Control The World



The puppets on the eleventh floor walked out, and everyone's faces were filled with astonishment.    


He wore a scarf over his head and held a fan in his hand. There was no trace of a puppet in his movements, just like a real person.    


"You don't need to be surprised." The young man laughed and actually spoke in human language.    


"The puppet has spoken!" Du Zifei said in shock.    


Long Jue's pupils contracted slightly, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly as he said: "Xu Chanzi, I didn't think that after so many years of death, this old fellow would come to such an end."    


"Xu Chanzi?" Huo Lieyang said in a low voice.    


His voice was loud, and many people around him looked over, including Xu Chanzi.    


"I never thought that after so many years, there would still be someone who can recognize me, Xu Chanzi." Xu Chanzi revealed a smile, then waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I am also a puppet."    




There was actually such a real puppet?    


Everyone was surprised.    


Xu Chanzi looked at Ning Wufeng, chuckled, and said: "Kid, I never thought that you would choose me as your opponent. I wonder if I should be happy for you, or feel sad for you."    


"I never kill my opponents because they have all been trained by me to become puppets." Xu Chanzi said faintly.    


His words caused everyone to feel cold sweat trickling down their backs. To be trained to become a golem was truly a fate worse than death.    


Jin Tiandao asked softly: "Who exactly is this Xu Chanzi?"    


"He ? is Master ?" The Earth Grade Puppet Master of the Blacksmith Division under the Human Emperor Xia Qi liked to use the souls of humans and demons to refine puppets, so the puppets he made were no different from those made by humans and demons. It's said that this fellow refined himself into a puppet before his death. I wonder if it's this one? " Long Jue whispered.    


"Hiss ?" "That crazy?" Huo Lieyang took a deep breath, and suddenly felt his scalp go numb. To become a puppet by himself, how much determination must he have?    


Furthermore, the Earth Grade Puppet Master was an existence surpassing the ninth rank, and was very popular with the large powers outside. One could imagine how powerful he was.    


Ning Wufeng grabbed at the air as the World Extinguishing Spear appeared in his hands. He smiled lightly and said: "Then let's see if you have the ability to do so. If you can't refine me into a puppet, then I will dismember you into parts. "    


He suddenly took a step forward, releasing both Gold Origin True Mind s at the same time. Against this lunatic from ten thousand years ago, he did not dare to be even the slightest bit careless.    


The Yin Yang Purple Lake started to spin crazily, the World Extinguishing Spear was covered with a layer of faint golden light. Golden Will spread out from Ning Wufeng's body.    


Once the Mind Wandering for Thousands of Miles was unleashed, it transformed into many afterimage s, which swept towards Xu Chanzi with a golden light.    


"Hehe, boy, since you don't know what's good for you, I'll let you see just how powerful I am." Xu Chanzi chuckled, his voice mixed with the sound of metal clashing.    


He stretched out his hand and suddenly shot out his arm. With a "peng" sound, the glint of a blade appeared on his entire arm.    


Ning Wufeng's brows twitched, Xu Chanzi's arm had basically become a arsenal. A saber light shot out from his fingernails, giving off a cold gleam; his fingers were like swords, dazzling everyone's eyes; the Great Yue was like an arm, full of ferocious tigers and fierce winds, with mace, battle ax, and mace embedded all over.    


Not only were the many weapons that Xu Chanzi had arranged so neatly, they did not weaken each other and instead complemented each other, making them even more powerful.    


"Haha, kid, how's this master's mechanical arm?" Xu Chanzi laughed out loud, his mechanical arms dancing frantically, all the blades and swords, axes and hooks attacked Ning Wufeng.    


Although Xu Chanzi did not display the powerful aura of the Spirit Soul Stage, there was no doubt that he was much more difficult to deal with than the average middle period of Spirit Soul Stage cultivator.    


Ning Wufeng's spear struck the finger on his mechanical arm that was radiating blade light and a flowing light flowed freely. Instantly, he felt his blood roiling.    


With a swishing sound, a snow white sword aura suddenly shot out from the mechanical arm, straight towards Ning Wufeng's chest, its speed extremely fast.    


Ning Wufeng's face changed, he grabbed the World Extinguishing Spear and forcibly spun it half a circle in the air. The sword aura grazed past his chest, leaving a deep bloody wound that could even be seen through bone.    


First stage of the Wood Origin True Mind ? ? Activating Life Force, he quickly started to repair the wound.    


However, Xu Chanzi's attack was extremely strange. A single mechanical arm danced in the air, making it so that Ning Wufeng was unable to get within thirty meters of him.    


"Haha, boy, if this goes on, you'll be exhausted to death by me." Xu Chanzi laughed loudly.    


His other arm suddenly swung out, shining with light, striking towards Ning Wufeng. With two mechanical arms, close to a hundred weapons surrounded and attacked Ning Wufeng, like a meat grinder.    


Ning Wufeng's spear shot out, and all the spear light was shattered.    


"What a freakish attack." Ning Wufeng frowned, he did not expect Xu Chanzi to be so thorny.    


"Haha, Ning Wufeng, you asked for this yourself." Li Tianjiao laughed out loud happily. Seeing Ning Wufeng's miserable state, the depressed feeling in his heart was swept away.    


Jin Tiandao's face sank, and asked softly: What do we do? Should we help Lord Imperial Emissary? "    


Long Jue's expression changed, and he gently shook his head. If they took action, they would not be helping Ning Wufeng, but speeding up his death.    


