Heaven Slautering War God



Song City's face paled when he heard it. He could tell that Li Chen wasn't willing to let him go.    


"If you are willing to tell me the formula for the Heavencraft Pill, I can actually let you die a little easier." Li Chen said. Seeing that the Song City's expression had changed, Li Chen chuckled. "If you are not willing, then I can only take it myself!"    


Hearing that, the Song City thought of something. He was only at the Cast Divine Martial Sect, so Li Chen must have used some methods to tie him up. If Li Chen dared to try and pry into his strength, maybe there would be a chance of him suffering a backlash!    


After all, the Song City was sealed by spiritual strength and not by spiritual consciousness.    


Li Chen did not know what the Song City was thinking, but even if he knew, Li Chen only smiled faintly, and did not put it to heart. He himself was an outstanding spiritual consciousness, and had not eaten any losses for a long time.    


Seeing that Song City turned his head, as if he did not want to hear what he had said, Li Chen laughed, and immediately went up, he would not show any mercy, as for whether Song City would become a fool later on, it had nothing to do with him.    


Li Chen's spiritual will transformed into a small sword, shooting out from between his brows straight into Song City's mind.    


Song City snorted. As a Martial Ancestor, Li Chen's Spiritual Sense was like taking his memories. He was truly underestimating him!    




The spiritual consciousness in Song City's mind surged, Li Chen's spiritual consciousness was like a small boat being pushed around.    


Li Chen smiled faintly, he did not have any intentions of doing so.    


The Song City's spiritual consciousness wrapped Li Chen within it, wanting to directly shatter it.    


Even though he was surrounded by the spiritual consciousness, Li Chen remained calm. The spiritual consciousness turned into a small golden man and with a small golden sword in hand, he slashed horizontally and vertically at the spiritual consciousness that was formed by the Song City!    


Song City never thought that Li Chen would be so overbearing, his face became pale under his carelessness, he anxiously retracted his spiritual strength and stood in front of Li Chen like a giant.    


"You overestimate yourself!" Amidst my surging spiritual consciousness, I will make it so that you will not be able to return! " Song City laughed coldly, in his eyes, Li Chen was already a dead man! If Li Chen was not greedy and directly killed the sealed him, Song City might not even have the ability to retaliate.    


Now? The Song City believed that Li Chen was just walking into his trap!    


In front of the Song City's spiritual consciousness, Li Chen's spiritual consciousness was like an ant facing a giant. The sarcasm at the corner of Song City's mouth grew bigger and bigger, and that spiritual consciousness Giant wanted to directly crush Li Chen's little gold man!    


Li Chen's little golden person was extremely nimble, disappearing without a trace in a flash.    


Song City was not impatient. In his spiritual consciousness, there was nothing Li Chen could hide! Her mind transformed into a hand that once again pressed down towards Li Chen.    


Because it was currently in Song City's mind, Song City felt that this strike was definitely certain. He did not expect that Li Chen had no intention of dodging it at all! The golden figure was becoming increasingly resplendent!    


"You're courting death!" The Song City roared, and that large hand was about to scatter Li Chen's spiritual consciousness.    


The little golden person actually leaped into the air, a white light flashed golden, that golden light was like a sharp dagger, directly slicing Song City's spiritual consciousness into two wherever it went!    


"NO!" "That's impossible!" Song City screamed in fear. The spiritual consciousness was injured and blood started to flow out from between his eyebrows. He held his forehead with one hand and looked as terrified as if Li Chen was a demon.    


The golden little person did not care about the wall formed by the Song City's spiritual consciousness at all.    


The other party's spiritual consciousness, even if it was just a little bit, was this pure. The Song City was shocked, but the look in his eyes became more vicious.    


Li Chen's spiritual consciousness seemed to be uninhabited, but just as he was about to retrieve the Song City's memories, a voice came out.    


A group of spiritual consciousness started to attack Li Chen.    


The little golden person had no fear. Destroying a spiritual consciousness like this was already not something that could be done in one or two groups.    


However, the spiritual consciousness in front of him seemed to be different, it was wrapped tightly, the moment Li Chen's little gold man met it, Li Chen immediately cursed in his heart.    


When the Song City's spiritual consciousness scattered, there was actually a sharp sword embedded in the center of the mass of spiritual consciousness!    


The sharp sword glowed with green light and clashed with Li Chen's golden sword.    




The small cyan sword flew into the little golden person's body, the sword's hilt started to roll, unexpectedly wanting to directly shatter Li Chen's little golden person!    


What treasure is this!? could actually directly attack his Spiritual Sense.    


The little golden person being attacked, Li Chen was not anxious, it was only a part of his many divine senses, even if it was destroyed it would not affect him much, at most he could just cultivate again, but Li Chen was very interested in the Song City's cyan colored sword.    


He had to get it!    


As Li Chen thought about this, another strand of his divine sense entered the body of the Song City.    


The Song City had already taken out a treasure, but unfortunately, he did not destroy a strand of Li Chen's divine will, causing the Song City to be extremely unwilling to see Li Chen's divine will again, causing him to feel anxious.    


