Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C574 The Rabbit Dies and the Fox Grieves

C574 The Rabbit Dies and the Fox Grieves

When Hsiao Yue led the team to the Rongcheng City funeral home, Shen Ao obediently sat in a reception room and waited.    


When he saw Hsiao Yue, Shen Ao hurriedly stood up from the stool and said to her with a sobbing tone, Hsiao, tell me, how did my wife die? "    


"How did Ye Ping die? Don't you know?" Hsiao Yue glared at Shen Ao.    


Shen Ao questioned, "Hsiao, what do you mean by that?"    


"Shen Ao, stop pretending in front of me. We suspect that you are the mastermind behind Ye Ping's death!" Hsiao Yue asked in a deep voice, "After you came out of the detention center, did you run to see the murderer you sent?"    


"What did you say? I am the mastermind behind Ye Ping's death?" Shen Ao said with an innocent face, "Hsiao, food can be eaten randomly, words cannot be randomly spoken. What right do you have to say that I am the mastermind behind Ye Ping's death? Besides, a husband and wife owe a hundred days a day. Ye Ping is my wife. Why should I kill her? "    


After a pause, Shen Ao continued," Last night, you suspected out of nowhere that I was the mastermind behind Lin Xiaoman's murder. I didn't even bother with you. Now you suspect that I sent someone to kill my wife. I was detained by you for a day. How could I have time to let someone kill her? Are you done yet? Do you want to apologize to me?"    


" Then tell me, where did you go after coming out of the detention center? " Hsiao Yue did not show any weakness.    


Shen Ao defended himself and said, "After I went home, I heard that my wife Ye Ping was killed in her house. I rushed here in a hurry, but the staff here did not allow me to see my wife's corpse. I had to wait for you guys to come over. Other than waiting for you here, I also had to wait for you. Where else can I go?"    


" You really haven't been anywhere else? " Hsiao Yue looked at him suspiciously.    


"No." Shen Ao shook his head against his will and said, "I have always been here to deal with my wife Ye Ping's funeral. Where else can I go? "    


Although he said so, he was thinking in his heart, After I got rid of Xiao Wu and Xiao Sun in the residential house in the western suburbs, I drove here in time. Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to explain it to this female police officer. I wonder how my two bodyguards handled the corpses of those two fellows? "    


This fellow's psychological quality was very good. In front of Hsiao Yue and the numerous police officers that she led, he did not panic at all. From beginning to end, he acted like a fox mourning for the death of a rabbit and did not reveal any flaws at all.    


Hsiao Yue saw Shen Ao put on an innocent look and said, "Because Ye Ping's murder case has not been solved yet, the forensic department has not dissected her body. We still have to conduct further investigation on the case. We can't give the corpse to you for the time being. Let you handle her funeral! "    


"Although I had some conflicts with Ye Ping when we were alive and there were some misunderstandings between us, as Ye Ping's legal husband, you can let me take a look at her corpse first, right?" Shen Ao said sincerely.    


"Of course," Hsiao Yue also wanted to see Shen Ao's expression after seeing Ye Ping's corpse. She said straightforwardly, "Let's go, I will take you there now!"    


After she said that, she asked the funeral parlor staff standing at the side, "Master, where is Ye Ping's body parked?"    


"Officer, please follow me!" The staff said. He led Hsiao Yue and the police she brought out of the reception room and came to a morgue.    


Ye Ping's corpse was parked on a gurney in the middle of the morgue. The Flying Dagger that was inserted into her chest had been removed by the police and there was a white cloth covering it.    


Once Shen Ao entered the room, he threw himself in front of the corpse and opened the white cloth. He was shocked.    


Ye Ping's hair was messy and her eyes were wide open. Her mouth was big and there was blood at the corner of her mouth. She looked like a female ghost.    


Shen Ao knew that Ye Ping did not die in peace. Her expression was a protest against him. She would definitely let him go home and have nightmares.    


Suddenly, he remembered that he had sent someone to kill Ye Ping. The police suspected that he was the mastermind and that he was in a very dangerous situation. He hurriedly calmed himself down.    


In an instant, the shock on Shen Ao's face disappeared and was replaced by a very sad look. He started to cry loudly.    


"Wife, how could you abandon me and leave just like that? Tell me quickly, who killed you? I must avenge you! Wuuuu..."    


Hsiao Yue knew that he was putting on an act in front of everyone but for the time being, there was no evidence to prove that he was the mastermind behind Ye Ping's death, so she loudly said.    


"Shen Ao, since you have seen Ye Ping's corpse, please leave. Tomorrow morning, the forensic doctor will come and dissect Ye Ping's corpse. You can come and deal with her funeral!"    


Shen Ao used his hand to wipe away his tears and said, "Hsiao, my wife died so miserably. You must make the decision for her and find the murderer as soon as possible..."    


"Don't worry, we will!" Hsiao Yue glared at Shen Ao and said, "We must find the murderer who killed Ye Ping and the person behind her to bring justice to the deceased!"    


"Thank you," Shen Ao pretended to be grateful and said, "If that is the case, I am relieved."    


Hsiao Yue looked at Shen Ao with disgust and said, "You go back first. When you need to deal with Ye Ping's funeral, we will call to inform you."    


"Okay, I will leave my wife's matter to you." Shen Ao hurriedly said goodbye and left.    




Hsiao Yue spat at Shen Ao's back as he disappeared into the morgue.    


After the phone call with Hsiao Yue, Zhang rushed over and asked Hsiao Yue, "Captain, since we suspect that Ye Ping's death is related to Shen Ao, why don't we control Shen Ao?"    


"We don't have conclusive evidence. We can't arrest him!" After Hsiao Yue answered Zhang, she told him, "I think Shen Ao will contact the man in black who killed Ye Ping when he returns. That guy might come here to destroy the evidence. From now on, ___ said. Ask the two police officers to stay and keep an eye on Ye Ping's body. Don't make any mistakes. Wait till tomorrow morning, after the forensic autopsy, let's see if we can get some clues from it. "    


"Yes, sir!"    


Zhang immediately gave Hsiao Yue a military salute. Hsiao Yue ignored him, turned around, and walked out of the morgue, straight towards the parking lot.    


A few police officers followed closely behind her.    


Hsiao Yue saw Shen Ao jump onto the Land Rover he drove over, start the car, and drive away. She turned around and said to two of the police officers,    


"I think Shen Ao will contact the murderer he sent over. In order to prevent this guy from silencing us, the two of you are responsible for following him. You must keep an eye on him. If anything happens, call me in time."    


"Yes, sir!"    


The two of them said at the same time.    


Even though Hsiao Yue had already considered that Shen Ao would kill them to silence them, how could she know that this cunning fox had already killed the two black-clothed grandchildren and Xiao Wu who killed Ye Ping first?    


Not long after Shen Ao drove out of the funeral home, he found the police car following from behind in the rearview mirror and immediately understood their intentions.    


"Humph, it is not that easy to catch me!" Shen Ao showed a sinister smile and drove back to the city. He drove the car to the entrance of his villa and stopped.    


After getting off the car, he used the key to open the door, walked into the villa, and closed the door.    


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