Control The World



Situ Ke and the rest immediately rushed forward to help Wu Gang up.    


Chuchu also rode his White Jade Elk, bringing Ning Wufeng back to Shaoyan's camp.    


Someone muttered to himself, "Senior Brother Ning, why didn't you just kill Zhao Wuji with such a good opportunity? If that's the case, the army of the Young Qin Empire will definitely be thrown into chaos."    


Ning Wufeng smiled and looked at him.    


"Now is not the time to kill Zhao Wuji." Zhao Jun said lightly, "He has not completely grasped the absolute power of the allied forces of the three forces. If we kill him, it will only incite the wrath of the Qin Clan's army, and at that time, it will be disadvantageous to us. "    


"Leaving him behind will instead divide the enemy forces and buy us more time."    


A distance of one hundred fifty kilometers, two days of time, was all that was left for Shaoyan Empire.    


"Ning Wufeng, this king will definitely get back the humiliation of today!" Opposite of them, Wu Gang roared as the army of the three forces retreated like a receding tide.    


Although the Giant Ape Clan and its forces were not willing to retreat, Wu Gang had already made up his mind. With the retreat of the main army, even with the strength of both sides, it would still be difficult to take down the Shaoyan Empire.    


Although the Giant Ape Clan and his forces were unwilling, they still retreated.    


Zhao Jun heaved a heavy sigh of relief. The Young Qin army had retreated three hundred kilometers, which was equivalent to giving him two more days of time. At the same time that he felt incomparable joy, he was also shocked by Ning Wufeng's Inherent Skill.    


Although Ning Wufeng was only at the late period of Violet Lake Stage's strength level, but compared to the battle power that he had exploded with just now, he was no weaker than a cultivator at all.    


With such a terrifying Inherent Skill, Zhao Jun was secretly glad that this person was his Junior Brother.    


"Little Brother Ning's strength is indeed extraordinary." Ye Qiongtian said loudly, but in his heart, he felt extremely regretful. If he had been able to get and him together back then, then Ning Wufeng would have been considered as a person with half of the Ye Family.    


But, thinking about it, Ning Wufeng and Chuchu were childhood friends. Furthermore, in the battle just now, the strength that Chuchu had exploded forth could also be said to be "monstrous".    


When two people who were equally strong walked together, Ye Qiongtian didn't even dare imagine how far they would travel in the future.    


"Ye Family Master is flattering me." Ning Wufeng smiled and said.    


"A brave man can only show off for a moment. In the end, it's not a long term plan." An indifferent voice sounded from behind the crowd. It sounded extremely ear-piercing.    


Originally, everyone was immersed in the joy of Ning Wufeng defeating "Zhao Wuji", but after hearing his words, it was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over them.    


Ling Xiao glared as he turned around and shouted, "Li Que, if you have the ability, then force the Little Qin Empire to retreat three hundred li, and retreat directly towards Zhao Dou! Don't embarrass your Undying Li Family again. "    


The person who came was Li Que, the one who was previously injured by Ning Wufeng's Astral Slaughter. He recovered quite a bit, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt unresigned, that a dignified family head like the Immortal Li Family would actually fall into the hands of a wet behind the ears brat!    


Therefore, when everyone was praising Ning Wufeng, Li Que couldn't help but pour cold water on them.    


"Ling Xiao, you ?" Li Que's face turned white, he pointed at Ling Xiao, and his entire body trembled in anger.    


"Am I wrong? These little tricks will only quell the thirst for a moment. In the end, it's not a long term plan. " He snorted lightly. "If you're really capable, then take out some real items."    


Zhao Jun's spearhead was pointed straight at Ning Wufeng, not caring about his expression in the slightest, and said with a deep voice: "Could it be that Li Family has a good idea?"    


Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to hear Zhao Jun's dissatisfaction.    


Li Que's face changed slightly as he kept his mouth shut. Even if he had the strength of late stage Spirit Soul Stage, he simply could not use the methods Ning Wufeng used against him.    


It was impossible for Wu Gang to be so stupid as to accept the challenge of a cultivator in the late stage of the Spirit Soul Stage, let alone enrage Wu Gang and force him to retreat three hundred Li.    


The army of eight hundred thousand from the Young Qin Empire returned to the camp, while Ning Wufeng and the rest returned to the camp.    


Li Que looked at Ning Wufeng with an unfriendly expression. Ning Wufeng pretended not to know, and occasionally exchanged a few words with Ling Xiao and the others, and ignored Li Que.    


"Everyone, right now, although the Young Qin Imperial Family has already withdrawn three hundred kilometers, it has managed to buy us some time to prepare. However, if we are outnumbered, we will still be forced into a passive state when we engage in another confrontation. " Zhao Jun muttered to himself as he looked around.    


"Therefore, we must think of a plan for now."    


Everyone looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. A delay of two days was equivalent to a death sentence being commuted. He had to accept the fact that he was about to be defeated, and he had to live in this kind of panic.    


"Your Majesty, if things get out of hand, we shall give up on our current foundation, break down into zero, and wait for the right moment to take action!" Ling Xiao frowned and said.    


Eight hundred thousand soldiers, if placed on the battlefield between Shao Yan and ShaoQin, wouldn't be considered as a powerful force. However, it wasn't something that could be placed anywhere. Such a large army was extremely eye-catching everywhere.    


Ye Qiongtian's suggestion of splitting the balance to zero and separating the two wasn't without reason. Ning Wufeng could not help but think of his previous life's leaders who were good at guerrilla warfare and protracted battles.    


