Control The World



"What's going on?" The expressions of Zhao Jun and the others greatly changed. Only the corners of Li Que's mouth slightly raised into a sneer.    


Ning Wufeng saw this scene, could it be him?    


Ning Wufeng's pupils contracted, he could not help but clench his fists. This place was the Tzu Lin Mountain, surrounded by layers upon layers of mountains, hills, and lush woods. It was the best place to set up an ambush.    


This was also the place where the Free City and Youngflame Army had to pass through. Because this place was connected to the Free City, it was normally quiet, no one would expect the army of the Shaoyan Empire to retreat and guard this place.    


When Ning Wufeng first suggested this retreat route, the eyes of Ye Qiongtian and the others lit up. Although this was a dead end, it would still be a way for Youngflame to survive!    


However, at this moment, the sound of ancient incantations resounded from all sides of Mt. Tzu Ling. This familiar country accent caused the soldiers of Youngflame Nong to tear and wet their battle robes. Thinking back, their morale immediately plummeted.    


However, the faces of Ye Qiongtian and the rest changed.    


"How could this be?" Ling Xiao muttered to himself. The Tzu Ling Ancient Road was the only way to reach the Sin City. With regards to the Sin City, no one would even think about where they were when the color of the people of the Zhao Kingdom changed.    


However, now that the ancient melody sounded out, it was clear that they had already entered the enemy's trap.    


"Ning Wufeng, Zhao Jun! Haha, This King has been waiting here for you for quite a while. " On a low mountain, Wu Gang's golden chariot suddenly rose up as he laughed loudly in satisfaction.    


The land of Ci Ling was extremely dangerous. It was surrounded from all four sides. Youngflame Zhan's army truly had no way out of this world. There was no way down, and they became like a turtle trapped in a jar.    


Wu Gang's complacency could be imagined. With a single glance, he had spotted Ning Wufeng, who was riding on top of a White Jade Elk, and a dense baleful aura surged within his eyes.    


"Dammit, how did we get discovered?" Zhao Jun muttered to himself. Just as he was about to bring everything out, he never thought that the darkness before dawn would be so cruel.    


"Am I, Zhao Jun, going to be defeated here today?" He gritted his teeth in frustration.    


Ning Wufeng's expression slightly changed. No wonder he had been so anxious before, it was because of this.    


He immediately took the lead and walked to the front of the army. Now that the morale was low, even Zhao Jun and the rest had lost their will to fight.    


"Hai." Ning Wufeng let out a faint sigh, his gaze lightly swept across Wu Gang and said: "Young Master Wu, I never thought that we would meet again so soon. "It seems like my previous pain has almost healed."    


Wu Gang's face turned white, then he thought about how Ning Wufeng was already in his possession, and laughed out loud. "Haha, I can't help but heal his injuries. You will still be able to vent your anger immediately! "    


His fists were clenched tightly, and his voice was extremely mournful.    


Millions of soldiers descended from the skies and appeared above Ci Ling, surrounding the Youngflame Army so tightly that not even a drop of water could leak out. Amongst them, the Giant Ape Clan roared incessantly, and even moved a large amount of boulders to the mountain top.    


"Let me lead the charge, crushing them into a pile of meat paste!" Yuan Ganglie thumped his chest, extremely excited.    


Wu Gang immediately waved his hand, stopping him, and said indifferently: "This group of people are already in our hands, what's the rush? Let This King properly reminisce with these bunch of old friends. "    


Leaping on the horse, Wu Gang looked down from above and glanced down at Ning Wufeng.    


Although Yuan Ganglie was unwilling, Wu Gang had promised to give the Tongyou Flute in his hands to him as a pear vortex, which was why Yuan Ganglie had listened to him.    


Liu Chengfeng was like an old monk in meditation, as he turned a deaf ear to the surrounding situation. After all, victory was already in their hands. Let Wu Gang say a few more words to suppress the enemy's morale and reduce some of their casualties.    


"Ning Wufeng, I have to say, your talent is truly terrifying." Wu Gang pointed at Ning Wufeng with an aged voice. Suddenly, he changed the subject and continued, "But, compared to this king, I'm still a little bit lacking."    


Finished, Wu Gang stared at the change in Ning Wufeng's expression. He wanted to see a hint of fear from's face, but from start to finish, Ning Wufeng maintained his calm demeanor.    


"Young Master Wu, do you think that you can win for sure?" Ning Wufeng said faintly.    


When he said those words, Zhao Jun and the rest all revealed astonished expressions, they all thought that Ning Wufeng had already expected this to happen.    


When the Shaoyan Empire's army, whose morale were already gone, heard the commotion, they started to discuss among themselves. They started to whisper to each other as they looked at Ning Wufeng.    


Ning Wufeng casually walked in front of Wu Gang. The White Jade Elk let out a long cry, but the aura it gave off forced Wu Gang's Dragon Horse back.    


Wu Gang's face changed, and said sternly: "Ning Wufeng, what do you mean by this? You want to make This King pay again? In your dreams! "    


"This time, This King has a firm grasp on your weakness. I never thought that you guys would be so daring to find the Sin City's sinners, you truly do not know your place! However, even if you have their reinforcements, it would still take more than half a day. This amount of time is enough for This King's army to slaughter you four or five times. "Haha."    


He laughed triumphantly. While Zhao Jun and the rest had their expressions changed, they did not expect that their actions had been discovered by the enemy.    


A spy!    


There was definitely a spy!    


Zhao Jun's heart sank, and thought: But who could it be? Ye Qiongtian? Ling Xiao or Li Que?    


