Control The World



Ning Wufeng sped through the Ancient Wooden Swamp, his entire body covered in mud and water.    


Suddenly, a towering tree appeared in front of him. It must have been tens of thousands of years old. The criss-crossing Qi Roots were as thick as a person's arm, and the several hundred Qi Roots in front of it were like a lush green forest.    


He suddenly smelled a strange fragrance and released his spiritual sense. His eyes couldn't help but light up as he saw the main shaft of the ancient tree. Due to years of dust deposition and corrosion of fallen leaves, the center of the main trunk has formed a fertile field the size of half an acre.    


Although the farmland was fertile, there was a single orchid that was interwoven with red and blue. The orchid was still budding, and it was estimated that it would bloom in two to three days.    


"Water Fire Orchid." His eyes lit up. The Waterflame Orchid was a Grade Four Elixir.    


Spirit medicine and pill were divided into nine ranks. Lower three ranks were the most common, and the Linjiang Pavilion was also able to purchase them. They were the favorite of the Qi Drawing Stage Cultivators. Medium-ranked third grade was relatively rare in Jiangning Prefecture and was useful for Acupoint Opening Stage. The upper third rank was even rarer, the cultivators of the Purple Lake Stage all viewed it as a treasure.    


"Eh?" Ning Wufeng raised his brows, his divine sense sensing that there just happened to be a multicolored serpent coiled on top of the tree. Its ash-gray body quietly leaned on the tree tops as it merged with the tree's eyes for who knows how many years. If it wasn't for his divine sense, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.    


"That kid ran over here." Ning Wufeng heard a roar coming from deep within the Ancient Wooden Swamp. It had been a long time since there was anyone around.    


It was easy to discover the traces left behind by Ning Wufeng when he walked past them, so Wu Gang and the others chased after him. The pitiful young master Wu had painstakingly laid down the spirit array, waiting for Ning Wufeng to come.    


How could Wu Gang be willing to let this go, he brought his people and chased.    


Ning Wufeng rolled his eyes. He noticed that there were many tree holes in the branches of the ten thousand year old tree. Carefully, he leaped into one of the tree holes. With a flip of his hand, he released the spirit concealing array, blocking the entrance of the cave.    


The first stage of the Soul Concealment Formation had used his last Linlang Coin, which was able to hide the spirit energy fluctuations of the Qi Drawing Stage Cultivators.    


The multicolored serpent seemed to have sensed the commotion, and lazily opened its eyes. His pupils were also the same grayish white color. He did not know how long he had been lurking here, perhaps to wait for the blooming of the Waterflame Orchid.    


"Young master, there are no traces left here." Wu Kehu said in a muffled voice.    


"Damned trash, you probably didn't run far. Everyone, look around. " Wu Gang cursed angrily.    


"What a fragrant smell." Someone from the Wu family who was chasing after Yue Yang exclaimed in surprise.    


Wu Gang's eyes lit up, and said: "There are countless spirit item in Ancient Wooden Swamp, I think the heavens have opened their eyes, and given me treasures."    


"You guys, search this place for me."    


The ten thousand year old ancient trees crisscrossed one another, and the branches connected in all directions. The difficulty of searching for them immediately became much greater. However, all the nimble and vigorous Qi Drawing Stage cultivators were climbing up the branches and hanging from the branches, heading towards the main branch of the Ancient Wood.    


Roar ?    


The black lion roared angrily, Wu Kehu said in a deep voice: "Everyone be careful, Desolate Beast s often come from places, be careful."    


Hiss ?    


The multicolored serpent flicked its scarlet tongue, sensing that someone was coming towards them. That person did not notice the giant snake at all, and upon seeing the Water Fire Orchid, he joyfully said, "Eldest Young Master, I found out ?"    


he cried in surprise, his voice coming to an abrupt halt. The multicolored serpent swallowed him whole.    


Ning Wufeng's pupils could not help but constrict. This speed was almost invisible to the naked eye, and only his spiritual sense could sense its trajectory.    


Just then, Wu Gang and the rest rushed over after hearing that, and asked suspiciously: "What's going on, where's the person?"    


"The voice just now was over here." Someone asked doubtfully.    


"Look, that orchid." Someone immediately said in surprise.    


"Water Fire Orchid." Wu Gang was overjoyed, and laughed: "It seems that the heavens have pitied my Young Master Wu. After running away, Ning Wufeng and that damned black eagle actually gave me a Fire and Water Orchid. "    


"All of you, be careful and help me dig up that Waterflame Orchid and bring it back." Wu Gang said happily.    


"Young master, please wait." Wu Kehu said cautiously. The black lion beside him growled at the orchid.    


Hiss ?    


Suddenly, a black light rushed over, and swallowed the two Wu family people whole. Wu Gang stood up with all his hairs standing on end, and with a leap, he jumped to a higher place on the treetops, eagerly asking: "What's going on?"    


That figure was simply too fast. All he saw was a blurry black light, and then the two people beside him were gone. After all, they were all cultivators of the eighth heaven of the Qi Drawing Stage.    


If that light had landed on him, he would have been gone.    


"So it's a demonic snake!" Wu Kehu's face darkened as he snorted. Before his voice fell, the black lion beside him had already attacked, slapping its huge claws recklessly towards the multicolored serpent.    


Hiss ?    


The multicolored serpent stood up, its scarlet snake shaped like a snake and bit towards the black lion. Its two fangs were as long as an adult's arm.    


With a bang, the serpent tail swept out towards the black lion, sweeping it away. The entire ancient tree trembled slightly.    


