Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C540 I Don't Want to Cooperate

C540 I Don't Want to Cooperate





Just as the phone rang twice, the other party picked up the phone.    


Shen Ao told the other party, "Last night, Ye Ping that stinky woman told Wu Xu where I lived. Wu Xu and the guy called Ma Zhong sneaked into my villa and injured the four bodyguards beside me. She almost saved Chen Jiajia that woman... "    


"Huh? There was actually such a thing?" The other party asked in surprise, "Then what should we do?"    


Shen Ao said," If Ye Ping stays in this world, sooner or later she will spoil our plans. Send someone to follow her and find a suitable opportunity to kill her... "    


"Okay, I will arrange it right away!" The other party replied.    


"This time, when you are doing things, you must be clean and clean. Wipe your ass clean!" Shen Ao reminded.    


"Boss, don't worry. We will definitely wipe our ass clean!" He promised Shen Ao in the direction he was heading.    


"Alright, I will wait for you..." Before Shen Ao could finish, a knocking sound came from outside the door. He put down the phone and deleted the message.    


Then, he put out the cigarette in his hand and went to open the door.    


Suddenly, he saw Hsiao Yue, the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team, standing outside the door majestically in a police uniform with two male policemen. He was shocked. He mumbled and asked:    


"Hsiao, why are you here? Please come in!"    


Hsiao Yue saw that the office was filled with thick smoke and gave off a strong smell of tobacco. She used her hand to fan her nose and said,    


"No need. We suspect that you are related to a car explosion and a murder and arson case. Please come with us to the police station!"    


"Ah? What did you say?" Shen Ao asked in shock, "Hsiao, are you guys mistaken? I am a law-abiding citizen. How could it be related to the car explosion and the murder and arson case? "    


"Does it matter? You can talk about it at the police station." Hsiao Yue immediately brought the two policemen to her and ordered, "Cuff him up and bring him back to the police station!"    


After the two police officers received the order, they stood beside Shen Ao, one on the left and the other on the right. They twisted his hands to the back of his back and handcuffed him. After escorting him downstairs, they passed by the lobby on the first floor of the company. After leaving the office building, he was pushed onto the modern police car parked at the entrance of the company. After that, they turned on the siren and flashed the lights, drove away.    


The employees of Shen's Group did not know what had happened. A large group of people ran to the entrance of the company and looked in the direction where the police car had left. They started discussing with each other.    


The receptionist saw that the situation was not good. She hurriedly picked up the phone, dialed the chairman's office number, and reported to the chairman, Shen Tianshun.    


"Director Shen, it's bad. Manager Mr Shen has been taken away by the police."    


Shen Tianshun asked in surprise, "Ah? What did you say? My son was taken away by the police? What did he do?"    


" I don't know, "the receptionist replied." Mr Shen was taken away by a female police officer and two police officers. There was also a large group of company employees at the entrance... "    


"Oh, I got it." A few black lines appeared on Shen Tianshun's forehead. His heart was in turmoil. But he still tried to control his emotions and said quietly, "I think the police arrested the wrong person. Don't worry, my son is fine. Tell everyone to disperse! "    


"Okay!" The receptionist nervously put down the phone and walked to the door of the room. She shouted at the employees, "The chairman said Mr Shen is fine. The police have arrested the wrong person. He told you to go back to work quickly! "    


When everyone heard him, they dispersed and took the elevator upstairs.    


After Shen Tianshun received the news that his son had been taken away by the police, he was furious. He scolded angrily, "This little bastard, what did he do outside again?"    


"Looks like I have to clean up that brat's ass again!" Shen Tianshun tried his best to calm himself down, then took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.    




Twenty minutes later, the driver drove the modern police car into the city police station and parked it at the door of the interrogation room.    


Two policemen took Shen Ao out of the police car and sent him into an interrogation room. They pressed him down on an interrogation bench and sat down, then stood behind Shen Ao like a marker.    


Last night, Zhou led the police officers of the criminal investigation team to chase after Zhang Zixuan's Mercedes-Benz 600. They found the Mercedes-Benz 600 in the empty area in the east outskirts and surrounded it.    


When Hsiao Yue arrived, Zhou ordered people to shout at the car. Seeing that there was no movement inside, he ran to open the car door. Unexpectedly, the criminal installed a bomb in the car and blew up the car. Zhou even lost his life in the explosion.    


The detectives of the investigation team were very sad and angry about Zhou's sacrifice. They exerted all their strength and wanted to take revenge for Zhou.    


After analyzing, everyone thought that Shen Ao's crime was the greatest suspect. After locking the target on Shen Ao, the police officers earnestly asked Hsiao Yue to lead the team to catch Shen Ao.    


Hsiao Yue also suspected that Shen Ao was the mastermind behind this case, so she did not report it to the police department. She decided to take action first and report later, then took people to Shen's Group to arrest Shen Ao and bring him to the police station. She decided to interrogate Shen Ao, once he admitted his crime. The case would be solved.    


Hsiao Yue sat on a stool beside the interrogation table. A policeman sat beside her and turned on a computer on the interrogation table to take a statement.    


Ask: Name?    


Answer: Shen Ao!    


Question: Sex?    


Answer: Male!    


Question: Age?    


Answer: 25 years old!    


Question: Profession?    


Answer: General Manager of the Shen's Group.    


Question: Where were you from 7 to 12 o'clock last night?    


Answer: I was watching TV at home!    


He asked, After Lin Xiaoman and Soong Zhe kidnapped Zhang Mengmeng at home, they drove a Mercedes-Benz 600 car to send Zhang Mengmeng to Northern Automaton Repair Factory and hand her over to Scarface and the others. Was it you who ordered this?    


Answer: No!    


He asked, Why?    


Answer: You also know that yesterday afternoon, Lin Xiaoman framed me in the 8th private room of Victoria's Cafe. How could she listen to me and go and kidnap Zhang Mengmeng?    


He asked, So, after Lin Xiaoman and Soong Zhe handed Zhang Mengmeng over to Scarface and the others, she was held hostage by the people you sent. She was afraid that the matter would be exposed. Your people planted bombs in the Mercedes-Benz 600 and brought them to the woods in the suburbs. After killing them with guns, they deliberately set off a forest fire. Burn their corpses?    


Answer: Hsiao, your imagination is too rich, right? It was a bomb, a gun, and a murder and arson. It's like acting in a movie, isn't this too mysterious? You call your boss over, and I'll talk to your boss. Refuse to answer any of your questions!    




Next, no matter what Hsiao Yue asked, Shen Ao chose to remain silent and directly ignored it.    


"Be honest," Hsiao Yue was furious. She slammed the table with her hand and said coldly, "It doesn't matter if you don't admit your crime. We will investigate clearly."    


Shen Ao said disapprovingly, "I was wrongly accused. You can investigate. If you catch the wrong person, I can retain the right to file a complaint against you."    


"You can complain as much as you want." Hsiao Yue was angered by Shen Ao's uncooperative attitude. She said to the two policemen standing behind Shen Ao, "Take him away and lock him up!"    


After the two policemen received the order, they lifted Shen Ao from the interrogation bench like an eagle catching a chick and escorted him to a dark room in the detention center.    


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