Control The World



On the way back, Jin Jiu and Jin Shiliu kept bragging to Ning Wufeng about how grand and magnificent Stone City was.    


Ning Wufeng was shocked when he remembered seeing the tree house that stretched out for thousands of miles around the tree demon Tribe. The Bronze People Clan was big and thick, big and careless. It might not be able to create any kind of grand architecture.    


However, when he saw the stone city, Ning Wufeng could not help but take in a deep breath.    


Stone City spanned two thousand miles, and there were many mountains in the city. The Bronze People Clan used the mountain as its home and carved out countless large mountains. The best mountain peak was thousands of feet high, and it was exceptionally grand.    


The city was 200 meters tall, reaching straight into the clouds, like an ancient beast. Furthermore, every single boulder on the city wall was tightly sewn together, and not even extremely thin blades could penetrate it.    


Ning Wufeng took a deep breath, he never thought that it would be such a grand building, he sighed inwardly, although the bronze men were carefree, they were extremely meticulous.    


Bai Fei'er was also shocked.    


Jin Jiu and Jin Shiliu, the two brothers, laughed and led Ning Wufeng and Yue Yang to Stone City.    


Along the way, there were quite a few bronze men who greeted them. It was obvious that the two brothers were quite famous in the city.    


"Make way ?"    


A blue stone monster flew past, and one of the people on top of the beast shouted: "Prince Na Fei is touring the streets, everyone give way."    


The people on the street all moved to the sides.    


"Hehe, brother, you two came at the right time." Jin Jiu laughed and pulled Ning Wufeng to the side of the road.    


Soon, dozens of bronze men in golden armor came towards them with ceremonial moves. The golden armor shone brightly, appearing extremely extraordinary.    


The savage beast beneath him had a green face and fangs, and its entire body was as though it had been cast from metal and stone. It was filled with a sense of power. With a low growl, the passersby retreated once more.    


"I never thought that the Bronze King would actually think so highly of this Royal Consort. He actually dispatched ten Golden Hunting Guards as escorts." Bai Fei'er whispered at the side.    


Golden Hunters? Ning Wufeng was suspicious.    


However, Bai Fei'er seemed to be telling him on purpose, and said: "Golden Hunting Guards, every one of them are late period of Violet Lake Stage, they have comprehended a type of Gold Origin True Mind, and are extremely powerful."    


Ning Wufeng took a deep breath. In Golden Spirit Realm, even Gold Origin True Mind were this worthless?    


Jin Jiu and Jin Shiliu who were at the side looked at the Golden Hunting Beast's guards with envy, and snorted: "Wait until next year, the two of us brothers can also become Golden Hunting Guards."    


They clenched their fists.    


Ning Wufeng calmed his emotions. He knew that Bai Fei'er was telling him not to act rashly, since these Golden Hunting Guards were the elites of Bronze People Clan.    


Ten Golden Hunters walked past them, emitting an intimidating aura.    


Right after that were hundreds of women from Bronze People Clan holding onto their children. They held onto all kinds of gold and stone in their hands, representing that they would be having children since young.    


A group of female and child walked past them happily, singing songs that were unique to Bronze People Clan.    


Behind them was the Prince of Bronze People Clan. He was tall and sturdy, with a happy smile on his face.    


The person behind, caused Ning Wufeng's pupils to constrict. It was Zhao Wuji and Situ Quan!    


His face darkened as he stared at them.    


At this time, Zhao Wuji seemed to have felt his gaze as he turned his head around, his face revealing a happy expression. He quietly muttered to Situ Quan who was beside him, and then Situ Quan retreated to the side of the prince's wife's bridal sedan.    


Ning Wufeng anxiously looked towards the bridal sedan, but the sedan was blocked by Situ Quan. The consciousness he released was similarly blocked by Situ Quan.    


"Damn it!" Ning Wufeng secretly cursed.    


At this time, Zhao Wuji walked over to the side of the Prince of Bronze People Clan and whispered a few words into his ear.    


The Prince of Bronze People Clan seemed to think very highly of him. He followed their gazes and looked towards Ning Wufeng with a burning gaze and surging fighting spirit.    


Ning Wufeng was not afraid of the stage, his eyes staring straight at the Prince of Bronze People Clan.    


Suddenly, the Prince of Bronze People Clan waved his hand, causing all the guards on the street to stop. Even the women and children who were chanting along the way quietened down.    


"You, come here!" Pointing at Ning Wufeng, he bent the four fingers on his right hand and shouted.    


Bai Fei'er was at the side of the beautiful face. She lightly pulled the corner of Ning Wufeng's clothes and said: "Don't be rash."    


Jin Jiu and Jin Shiliu, who were at the side, had faces full of astonishment. This was clearly Ning Wufeng's first time in Stone City, how could he have offended a prince?    


Four fingers bent slightly as a challenge gesture from the Bronze People Clan.    


Ning Wufeng gently pushed Bai Fei'er's small hands away. If Chuchu was inside the bridal sedan, then he would get up no matter what, even if this was Shi City.    


Zhao Wuji's face revealed a playful smile.    


Ning Wufeng walked to the front of the bronze prince, and Jin Jiu and Jin Shiliu immediately followed. Bai Fei'er let out a light snort, and walked up.    


Jin Zhan, as a bronze prince, had never seen a human who dared to look at him this way. In his mind, the humans were all more hypocritical and weak, just like the two people beside him.    


"You, want to steal my prince's consort?" Jin Zhan's voice was like thunder as he let out a deep groan. The Sharp Gold Beast below him also bellowed, showing its fangs at Ning Wufeng.    


