Control The World



Shan Lin was enraged, a mere Qi Drawing Stage cultivator actually messed up Futu Cult, how could he still have face!    


Ning Wufeng quietly signaled Shi Jian and Yue Shan to escape during the chaos, and not to worry about him.    


Following that, he turned around and laughed, "Chief Protector, you're too serious. There's also this third rule. I haven't settled the score with you two regarding the holding of the mayor. How could I die so easily?"    


After all, Shan Lin was a cultivator close to the middle stage of the Acupoint Opening Stage, and had experienced countless life and death games to reach where he was today. But looking at the baleful aura radiating from his body, it was definitely enough to cause a child to stop crying.    




Shan Lin roared, and then, two battle ax s that were drenched in countless blood rushed over. The battle ax s were wrapped in two dazzling light, and struck explosively.    


Ning Wufeng's pupils contracted slightly as he thrusted his spear out, causing the Enormous Strength True Mind to descend with a loud bang. A loud bang could be heard as the spear light and the battle ax transformed into a series of fireballs. He retreated backwards.    


Shan Lin's axe strike contained an enormous strength of over twenty thousand kilograms. Ning Wufeng estimated in his heart that the cultivators of Acupoint Opening Stage were unlike the Desolate Beast, who had a clearer grasp of the situation.    


Although Ning Wufeng had killed Wu Kehu who was also at the same level as him previously, there was still the possibility of it being a trick to it all. After Wu Kehu's battle with the multicolored serpent, he had already been severely injured, and had even been poisoned, which was why Ning Wufeng had the chance to take him down in one fell swoop.    


But Shan Lin was different. This person had killed countless people and had rich experience. He could not be careless in the slightest, otherwise, he would definitely be doomed.    


At this time, Ning Wufeng could only release his soul consciousness. Although it consumed a lot of his essence energy, he had no choice but to do it. After all, Acupoint Opening Stage was too fast.    


The two sets of battle ax s were like two big gates blocking Ning Wufeng's path to the back. Shan Lin's face was sinister as he roared furiously, his spiritual cavities surging with spirit light as they became one with the dazzling light of the battle ax.    


Ning Wufeng was blown by the fierce wind of the battle ax, the World Extinguishing Spear came out with a loud bang, its sharp and true intent erupted out immediately, the spear light was like flowing water, coupled with the Ethereal Step, its body was extremely agile.    


The battle ax in Shan Lin's hand shot out.    


Sharp Gold Axe, kill!" Dan Lin roared out, and like a humanoid weapon, he swung his axe at Ning Wufeng's spear, and then he was entangled by a gentle force. The force of the attack was deflected by Ning Wufeng's spear, and missed, almost injuring the other members of the Black Armored Army.    


Roar ?    


Shan Lin roared, he suddenly lashed out with his battle ax, causing the battle ax to be flung out and smashed towards Ning Wufeng.    


Once the Ethereal Step was used, Ning Wufeng retreated calmly.    


"Kid, if you have the ability, then fight me head on!" Shan Lin roared. Ning Wufeng was not slippery, and so he had no way of fighting.    


Ning Wufeng's mouth formed a smile, and said: "If you have the ability, don't use your Insight Energy?"    


Shan Lin's face darkened, the battle ax suddenly pointed at Shi Jian and Su Yun, the imposing aura instantly burst out, forcing the two of them to turn pale.    


Ning Wufeng's face darkened. He had actually used Shi Jian and the others to threaten him, and while he was speaking, Shan Lin's battle ax had already moved.    


"Humph!" "As you wish." Ning Wufeng bellowed, the Enormous Strength True Mind burst out, and his muscles swelled up. Holding onto the World Extinguishing Spear, he smashed it towards Shan Lin.    


In fact, Shan Lin was just faking an attack just now, his target had always been Ning Wufeng. Seeing Ning Wufeng's attack, he laughed heartily. The battle ax whistled out, and attacked Ning Wufeng like thunder.    


His great strength had reached thirty thousand kilograms, and Ning Wufeng was sent flying three or four meters back by the force of the blow. But Shan Lin showed no mercy, following that, another battle ax was flung out.    


With a 'kacha', the blue stone board beneath his feet shattered.    


Ning Wufeng's face was completely red and purple. With a stuffy groan, he spat out a mouthful of blood, which dyed the stone floor of the blue stone red.    


"Feng!" Seeing that the young Ning Wufeng was fighting for the Qinglong Town, they could only watch with folded arms, while picking up a long rod from the side and rushing over.    


Shi Jian's large blade also came crashing down, "Little Feng, don't be afraid, your uncle is here to save you!"    


Although the two of them only had the strength of the eighth stage of the Qi Drawing Stage, and the mayor was already old and frail, Shan Lin was not afraid in the slightest when facing the extremely ferocious Acupoint Opening Stage.    


"Let's go!" Ning Wufeng roared, the two of them were not Shan Lin's match.    


Shan Lin smirked, and with a flip of his hand, he grabbed the mayor's neck. He pinched the mayor's neck, and like a little chick, he kicked out with his leg.    


Before Shi Jian could even get close to him, he was sent flying by the spirit force. He landed on the ground heavily, spitting out a mouthful of blood.    


"Kid, didn't you want to settle the score with me for him? Come on, come on! " Shan Lin looked at Ning Wufeng savagely and laughed maniacally. A battle ax fell onto the ground and was holding the mayor in one hand.    


His strong arm gripped the Mayor's neck tightly, and in a split-second, the Mayor's face turned purple. He used all his strength to grab Shan Lin's arm, and kept looking in Ning Wufeng's direction.    


Ning Wufeng knew that he did not have the intention to say it.    


"Let's go, Feng."    


"Let's go."    


