Control The World



"There are still ten days until the latest full moon night." Bai Ling muttered, he raised his head and said: "How about this, we will distribute the scouts of the three clans, and search for the whereabouts of the Candle Dragon."    


"I agree." Huo Lieyang groaned, and said: "This time, we absolutely cannot let Candle Dragon Demon escape!"    


After Huo Lieyang understood the whole story, he pushed all his anger onto the Candle Dragon.    


Ning Wufeng nodded, he looked at the people around him and said loudly: "If that's the case, then let's make the arrangements, with the Merfolk Clan warrior as the main force, the other three clans as the backup, forming a small team of scouts, searching for the whereabouts of the Candle Dragon."    


"Yes." Jin Tiandao, Huo Lieyang, Great Clan Elder Bai Ling and the others all nodded.    


After everything had been arranged, Ning Wufeng spoke of a few things to take note of. He told everyone to be cautious and not to alert the enemy, and to make a decision when he comes out of seclusion. Then, under Wusi Maya's guidance, they found a secluded reef cave.    


Within ten days, he needed to cultivate to the late period of Violet Lake Stage, and use the Metal Element Blade's power to its fullest.    


He first settled Chuchu, then looked at the little girl's peaceful beautiful face and muttered: "Rest assured little girl, you will wake up soon."    


Wusi Maya's beautiful eyes moved around Ning Wufeng, and she stood at the side, quietly listening to his conversation with Chuchu.    


"What kind of man is this?" She had seen how Ning Wufeng fought against the Candle Dragon, disregarding his own safety.    


Seeing that he had cut down the Candle Dragon in a single slash in order to save her, his heroic attitude left a deep impression on Wusi Maya's heart.    


At this time, seeing that he was a gentle and loyal man, Wusi Maya felt her heartstrings being gently pulled. This was something she had never felt in twenty years.    


"Is she someone very important to you?" Wusi Maya whispered.    


"Very important." Ning Wufeng nodded heavily and said.    


"What happened to her?" Wusi Maya spoke very carefully, afraid that she would accidentally hurt Ning Wufeng's wound. Looking at his painful expression, her heart was about to break.    


"In order to save me, she used a forbidden technique, so she fainted." Ning Wufeng said lightly.    


"Hai." Wusi Maya sighed lightly, and said: "I can feel the strong life force growing in her body, she will definitely wake up."    


Ning Wufeng nodded, looking at Chuchu's peaceful face. Wusi Maya left softly. She didn't know why, but she felt her heart clogged up, as if something precious had been taken away by someone else.    


Ning Wufeng sat down beside Chuchu and exchanged the Mountain Sea True Scripture for a nine times time array and a hundred times Spirit Plunder.    


The Enlightened Ruler Spell began to revolve.    


The two types of spiritual energy, metal and fire, swirled out from his aura sea. Ning Wufeng pointed to the sky, with one hand on the ground, the surging spirit energy around him continuously entered his body.    


Gluttony Spirit Transformation Art!    


A black whirlpool formed in front of his chest, devouring his spiritual power at a frantic speed.    


The Yin Yang Purple Lake in his Qi Sea started to spin quickly. Ning Wufeng's entire body was surging with dense golden light, as though he was a Buddha from the Ninth Heaven.    


"Hush, hush, hush."    


An enigmatic word came out of his mouth, forming a golden font. Then, it dissipated into the air and followed the Spirit Element into his body.    


Like this, the mantra left his mouth and entered his chest, forming a great circle around him.    


The Yin Yang Purple Lake was spinning faster and faster, and the area was growing larger and larger at a visible rate.    


Spirit Element surged out of the purple lake, flowing according to the circulation route of the Enlightened Ruler Spell.    


First transition, Unbreakable Body.    


A faint gold color surfaced on Ning Wufeng's skin, as though it was made from golden water.    


The second transition was made with unbreakable glass.    


The golden light on his skin slowly dimmed as the Spirit Element covered his entire body. The muscles and bones on Ning Wufeng's body glowed with a faint white light.    


The third cycle, the Spiritual Eye of Destiny.    


The Spirit Element was circulating around the spirit veins in his eyes, and a faint light appeared in his eyes. Suddenly, the light disappeared.    


The Enlightened Ruler Spell was circulating, and the Spirit Element in the Purple Lake Stage was continuously circulating its spirit veins and cavities, tempering his skin, bones and eyes time and time again.    


After an unknown period of time. His skin, tendons, bones, and eyes had all been completely tempered to a point where there was no longer any room for improvement.    


The Spirit Element in his purple lake fiercely leapt and rolled, and a warm feeling surged into his mind. As the heat became more and more intense, Zi Hu seemed to be boiling as the Spirit Element violently churned.    


Streams of dense Spirit Element were vaporized and filled the entire aurasea. They then condensed into Spirit Element and descended back into the violet lake.    


"Four Revolutions Exquisite Hundred Forging Qi." Ning Wufeng's eyes lit up, he did not expect that he had actually broken through to the fourth transition of the Enlightened Ruler Spell.    


The Spirit Element in the purple lake continuously vaporized and moved in a mysterious manner, then reformed.    


The speed at which the Yin Yang Purple Lake was growing gradually slowed down. With such a vaporization and liquefaction, the Spirit Element was continuously becoming purer, and the speed at which the absorbed the spirit energy in the outside world balanced the speed of the spirit beast's impurities being smacked out in the Qi Sea.    


Yin Yang Purple Lake slowly rotated, the purple lake was covered with spirit mist.    


Previously in the Scarlet Dragon Abyss, Ning Wufeng absorbed too many Fire Spirit Strength. Although they were all absorbed by the Yin Yang Purple Lake, they were not so thoroughly divided.    


