Control The World



"Damn it!" Ning Wufeng secretly cursed, he never thought that this old thing Gou Yutuo was so unreliable, to actually abandon him like that!    


Feeling Xu Baocheng's surging aura, he was shocked in his heart.    


Could it be that the position of first ranker was given to someone else just like that? He was unwilling to accept this!    


But in Spirit Soul Stage cultivator, the difference in strength was like heaven and earth, what could he do!    


Ning Wufeng's face suddenly turned sinister, and roared: "Even if I die, I won't let you all off easy!"    


The Gluttony Spirit Transformation Art rippled and light surged, instantly absorbing the spirit force whirlpool below Qin Xinghui's body back to a few feet size.    


Qin Xinghui's face revealed his shock, and shouted loudly: "Xu Wei, quickly make your move!" There was even a hint of tears in his voice.    


The dignified son of the King Li was actually forced to such a state.    


Xu Baocheng said sternly as he struck out with his palm.    


Ah!" The spectators from Zhao turned pale with fright. She couldn't stop her tears from rolling down her cheeks.    


Following that, there was a loud explosion as an explosion sounded out in the air and a spiritual light surged. In an instant, it engulfed Ning Wufeng.    


Everyone thought that Ning Wufeng had fallen under Xu Baocheng's palm just like that, but they never thought that when the light beam dissipated, a figure would be blocking in front of Ning Wufeng.    


"Second Master Li!" Ning Wufeng's expression changed, revealing a look of wild joy, he did not expect Li Yao to appear at such a crucial time.    


Shua shua shua...    


Thousands of black shadows appeared around him, each of them emanating a thick, murderous aura. The pitch-black Fierce Tiger War Flag flapped loudly in the air. When the hundred thousand citizens saw this, they all retreated, making way for them.    


Suddenly, someone saw the flag of the tiger and shouted, "It's the Undying Army!"    


"The Undying Army!"    


Zhao Jun and the rest heaved a sigh of relief, their faces all smiles, they never thought that Li Yao would actually bring the Undying Army to rescue them!    


If Qimen was said to be the number one assassin's guild in the Zhao Kingdom, then the Undying Army was the strongest army in the Zhao Kingdom.    


The Immortal Army was loyal and righteous. It was personally conferred its name by the first generation Emperor Zhao. The Emperor's title was: "Great Zhao can't be destroyed, the Immortal Army can't be destroyed!"    


After going through a few huge twists and turns, the royal family was almost annihilated a few times. However, all of them were saved and died because of the help of the Immortal Army.    


Once Zhao Kingdom was at peace, the Undying Army would hide their power and reputation. As a result, very few people knew about the existence of the Immortal Army. The Immortal Army's family of generals ? Li Family ? was also not ranked amongst the Four Major Families.    


Now, Qin Zhao against his enemy, the Undying Li Family appeared once more. When the hundreds of thousands of citizens of Zhao Kingdom heard that this mysterious army was here to rescue them, they were instantly enlivened.    


"What, a dignified personal guard of the King Li came to the Zhao Kingdom, and wanted to make a move against a young man from the Zhao Kingdom?" Li Yao squinted his eyes at Xu Baocheng, his tone filled with contempt.    


If there was anyone in the Zhao Kingdom that dared to look down on the people of the Great Qin, the Undying Li Family would definitely be number one, and Second Elder Li Yao was even more so.    


Xu Baocheng's expression changed as he said in a stern voice: "Li Yao, I never thought that just for me, a mere Xu Baocheng, you would be able to alarm the Undying Army?"    


He was greatly shocked in his heart. If the Undying Army was to come out, it meant that the people of Zhao Kingdom were already prepared for what was going to happen next. However, he still felt disdain towards the Immortal Army in his heart. After all, so what if they were an army that had fallen?    


Li Yao slightly smiled, and said: "To be able to alarm the four great personal guards of King Li, why not the Undying Army?"    


"Right now, the Pilgrimage Feast is not over yet. I still hope that Xu Wei does not act rashly." He smiled faintly, but those who were familiar with him knew that there was no doubt about the killing intent he was emitting.    


