Control The World



Who knows how many days later.    


Ning Wufeng and the rest could barely determine the direction from the map and left the void.    


Where they appeared was a vast forest. The Void Beast tore open the space, and the whirring of space and undercurrent surged out.    


"Xiao Kong, thank you." Ning Wufeng shouted, and let the Void Beast leave.    


"Screech ~ ~"    


After interacting with them for a few days, the Void Beast seemed to be extremely reluctant to part with them as it rubbed its hands on Ning Wufeng's neck.    


"Hurry up and go." Ning Wufeng said.    


Zhao Wuqing shouted, "Master, since it wants to follow you so much, just let it follow you."    


Ning Wufeng shook his head and said, "Void is its home. Follow me, I can't give it that much."    


He stroked the hair on the Void Beast's neck and said: "Come find me when you reach adulthood."    


A strand of faintly discernible Soul Strength s emitted out from Ning Wufeng's body, transforming into a rope. Ning Wufeng then took out a Spirit Elemental Crystal that was carved into the shape of a Void Beast, tied it up and tied it to the scale on the Void Beast's neck.    


With this Soul Strength, in the future, if Little Kong wanted to find him, he could come and find him.    


"Screech ~ ~"    


The Void Beast cried out unwillingly and left after Ning Wufeng's constant urging.    


The rifts in space slowly began to close.    


"Father, look! The sky is splitting apart!" A youth's voice sounded from within the forest, and his voice revealed a sense of fear.    


A sturdy hunter walked out from behind the rocks, carrying a Demonic Beast on his shoulder. Its body was extremely sturdy. He raised his head to look at the sky, and his face revealed the same shocked expression.    


In the air, Ning Wufeng heard the two's words and his expression could not help but change slightly.    


It was a good opportunity to ask the two of them for information. He muttered to himself for a moment, and let Zhao Wuqing bring him down to the ground.    


"Immortal ?" Immortals ? "To descend to the mortal world." The hunter saw that Ning Wufeng and the others were heading towards him, and looked at them with his agape eyes and mouth agape, and spoke with difficulty.    


He was of the Purple Lake Stage, the strongest cultivator in their manor. However, there was a huge gap between him and the legendary Immortal Realm, who could tear apart space itself.    


Ning Wufeng swept his eyes across the two of them and smiled: "We are not immortals, we are only using some special methods."    


With a wave of his hand, hundreds of Spirit Elemental Crystal appeared in his hand and he handed them over to the hunter.    


"I want to ask you something."    


When the hunter saw the Spirit Elemental Crystal, a surprised look flashed past his eyes, and he immediately waved his hand, and said: "Immortal, if you have anything, feel free to ask Han Jiang. The Spirit Elemental Crystal s cannot be used. "    


A strange look appeared in Ning Wufeng's eyes. He looked at the father and son pair, these few hundred Spirit Elemental Crystal would definitely be able to greatly improve their lives, but the father and son actually could not be moved.    


"Alright, you don't have to call me immortal, my name is Ning Wufeng." Ning Wufeng took back his Spirit Elemental Crystal and asked: "Where are we?"    


"Master Ning, this is the outskirts of the Great Sun City. Our Han Village is not far away. " Han Jiang said straightforwardly. After all, he was the number one person in the Han Village, and could be considered to have seen a lot of things, so he quickly recovered.    


The kid behind him curiously looked at Ning Wufeng and the others.    


"Outside the Great Sun City?" Ning Wufeng's eyes lit up, and asked again: "Then how long will it take to get to Great Sun City?"    


"Fifteen to sixteen days." Han Jiang said straightforwardly. He had been fortunate enough to follow a caravan of big merchants to the Great Sun City.    


Sixteen days?    


Ning Wufeng's expression slightly changed. With the Purple Lake Stage's speed of fifteen to sixteen days, it should not even take a few days for them. He heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. It was a good thing that the direction wasn't too far off.    


He looked at Ouye Qian who was on Zhao Wuqing's back and muttered to himself for a moment. "Since this place is not far from Great Sun City, we might as well stay here for a while and take a look at Ouye Qian's injuries."    


"Alright." Yan Ling said straightforwardly.    


Zhao Wuqing and Hei Hukui also nodded in agreement.    


Ning Wufeng looked at Han Jiang and asked: "We would like to stay in Han Village for a while, is that alright?"    


"Of course." Han Jiang's face lit up, he never thought that these immortals would actually want to go to his own villa, and immediately became overjoyed and nodded in agreement.    


He no longer cared about hunting, leading Ning Wufeng and the others as he quickly rushed towards Han Village.    


Along the way, Ning Wufeng felt that the Purple Lake Stage was moving too slowly, so he let Yan Ling and Hei Hukui carry them in the air.    


"Wow." Han Jiang's child cried out in surprise, his hands and feet dancing. He had only heard his father say that there were many flying immortals in the Great Sun City, but flying was something that was hard for them to reach.    


Han Jiang was also excited.    


They needed to walk for the better part of a day, so Ning Wufeng and the rest could fly in the air for only the time it takes to drink a cup of tea.    


There were countless of villas like the Han Village, all around the border of the Great Sun City. The Great Sun City was the main city, and there were dozens of secondary cities surrounding it. There were tens of thousands of prefectures and towns outside the city. There was only a manor like the Han Village at the outer perimeter of the town.    


Of course there were villages smaller than Han Village.    