Li Chen's expression remained calm as the second strand of spiritual will turned into a golden shield in the hands of the little golden person.    


"It's useless!" Song City sneered, he firmly believed that his own spiritual will was still able to penetrate Li Chen's shield and felt that victory was already in his grasp.    


"Is that so?" Li Chen smiled faintly.    


The tiny golden figure was gasping for breath as it soared into the air, ready to pounce on the small cyan sword.    


The small azure sword moved forward, and just as the two were about to merge together, the shield turned into a huge net and was thrown by the tiny golden figure.    


The golden net enveloped the cyan colored small sword, the sudden change shocking Song City, his spiritual consciousness controlled the cyan colored treasure sword and was about to cut open a path, but at this time, the golden little person stood beside him, holding his golden sword and started slashing horizontally!    


Song City's face was a mess, he knew he was going to lose!    


But his eyes were filled with unwillingness, he stared with his eyes wide open, and the little golden person forced him to let go of the cyan sword. The moment the cyan sword became a masterless object, the big net instantly covered him and brought him out of Song City's body.    


Li Chen took the green sword, and in the air, the sword revealed a shadow. Li Chen did not look for it in detail. He decided to study it after he got rid of the Song City.    


At this time, Li Chen's little golden person was already running around randomly in Song City's sea of consciousness. Without a weapon, Song City could only cover her head and run around randomly.    


Li Chen forcefully broke open the Song City's sea of consciousness, and when he saw those seven-colored fragments of memories, he pulled them out without hesitation.    




The moment Li Chen grabbed onto the memory, Song City let out a painful cry, and his seven orifices started bleeding. When the memory was pulled out, Song City rolled his eyes, and fainted straight away.    


At this time, there was nothing that could stop Li Chen's little gold man in his sea of consciousness.    


However, Li Chen still grabbed the memories of the Song City to look carefully. Li Chen really wanted to find those fragments regarding his father, but unfortunately, it was just as the Song City had said before.    


Li Chen sighed. When he found a memory that was flashing with a rainbow light, he knew that this was definitely the medicinal formula of the Heavenly Mystery Pill.    


Li Chen immediately noted it down.    


After searching through the Song City's memories, Li Chen began to despise the Song City more and more.    


Because most of his memories were of women.    


At this time, Li Chen had begun to miss Ling Zui a little.    


Shaking his head, he pushed away the bad thoughts in his mind, then Li Chen stepped forward and ended Song City's life.    


Inside the Gate of Heavenly Secrets, a light yellow jade formula suddenly shattered.    


Song Wu was shocked, and recognized that this was the Song City's life stone.    


"Song City is in trouble!"    


Song Wu's face sank, and quickly sent people to find out where Song City was.    


Li Chen knew from the memories of the Song City that there was also a Stone of Life. When an important figure like the Song City died, he would definitely be valued.    


Li Chen was a little worried for Ling Zui.    


He had the other three great sects follow him to the Spring Mansion.    


They came just in time, the people of Gate of Heavenly Secrets had not come yet.    


Li Chen looked carefully, and only left after he found that there was no trace of Ling Zui. He reckoned that Ling Zui knew that if something were to happen to the Song City, he would definitely be out of luck, so he left first.    


It was still not dawn yet. Li Chen thought about it, and felt that Song Wu would definitely want to investigate the cause of Song City's death at this time. Gate of Heavenly Secrets would definitely be in a mess.    


Li Chen's body paused for a moment, and decided to bring the Wu Zong from the three great families to Gate of Heavenly Secrets.    


Li Chen's decision was naturally not refuted by the three great martial sects. They were waiting for the Gate of Heavenly Secrets's time to reap some rewards.    


Inside Gate of Heavenly Secrets, Song Wu's face was filled with worry.    


He wanted to personally investigate the cause of death of the Song City, but he still needed to protect the Gate of Heavenly Secrets at the moment.    


With someone coming to report it, Song City became even more anxious after hearing it. Although he knew that it might not end well for Song City, Song Wu still hoped that he had a glimmer of hope.    


When he heard that the person who came over could not find the Song City, his expression could no longer be described as ugly anymore.    


"Trash!" Song Wu scolded the few people who rushed back.    


These were the followers who had followed Song City down the mountain to the Spring Mansion Restaurant.    


Normally, the Song City would go out and play together with a few people. Normally, the few of them would rush to do this because when the Song City was playing, he would give them silver and let them play with him.    


How could they have known that something would happen to them this time? What was even more terrifying was that they still did not know what happened to Song City. It was only until Song Wu's men appeared and fished them out of their beds that they knew that Song City was probably dead!    


If the Song City died, these people would definitely not live!    


"Sect Leader, please allow us to atone for our deeds of atonement! We will definitely find Elder Song! " One of the lackeys braced himself and said.    


"Redemption for meritorious service?" Song Wu squinted his eyes, staring straight at the followers in front of him with a cold feeling in their hearts, not daring to look him in the eye.    


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