Control The World



Hiss ?    


The long and thin sound of the forest was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, a misty ray of light was released, and a large part of the branches were crushed.    


Ning Wufeng suddenly saw clearly that the pair of jade green eyes were Desolate Beast s. The Golden Primordial Spirit within the Sea of Consciousness shook violently, and it felt as if its soul was about to be sucked out.    


"You're courting death!" With a stern shout, he flipped his hand and a faint golden light flew out. It was a Slaughter Soul Sword.    


With a pfft, a blood light shot out. The dark Desolate Beast in the forest roared mournfully, its voice becoming even more slender.    


With a burst of crashing sounds, a huge tail covered in scales was sent flying towards the two of them.    


Ning Wufeng was shocked, he did not expect that after being struck by the Slaughter Soul Sword, the black Desolate Beast would still be able to attack. His life force was so powerful.    


With a thought, he turned his hand and thrusted the spear towards the tail that was whizzing towards him. With a loud bang, his entire body flew out, spinning in the air before heavily crashing into a tree branch.    


After absorbing the extremely violent dark spiritual energy, the trees of the Dark Forest became abnormally hard. Ning Wufeng crashed into it, feeling like his bones were about to break.    


It was stuck in the branches, and he was breathing hard. He saw the Desolate Beast crawling out of the dark forest.    


A pair of dark green eyes, about the size of a head, shone brightly, illuminating its surroundings.    


In the dark desolate forest, it was always dark and gloomy, and the spirit energy was a mix. These Desolate Beast had evolved to have bright eyes, which were unusually sharp, allowing them to clearly observe their surroundings.    


Without a soul consciousness here, the disorder of spirit energy would cause one's senses to become chaotic. So the eye is the best organ to observe.    


When Ning Wufeng saw this fellow's body, he couldn't help but take a deep breath. It was actually a pitch black pangolin, with a height of more than six meters.    


A bloody hole had been pierced through the middle of his forehead, yet he could still fight! Greed glinted in her dark green eyes. Suddenly being stared at by it, Ning Wufeng felt his entire body turn cold.    


And the World Extinguishing Spear just happened to stick on its tail. The World Extinguishing Spear bit into the bone and died. The Dark Pangolin wiggled its huge tail in an attempt to get rid of the spear.    


With a crashing sound, a large area of trees was struck.    


Hiss ?    


Her dark green eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light, and burst forth, pouncing towards Ning Wufeng.    


Just then, Li Yao who was completely focused on the battle moved, a white light source spiralled out from his sleeves, forming a crescent moon in the air, and entered the Dark Pangolin's body.    


With a boom, the earth shook and the beast was sent flying by Li Yao's blade.    


Hiss ?    


Its shrill cries grew even more shrill, and its dark green eyes flickered with an uncertain light.    




Li Yao roared, he grabbed at the air, and a white light source blade came out from the Dark Pangolin's body, exploding out with a burst of blood light s, and flew out.    


The blade ray rotated in the air, and with a roar, it shot out a beast that flickered with white light and roared angrily. Its long white fur fluttered in the air, and its snow white gaze startled Ning Wufeng.    


What a strong berserk beast!    


Ning Wufeng could feel that Li Yao's Spirit Angry Roar was not any weaker than the Sin City's Snow Heaven Dragon!    


Furious Sky Roar jumped into the white light blade with a bang. The blade light shot out a dazzling light that spun around rapidly and slashed at the Dark Pangolin.    


Hiss ?    


The Dark Pangolin hissed anxiously as its entire body suddenly formed a ball of blood light. It swung its tail and swung it towards the white light blades that were shooting down from the sky with great force.    


The bumpkin blood light splattered over. A bone deep scar appeared on the dark pangolin's tail. It howled and its voice was thin and extremely ear-piercing.    


Ning Wufeng felt his primordial spirit shaking, and quickly covered his ears.    


With a rustling sound, the dark pangolin ran far away at lightning speed.    


"Bastard, you still want to run away?!" Li Yao bellowed, the white light blade in his hand suddenly slashed out, revealing an extremely dazzling light.    


The Raging Roar roared as the white light of the crescent blade shone brighter than ever as it slashed down on the back of the Dark Pangolin.    


With a bang, the dark pangolin crashed into a tree and stopped. A line of blood extended from the head all the way to the tail. After a mournful cry, there was no more movement in the forest.    


A moment later, there was a crashing sound.    


The white light blade edge spinning in the air entered into Li Yao's sleeve. He smiled towards Ning Wufeng, but it was as if raging waves were raised in Ning Wufeng's heart.    


Such strength!    


One strike from the Slaughter Spirit Sword was not even enough to kill the Dark Pangolin, but Li Yao had never blocked three of its moves. Presumably, Li Yao's strength was at least at the late stage of Spirit Soul Stage.    


Ning Wufeng got off the tree and laughed: "Sorry about that, second master."    


Li Yao smiled, and indicated for him to pick up his spear.    


Ning Wufeng carefully walked over to take a look. He saw that the pitch black pangolin was still staring at him with its green eyes wide open. There was a hole in its forehead.    


The World Extinguishing Spear was still stuck in its tail, and Ning Wufeng pulled it out forcefully. With a pfft sound, the Dark Pangolin's entire body split open from the middle, and all of its stomach and intestines were smashed into puddles of pus by Li Yao, and flowed out.    


A pungent smell wafted in the air. Ning Wufeng held onto his World Extinguishing Spear tightly and took a few steps back.    