With the Human Emperor's methods, even if Long Jue was at his peak, he still wouldn't dare to risk it all. Moreover, at this moment, there was only a single dragon bead supporting him.    


There must be a way, Long Jue frowned.    


Chuchu was also worried.    


On the other hand, Ning Wufeng was fighting with his two mechanical arms frantically. The Enlightened Ruler Spell was circulating very quickly, and he reminded himself that he had to remain calm.    


Mind Wandering for Thousands of Miles's movement technique continued to be displayed. Her body transformed into a group of afterimage s, constantly appearing in Xu Chanzi's surroundings.    


"Haha, boy, don't waste my time, this master's puppet is a meat grinder to the Purple Lake Stage cultivator. With your Purple Lake Stage's strength, you are unable to find any flaw with the puppet. Even if you find it, you may not be able to destroy it! " Xu Chanzi laughed.    


His attacks suddenly became swift, his two mechanical arms danced around crazily, like a meat grinder, they smashed towards Ning Wufeng, giving rise to bursts of wind and instantly ripping apart Ning Wufeng's robes.    


Ning Wufeng was shocked, he anxiously retreated a few meters.    


"To think that the puppet forged by Ghost Genius would have flaws as well." The corner of Ning Wufeng's mouth raised slightly as his consciousness enveloped Xu Chanzi.    


Xu Chanzi laughed and said, "Nothing is absolute. Solitary Yin did not grow, and the sun was not long. Perfection was the greatest flaw. Only when there's a gap between the two can one truly become strong. "    


These words were like a sudden gush of wisdom that exploded in Ning Wufeng's mind.    


He suddenly opened his eyes as the corner of his mouth lifted into a smile. He said lightly, "Many thanks!"    


The Mind Wandering for Thousands of Miles was unleashed once again.    


This time, instead of retreating, Ning Wufeng advanced towards Xu Chanzi. The World Extinguishing Spear rippled with a dazzling golden light, and the Illusory Drifting was unleashed from his hands.    


Clank, clank, clank.    


Golden light surged, and the entire sky was filled with afterimage s. Ning Wufeng's entire being was caught up in the middle of Xu Chanzi's meat grinder like arm attacks.    


"Is this kid crazy?" The surrounding crowd shouted in surprise.    


"He's simply courting death." Although they did not personally test the might of the mechanical arm, the might of the cold energy emitted from it could be imagined.    


But Ning Wufeng did not retreat.    


Even Long Jue frowned as he looked at Ning Wufeng in surprise. "What is this brat trying to do?"    


The corner of Li Tianjiao's mouth raised slightly, and he coldly snorted: "Struggling in death's door. The attacks of the eleventh layer puppets are so strong, but this brat actually dared to use his mortal body to fight against the bronze puppet s.    


"It seems like I have indeed collected the corpse of this boy." Du Zifei laughed and patted his round stomach.    


The strong attack power of Xu Chanzi's mechanical arms could not benefit even the cultivators of the middle period of Spirit Soul Stage.    


"Brat, you think that by relying on your attacks, you can destroy this master's mechanical arm? "In your dreams!" Xu Chanzi laughed out loud, and his pair of mechanical arms danced even more crazily.    


Ning Wufeng's clothes had been torn into countless strips of cloth, and his body was covered in blood.    


However, he grinned and said: "Xu Chanzi, although I won't be able to destroy your puppet, I can still destroy you ah."    


The Golden Primordial Spirit within the Sea of Consciousness released a qualitative golden light. Two balls of golden flames suddenly appeared in Ning Wufeng's pupils as he stared straight at Xu Chanzi.    


A huge wave of Power of Divine Consciousness enveloped Xu Chanzi in an instant.    


Ah!" Xu Chanzi's face revealed a hint of fear as the attack of his mechanical arms slowed down by a lot.    


"How could you have divine intents?" Xu Chanzi looked as if he had seen a ghost, and looked at Ning Wufeng with wide eyes. As everyone knew, Purple Lake Stage did not possess divine sense.    


"You can only blame yourself for being ill-informed. You have too many things that you don't know." Ning Wufeng chuckled, the light emitted from the Sea of Consciousness's primordial spirit became even more dazzling.    




The Golden Primordial Spirit suddenly said a golden word, a large word that felt like quality shot towards Xu Chanzi's head.    


With a bang, Xu Chanzi was knocked back more than ten steps, as if he had been struck by a Golden Thunder. A blood-curdling screech came from his mouth, causing everyone to feel baffled.    


"What's going on?" Everyone widened their eyes, they did not see what methods Ning Wufeng used, to actually force Xu Chanzi, who was attacking so fiercely, to retreat!    


Li Tianjiao also opened his eyes wide, with a look of disbelief, he muttered: "It won't be, it won't be. It must be fake. "    


Ye Yi'er, who was at the side, let out a light breath, making him even more furious.    


"Stinky brat, you won't be able to defeat me, absolutely not!" Li Tianjiao clenched his fists and stared straight at Ning Wufeng!    


And Xu Chanzi's shock was not any less than everyone else's. Ning Wufeng actually possessed such a huge consciousness.    


"How do you know my weakness?" Xu Chanzi said in shock.    


The corner of Ning Wufeng's mouth raised slightly, and said: "I still have to thank you, if you didn't remind me, everything would be alright. "How could I have thought that someone as strong as you would have such a weak consciousness?"    


"Just because you pursue the strength of your physical body, you weaken the power of your spiritual sense."    


Xu Chanzi's face changed, he retreated a few steps and laughed.    


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