Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C620 It Was so Embarrassing

C620 It Was so Embarrassing


  After Ma Zhong left, Wu Xu turned around and saw Zhang Mengmeng lowering her head. Her face was as red as a red apple and she looked shy. He couldn't help but laugh out loud.    

  "What are you laughing at?" Zhang Mengmeng looked up and asked.    

  Wu Xu teased, "I didn't expect that the fearless Miss Zhang would have a shy time."    

  "Idiot, it's all your fault!" Zhang Mengmeng stuck out her tongue at Wu Xu and raised the corner of her mouth in a beautiful arc.    

  "Blame me me for what?" Wu Xu asked in confusion.    

  Zhang Mengmeng scolded him, "You were awake a long time ago. Why didn't you wake me up and let me return to my room earlier? You caused me to embarrass myself in front of Ma? "    

  Wu Xu said with a mocking face, "Didn't you wake up and didn't leave my room? You even ran behind me and hugged me, standing with me by the window and watching the sunrise?"    

  "Annoying. Stop talking. It's so embarrassing!" Zhang Mengmeng remembered Ma Zhong knocking on the door and entering the room. She saw her own ugly behavior. She lifted her hands to cover her face and ran away from Wu Xu's room. She rushed into the bedroom next door.    

  "Little brat, you still know how to be embarrassed!" Wu Xu looked at Zhang Mengmeng's disappearing figure at the door of the bedroom and revealed a knowing smile.    

  Recalling the scene last night when Zhang Mengmeng snuggled in his arms, Wu Xu felt warm in his heart. It was as if he had a mouthful of honey in his mouth.    

  When Wu Xu left the bedroom and went downstairs to the living room, Ma Zhong, Hou Yong, Hsiao Xingui and Big Golden Tooth were sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching TV.    

  When everyone saw Wu Xu, they all stood up from the sofa.    

  Hou Yong said, "Morning, Mr Wu!"    

  Hsiao Xingui said, "Good morning, Mr Wu!"    

  Big Golden Tooth and Bamboo Leaf Qing said at the same time, "Mr Wu, I'm sorry to have troubled you!"    

  "Hello, everyone," Wu Xu responded to everyone, then asked Big Golden Tooth and Zhu Yeqing, "Did you sleep well last night?"    

  "Pretty well," Zhu Yeqing answered honestly. "You are good people. We are more comfortable staying here, unlike living in a villa in the mountains, where we are worried every day."    

  "Yes... Yes, thank you... Thank you, Mr Wu, for taking us in, and... and asking someone to protect us..." After the golden tooth in Big Golden Tooth's mouth was knocked out, he stuttered a little.    

  "It's fine." Wu Xu said lightly, "As long as you listen to our arrangement and don't run around, we can guarantee your safety. Otherwise, your safety won't be guaranteed..."    

  Zhu Yeqing hurriedly promised Wu Xu, "Rest assured, Mr Wu. Without your permission, we won't leave this place without permission!"    

  "That's for the best. We don't want everyone to be afraid of you." Wu Xu nodded with satisfaction. He looked at Hou Yong and Hsiao Xingui and asked them, "What about you? Did you rest well last night? "    

  "Great, this is great," Hsiao Xingui answered first. "Mr Wu's condition is so good. I live here as if I have entered the Imperial Palace."    

  Wu Xu patted his shoulder and said, "As long as you work with me well, I will not treat you unfairly in the future. There are plenty of good places for you to live in."    

  "Then I will thank Mr Wu first." Hsiao Xingui returned a grateful smile to Wu Xu.    

  "You are welcome. We are brothers. We share good and bad." Wu Xu smiled at Hsiao Xingui, then looked at Hou Yong and asked, "How about you? How do you feel?"    

  Hou Yong replied, "It's good. I just live here. I am not used to it."    

  Wu Xu teased, "I know. It is not like your own home. I am not used to having someone to warm your bed."    

  As soon as he said that, everyone burst into laughter.    




  Hou Yong's face instantly turned red from embarrassment.    