Seeing that Second Master Li's actions were so overbearing, Ning Wufeng smiled and said: "Then I'll be troubling Second Master Li, Ning Wufeng will settle this for Pilgrimage Feast."    


"Wait a moment." Li Yao chuckled, and pointed at Gou Yutuo who was about to slip away. Seeing that the situation wasn't good, this fellow wanted to slip away secretly.    


"Huff ? Huff ?"    


Suddenly, the Black Tiger flags around flapped. Spiritual light surged and the tiger roared non-stop.    


Roar ? Roar ?    


With a heaven-shaking, earth-shaking roar, a giant tiger dropped from the sky and rushed towards Gou Yutuo, who was trying to steal it.    


Gou Yutuo's figure froze, then he laughed and said: "You bunch of brats, what are you trying to stop me for?"    


His muddy eyes revealed a look of disdain, just by relying on this group of Purple Lake Stage's Undying Army, they wanted to stop a late stage Spirit Soul Stage Ranker!    


Li Yao waved his hand, and hundreds of thousands of citizens scattered, one thousand of the Undying Army went up, and the Sky Tiger was covered in a black ink, giving off a chilling aura. With a furious roar, the tiger's roar resounded in the forest, and the faces of the crowd turned pale with fright.    


Gou Yutuo's face twitched, and he struck towards the Black Tiger with his palm, his spirit energy surging.    


Roar ? Roar ?    


The Black Tiger roared, its aura surging, and with a loud bang, it slashed Gou Yutuo down. The Black Tiger flags danced, the strong wind whistled, as thousands of Undying Army soldiers surrounded Gou Yutuo.    


Gou Yutuo's face changed, and shouted sternly: "What do you all want?"    


Very quickly, the thousands of Undying Army soldiers attacked together, the Spirit Soldier armor materialized, instigating the power of dozens of fierce tigers, they rushed towards Gou Yutuo, and captured him!    


"You!" Gou Yutuo's face was filled with shame and anger, but he was held back tightly by the Black Armored Immortal Army.    


Everyone present was shocked, who would have thought that a dignified late stage Spirit Soul Stage cultivator would not even have the chance to escape from the encirclement of thousands of soldiers!    




Thousands of Purple Lake Stage cultivator s from the Immortal Army were all dressed in Spirit Soldier's Black Tiger armor, emitting an earth-shaking aura, shocking the entire audience.    


Xu Baocheng's face changed greatly, he knew that Li Yao was trying to kill the chicken for the monkey to see. Even if he did make a move, it wouldn't do any good in front of the thousands of soldiers who were as strong as wolves and tigers!    


And beside him, there was another madman Li Yao who was equally strong!    


Xu Baocheng was greatly shocked in his heart, and his expression flickered unpredictably.    


Li Yao laughed and waved at Ning Wufeng, saying, "Dealing with a fly, there's no rush, you guys take your time. Let's watch the show. "    


As he spoke, someone was bringing him a big tiger chair. He leaned back in his chair.    


Very quickly, someone brought out fine wine and delicacies. Li Yao shouted loudly: "Eldest Prince, do you want to come up and drink a cup with me?"    


"Thank you, General Li."    


Zhao Jun brought a group of Sky Alliance s to the stage together.    


It seemed that in this battle between Qin and Zhao, the Undying Li Family had chosen Eldest Prince Zhao Jun!    


On the other side of the stage, Zhao Wuji had already recovered. After sensing the Immortal Army's power, his entire body was trembling and his eyes revealed greed. He wished that he could control them immediately.    


But, he never thought that Li Yao would choose Zhao Jun!    




Zhao Wuji's face turned pale white, her body started trembling violently, "Let's go!"    


He slipped away from the crowd, escorted by the old eunuch. Although Li Yao found out about Zhao Wuji, he remembered that he was from the Zhao Dynasty and didn't do anything to him.    


In the arena.    


Ning Wufeng laughed loudly, and said with a clear voice: "Alright, then let Second Master Li watch an interesting performance."    


With an angry roar, he used the Dragon God Art. A golden light surged into the sky as the two golden dragon roared and charged towards Qin Xinghui.    


Qin Xinghui was at the critical point of his breakthrough, but he clearly lacked spirit energy, and since Xu Baocheng was unable to help, his expression changed greatly.    


