Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C347 Buying Shares

C347 Buying Shares

Gu's Group's independent office building.    


After the group took the special elevator for the chairman upstairs, Gu Xiaohui led Hou Yong into her chairman's office. Liu Chuang and Ye Ping followed them into the office.    


After entering the door, Gu Xiaohui handed the court certificate that Ma Zhong handed to her downstairs about unfreezing the Gu's Group's bank funds to Ye Ping and instructed her:    


"Ms Ye, take some people to the bank to handle the relevant procedures now. Take out the employees' salaries as soon as possible and distribute them to them."    


"Okay, I will do it now!" Ye Ping said and left.    


Gu Xiaohui saw Ye Ping leave and picked up the phone on her desk. She called the chairman's secretary Sun Yan and arranged for Hou Yong to sit on the sofa in the office.    


She personally made a cup of tea for Hou Yong and sat face to face with Hou Yong across the glass coffee table.    


In order to protect Gu Xiaohui's safety, Liu Chuang stood behind Gu Xiaohui like a benchmark and paid close attention to Hou Yong's movements. Once Hou Yong made any unusual movements, he would immediately take him down.    


In a short while, Sun Yan knocked on the door and came in.    


Gu Xiaohui let Sun Yan walk over and stand in front of her. She pointed at Hou Yong who was sitting opposite her and said.    


"Ms Sun, Mr. Hou has already gone to the court to withdraw the lawsuit. Our company's funds have also been defrosted. After both parties discussed, Mr. Hou agreed to let us pay 10 million yuan. Purchase 10% of his father's shares in the company. Go and draft up an agreement now. After we sign the agreement, immediately transfer 10 million yuan to Mr. Hou's bank account."    




Sun Yan nodded, turned around and left the office.    


Gu Xiaohui and Hou Yong each had their own thoughts. Although they were sitting face to face, no one said anything. The air in the office seemed to be very heavy.    


In Gu Xiaohui's impression, Hou Yong had been a restless fellow since he was young. He had always been arrogant and domineering.    


Last time, when Hou Yong followed his mother, Luo Chunyan, and his sister, Hou Ying to the office to find her, he even showed a very arrogant look. Today, he suddenly became honest, which surprised Gu Xiaohui. She was a little puzzled.    


Thinking of what the man Wu Xu sent downstairs said, Gu Xiaohui felt that Hou Yong must have been threatened. Otherwise, Hou Yong would not have gone to the court to withdraw the lawsuit so easily.    


Gu Xiaohui saw that Hou Yong seemed to be lost in thought and seemed to be thinking of something. She said first, "Brother Hou, please have some tea!"    


"Thank you!" Hou Yong recovered his senses. He picked up the tea cup on the coffee table and took a sip to hide his nervousness.    


"Where did you and Wu Xu meet last night?" Gu Xiaohui asked tentatively.    


Just now, when Hou Yong was downstairs, he saw Ye Ping with Gu Xiaohui.    


Last night, when he, Shen Ao and the others had a conflict with Wu Xu and Ma Zhong in the restaurant of the Pacific Ocean Hotel, Ye Ping was there. She knew that this matter could not be hidden from Gu Xiaohui, so she answered truthfully.    


"We met at the restaurant in the Pacific Ocean Hotel. What's wrong?"    


"Nothing. I was just asking." Gu Xiaohui smiled at Shen Ao and thought, "It seems that Ye Ping did not lie to me last night. Hou Yong's withdrawal from the court was really related to Wu Xu."    


After hesitating for a moment, Gu Xiaohui continued to ask, "Brother Hou, I want to ask, what is the reason for your withdrawal from the court?"    


Last night, when Hou Yong and Shen Ao had a conflict with Wu Xu and Ye Ping in the restaurant of the Pacific Ocean Hotel, they thought they could teach them a lesson. They did not expect Ma Zhong to suddenly appear and beat them up.    


After Shen Ao brought Hou Yong and Ma Xiaoli to the private room in Blue Sky Club to drink, Ma Xiaoli brought Hou Yong back to the apartment she lived in. Wu Xu and Ma Zhong suddenly barged in and filmed the indecent video of them together. Wu Xu also used this as a threat to force Hou Yong to withdraw the lawsuit in the court.    


It was Shen Ao who had instigated Hou Yong to sue the Gu's Group in the court. But now, Hou Yong was threatened by Wu Xu and Ma Zhong. He had withdrawn his case from the bank without permission. He didn't know that Shen Ao had received the news. Would he be so angry that he would fly into a rage and take revenge on him?    


When he thought of these things, Hou Yong felt very aggrieved in his heart. He lived a very cowardly life.    


He did not expect that Gu Xiaohui would actually raise such a question. It made Hou Yong feel very uncomfortable in his heart. He immediately became angry and wanted to flare up on the spot. However, seeing Liu Chuang standing behind Gu Xiaohui looking at him covetously, he did not dare to act rashly.    


Therefore, he tried his best to calm his emotions and said to Gu Xiaohui rudely.    


"Director Gu, aren't you asking too many questions? Since we have already reached an agreement, why are you asking so many questions? Can I not answer your question? "    


"Of course." Gu Xiaohui felt that she could not get what she wanted from Hou Yong, so she apologized, "Sorry, I am just a little curious."    


"If you are curious, just ask Wu Xu directly," Hou Yong said impatiently. "He is your husband. I think he should tell you why I was dismissed from the court..."    


After Hou Yong said that, Gu Xiaohui was suddenly speechless.    


Gu Xiaohui was a very strong and very important woman. She was not going to announce to Hou Yong that she had gone to the Civil Affairs Bureau yesterday afternoon to settle the divorce procedures with Wu Xu, was she?    


Hou Yong saw that Gu Xiaohui did not speak, so he did not say anything.    


The atmosphere in the office became tense, and it seemed to be quite depressing. At this time, Sun Yan walked into the office with two draft and printed agreements.    


Sun Yan came in front of Gu Xiaohui and handed the agreement to Gu Xiaohui and said, "Director Gu, this is the newly printed agreement. Do you think there is anything else that needs to be added?"    


Gu Xiaohui picked up the agreement and read it carefully. She saw that the main terms of the agreement were as follows:    


First, Gu's Group used the price of 10 million RMB to buy 10% of Hou Guangsheng's shares in the company.    


Second, Hou Guangsheng's son, Hou Yong, will sign the agreement with Gu's Group on behalf of his family.    


Thirdly, after Hou Guangsheng's family received 10 million RMB from the Gu's Group, there would be no more communication or economic disputes between the two parties. Hou Guangsheng's family would not be able to use any reason to ask for money from the Gu's Group.    


Fourthly, the agreement had taken effect on the day of signing, and it had the same legal effect as the contract.    




After reading the agreement, Gu Xiaohui felt that there was no problem, so she passed the agreement to Hou Yong and said, "Brother Hou, take a look. Do you have any objections?"    


Hou Yong did not notice anything wrong with the agreement. He picked up the signature pen that Sun Yan handed to him and signed his name on the agreement. He then pressed his hand seal on the signature.    


After signing the agreement, both parties had one copy each. To avoid unnecessary complications, Gu Xiaohui simply wrote a cash cheque of 10 million yuan and handed it to Hou Yong.    


Hou Yong took the cheque and said goodbye to Gu Xiaohui before leaving.    


However, just as he walked out of the chairman's office door, he bumped into a man who hurried over from the corridor.    


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