Deliveryman of the Heaven

C158 Good Cause and Good Fruit

C158 Good Cause and Good Fruit

Weiqing brought Lee Jiachun and left the hospital.    


At first, Weiqing thought that it was a side effect of her death, but in reality, Lee Jiachun was very normal and remembered everything that had happened to him very clearly. So why did she suddenly have the memories of a big brother in her head?    


Could it be because Weiqing had given the express delivery to him, or because Weiqing had taken Weiqing's identity seriously when he was just about to die?    


Since they had already called Weiqing their big brother, Weiqing naturally could not abandon Lee Jiachun. Instead, he was preparing to bring her back to the Yang City. Lee Jiachun revived after death, so it was very possible that his life had been extended by the Arctic Immortal Elder! Weiqing had to figure out why her lifespan was so much longer. On the carriage, Weiqing and Lee Jiachun started to chat.    


Lee Jiachun was really a prostitute. Women, she admitted.    


This girl, who was only twenty-three years old, was the number one player in the Heaven's Tower.    


She was brought up by a trash picking mother-in-law. However, when she was eight years old, that mother-in-law was beaten to death by the bully, and Lee Jiachun took out all of the more than ten thousand dollars her mother-in-law left behind to arrange a funeral for her mother-in-law. It was a glorious funeral, and she didn't leave behind a single cent of it for herself because she felt that she could pick up trash living with her hands and feet!    


According to Lee Jiachun's explanation, Grandma Qian originally left these money for her to study in. However, she felt that her mother-in-law was her closest kin and wouldn't mistreat her.    


What a kind child.    


An eight-year-old girl picking up trash had met someone who was kind enough to give her a bite to eat, but had also met someone who took away her money, causing her to shiver in the ice-cold alley. But she was lucky, she said, and she survived until she was twelve, when she was taken in by a homeless couple and started singing in the streets. However, at the age of sixteen, she was sold to a clubhouse. From then on, she had lived there for seven years.    


In those seven years, she was beautiful and sang well. In the words of the guests, she didn't look like a prostitute at all.    


Of course, Lee Jiachun had earned a lot of money in these seven years, which was enough for her to jump out of the pit of fire and live a decent life. Unexpectedly, she had set up an Orphan Fund with all the money she had earned, and even donated some money to schools in the mountainous regions.    


Lee Jiachun also said that although she was filthy in the eyes of the guests, she had been to an orphanage once. In the eyes of the children, she was very clean and popular.    


It was also this motivation that made Lee Jiachun persist until now.    


Hearing this, I couldn't help but ask her, "Why didn't you leave this fire pit?"    


Lee Jiachun's answer made me feel that it was inconceivable.    


She told me that she didn't think the money she made was dirty. Others used her hands, she used her body, she didn't steal or rob. He even said that if she left, there would definitely be a second girl involved. In a very popular phrase, if there was no trade, there would be no harm. She didn't think that she had done anything wrong!    


She obviously avoided my question a little, but couldn't resist asking it a second time.    


Do you have any cigarettes?" Lee Jiachun suddenly asked, and I shook my head. Instead, the beautiful driver threw over a pack of cigarettes, and Lee Jiachun lit a cigarette for herself, exhaling deeply as she spoke with pride. The people she dealt with were either rich or powerful, it was easy to earn money. With these people, it was as easy as having a meal in a foundation or a donor school. She said that staying there could easily help more people, so why did she leave?    


Listening up to here, Weiqing took a glance at the calm faced Lee Jiachun. He felt that she wasn't just a simple prostitute, she was at least of high level.    


At this point, the pretty driver who was driving in the front couldn't help but ask, "Then why are they hospitalized?"    


Lee Jiachun shook her head and said she didn't know, but Doctor Peter told her that she could get AIDS.    


I just smiled bitterly at that.    


However, Lee Jiachun rejected it immediately. This sickness was definitely not brought to her by her customers. Her tone was very firm. I didn't ask why, but instead believed that what she said was true. It didn't matter who gave her AIDS. The important Lee Jiachun was still alive, and Peter had already checked her body, so there was no AIDS.    


Finally I asked her why she insisted I was her brother.    


Lee Jiachun told me that she had had a very strange dream. She dreamt of an old man who kept telling Lee Jiachun that he was his brother, so she believed him. This kind of naive thought made Weiqing feel that it was unimaginable. Lee Jiachun would definitely not be an easy person to fool. She would never recognize a big brother just because of an absurd dream.    


Strange identity, strange thoughts, strange people do not believe she is a prostitute.    


However, Weiqing believed that what Lee Jiachun said was true. This old man who appeared in her dreams, should be the Arctic Immortal Elder, right?    


After chatting for so long, Weiqing realized something shocking. Lee Jiachun was not the least bit dissatisfied with this society, instead, she felt very grateful. Weiqing didn't know if Lee Jiachun's thoughts were related to her misfortunes when she was young. All she knew was that Dr. Peter was right, Lee Jiachun was a girl, perhaps even the Yama wouldn't be willing to bring her away.    


At this moment, Weiqing didn't even know if Lee Jiachun was really unlucky or not. The only thing he could say was that everything had a cause and effect, that Lee Jiachun had planted a good cause, and finally obtained a good fruit!    


"Are you really going to come back to the Hibiscus District with us?" Weiqing looked at Lee Jiachun who was smoking at the side and looking out of the window.    


Lee Jiachun took a deep breath and threw the cigarette butt out, then coughed a bit: "When I was in the hospital, I had already asked Doctor Peter to donate all the money I owned to the Foundation. I no longer have anything to worry about, I'm not a saint, I'm just an ordinary person, all I want now is to live for myself."    


Weiqing revealed a look of approval, and nodded: "Mn, it's time for you to live for yourself."    


The reason why the Arctic Immortal Elder had extended his lifespan to Lee Jiachun was most likely because of the benevolent deeds that Lee Jiachun had done. However, such an extra lifespan would definitely not last for long, and one day, Lee Jiachun would still have to leave this world. Maybe those who had died would understand many things, Zhang Fugui was like this, Lee Jiachun was the same.    


Maybe because she was tired, Lee Jiachun did not hide anything and started to doze off while leaning on Weiqing's shoulder, and even intimately held onto Weiqing's arm with one hand.    


Lee Jiachun left the hospital. She was wearing the clothes that the beautiful driver had bought, it was rather fashionable. To be able to become the head of a high level clubhouse, it could be said that Lee Jiachun's figure was nothing, but Weiqing did not have any evil thoughts about Lee Jiachun, and there was definitely a type of brotherly intimacy.    


At this time, the message on the WeChat reminded Arctic Immortal Elder that he was currently private chatting with Weiqing. Weiqing carefully opened the WeChat, afraid that he would disturb Lee Jiachun's beautiful dream …    


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