However, the situation in their past life was very different from their current situation. ShaoQin and Shaoyan were both original local forces of the Zhao Kingdom, and both had a strong base of influence amongst the masses. Thus, a prolonged battle would only make the weak weaker and weaker.    


However, breaking even to zero could very likely save Zhao Jun's life!    


Zhao Jun's face changed slightly. If they were to break down into zero, not only would they give up their only territory, they might even be annihilated by the Young Qin Empire. Moreover, he didn't know if it was the right thing to do after he had broken everything down to zero.    


Therefore, it concerned the future of the Shaoyan Empire, so Zhao Jun did not dare to make a decision immediately.    


Ling Xiao took a step forward and said in a clear voice, "In my opinion, rather than splitting things into zero parts and waiting for the enemy to nibble away at them, it would be better to take the initiative and attack. With no leader in the group, the Young Qin Empire will definitely lose! "    




Zhao Jun's face flashed a look of doubt, not to mention that Zhao Wuji had a large number of soldiers, there were countless of capable people, and all the generals of the King Li were able to fight. The Giant Ape Demon Clan was one of the most outstanding amongst the Mountain Demons, so if they wanted to behead Zhao Wuji, it was obvious how difficult it would be.    


If they were a little careless, not only would they not succeed in decapitating, they would even rush forward and send the sheep into the tiger's mouth.    


This was too risky.    


"Could it be that we can only do nothing and wait here for reinforcements?" Ye Qiongtian said in a serious tone. What's the difference between doing such a thing and waiting for your death?    


Could it be that they had to wait until the next time when the Qin's army came crushing down again, to let Ning Wufeng go out and fight alone, so that everyone could have time to live on?    


"No, absolutely not. If this goes on, our morale will be completely depleted. " Ling Xiao said in a serious tone.    


At this time, Li Que spoke faintly, and said: "Since you all view this brat as a lifesaver, why not see what kind of tricks he has up his sleeve?"    


Right now, the Shaoyan Empire was in an extremely awkward situation. It was very possible that he would turn into a piece of loose sand. It was a difficult situation to advance or retreat.    


Ye Qiongtian, Ling Xiao and the others were all veterans of hundreds of battles, but they were all helpless in the face of such absolute disadvantage. As a newcomer, Ning Wufeng, what could he do?    


Li Que intentionally pushed Ning Wufeng into this difficult situation, to weaken the person who was trying to save his life.    


As long as this life-saving straw was broken, wouldn't Zhao Jun be at his mercy?    


A hint of sternness flashed through his eyes as he sneered on the inside.    


Ning Wufeng had been muttering to himself for some time now, but did not speak. He took Li Que's expression into his eyes and smiled lightly: "Since Li Family Lord is recommending it with all his might, then I can only tell you my own thoughts.    


Li Que's pupils shrank as he let out a cold snort.    


"I suggest we begin the retreat." Ning Wufeng said lightly.    


"Retreat!" Li Que immediately jumped up and shouted: "Brat, do you know what you're saying? What if the troops retreated at this time and the morale of the troops died down? A loss in battle is akin to a landslide. You should know something as simple as this, right? "    


Ning Wufeng frowned, he did not say anything.    


However, Li Que managed to grab hold of his weakness with much difficulty, and immediately spouted nonsense, saying to Zhao Jun: "Your Majesty, I suspect that this boy is a spy sent by the enemy, and is trying to disintegrate our Shaoyan's strength from within."    


Zhao Jun's face immediately became ugly, and he asked solemnly: "Junior Brother, you haven't finished speaking, could it be that Li Family has a better way?"    


A spy?    


Zhao Jun could not help but sneer in his heart. If Ning Wufeng was a spy, then the thoughts of the person who laid out the plan were just too strong. They had actually been designing it since more than ten years ago. Because the first time he saw Ning Wufeng was more than ten years ago.    


Li Que was already very dissatisfied with how she had openly attacked her comrades.    


"Junior brother, continue talking. Let the Li Family Lord analyze how you are going to destroy our power!" Zhao Jun said coldly, his discontent towards Li Que was clear in his words.    


Li Que's expression changed, as he also noticed that something was amiss.    


Ning Wufeng nodded slightly, he glanced at Li Que, and paused for a moment before saying: "When retreating, use the strengthening device!"    


"A cooker?" Everyone was at a loss.    


"Legend has it that in the Primordial Era, two great clans went to war. When the defeated tribes were fleeing, the first time they rested, the two of them would eat their food and eat their food. During their second break, each of them would cook a pot and cook a stove. On the third break, each person had two pots and two stoves. "So on and so forth..."    


"When the victors caught up, they discovered that there were more and more pots and pans. They thought that the defeated tribes had received reinforcements, so after chasing for a while, they didn't dare to go after them. Let the defeated tribes flee in peace, and thus preserve the fire element that will rise to prominence. "    


Ning Wufeng's voice described the history of her past life, but when Zhao Jun and the others heard it, their eyes lit up.    


Truth is falsehood, falsehood is falsehood.    


In the Immortal Relic Continent, battles relied on strength to obtain victory, if one was strong, then they would win, hence their military strategy was not very developed. This was because the people here believed that when it came to strategies and strategies, they were useless in the face of absolute strength.    


As such, when Ning Wufeng's plan to increase the power of the pill furnace came out, everyone's eyes lit up.    


Only Li Que's expression kept changing, as the depths of his eyes suddenly became dark and stern.    


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