Suddenly, he let out a mournful and furious roar, and roared: "Ning Wufeng, you won't let me off easy, how can I spare you!"    


His entire body radiated with light, instantly disintegrating the purple lake that was about to form into a dense amount of Spiritual Energy and pouring it into the ten Spirit Apertures. The Spiritual Energy surged endlessly.    


"He gave up on breaking through?" Ning Wufeng's expression moved. If he failed his first breakthrough, then breaking through in the future would be even more difficult.    


This was also the reason why Gou Yutuo had not stepped into the Three Elements Stage after breaking through so many times.    


How could Qin Xinghui not know of this outcome? His face was ashen as he stared at Ning Wufeng, the corners of his eyes turning red as he roared out: "You forced me to do this!"    


Spiritual light surged as he spat out the blood essence and submerged into the Golden Lu Beast in front of him. The golden light on the Lu Beast's body was instantly dyed blood-red, looking extremely demonic.    




Qin Xinghui leaped up and landed on top of the Golden Lu Beast.    


Roar ? Roar ?    


The Golden Lu Beast roared, he pointed his sword aura straight at Ning Wufeng. The Golden Lu Beast exploded outwards, transforming into a blood-red golden light.    


"Good!" I will make you accept your loss wholeheartedly! " Ning Wufeng bellowed, he leaped up on the dragon's back, the World Extinguishing Spear snorted as it spat out golden light.    


His beard danced crazily as the Ten Spirits Aperture's spirit energy gushed into the World Extinguishing Spear like a spring.    


Rumble ?    


A blinding sword light and a dazzling spear light collided in the air. Ning Wufeng's golden dragon s became stronger and stronger, while Qin Xinghui's Blood Gold Lu Beast also fought on his back, looking extremely ferocious.    


Below the two of them, a dragon and a beast were biting each other. With a flick of its tail, the golden dragon struck out, and the Golden Sunset Beast suddenly raised its horn. Every collision was like a landslide.     


And atop the beast's body, Ning Wufeng's lance beams and Qin Xinghui's sword light clashed in midair, sending out beams of cold light as thunderous sounds resounded.    


"I will kill you!"    


Qin Xinghui roared mournfully, the Mighty Heavenly Sword shot out a ray of light, suddenly slashing towards Ning Wufeng, the sword beam shot forth like lightning, ripping through the black clouds.    


At the same time, he had actually grabbed onto the spear blade of the World Extinguishing Spear. His face was filled with madness, and blood seeped out of the corner of his mouth, making him look extremely sinister.    


The sword light shot out!    


Ning Wufeng's face changed, he did not expect Qin Xinghui to be so fierce. The Myriad Phenomenons Seal in his left hand rushed forward and blocked Qin Xinghui's sword with a loud bang. At the same time, a spear light swept out, and a sword light shot out.    


With a creaking sound, the hand Qin Xinghui was using to grab onto the World Extinguishing Spear was forcibly torn apart by the surging spear light, creating a rain of blood and wind. At the same time, he slashed open the Myriad Phenomenons Seal and landed on Ning Wufeng's body.    


An astonishing wound appeared on Ning Wufeng's chest.    


"Cough, cough." Qin Xinghui panted violently, staring at Ning Wufeng with his scarlet eyes, he laughed towards the sky: "Haha, let's see if you're still alive!"    


"If you are not the son of the King Li, you don't even have the qualifications to be my opponent!" Ning Wufeng groaned, he felt the Sword Qi in his body wreaking havoc, and the Enlightened Ruler Spell quickly merged with him.    


The healing effect of the Enlightened Ruler Spell was extremely strong. Back then, when Ning Wufeng was on the verge of death, it had saved him several times. This time, it was just a sword stab in the chest.    


He smiled faintly.    


Qin Xinghui's face instantly became abnormally mournful, and shouted: "Impossible!"    


Before he could finish, he fell to the ground with a thump and lost consciousness.    


Pilgrimage Feast's end, Ning Wufeng wins!    


"First place!"    


"First place!"    


Below the stage, the crowd was abuzz with noise and cheers from the Undying Army.    


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