Control The World



Ning Wufeng was instantly blasted away by the majestic force. He felt as if half his bones had shattered, and he collapsed limply onto the ground, gasping heavily.    


At this moment, the young man and young girl, Ruoxi, rushed over. The purple gold bowl spun in the air before returning to the hands of the youth.    


"Senior brother, quickly save me! That guy wants to kill someone for their treasure, wuwu!" Ou Han was crying from fear, she had never felt herself so close to death.    


However, at this moment, he didn't forget to bite back. If his senior brother found out that he wanted to kill him for the treasure, he would definitely be punished by the academy.    


"Xiao Han, are you alright?" Ruoxi wanted to help him up, but there was a difference between males and females. She hesitated for a moment before taking out a set of Spirit Dans, indicating that he should consume them.    


Ou Han's chest was pierced by Ning Wufeng's spear light, but he had the protection of the armor, so it did not hurt his internal organs.    


After consuming the pill, he stood up shakily with a miserable appearance.    


"What the hell is going on?" The red python was extremely cunning, and in the end, allowed it to run into the Red Dragon Pool, then hearing the sounds of fighting, they immediately rushed over.    


"Senior brother, this is the guy who wants to kill us for our treasures!" Ou Han said with a sullen face: "Earlier, I came back to look for the lost spirit pellets, but I didn't expect to be ambushed by this guy instead of finding them, and almost lost my life."    


The pure beautiful face looked towards Ning Wufeng with a hint of disgust in her eyes, and said: "What a wild wolf's ambition. No matter what you said, we also saved you before, but you have repaid us with kindness and enmity."    


Ning Wufeng struggled to stand up from the ground, holding the World Extinguishing Spear, he coldly swept his eyes over them. The armor that he had snatched from Wu Gang's hands earlier was already shattered, if not for that armor, he would have died a long time ago.    


"Reversing black and white, could this be the kindness of all of you?" he shouted coldly.    


"Reversing black and white?" The young man frowned and lightly said: "The disciples of our Imperial Dao Academy are fair and square, what reason do you have to say this?"    


"Imperial Dao Academy? Just and honorable. " Ning Wufeng laughed out loud, suddenly pointed at Ou Han and laughed coldly: "You made him touch your heart and say, why did this happen?"    


Ou Han's figure trembled, and he immediately shouted: "Nonsense, I am a dignified Imperial Dao Academy disciple, and you think I can harm a disciple from the countryside? What do you have that's worth my greed? "    


In a moment of desperation, Ou Han spoke like he was pouring beans out of a pot. His expression suddenly turned cold and he roared: "If I don't kill you today, where will my Imperial Dao Academy's face go?"    


"Junior brother, don't be rash, let me do it." The young man slowly stepped forward and coldly swept his eyes across Ning Wufeng. In his opinion, Ou Han's words were more trustworthy, Ning Wufeng really did not have anything worth for them to help him with.    


Reversing black and white and making up lies. He immediately tagged Ning Wufeng with two words.    


"Since we're going to fight, why waste your breath? Even if I were to die today on the spot, I will absolutely not let you live! " Ning Wufeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said word by word.    


His gaze was as fierce as a wild wolf as he coldly stared at the three people in front of him.    


Without sufficient strength, what's the use of explaining in vain?    


Zhao Jun's heart sank, he did not expect that Ning Wufeng's killing intent would be so strong. Only after experiencing countless battles, could he possess such a threatening killing intent. What did this brat go through?    


However, he didn't have the time to think about it too carefully. His Junior Brother was injured like this, and he believed that this was his own fault as his Senior Brother.    


He took a step forward and an imposing manner swept out in an instant. Puff! Ning Wufeng spat out a mouthful of blood and was pushed back more than ten steps.    


"Senior brother, don't." Ruxin was a kind person after all, and when she saw the wounds all over Ning Wufeng's body, the heavy injuries on his hands, arms, and even the ghastly bones on his back, her heart trembled lightly and she immediately spoke up.    


Moreover, seeing that Ning Wufeng was so resolute, as a woman with such keen judgement, she began to doubt Ou Han's words.    


Zhao Jun's face turned cold, and he coldly snorted: "Then we still have to teach him a lesson. Otherwise, it will harm others in the future. "    


He took a step forward without using either of the spirit artifacts, and took the initiative to attack Ning Wufeng with just his sleeves.    


"Reversing right and wrong without distinguishing between right and wrong. You think you can teach me a lesson?! " Ning Wufeng stared straight at him, the World Extinguishing Spear blasted out, the spear light transforming into a swimming dragon.    


The sharp true intent instantly erupted, smashing towards Zhao Jun. The Spear Intent was extremely sharp and filled with an indomitable determination.    


"True Mind of Spear?" Zhao Jun's face changed, he did not expect Ning Wufeng's mere Qi Drawing Stage cultivation to be able to comprehend the True Mind of Spear. He would be a genius even in the Imperial Dao Academy.    


It had to be known that it was very common for Acupoint Opening Stage students to comprehend a true intent, but Qi Drawing Stage s were very rare.    


"Be careful, senior apprentice-brother, that kid has comprehended two truths." Ou Han shouted.    


However, by the time he shouted out, it was already too late. Ning Wufeng's Enormous Strength True Mind attached itself to it in an instant, and smashed towards Zhao Jun with a loud bang. With a fierce strength that was wrapped in ten thousand kilograms of strength, it smashed down loudly. Caught off guard, Zhao Jun's sleeves were also torn apart.    


"Two kinds of true intent!" Zhao Jun's pupils constricted as a hint of amazement emerged on his face. To be able to comprehend two kinds of true intent within the Qi Drawing Stage, this talent was definitely abnormal!    