Ning Wufeng came in front of the Han Village, and it was as if he had returned to it. Back then, the strongest practitioner in Qinglong Town did not even have much Acupoint Opening Stage, and had already forced them to a narrow escape. Even the strongest warrior in the Jiangning Prefecture only had the strength of Purple Lake Stage.    


Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he had already entered the Pseudo-pill Stage and became the "immortal" as everyone in Han Village called him.    


When the people of Han Village saw Ning Wufeng and the others flying over, they all ran out to watch the commotion.    


"Father, are they Immortals?" the child asked in his childish voice.    


"Right." The man from Han Village nodded heavily. In their eyes, the Spirit Soul Stage cultivator was an immortal existence.    


"Brother Jiang, to think that you could actually bring the deity to my Han Village. My ancestors truly have smoke rising." There were some old men who looked at Ning Wufeng and the others excitedly.    


Normally, it would be rare for a Spirit Soul Stage cultivator to come here, something that only happened once every few decades.    


After landing, Han Jiang indicated for his youngest son to go and play at the side. Then, he respectfully led Ning Wufeng and the others into the manor.    


The people of Han Village looked at Ning Wufeng and the others with reverence, and stepped aside.    


Ning Wufeng and the rest followed Han Jiang and walked quite a distance, only then did this group of people dare to watch from afar.    


Han Jiang's youngest son rushed into the group of people and was immediately surrounded by a group of children. He excitedly told the people around him how it felt to fly.    


A group of children chattered excitedly.    


"This is our fee for living in the Han Village. Take it first and prepare some food for my friends." Ning Wufeng handed over the dozens of Spirit Elemental Crystal to Han Jiang.    


"I can't, I can't." Han Jiang quickly waved his hand and rejected it, saying: "For an immortal to be able to come, it is my duty to clean the hall for Han Village, the Spirit Elemental Crystal must not come."    


"What are you talking about? My master told you to take it, so take it." Zhao Wuqing said in a low voice.    


Han Jiang laughed awkwardly, and said respectfully: "Then, many thanks to the deity for the gift."    


He took the Spirit Elemental Crystal and let Ning Wufeng and the rest rest rest for a while in the courtyard before jogging out.    


Zhao Wuqing looked around and laughed, then said: "Master, this reminds me of when we were at Jiangning Prefecture back then."    


Ning Wufeng nodded slightly, gesturing for him to put Ouye Qian down.    


The Soul Strength gently vibrated and began to treat Ouye Qian's injuries. Ouye Qian had been devoured by the Void Beast's Void Laws. At this time, the Soul Strength was extremely weak.    


Ning Wufeng's Soul Strength entered her body bit by bit.    


Ah!" Ouye Qian involuntarily let out a groan.    


"Master, this woman treats us like this, and you still treat her? In my opinion, we should have just left her on the Sky-breaking Boat and let her and Feng Ruxiao perish together. " Zhao Wuqing said indignantly.    


"No matter what, she is a member of the Ouye Family." Ning Wufeng did not speak, but instead explained. "Don't forget, your life is only half of the credit to Master Ou Ye."    


Zhao Wuqing scratched his head, it was true. And in order to save him, the person from Ouye Family had died in the hands of the Flourishing and Withering Ghost King.    


Half a day passed.    


Ning Wufeng slowly opened his eyes. The injuries to his soul were not light, it would take at least a day or two.    


"Han Jiang hasn't come yet?" he asked lightly.    


Zhao Wuqing suddenly said: "Oh, that guy ran out and hasn't come back yet."    


Ning Wufeng closed his eyes and released his consciousness. A moment later, his expression slightly changed.    


"Come, let's go out and take a look." Han Village seems to be in trouble. " Ning Wufeng stood up and let Zhao Wuqing carry him, and they walked out together.    


At this time, outside the Han Village, hundreds of Iron Armor Knights were circling the manor, stirring up dust and stones.    


"Han Jiang, it's already the end of the month. How is your Han Village preparing for the hundred Spirit Elemental Crystal?" A knight waved his whip and shouted loudly.    


Han Jiang's face changed slightly as he said with difficulty, "Master, our Han Village's tribute from last month has already been handed over. "It hasn't started yet, isn't it too early to hand it in now?"    


The leader of this group of armored riders was Spirit Soul Stage cultivator. A single hand could crush any one of their Han Village to death. How could Han Jiang dare to offend them?    


"There's nothing we can do about it. Who asked our Young Master's luck to be so bad recently? He lost five hundred thousand Spirit Elemental Crystal last night. You can only blame your bad luck, and ask for your blessings to not be properly blessed by our young master. " The leader sneered.    


When the people of Han Village heard that, they all revealed discontented expressions.    


"Why should we pay for his loss?"    


"That's right, we are going too far. Even if you kill us, we won't be able to take out a hundred Spirit Elemental Crystal. "    


"Right, even if you kill us, you won't be able to take it out."    


The impetuous men shouted loudly. Their faces turned red as they glared at the group of knights.    


"Pa ?"    


The leader of the riders lashed out with his whip, knocking the one who was shouting the loudest to the ground, and he died on the spot.    


"Lowly citizen!" I want to see who dares to make a ruckus, so that they will suffer the same fate as us! " Pointing the short whip at the dead man, the knight's leader swept his sinister gaze in all directions.    


Sure enough, killing a chicken to set an example caused the others to instantly quieten down.    


"Lowly citizen, if you don't give me some face, I really don't know how powerful you are." The leader looked pleased with himself.    


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