Control The World



Roar ?    


A heaven-shaking roar that caused one's heart to palpitate. The horned red python once again appeared in the Red Dragon Pool, its scarlet vertical pupils suffused with a faint golden color as it coldly and arrogantly stared at the group of Desolate Beast.    


For a moment, the entire world was silent.    


A beast-like roar resounded in the sky, and rain began to fall from the sky. Ning Wufeng was shocked, he never thought that the strength of this red python was so terrifying, a roar could affect the Celestial Phenomenon Ascendants.    




Ning Wufeng's first thought was this.    


After a moment of silence, the ten thousand beasts charged forward madly. The blue ape threw away the big stick in its hand and carried a Red Dragon Carp on its shoulder as it sprinted forward.    


The Black Blood Wolf roared endlessly. It had not finished eating all of the Red Dragon Carp, so it picked it up in its mouth and ran out. Its lackeys, the Black Blood Wolf s, also ran for their lives.    


The Violet Electricity Serpent was covered in blood, and from time to time, white lightning would flash on its wound. His speed was extremely fast.    


Ning Wufeng immediately activated his Ethereal Step and ran towards the side of the group of Desolate Beast.    


Roar ?    


The red python roared, like a dragon absorbing water, a gust of wind pulled Ning Wufeng and the group of Desolate Beast towards it.    


The weaker Black Wind Wolves were sucked in first. A black bear carried a giant wood, and it was uprooted and flew straight towards the red python's mouth.    


At this time, the red python's mouth was like a black hole. Under the great shock of Ning Wufeng, the Enormous Strength True Mind burst forth, but he still felt that he was moving backwards step by step.    


He stabbed the World Extinguishing Spear into the ground with a loud bang, the veins on his body bulged and his spirit energy surged.    


A large part of the Desolate Beast had been sucked out. The suction suddenly stopped, Ning Wufeng's consciousness sensed that the red python in the Red Dragon Pool was moving, like a red light sword shooting straight at the rushing Desolate Beast.    


Fortunately, he did not run in the same direction as the group of Desolate Beast, otherwise, it would definitely be the red python's food.    


Without hesitating, he immediately activated Ethereal Step and flew far away. Bang bang bang! The ground trembled violently as a green figure rushed over. It was that blue ape.    


Ning Wufeng scanned the place with his consciousness and cursed under his breath. The remaining dozen or so Earth Grade Demonic Beast all ran towards him.    


The intelligence of the Earth Grade Desolate Beast was already not low. They could sense that Ning Wufeng had escaped in a safer direction, so they swarmed over like a swarm of bees.    


Ning Wufeng complained nonstop. The safety of the place he ran off to was all because these guys had attracted the red python's attention. At this time, they had all run over, and the red python had naturally followed.    


Feeling the imposing aura that was growing heavier and heavier behind him, Ning Wufeng wished he could grow ten more legs.    


Roar ? Roar ?    


With a blood-curdling scream, three of the Earth Grade Desolate Beast behind him disappeared. That astonishingly powerful armored Bi'an Tiger didn't even have a chance to defend itself. All of it was devoured by the red python.    


The second Raging Flames Lion was also unlucky. The raging flames on its body was not even placed in the eyes of the red python and was swallowed.    


Ning Wufeng felt a sharp pain all over his body, and he was locked on by a strong aura. That powerful aura made him feel like an ant facing Mt. Tai.    




I can't die like this!    


Ning Wufeng clenched his teeth, and all the Qi in his body rushed into his legs. The Ethereal Step of the Ethereal Step was circulating frantically. He felt that his legs no longer belonged to him.    








He only had one thought in his heart.    


Bang! Ning Wufeng suddenly felt as if his entire body became lighter, as though his entire body was riding on clouds and fog. His speed suddenly increased.    


At this critical moment, the potential that had burst forth actually allowed the Ethereal Step to break through, allowing him to step into the second stage, Flawless Floor. Like a gust of wind, his entire body flew over, instantly surpassing the Black Blood Wolf King.    


The feeling of being locked on to instantly disappeared.    


Roar ?    


With a blood-curdling scream, the Black Blood Wolf King disappeared. If not for the breakthrough in the Ethereal Step, Ning Wufeng feared that this scream would have come out of him.    


The blue ape also let out a wild roar, and its body exploded with a ball of cyan light. Its body shrunk to be around Ning Wufeng's size, but its speed instantly increased.    


With a bang, the Purple Lightning Serpent beside Ning Wufeng also increased its speed, and a streak of lightning appeared on its body.    


But what Ning Wufeng did not expect was that when this fellow surpassed him, it suddenly swept its tail towards Ning Wufeng. He subconsciously swept his World Extinguishing Spear horizontally and swept out with a loud bang.    


A huge force rushed over, directly pushing Ning Wufeng back. That heavy aura suddenly came over again.    


There was no way to escape!    


Ning Wufeng cursed inwardly, he never thought that he would be tricked by this Purple Lightning Snake. He suddenly turned around, the Heaven Suppressing Finger brazenly exploded out, his entire body releasing a sharp spear light, striking towards the red python.    


A streak of flowing fire streaked across the red python's body. The Heaven Suppressing Finger actually did not break the red python's defense.    


This fellow's strength had surpassed Ning Wufeng's knowledge. Even if it was a Earth Grade Desolate Beast, Ning Wufeng was confident that if it was caught off guard and he pointed his finger at it, it would definitely be heavily injured.    