  "Didn't Hou Yong stay in prison before? He was able to adapt to such a harsh environment, but why is he in such a comfortable environment? Why is he not used to it? I must be afraid that my wife won't be at ease if I stay outside! " Wu Xu thought to himself. When his laughter stopped, he smiled at Hou Yong in an understanding manner. He said, "How about this, during the day, you are responsible for protecting the safety of our two guests. At night, you can go back and accompany your wife!"    

  "We will listen to Mr Wu's arrangements!" Hou Yong replied, as if he was looking forward to it.    

  At this time, Zhang Mengmeng's voice came from the staircase.    

  "What are you laughing at? It's so lively?"    

  Ma Zhong blurted out, "Hou Yong feels that he is too lonely living here alone. He wants to go home and get his wife to warm his bed..."    

  " Is that so? " Zhang Mengmeng frowned and was stunned.    

  She suddenly remembered that she had sneaked into Wu Xu's room last night. After she had warmed up with Wu Xu and helped him warm his bed, she had been discovered by Ma Zhong just now. She felt nervous and immediately blushed.    

  Ma Zhong suddenly felt that he had said something wrong, so he did not continue.    

  When Wu Xu saw Zhang Mengmeng's embarrassed look, he knew that she was thinking about what had happened last night. He deliberately changed the topic and asked Hsiao Xingui, What happened last night?    

  "Cabinet, where are Zhang San and Li Si?"    

  Hsiao Xingui answered truthfully, "I asked them to wait outside. I didn't let them enter the house!"    

  "Oh, I see." Wu Xu hesitated for a moment and said, "That's fine. Go to the kitchen and send their food to the gym now."    


  Hsiao Xingui nodded and walked straight into the kitchen.    

  Ma Zhong saw that everyone looked a little awkward, so he said loudly, "Everyone, stop standing here. Go to the restaurant and eat. Otherwise, the food will be cold!"    

  When everyone heard him, they followed Ma Zhong into the restaurant.    

  On the dining table, there were a few steaming dishes and porridge.    

  After Hsiao Xingui sent Zhang San and Li Si's dishes to the training room, everyone sat around the dining table and ate breakfast.    

  As everyone had their own thoughts, they lowered their heads and were speechless. The breakfast seemed unusually dull.    

  Wu Xu was the first to speak. "Everyone, I'm going to the funeral home to attend a friend's memorial. Ma Zhong and Hsiao Xingui will go to the Project Department, and Zhang Mengmeng will go to the company to arrange the Rongcheng. Hou Yong, Zhang San and Li Si will stay behind to protect the safety of Mr Lee and Miss Zhu during the bidding for the project of Wanghai. What do everyone think?"    

  Ma Zhong replied, "I have no objections!"    

  Hou Yong replied," I have no objections either! "    

  Hsiao Xingui replied, "I have no objections either!"    

  Zhang Mengmeng replied, "I have objections!"    

  "What do you have objections?" Wu Xu narrowed his eyes and asked.    

  Zhang Mengmeng put down her chopsticks and said, "I want to go with you to Ye Ping's memorial service!"    

  "Why?" Wu Xu asked with some interest.    

  "Because I don't trust you!" Zhang Mengmeng said confidently.    

  Wu Xu frowned and asked, "What's there to worry about?"    

  "Don't worry about it. Anyway, I just don't trust you!" Zhang Mengmeng puffed up her cheeks and said.    

  Wu Xu questioned, "You followed me to Ye Ping's memorial service. Who will be in charge of Rongcheng? The bidding for the project of Ocean Gazing? "    

  " I have already given it to Director Liu and the others. I don't need to do it myself! " Zhang Mengmeng answered truthfully.    

  Ma Zhong teased, "Mr Wu, just let Zhang Mengmeng go with you. Didn't you see that? She can't leave you now. She was afraid that you would go and see Gu Xiaohui..."    

  "Tsk, fuck you!" Zhang Mengmeng rolled her eyes at Ma Zhong and her face immediately turned red to the roots of her ears.    

  Big Golden Tooth and Zhu Yeqing did not know that Wu Xu was Gu Xiaohui's ex-husband, but when they heard Gu Xiaohui's name, they were confused and looked at each other.

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