His eyes flickered, Ling Xiao and the rest were starting to get suspicious.    


Ning Wufeng walked forward slowly and said: "Do you really think you are the chosen one, with the help of a noble? How could things be so coincidental? If this spy didn't appear earlier or later, why did he appear after Youngflame Nong's first victory? "    


Although he already had a target of suspicion in his heart, in order to stall for time, he purposely made a mystery of himself.    


However, Ning Wufeng's mystification had not only caused Wu Gang to feel uncertain, it had also greatly shaken the morale of Youngflame Zhan. Everyone thought that what happened today was only a trap set up by Ning Wufeng and that everything was within his control.    


Wu Gang's face changed drastically, his heart thumped once, thinking back carefully, there were indeed many doubts. Why did that spy want to find him at this time and surrender to him?    


Was it really a conspiracy?    


If it was a conspiracy, could it be that Ning Wufeng was confident that he could take advantage of his three million strong Alliance Army? How is this possible?    


With these words, Wu Gang was instantly thrown into chaos.    


The old monk that was meditating also instantly opened his eyes, staring straight at Wu Gang.    


"No ?" "Impossible." Wu Gang shouted loudly, "Absolutely not, you brat! You want to lie to me again, you are already at the end of your tether, you must die today!"    


He roared, his scarlet eyes staring straight at Ning Wufeng.    


Ning Wufeng's expression changed slightly, and he smiled: "Li Family Lord, it's all thanks to you that the Young Qin Alliance troops were able to fall into our trap today."    


Li Que's heart thumped, and his face changed greatly. How did Ning Wufeng know about this? He could not help but tremble.    


It really was him. Ning Wufeng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Li Que's abnormal behavior in the past few days had become the first thing that he suspected.    


There was no doubt that Ning Wufeng's gamble was right.    


Li Que's weak point was poked through by Ning Wufeng, he laughed awkwardly and said: "It's all thanks to Young Master Ning's brilliant plan."    


He didn't know how Ning Wufeng found out about his situation, but at the moment, it was undoubtedly a good opportunity for him to get down.    


"Impossible!" Wu Gang suddenly shouted somewhat hysterically, "You and Li Que have an irresolvable conflict, he definitely won't listen to your plans, you brat must be the one controlling me!"    


Wu Gang shouted in a stern voice, and Yuan Ganglie and Liu Chengfeng who were by his side already believed it.    


They had once again fallen into Ning Wufeng's trap.    


"Young Master Ning's majestic winds are unparalleled, pacifying a million enemies!"    


"Young Master Ning's majestic winds are unparalleled, pacifying a million enemies!"    


Behind him, the eight hundred thousand soldiers of the Youngflame Army roared in unison. Their shouts shook the skies, and their auras surged like a rainbow.    


Zhao Jun and the rest were all smiling too.    


"I don't believe it!" Wu Gang roared.    


"Kill them all!"    


The moment he gave the order, the three million ShaoQin army came crashing down like the tide. The huge boulders and horizontal logs they had prepared previously weren't even used, as they all rushed towards the middle of the Shaoyan army. It was evident that Wu Gang was already panicking.    


With the main general's mess, the soldiers under Ning Wufeng's command were also suspicious, afraid that Ning Wufeng's plan was correct. After some deliberation, the ShaoQin army's fighting strength was greatly reduced.    


Liu Chengfeng and Yuan Ganglie looked at each other. Since they were already tricked by Ning Wufeng, no matter how hard they tried to protect their own strength, they wouldn't dare to fight for too long.    


The moment Ning Wufeng took the lead, Ling Xiao and Ye Qiongtian rushed forward from the left and right, the 800,000 strong army pierced through the Qin army like sharp swords, the morale was like a rainbow, the fighting strength of the soldiers increased explosively.    


In a period of time, the ShaoQin army was utterly defeated.    


"It's over, it's all over." Wu Gang's entire body went soft, he did not expect the originally absolute victory situation to turn out like this.    


"Ning Wufeng, I will not rest until you are dead!" Wu Gang roared, the dragon horse below him turned into a ray of light and chased after him.    


"Good timing!" Ning Wufeng's expression changed, he grabbed at the air, and World Extinguishing Spear appeared in his hands. The Yin Yang Purple Lake spun crazily.    


Now was the best time to kill Wu Gang. With Wu Gang dead, the Young Qin Army would definitely be disheartened and would be utterly defeated!    


His pupils shrank as the White Jade Elk turned into a stream of light and charged straight at Wu Gang.    


Golden Spear Slaughter!    


A spear shot forth, a vast white human silhouette emerged behind Ning Wufeng, the spear light enveloping an incomparable force, instantly rushing towards Wu Gang.    


"Taowu Spiritual Art!" Wu Gang roared, and a Tao Wu Vicious Beast that was ready to devour a person suddenly appeared behind him.    


With a loud bang, Wu Gang's Nine-Layered Violet Lake surged with a spiritual energy as vast as a river. However, the powerful attack of Ning Wufeng directly killed him.    


Wu Gang, dead!    


A golden spear light appeared in front of him, causing Wu Gang's head to be separated from his body. Ning Wufeng lifted Wu Gang's head with his spear and roared loudly: "The Young Qin Emperor is dead, the rest of the soldiers are not going to surrender!"    


"You are all originally the citizens of our Zhao Kingdom. We will let bygones be bygones for those who have promised to surrender. Those who resist will be slaughtered by the Nine Clans! " Zhao Jun shouted at the same time.    


His voice swept through the entire audience. Moments later, the sound of weapons clanging against the ground rang out.    


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