Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C413 Everything Was Fine as Long as He Was There

C413 Everything Was Fine as Long as He Was There

"I..." Lin Xiaoman was afraid that she would give herself away in front of Zhang Zixuan, so she hurriedly replied, "I was just casually asking..."    


"There are some things that you should not ask if you should not know. " Zhang Zixuan reminded, "Especially about my daughter. She has always been prejudiced against you. If you ask too many questions, I'm afraid that she will misunderstand you even more. Do you understand? "    


"I understand." Lin Xiaoman acted like a bullied little wife and complained, "In your heart, no matter how hard I work, I am not as important as your daughter. So don't bother about her matters, okay?"    


" My daughter has her grandfather's support, and I can't do anything to her. Even if you want to, you can't do anything about it. I advise you to be a full-time wife at home and be at ease when you meet her! " Zhang Zixuan said helplessly.    


In fact, he was a little uncomfortable and unwilling about Zhang Mengmeng insisting on going to Inpatient Department of the People's Hospital to serve Wu Xu.    


He thought that his daughter, as the daughter of a rich family, actually went to the hospital to be a nurse. If this matter was spread out, it would be strange if people would laugh their teeth off!    


For this matter, Zhang Zixuan even specially went to find Zhang Mengmeng and let her go home with him. Zhang Mengmeng used the excuse that she did not want to see Lin Xiaoman at home and rejected his request, which made him unhappy.    


He did not expect that Zhang Mengmeng would really be able to make things worse when she served that kid called Wu Xu in the ward. He took the lead to buy the land of the Heng Tai Machinery Factory and proposed Rongcheng. The design concept and idea of the tourism project of Wanghai was approved by her father. He immediately let Zhang Mengmeng be in charge of this project and handed over the ownership of the project to Wu Xu.    


Due to the subtle relationship between Wu Xu and Zhang Mengmeng, Zhang Zixuan could not mention Wu Xu in front of Lin Xiaoman, nor tell her about Wu Xu's background. He could only use a questioning tone to shut Lin Xiaoman's mouth.    


Because Lin Xiaoman had a guilty conscience in her heart, she was afraid that Zhang Zixuan would find out what happened between her and Shen Ao if she was not careful. She did not dare to ask Zhang Zixuan about Shen Ao asking her to ask about the developer who had the contractor rights.    


Therefore, she said to Zhang Zixuan, "I know. I won't ask about your daughter and the investor in the future. Is that okay?"    


"That's more like it!" Zhang Zixuan was satisfied with Lin Xiaoman's answer and asked, "Do you have money to spend recently?"    


"No." Lin Xiaoman shook her head and said, "You are so stingy to me. You only give me a little each time. You need to buy vegetables and cook, and you also need to use it to make cosmetic surgery. How can it be enough to spend?"    


"Okay," Zhang Zixuan said without hesitation. "I will transfer 200,000 yuan to your bank card now. Do you want to save some money?"    


After he said that, he put down the chopsticks and took out his phone from his pocket. He opened the bank of his phone and immediately entered 200,000 yuan in cash. He transferred it to Lin Xiaoman's account.    


"Honey, I love you so much!" After Lin Xiaoman received the 200,000 yuan in the account message, she immediately hugged Zhang Zixuan's neck and kissed him on the face.    


"If you really love me, then show me some sincerity right now..." Zhang Zixuan laughed evilly and slapped her butt.    


"Ah, you hurt me!" Lin Xiaoman exclaimed and immediately let go of Zhang Zixuan. She said, "It's getting late. Quickly go to the company to work. Don't let your full-time driver wait too long outside!"    


"Then... Alright!" Zhang Zixuan stood up and said reluctantly to Lin Xiaoman, "I'm going to work. You have to be good at home. Otherwise, I will spank you!"    


" Annoying, "Lin Xiaoman pouted and said," Hubby, you can go to work in peace. I will listen to you. I will go to the market and buy a hen to cook chicken soup for you. I will help you replenish your health. You have to go home for lunch this afternoon! "    


"Hehe." Zhang Zixuan laughed evilly and said, "Not only do I have to go home for lunch, I also want to eat you..."    


"Chey, you are not serious." Lin Xiaoman stuck out her tongue at Zhang Zixuan and said, "Hurry up and leave. Otherwise, you will be late for work!"    


After saying that, she pushed Zhang Zixuan to the door of the living room in one breath and sent him out of the house.    


Seeing that the professional driver Soong Zhe had driven Zhang Zixuan's Mercedes-Benz 600 car over, parked it at the door of the villa and stood in front of the car, she greeted him first.    


"Master Song, you're early?"    


"Mrs. Zhang, you are early!" Soong Zhe politely smiled at Lin Xiaoman. He immediately opened the back door of the car and invited Zhang Zixuan to get in.    


After Zhang Zixuan got in the car, Soong Zhe turned around and looked at Lin Xiaoman with a complicated expression. He went back to the driver's seat and sat down. He put on his seatbelt and drove away.    


Lin Xiaoman stood where she was. When the Mercedes-Benz 600 slowly drove away from the community and disappeared from her sight, she picked up her phone and dialed Shen Ao's number.    


Ring! Ring!    


The phone rang a few times before Shen Ao picked up the phone and asked, "Sister Lin, you're early. Do you have good news for me when you call?"    


Lin Xiaoman replied, "I've already asked my husband about the things you asked me to help you find out..."    


"What did your husband say?" Shen Ao asked eagerly.    


Lin Xiaoman organized her words and said, "My husband said, Rongcheng. The project of Wanghai is under the responsibility of his daughter Zhang Mengmeng and the developer. He can't ask... "    


Shen Ao asked eagerly, "Did he tell you the background of the developer?"    


"No." Lin Xiaoman shook her head and answered truthfully, "My husband is very tight-lipped. He did not tell me what the developer used to do. He only told me that our company invested 1 billion RMB in this project. That developer used the land of Hengtai Machinery Factory to invest in it and collaborated with our company to develop and own the ownership of this project... "    


"Oh, I understand, thank you!" Shen Ao thanked her and said, "Sister Lin, are you free for a few days at noon?"    


"What do you want?" Lin Xiaoman deliberately asked.    


Shen Ao answered, "That afternoon, didn't you treat me to coffee in Victoria's Cafe? I want to treat you back at noon today!"    


Lin Xiaoman understood Shen Ao's intention to treat her to coffee. She originally wanted to readily agree to his invitation. She suddenly remembered that she had just told Zhang Zixuan that she was going to the market to buy a hen to make soup. She let Zhang Zixuan go home to have lunch, so she said to Shen Ao apologetically:    


"I'm sorry, I don't have time for lunch today, so I can't come out to drink coffee with you!"    


"Why?" Shen Ao asked, puzzled.    


"Because my husband is going home for lunch today. I can't take off my clothes..." Lin Xiaoman explained.    


"Then... Alright, let's meet another day!" Shen Ao deliberately used a sour tone and said, "Your husband is still the happiest, I'm so jealous!"    


He knew that Lin Xiaoman's emotional balance was gradually leaning towards him. If he put a little effort on her, this woman would definitely be useful to him.    


After putting down Lin Xiaoman's phone, Shen Ao immediately pulled out a phone number from the phone book and dialed it. After the phone call was connected, he asked the other party.    


"Help me investigate. Who has the ownership of the land of the Heng Tai Machinery Factory now?"    




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