Strongest Transformation System

C691 The Unconscious Pixel Fusion

C691 The Unconscious Pixel Fusion



Endless darkness!    


"Old Yu! I found a way!"    


"What method?"    


"[Pixel twin!]"    


"What do you mean? "    


"[The origin of the world is no longer able to control the infinite power of pixel. Their repulsion is getting more and more severe. I will either strip my body and soul and turn my body into a demon, or I will completely fuse with it!]"    


"That's impossible. As you said yourself, pixels are innately opposed to each other and will never fuse with each other!"    


" No, through ten thousand years of deduction, I found the truth! First of all, I want to complete the twin. Then, I want to complete the positive and negative! "    


"Kid, can you not be like this every time? This immortal will be annoyed even if I hear it!"    


"Hmph! Don't you think you know astronomy and geography? What? Did you encounter a problem?"    


"Get lost! Hurry up and say it!"    


"It's actually very simple, pixels are actually the original form of the universe. The infinite types of the universe might have inherited their characteristics! And why would the universe appear? Have you thought about it? "    


" Rubbish, if I could consider it, this immortal would have long transcended the source of life and become an undying supreme! "    


" The appearance of the universe was an accident, because it appeared after countless subconscious deductions! However, it wasn't untraceable either, it was twin!"    


"Twin? What do you mean?"    


"It's because of twin that my father is able to possess both the dark soul and soul. So, if I can complete the Twin Reversal, the opposing pixel will be able to form the coexistence of twin!"    


"And then?"    


" Then, I deduce that when we coexist, pixels still exist! So, I want to complete the reverse! "    


"What do you mean by reverse?"    


"To put it bluntly, it's light and darkness! The two opposite existences in this world are positive and negative, so I want to turn black!"    


"Are you crazy?"    


"[I'm not crazy!] However, if I want to complete the pixel twin, I have to devour the origin core of the Twin World! The result is that the living beings of the two worlds will be destroyed along with the destruction of the world!"    


" Thus! You hesitated?"    


"That's right! I've been cold-blooded my whole life, but in the end, I found out that I was actually kind! However, I had to do that! "    


" For her? "    


"I have let her down!"    


... Sigh! I don't know if I should advise you or support you, even though there are many people in this world who hate you... However, there are also many people who love you! They treat you as their faith, they view you as their guardian! I think this is the reason why you're hesitating!"    


" That's right! Thus, I chose the second plan!"    


"What? What solution?"    


"You don't want to know. Before we leave, you and I must completely sever karma and leave with the Immortal Furnace! If I succeed, I will come to you. If I fail, then pretend that I never appeared! "    


"Hey, hey, hey... What are you trying to do, kid! Stop, did you hear me? I told you to stop! "    


" Hehe... Master! I'm leaving! Forgive me for not calling you Master in my entire life!"    


" Hey... kid! Come back... come back... Ah... Smelly brat! Do I owe you that Master title? Who promised me that he would bring me back to Immortal Realm... Why... why did you do this... Roar..."    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    




The sound stopped abruptly. In the darkness, Lin Yun felt incomparably sorrowful!    


He wanted to cry, but he couldn't!    


At this moment, he felt that he had never felt such despair and pain before!    


These two voices were familiar and unfamiliar to him! What they said made him understand what they were saying!    


In the midst of pain, Lin Yun felt the awakening of his senses!    


Immediately after, he heard a call from beside him.    


"Master! Sir? How are you? "    


" Boss! Boss! It's me, boss..."    




The voice made Lin Yun upset and he couldn't help but shout out in anger!    


However, he realized that he was extremely weak, just like when he had just woken up from the forest!    


"So noisy! Shut up!"    


Finishing! Lin Yun weakly opened his eyes and saw three anxious faces. Wasn't this Yaan Sheng and the other two?    


When he saw their faces clearly, Lin Yun suddenly wanted to jump up, but he found that all the energy in his body had been used up!    


He broke out in cold sweat and struggled to get up. He found himself on the street of the small town, surrounded by desolation!    


He looked around and asked with a blank face, "What happened?"    


Hearing this, Shea Haotian shook his head and said, "Master! We don't know what happened either. When we heard the noise and rushed over, you were already lying on the ground. To be safe, we had to carry you here!"    


"That's right, boss. You are too heavy. The three of us used all of our energy to lift you up!" Yaan Sheng interrupted at the right time. His face was full of shame!    


Hearing this, Lin Yun turned his head and looked behind him. He saw three deep footprints. The corner of his mouth twitched as he said, "My physical body can't be lifted up unless I'm at the Supreme Heaven!"    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk... The boss is indeed the boss. Even if he doesn't have any energy, his body is still a deadly weapon!" Yaan Sheng's face was filled with mixed emotions. He clicked his tongue in wonder!    


Lin Yun remained unmoved by his praise. He immediately said in a serious tone, "Protect me. I want to recover my energy!"    




After saying that, Lin Yun immediately entered a meditative state and began the process of devouring Shea Haotian and the other two.    


It was not until three days later that Lin Yun recovered to his peak state. At this moment, all the energy within a ten mile radius had been devoured by him!    


Looking at Lin Yun who was stretching his back, Yaan Sheng and the other two's minds went blank, and their mouths could not close!    


They had once again witnessed what was called fear. The energy within a ten mile radius was so thick that to what extent! They simply could not imagine how Lin Yun's short body could absorb so much energy!    


Of course, Lin Yun was used to it. He got up and walked towards the broken house!    


The conversation in the dream was definitely related to that mysterious thing, so he had to figure out what it was!    


At the same time, he secretly suspected that this thing had the ability to recover memories!    


Because he had already faintly guessed when that conversation had happened and who it was!    


Idoxins were unique to him, Lin Yun, and the pill furnace was also unique to him in his previous life! Didn't all of this point to his previous life?    


If this thing could really restore his past life's memories, then it was simply a treasure! Would he have to worry about not being able to unravel the secrets of his past life?    


With this thought in mind, Lin Yun made preparations as he slowly walked towards the broken house!    


Seeing his actions, Yaan Sheng and the other two immediately followed him!    


The dilapidated house was only a thousand meters away from here. In a few breaths of time, Lin Yun had once again arrived outside the house!    


However, that sound wave was actually gone!    


Lin Yun's heart skipped a beat. He immediately jumped into the house, only to find that the dried corpse had disappeared!    


He frowned and asked the three men who came in later, "When you came in, did you see a dried corpse?"    


"Dried corpse? Where did the dry corpse come from? Boss! No!" Upon hearing this, Yaan Sheng immediately stuck his head out and shouted!    


Lin Yun immediately gave him a violent chestnut, causing him to howl in pain. Awoo! Awoo!    


After that, Lin Yun looked over at Shea Haotian, but found that there was something wrong with his expression. He immediately asked, "Hao Tian! Did you see something?"    


Shea Haotian swallowed and said, "Master! I don't want to hide it from you. It's just that it's too horrifying! "    




"At that time, I was the first one to rush in. Vaguely, I seemed to have heard a wail! Immediately after, a white object seemed to flash by! I didn't notice it at that time and thought that it was an illusion, but now that I think about it... It's so terrifying!"    


Hearing that! Lin Yun's expression immediately changed as he anxiously asked, "Which direction did you go?"    


"Over there!" Shea Haotian pointed to the north. His head was full of sweat!    


Lin Yun looked at him thoughtfully, then immediately brought the three of them and sped towards the north!    


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