Would this kind of youth really be a house robber? He intentionally had doubts in his heart, but instead, he felt pity for this genius.    


If the teacher knew about this kid, he would definitely be so happy that he would take him in as a disciple.    


Thinking about it, Zhao Jun no longer had any thoughts of teaching Ning Wufeng a lesson, but instead thought about what the limits of his strength were.    


However, Ning Wufeng was completely unaware of the changes in his heart, and had only treated it as a life and death battle, all-powerful. Using the, he stepped out and transformed into a afterimage, brazenly attacking towards Zhao Jun.    


"What incredible speed." Zhao Jun thought, this kind of speed, would not even be possible for a normal Acupoint Opening Stage cultivator. His body moved like a ghost, retreating instead of advancing, giving Ning Wufeng more space to unleash his spear skills.    


The World Extinguishing Spear brazenly blasted out.    


Ascending Yang Art, Sunshine Style, Kaiyang Art, Sunburst Style, Sunset Style. Five shots thrust out consecutively, causing splendor to shine in the eyes of Zhao Jun and the young girl Ruo Xin.    


What a tyrannical power. Zhao Jun casually waved his hand, and the purple gold bowl appeared in front of him, allowing Ning Wufeng to attack it.    


"What an abnormal defense!" Ning Wufeng thought, could this be the true strength of the Purple Lake Stage?    


He continuously performed a set of Pure Yang Spear Spell, but did not touch Zhao Jun at all, and did not even manage to break his defense.    


"Try my last finger!" Ning Wufeng roared, and the Heaven Suppressing Finger burst out.    


"He actually has a trick up his sleeve!" Zhao Jun's heart was already in turmoil, a teenager from the Qi Drawing Stage was actually fighting with Acupoint Opening Stage and had comprehended two True Mind of Spear s. If he were to bring them back to the Academy, it would definitely cause a huge commotion.    


Seeing that Ning Wufeng had cast his technique, he laughed out loud, waved his hand to receive the purple gold bowl, and laughed: "Let me see how strong your last finger is!"    


The Heaven Suppressing Finger was slowly pushed out, the space violently fluctuated. Zhao Jun's pupils contracted slightly. This finger contained a sharp Spear Intent and a Enormous Strength True Mind.    


This meaning was very familiar, very familiar.    


Yes, domineering, an unstoppable domineering aura!    


With a loud bang, the finger pressed towards Zhao Jun. The Spirit Element in the purple lake churned, and a wave of Spirit Element turned into spirit energy instantly and brazenly waved out of the lake.    


A soft sound was heard. A bloody hole appeared in his hand from Ning Wufeng's poke, blood flowing out from it.    


"It's injured." Zhao Jun frowned, he turned and looked at Ning Wufeng with an ecstatic expression, Ning Wufeng was too surprising to him.    


There was hope! Zhao Jun stared fixedly at the youth that he had sent flying with one palm.    


"Little brother, let me ask you." Zhao Jun muttered to himself for a moment, suppressing the joy in his heart, and changing his way of addressing Ning Wufeng.    


But when he saw Ning Wufeng looking at him vigilantly, he spread his hands and stood in place.    




A sharp bird cry came out, its claws grabbing onto Ning Wufeng.    


"Such a fast speed!" Zhao Jun's pupils contracted. He did not expect that the monstrous genius he had seen with great difficulty would actually be taken away by a black hawk from the Desolate Beast. How could he agree to that?    


The purple gold bowl in his hand suddenly fell towards the black condor, causing a torrent of flames to erupt.    


"Bastard, you want to hurt me?!" Zhao Jun bellowed, his eyes showing signs of splitting. Ning Wufeng saw hope, but that hope was instantly shattered. His Purple Lake surged, and his spirit energy descended with a loud bang.    




Suddenly, the black eagle disappeared into thin air, and when it reappeared, it was already hundreds of meters above the ground.    


"Break through the air!" Zhao Jun bellowed, "Damn it, who would have thought that this beast would suddenly attack halfway, ah!"    


He raised his head and screamed crazily towards the sky, the surrounding ancient trees exploded and the Desolate Beast and the wild boar ran around frantically.    


"Senior Brother, what's going on?" When Ruoxi saw her already refined senior brother acting like a madman, she immediately went up and asked in a soft voice.    


"I've lost my talent, I've lost my talent!" Zhao Jun shouted, he did not realise that his tears were streaming down his face, and said: "Regarding this, I, Zhao Jun, am ashamed of my sect. If I return to the academy in the future, I will definitely ponder over this for a year. "    


Looking for precious medicine and talent was the wish of both him and the master. Only by doing this would they be able to strengthen their lineage.    


"Senior Brother, this kid killed someone and took their goods. He is definitely not a good person." Even up till now, Ou Han did not forget to bite back fiercely.    


"Ou Han," Zhao Jun suddenly turned his head, and stared at him. This immediately made Ou Han's hair stand on end, and even the way senior brother addressed him changed, "Speak, speak truthfully!"    


He spoke word by word, his momentum rising. Ou Han's heart trembled, his legs couldn't help but tremble.    


"I... "I ?" Under Zhao Jun's imposing manner, Ou Han's brain could not come back to his senses. He wanted to bite Ning Wufeng again, but he did not have the guts to say it out loud.    


"Forget it." Seeing this situation, Zhao Jun also understood in his heart. He said indifferently, "After you return, don't join our bloodline anymore."    


"Senior Brother, I ?" Ou Han's face changed, he anxiously tried to explain, but Zhao Jun was already far away.    


Ruoxi furrowed her brows, thinking of that youth from before. A strange light flashed in her eyes as she mumbled, "You're really not that kind of person."    


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