"What incredible power." Ning Wufeng muttered while hiding inside the tree hole. The multicolored serpent should soon have the strength of a Earth Grade middle rank.    


Hiss ?    


The multicolored serpent turned into a ray of black light and rushed into the crowd of Wu family. In an instant, the people of Wu family were in chaos.    


Ning Wufeng's gaze fell on the Fire and Water Orchid, he couldn't help but rub his chin, it was a good opportunity to see the Wu family and the huge snake entangled together.    


"Kill!" Wu Kehu growled, the sledgehammer in his hands swung out with a loud bang and smashed onto the multicolored serpent's body, forcefully sending the giant serpent flying out and crashing into the tree branches.    


"Sire is mighty!" The rest of the Wu family people immediately stabilized their formation and cheered loudly.    


Hiss ?    


The multicolored serpent stood up again, its vertical pupils turning scarlet as it stared at Wu Kehu's snake like tongue, its scales suddenly exploding all over its body, and it shot towards like a ball of black fog.    


In the black fog, the snake's tail was like a whip, crackling and cracking in the air. His gaze swept towards Wu Kehu.    


Roar ?    


The raging flames on the black lion's body fiercely pounced towards the black mist, and a cold light suddenly descended from its sharp claws, scraping the large snake's scales to the ground. But in an instant, it let out a wail. The flesh of the claw was completely corroded by the black gas.    


The snow-white tendons and bones were stained with fresh, red pus and blood.    


What a strong poison. Ning Wufeng thought. However, the black lion's attack also dealt a severe blow to the large snake. The black fog instantly thinned out a lot.    


With a bang, Wu Kehu swung out his hammer again, and with a loud thud, the tail of the huge snake was flung out at the same time, striking the snake head on.    


The multicolored serpent flew out, and Wu Kehu also retreated five to six steps.    


"The true meaning of Berserk!" In a split-second, the veins on Wu Kehu's body bulged, and pieces of muscles bulged like tumors.    


He kicked the branch and it snapped. He attacked the multicolored serpent like a cannonball, the giant hammer in his hands giving off a strong wind.    


At the side, Wu Gang secretly held spirit force in his hand, and a row of cold silver needles shot towards the multicolored serpent, harassing it from the side.    


At the same time, the Wu family started their counterattack in an orderly fashion.    


Ning Wufeng touched his chin. If this carried on, the multicolored serpent would not be able to hold on for long. His gaze landed on the Waterflame Orchid and he immediately grinned. "I'll give you guys some amazing material."    


He carefully broke a yellow vine, shook it, and lashed it towards the Water Fire Orchid. On the other side, the multicolored serpent and the people of Wu family were having an irreconcilable battle, they did not expect that there would be someone sitting on the side, reaping the rewards.    


With a swish, the Water-Fire Orchid fell into Ning Wufeng's hands, and the spirit concealing array instantly closed.    


"What's going on?" When Wu Gang heard the noise, his expression changed, and he suddenly remembered that Ning Wufeng had disappeared from here, and perhaps was hiding nearby.    


"Where did the Waterflame Orchid go?" Someone screamed.    


Indeed, the Waterflame Orchid had been uprooted.    


Hiss ?    


The multicolored serpent was completely enraged. The Water-Fire Orchid that it had protected for hundreds of years was actually stolen by someone. He had originally hoped to rely on this Water-Fire Orchid to break through into the middle stage of the Earth Grade. But now!    


It was completely enraged, and with a whoosh, a burst of black scales fell down like a rain, shooting towards the people of Wu family.    


Every scale was secretly poisoned, and wherever they went, the people from Wu family would immediately fall. While Wu Gang was flustered, he crushed a piece of jade chip, causing a ball of milky white light to emit from his body, and blocked the black rain of scales.    


But the others weren't so lucky. including the berserk Wu Kehu, the warhammer in his hands shook violently, allowing the scales on his body to fall as if he did not sense it in the slightest. The huge hammer came crashing down, and a group of blood fog s burst out.    


The multicolored serpent's tail was smashed into meat pulp by him. Hiss * The big snake wanted to land a bite on Wu Kehu's shoulder due to the pain. Wu Kehu put down the sledgehammer and tore the snake apart with his hands, trying his best to tear it in half.    


Inside the tree cave, Ning Wufeng who had received the Water Fire Orchid felt a burst of joy. He immediately activated the Tao Tie Spirit Spell and refined the spirit energy inside the Water Fire Orchid.    


As expected of a fourth grade spirit herb, even the Acupoint Opening Stage cultivator was drooling over it. Although it was not completely open, the spiritual energy in this Waterflame Orchid was extremely dense. His entire body was enveloped in dense spiritual energy.    


The three spirit veins were like dry, thirsty earth as they greedily absorbed this spirit energy. A moment later, they began to feel slightly full.    


"It just so happens that I have come to open the fourth spirit vein." Ning Wufeng thought, he could not help but feel a sense of excitement in his heart. After opening four spirit veins, his talent rose from the lower tier to the middle tier, achieving a qualitative change.    


Just then, the fight between the multicolored serpent and Wu Kehu outside was nearing its end. The extremely furious Wu Kehu actually took a step forward at the critical moment, stepping into the middle stage of the true intent, he instantly tore apart the multicolored serpent and revealed a ball of blood light.    




In the midst of his blood-soaked battle, Wu Kehu let out a low roar that sounded like neither a beast nor a beast. Ning Wufeng, who had been paying attention to the situation outside with his divine sense, immediately sped up his spirit vein opening.    


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