However, this red python was completely fine.    


Roar ?    


This move actually angered the red python, it opened its mouth and swallowed Ning Wufeng whole.    


The big mouth was like a cave as Ning Wufeng brazenly shot out his spear, causing a ball of eye-catching light to explode out into its mouth. A wave of flames flew past, the red python's two fangs were comparable to a top-grade Divine Weapon, and it did not suffer any damage.    


Seeing that it was about to be sucked into the red python's stomach, Ning Wufeng became ruthless and poured an incomparable amount of spirit energy. His sharp true intent burst forth and shot towards the red python.    


In a moment, the World Extinguishing Spear erupted with fierce power, shooting through the red python's mouth and flying out. The red python suddenly flung Ning Wufeng out with its head in pain.    


After walking for a while, Ning Wufeng gasped for breath, but he did not dare to stop, as the Ethereal Step flew out and took out the World Extinguishing Spear.    


The red python was angry, and its vertical pupils erupted with a shocked divine light, like a qualitative divine light shooting out. Wherever it went, the trees would instantly be minced into pieces, and even the Desolate Beast that were trying to escape would explode with a loud bang.    


Ning Wufeng was extremely shocked. The Ethereal Step beneath his feet continued to change directions, and with the help of his divine sense, it continued to streak across the sky with that divine light.    


Roar ?    


The red python suddenly turned into a beam of red light and shot towards Ning Wufeng.    


He was the one bearing the brunt of the impact, and felt his heart palpitate even more when he felt this powerful aura.    


It's over, I have to answer this time, Ning Wufeng complained in his heart. A few hundred meters of distance was crossed in an instant by the red python.    


When did the red python receive such an injury! A ball of heart palpitating spiritual light from the horn smashed over, smashing towards Ning Wufeng.    


With a loud bang, Ning Wufeng felt as if his entire body was riding on a cloud. His back was burning fiercely, as if his entire body had fallen into lava. Even his bone marrow had been burnt to a boiling point.    


In that instant, his consciousness also became a bit blurry.    






I can't die like this! Ning Wufeng relied on his own consciousness to support his will.    


Falling down meant death!    


"Senior-apprentice Brother, look. So this Crimson Dragon is here." A pleasant and pleasant voice was heard.    


"How dare you devilspawn! How dare you hurt me?!" The voice was like rolling thunder, a purple golden alms bowl enveloped the red python.    


Three figures appeared in midair. A young man with two youths around the age of 14 or 15 stood in mid-air.    


Two Acupoint Opening Stage, and one?    


Ning Wufeng realized that he couldn't see through the abilities of the young man in front of him with his divine sense. As for the purple gold bowl, it was released by him.    


The red python roared, and suddenly swept its tail at the purple gold bowl. This tail was more than just a million kilograms of strength, Ning Wufeng knew that even a large mountain would be instantly destroyed.    


"Hmph, burn everywhere!" The young man bellowed, and the heavenly fire in the purple gold bowl roared out, burning towards the red python.    


The defensive power that Ning Wufeng couldn't break with just a finger of his Heaven Suppressing Finger was instantly torn apart by the heavenly fire. He could smell a burnt smell coming from the red python.    


Roar ? Roar ?    


The red python roared angrily, and a ball of spirit energy undulations that caused one's heart to palpitate burst out from its horn.    


Splash, splash. The heavy rain poured down, washing the ground and attempting to extinguish the heavenly fire on the red python's body.    


"This fellow can actually control the Celestial Phenomenon Ascendant?" It was the youngster from Acupoint Opening Stage. He was in the midst of changing his voice, so his voice was somewhat ear-piercing.    


Seeing Ning Wufeng looking at him, he swept a cold glance, as if he was extremely disdainful.    


Ning Wufeng frowned, his entire body seemed to have fallen apart, even walking was extremely difficult. Fortunately, the young man blocked the red python, he sat down leaning against the ancient tree, flipped his hand and took out the remaining grade four pellet, and swallowed it.    


A strong wave of spiritual energy instantly exploded in his mouth, flowing through his throat into his limbs and bones. His back was burning. As he consumed the elixir, he felt a faint numbing sensation.    


The rain fell heavily on his body as if he didn't feel it at all. However, he kept his spirit sense on observing the fight not far away.    


"Eh?" That red python was actually injured? " It was obvious that he had seen the wound on the back of the python's head. He suspiciously looked at Ning Wufeng before his gaze landed on the World Extinguishing Spear.    


A weapon that could pierce through a Sky Grade Desolate Beast?    


Just then, the red python roared, the spirit force of the horn suddenly erupted, directly hitting the top of the purple gold bowl, borrowing the rain to make its attack even more powerful.    


With a loud sweep of the tail, the young man and woman with Acupoint Opening Stage were also enveloped within.    


"Be careful!" The teenager turned pale with fright, but the girl reacted even faster and pulled him up. The spirit item beneath him turned into a stream of light and escaped.    


"Ruoxi, Little Han, be careful. "Look at the demons of my Spirit Sword Sect." The youth coldly snorted as a sharp spirit sword suddenly appeared in front of him.    


The Spirit Sword pointed far away, suddenly striking towards the red python. A white light flashed and tore open a huge wound on its back.    


The red python cried out and fled into the distance.    


"You want to leave?" The young man laughed loudly and followed him.    


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