On the other side, Shan Lin mocked like a madman, "Didn't you say you want to take revenge for him? Why don't you come? Kill me! " On the other side, the mayor was doing his best to beg him to hurry up and leave.    


"A mere Qi Drawing Stage cultivator like you wants to take revenge for this old man, and you still dare to provoke my Futu Cult?" Shan Lin held the mayor and walked towards Ning Wufeng with large strides, then suddenly kicked him.    


Just as Ning Wufeng stood up, his entire body flew out and smashed heavily into the blue stone board.    


"Come on, kill me! If you don't want this old man to die, then fight back! Kill him and take revenge!" Shan Lin carried the mayor and walked over as he roared ferociously.    


Ning Wufeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly stood up again. He saw that the mayor was crying and he could not help but shake his head at him.    


"Go, go!" Leave me alone. "    


Shan Lin roared hysterically, he kicked Ning Wufeng away once again and smashed heavily onto the stone platform of the altar, causing it to fall down with a loud thump.    


Pain, body pain. But his heart hurt even more!    


The mayor was in tears. At this moment, he could not even make a sound.    


"All of you, charge at me! Beat this brat to death!" Shan Lin roared, and those who did not dare to advance rushed out like wolves and tigers, surrounding Ning Wufeng.    


Punches and kicks rained down, causing his entire body to be in pain. Ning Wufeng stared at the Mayor in Shan Lin's hands.    


"I am the Mayor of Qinglong Town, you can call me Uncle Shi."    


"Ah, child, it has been hard on you. Azure Dragon Bay is too chaotic, fish and dragons are mixed, you better not interfere in this matter. Just focus on your training. Uncle won't despise you. "    


"Little Feng, the green scale fish sent by Pi San today are alive and kicking, this is a good item." Eat more, and don't let that bear brat, Shi Yuan, know about it. " The Mayor holds the milky fish soup in his hand.    


An old man and a young woman were squatting under the great banyan tree at the entrance of the town.    


When he managed the Azure Dragon Bay's Fish Market, many people did not think well of him.    


"What kind of big deal could a wet behind the ears kid be? If it wasn't for his good luck and family, he would have already starved to death."    


"He's just a trash who was driven away by his family. I can fight three of them and even want to interfere in the fish market. I don't want to live anymore. Don't harm the people of our Qinglong Town."    


"That's right, Feng, stop. This is not something you can control."    


But there was only one person who remained standing on this side, and that was the Mayor. The old man was well aware of the bitterness the Azure Dragon Bay's fish market brought to him, and wanted to eradicate this scourge from his heart. He patted Ning Wufeng's shoulders and said.    


"Little Feng, the old man is already old. He could be considered to have been buried half his life in a coffin." "However, rest assured that as long as you dare to do so, I will definitely support you!"    


"Uncle knows that you are just a shallow bank in the Dragon Reaching Realm. Once you have Feng Mu Yu, you will definitely be able to enter the second region."    


Scenes kept appearing in Ning Wufeng's mind. Even though he was surrounded and beaten by a group of people, Ning Wufeng did not feel any pain. He stared at the mayor, not saying a word.    


"You guys hit me hard, why didn't you let out a scream?!" Shan Lin roared.    


His eyes were bloodshot. Today, Ning Wufeng was definitely going to die, not only would he die, he was going to bring Ning Wufeng's corpse and patrol the surrounding towns, letting everyone know the outcome of rebelling against the Futu Cult.    


"Let's go!"    


With a loud bang, the mayor's reputation exploded. With an angry roar, he started bleeding profusely. The powerful impact of the spirit force repelled Shan Lin in the blink of an eye.    


Meridian Explosion!    


"That old fogey actually dared to open his meridians." Blood kept flowing down Shan Lin's arm. The seventh sky of the Qi Drawing Stage's Mayor's vein explosion had given him a lot of damage, making him unable to move his arm.    


He didn't think that the mayor would be so unyielding, not sparing even his meridians. Spirit veins were the foundation of cultivators and stored huge amounts of spiritual energy. If all of the spiritual energy instantly exploded, the killing power would be immense, but at the same time, this person would also be crippled.    


"Mayor!" Ning Wufeng roared out with his scarlet eyes, looking at the old mayor whose hair instantly turned into snow, his skin started to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he fell to the ground like a man made of blood.    


Peng! Ning Wufeng's Heaven Suppressing Finger whistled out, with a finger, it pierced through the heads of the three big sized men, the men who were originally punching and kicking on his body, they did not expect Ning Wufeng to suddenly injure them.    


"Die!" Ning Wufeng roared, he punched one of them in the chest, the power of the punch bursting out. The Gluttony Spirit Transformation Art began to circulate, and a mysterious power from the spirit vein entered his body.    


The fifth spirit vein slightly loosened.    


He picked up the World Extinguishing Spear that was erected on the ground and swept out his spear. Boom boom boom! Wherever the spear went, those vicious bandits all exploded into a ball of blood fog.    


Rays of spirit vein energy continued to enter Ning Wufeng's body. He held the World Extinguishing Spear in his hands, the tip of his spear emitting a black and red color, giving off a strong stench of blood.    


There were endless numbers of people from the Futu Cult attacking him from all directions, but it was difficult for him to fight them all. The spirit force continued to gather, and Ning Wufeng's aura also started to become more berserk.    


Afterwards, none of the hundreds of Futu Cult s dared to come forward, and all of them hesitated to do so.    


As if a god of death had descended, he walked towards Shan Lin step by step, his crimson eyes fixed on Shan Lin, "Today, you must die!"    


Ning Wufeng enunciated each word clearly, like the voice of the King of Hell, causing people to feel a chill in their hearts.    


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