"Prince, this must be a misunderstanding." Jin Jiu groaned and said.    


The Bronze People Clan believed in strong warriors. The level wasn't that strict. Jin Jiu had even fought with Jin Zhan at the Stone City Tournament. He immediately explained to Jin Zhan.    


"I want to see her."    


Without waiting for Jin Zhan to speak, Ning Wufeng suddenly spoke up, causing Jin Jiu's face to change.    


Jin Shiliu whispered into his ear: "Brother, in our Bronze People Clan, other than our father, the only other girls that haven't been married yet can only be seen by your husband."    


Although it was in a low voice, everyone could clearly hear the Bronze People Clan's innate loud voice.    


"But she is a human being." Ning Wufeng said in a deep voice. He raised his head and looked at Jin Zhan, who was brimming with fighting intent, and said: "Your Highness, I do not have any intention of provoking you. I only want to confirm whether or not she is my friend."    


"Since you're married to the Bronze People Clan, you should naturally follow the rules of the Bronze People Clan." Zhao Wuji spoke softly, his face revealing a teasing smile.    


"Do you want to give His Royal Highness a green hat?" If everyone were to come forward and take a look, and confirm that they are not their friends, then in the future, where would the face of the Prince's consort be? "    


Green hat?    


Although Jin Zhan didn't understand the meaning behind those words, he was clear that they weren't good words. He groaned, and completely agreed with Zhao Wuji's words.    


Ning Wufeng's face slightly darkened, and said coldly: "Zhao Wuji, what happened earlier is a grudge between us, if you insist on making a move against Chuchu, don't blame me for being ruthless."    


He clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white, and stared straight at Zhao Wuji.    


Zhao Wuji laughed out loud and said, "I am an important guest of Prince Jin Zhan and I am also the matchmaker of this marriage. Now I just want to get this marriage done. Your grudge with me is not even worth mentioning in front of this marriage. "    


He provocatively glanced at Ning Wufeng and glanced at the bridal sedan from the corner of his eyes. His intentions were clear, come and snatch it if you have the ability.    


Ning Wufeng gasped for breath, with a grab in the air, the World Extinguishing Spear appeared in his hands, the spear tip surging with dense spirit energy.    


Seeing Ning Wufeng taking out his weapon, the ten Golden Hunting Guards immediately surrounded him. The Golden Hunting Beast beneath him roared, its aura was astonishing.    


Ten pikes, wherever the pike light went, all of them were Ning Wufeng.    


"Hey, what are you doing?" Bai Fei'er pulled Ning Wufeng back, and anxiously said: "You are not their opponent."    


However, when Ning Wufeng thought about how he had fallen into their hands and was about to be forced to marry them, his heart was filled with endless rage. He didn't want to think about anything and only wanted to snatch Chuchu from their hands.    


Clank, clank ?    


With a light tremble, a white light emerged beneath Ning Wufeng's feet. The White Jade Elk let out a long cry.    


"Brother Lu, let's charge!"    


"Screech ~ ~"    


The White Jade Elk let out a long cry and suddenly rushed towards the Golden Hunting Guards. The Golden Hunting Beast roared in unison, and the ten pikes rushed towards Ning Wufeng in an instant.    


The World Extinguishing Spear rippled with dense light, and as if it was flying, it left a trail of dazzling golden light in the air.    


"What incredible power." Jin Jiu and Jin Shiliu licked their lips, they had originally thought that they were lacking in humans, but never would they have thought that Ning Wufeng was actually that strong.    


The aura of the first stage of the Gold Origin True Mind on Ning Wufeng's body erupted. The Soul Condensing Shot brazenly exploded outwards as a golden light shot towards one of the Golden Hunting Guards.    


Almost at the same time, the ten Golden Hunting Guards also began to emit a dense spiritual light. It was just as Bai Fei'er had said, they had all comprehended the first realm of Gold Origin True Mind.    


Ning Wufeng thrusted out his spear, and all three spears rushed towards him at the same time. Spear light surged with a rich golden spirit energy. He gave a muffled groan. The Gold Hunting Guards also ate top-grade metal and stone, and their metal spiritual energy was extremely dense.    


Violent golden spirit energy gushed out from the three pikes at the same time, surging with light that forced Ning Wufeng to retreat.    


Illusory Drifting!    


The Ning Wufeng Yin Yang Purple Lake was spinning intensely, gold spirit energy surging out. The surrounding Bronze People Clan felt the golden spirit energy in their bodies being pulled, rushing towards Ning Wufeng's spear light.    


The group of people revealed looks of surprise as they retreated backwards.    


Jin Zhan also looked surprised. He couldn't help but lick his lips. This was a good opponent!    


Normally, he would have already rushed out and fought a big battle with Ning Wufeng. But today, he was the main character in the wedding ceremony and couldn't make a move.    


He kept rubbing his palms, obviously moved.    


Zhao Wuji and the other two by the side had cold smiles on their faces. Of the ten Golden Hunting Guards, Ning Wufeng had only defeated three of them at most, the other seven would definitely be able to squash Ning Wufeng into meat paste.    


Zhao Wuji's lips curled up, he never thought that Golden Spirit Realm's journey would have such unexpected gains. After he killed Ning Wufeng and obtained the Bronze People Clan's treasure, it would be the time for him, the Azure Blue Demon King, to leave the continent!    


Sure enough, Ning Wufeng shot his Illusory Drifting, knocking the three golden spears of the Golden Hunters off their bodies. However, the other seven Golden Hunting Guards had already arrived in front of Ning Wufeng.    






Almost at the same time, two loud shouts rang out.    


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