This time, it was a good opportunity to use the fourth transition of the Enlightened Ruler Spell to temper the Spirit Element in the Yin Yang Purple Lake once again.    


One day, two days passed.    


Only then did the mist on the six feet six feet wide Yin Yang Purple Lake slowly dissipate, reforming into a Spirit Element before sinking into the purple lake.    


However, there were three shining Spiritual Origin Pearls hovering above the purple lake.    


When the first sharp golden will was released, it was precisely the pure golden spirit energy that the Gold Origin True Mind condensed.    


The second sword was extremely violent, like a small sun. It could emit huge amounts of heat at any time, and was the pure Fire Spirit Strength formed from the True Meaning of the Fire Source.    


The third was an azure spirit source. It was extremely pure and crystal clear, giving off a calm and tranquil feeling. However, Ning Wufeng could clearly feel that the spiritual energy in this blue spirit source was the most abundant, and it was the pure Water Spiritual Strength.    


It must be the result of Water Spiritual Strength being born in the Water Spirit Domain. It was rare for a pure Water Spiritual Strength to form without comprehending the true meaning of water.    


"I didn't expect to be able to condense the Five Elements Spirit Pearl." Ning Wufeng revealed a faint smile.    


Purple Lake Stage cultivator was able to transform Spirit Element into five types of spiritual energy, but it often required the use of a special Spirit Spell. By condensing the Five Elements spirit source, the Spirit Element could be directly converted into the Five Elements spirit energy.    


Ning Wufeng's consciousness moved, the Gold Origin Bead started to spin rapidly, a Spirit Element line was connected to the Purple Lake and the Gold Origin Bead, the Spirit Element instantly turned into gold spirit energy and appeared in his hands.    


"This is indeed much more convenient." The corner of his mouth lifted slightly.    


At this time, five days had already passed.    


"I have to hurry." Ning Wufeng muttered. He glanced at the peaceful looking Chuchu lying on the ice bed and couldn't help but clench his fist.    


"Chuchu, don't worry. In a few days, I will be able to bring her back!"    


He once again set up the Spirit Plunder and the Time Stealing Array.    


The Enlightened Ruler Spell started circulating once again, and the dense Qi in the air was absorbed into his body. The Gluttony Spirit Transformation Art began to move, engulfing the surrounding spiritual energy like a whale sucking water.    


The spirit energy that surged into his body was quickly compressed and refined by the spirit veins and spirit cavities before entering the violet lake.    


Fourth Cycle of the Enlightened Ruler Spell ? ? Exquisite Hundred Forging Qi    


The Yin Yang Purple Lake started to revolve again, emitting a dazzling light, Ning Wufeng once again entered into a meditative state.    


At this moment, the outside world was in chaos.    


"What? You said that the Earth Spirit Realm is being occupied by people from outside the city?!" Great Clan Elder Bai Ling's face was filled with disbelief, as he looked at Merfolk Clan warrior reporting.    


"What, my Fire Spirit Realm was also attacked?" Huo Lieyang's hair stood on end, his entire body was filled with dense flames, he stared angrily, scaring the warrior who reported to him, causing him to continuously retreat.    


"How could this be?" In such a short period of time, Candle Dragon and the forces outside the borders had allied together and occupied the Earth Spirit Realm, and they were even headed towards Fire Spirit Realm.    


It had only been five days.    


At this rate, if the Fire Spirit Realm was leaderless, they would be decapitated in a matter of days. Huo Lieyang paced around anxiously.    


"Lord Godly Envoy still has four or five days before he comes out. During this time, we must not act rashly." Great Clan Elder Bai Ling said.    


"This won't do, I need to return to Fire Spirit Realm first to stabilize the situation, otherwise, my Giant Barbarian Clan will be annihilated." Huo Lieyang bellowed.    


"However, with the strength of the Candle Dragon s, even if you were to go, it would be useless." Bai Ling shouted.    


"Hmph, the one who attacked isn't your Wood Spirit Realm, so of course you can be calm and collected." I must get out, and at that time, I will go and beg Lord Imperial Emissary for forgiveness! " Huo Lieyang bellowed as he turned and walked out of the reef cave.    


Peng! A panicked soldier rushed in and was knocked away.    


"Reporting..." Something terrible has happened. " It was one of the Giant Barbarian Warrior. Seeing Huo Lieyang crying, he anxiously said, "Barbarian King, the Crimson Dragon City has been destroyed, and over half of the twenty thousand clansmen have been massacred!"    


"What?" Huo Lieyang's entire body shook, his eyes suddenly becoming completely red.    


"How can it be so fast!"    


Jin Tiandao immediately stepped forward to support Huo Lieyang, but his entire body was trembling and he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


In a day's time, the Giant Barbarian Clan was broken, and the Fire Spirit Realm also fell.    


"Now, the Candle Dragon is bringing the invaders outside the borders to the wood spirit region." The Giant Barbarian Warrior said anxiously.    


"Grandfather." Bai Fei'er suddenly became anxious and pulled Bai Ling's sleeves.    


"Steady!" Bai Ling said in a deep voice, and the place immediately quietened down, "At a time like this, we cannot be careless anymore."    


"The strength of the Candle Dragon and the foreign invaders is beyond our imagination."    


With the powerful strength of the Candle Dragon s, there was no place in the Chess Realm that could stop him. In addition to the elite strength that the King Li had mobilized into the Chess Realm, any one of the five clans in the Chess Realm was no match for him.    


"Immediately notify the other spiritual realms that have yet to fall. If you can resist, resist. If you can't resist, give up. Scatter everywhere in the spiritual realms." Bai Ling immediately gave the order.    


"The more urgent the situation, the more we must not panic. When the Lord Godly Envoy comes out of closed door cultivation, if there is anyone with the intention to cause trouble, behead them!"    


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