With a turn of his eyes, his expression changed slightly. He tightened his grip on the World Extinguishing Spear and stabbed it into the Dark Pangolin's hard scales. Li Yao's face revealed a flabbergasted expression. He obviously did not expect that with a light stab from Ning Wufeng, he would be able to pierce through the Darkblack Pangolin's leather armour.    


Immediately, a strange expression emerged on Ning Wufeng's face, and indeed, the World Extinguishing Spear that had stabbed into the Dark Pangolin's body had traces of warm spirit energy that entered his body.    


Could it be that the World Extinguishing Spear can absorb the energy here?    


He did not know if the Gluttony Spirit Transformation Art could refine the spirit energy here, but the fact that the World Extinguishing Spear could absorb the spirit energy from the Desolate Beast and transform it into spirit energy made him heave a sigh of relief.    


Since Li Yao was standing at the side, he resisted his curiosity. In order to prevent himself from being seen through, he pulled out the World Extinguishing Spear.    


"What's the matter?" Li Yao asked curiously.    


Ning Wufeng shook his head and laughed: "I wanted to try this guy's defense, I didn't expect the Slaughter Spirit Sword to fail to kill it."    


Li Yao walked over and laughed: "This is an exception, probably because this big guy is extremely hungry, that's why he came out randomly, and chose to eat someone."    


"However, I did not expect your spear to pierce through its defenses. The defense of its scales is no weaker than a Spirit Soldier's."    


Ning Wufeng's heart skipped a beat.    


But Li Yao did not continue to question him, he turned around and dug out the two dark green eyes of the Dark Pangolin, and laughed: "These are the dark desolate forest's very good lights."    


Ning Wufeng suddenly understood that for him to be able to reach where he was today, without any secrets in his hands, Li Yao would never believe it. If there really was no secret, Li Yao would not have chosen him.    


Of course, in Li Yao's opinion, the Acupoint Opening Stage cultivator's secret was not enough to make him envious.    


He used his spirit energy to swallow the blood from the two jade green eyes, and handed one to Ning Ning Wufeng. In order to save spiritual energy, the two of them would not release their spiritual sense. Using the most traditional methods to light up their surroundings was indeed the best.    


When Ning Wufeng received it, those jade green eyes of his seemed to be as clean as jade and a slight fragrance even came out. It should be a decent spiritual treasure, and he would definitely be able to buy it for a good price outside. But here it could only be used for illumination.    


He suddenly understood why so many people who were unafraid of death would rush into dark desolate forest to search for treasures. This was indeed a place filled with treasures.    


"There are many hidden dangers in the dark desolate forest. Follow me closely and be careful." Li Yao instructed, he walked in front with Ning Wufeng following closely behind him.    


The two of them, one in front and one behind, passed through the complicated terrain. White bones could be seen everywhere, it was already impossible to tell if they were human or Desolate Beast.    


They had also encountered a few groups of Desolate Beast, but they were all killed by them. There were also some who were hiding in the forest, occasionally shining with cold light. Some were red, while others were purple, ready to ambush them at any time.    


The sun could not be seen in the dark desolate forest, so Ning Wufeng estimated that they had walked for more than half a day. Li Yao looked around at his surroundings, then turned and said: "Be careful, the Three Heads Dark Flame Tiger's territory is up ahead."    


The two of them climbed up the small hill together. This was an extremely spacious area filled with dark-red thorns, and dark blue flowers blossomed on the crisscrossing thorns. They were the size of grains of rice, looking like falling gems.    


There was a cave protruding from the flat ground. From time to time, there would be roars of beasts coming from the cave. Ning Wufeng realized that the dark blue flowers on the thorns were moving in rhythm with the beasts' roars.    


Li Yao said in Ning Wufeng's mind through his divine sense: "Later, I will be in charge of luring the Three Heads Dark Flame Tiger away, and you can take the opportunity to enter the cave. Dark Flaming Tiger, be careful, you have to move quickly. "    


Ning Wufeng nodded heavily and took a deep breath.    


"Take care." Li Yao nodded.    


Before he could finish his words, the sound of a battle could be heard from behind him.    


The two of them looked back. Not far behind them, a group of people covered in blood were fighting against the Dark Wild Wolf. The Dark Wild Wolf's ink-red fur stood up like silver needles. Its scarlet eyes flashed with a cold light.    


A Dark Wild Wolf's strength was only at Purple Lake Stage, but if they were surrounded by a group of Dark Wild Wolf, even Spirit Soul Stage cultivator would not be able to escape.    


The clothes of that group of people were torn apart. Two men and one woman, dark red blood on their bodies, many of which had already congealed into blood scabs.    


They saw Li Yao and Ning Wufeng and anxiously shouted: "Brother, save us!"    


Li Yao's face changed, the three of them led the Dark Wild Wolf over.    


Ning Wufeng could not bear it anymore and said: "Master Er, since we are also humans, let us help out with something. Otherwise, if the sounds of the battle startled the Three Heads Dark Flame Tiger, it would not be easy to obtain. "    


Li Yao's face darkened as he stared at the three of them. Ning Wufeng's eyes released a faint purple light, and with the help of the Good Fortune Spirit Eye, he could sense that the three of them were only at Purple Lake Stage.    


As the two of them observed each other, the sounds of fighting soon rang out.    


Roar ? Roar ?    


From the pitch-black cave came a series of suppressed, furious roars.    


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