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