Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C293 A Little Shaken

C293 A Little Shaken

After Ma Junhao broke up with Shen Ao in the parking lot of the People's Hospital, he took a taxi back to the mansion Shen Ao gave them in Wanjia International.    


"Junhao, where did you go last night? Why didn't you call me if you didn't come home? I was so worried. " As soon as they entered the house, Ma Junhao's mother came up to them. She suddenly saw that he was injured and bandaged. She hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you? Did you get into a fight outside?"    


Ma Junhao hurriedly explained, "Last night, when Shen Ao invited me out for a drink, I accidentally got drunk and stayed in the hotel room that he arranged for me for the whole night. When I moved out of my house, I didn't know where my phone was. I couldn't contact you... "    


He didn't dare to tell his mother that after he got drunk last night, he stayed in Room 1008 in the Pacific Hotel with a woman named Ma Xiaoli.    


"Then what's the matter with the injuries on your body?" Mrs Ma asked with concern.    


"Yes... I accidentally fell after getting drunk..." Ma Junhao replied perfunctorily.    


He was afraid that his mother would be worried, so he did not want to tell her that he was hurt by the two security guards that Gu Xiaohui fired from the Gu's Group.    


"Junhao, your legs are perfect. Why did you make me worry so much? What if something happened to you? How could you let me live?" Mrs Ma reproached him and said, "Come, let me help you take a look. Is your injury serious?"    


"No need." Ma Junhao shook his head and said, "Shen Ao has already taken me to the hospital to bandage it. It's fine. I will be fine in two days."    


"Shen Ao is a good young man. He arranged such a high-end house for us. He also solved the problem of our compensation. He cares about us so much. You have to repay him well in the future! " Mrs Ma said gratefully.    


Ma Junhao suddenly thought of something and said, "Mom, you have to promise me one thing!"    


"What is it?" The old lady frowned and asked.    


"When you see Gu Xiaohui, you must not tell him that we have met Shen Ao, much less tell him that this house was given to us by Shen Ao..." Ma Junhao reminded.    


"Why?" Mrs Ma asked in confusion.    


"When he was in college, Shen Ao tried to woo Gu Xiaohui, but Gu Xiaohui did not agree. If Gu Xiaohui knew that we were in contact with Shen Ao, she would be angry..." Ma Junhao briefly told his mother about what happened in university.    


After listening to her son's narration, Mrs Ma pondered for a moment. She asked, "Since Shen Ao had a conflict with you before, why would he care and help you so much? Did he do this for another purpose? You have to be careful, don't let Shen Ao drag you into this. If you are used by him again, you will do something that will harm Xiaohui, won't you?"    


Ma Junhao defended Shen Ao. "Mom, you think too much. Shen Ao is not that kind of person. He only treated us like this because he sincerely helped me. You must keep the matter between Shen Ao and us a secret!"    


"Alright." The old lady hesitated for a moment and said, "Gu Xiaohui is a good girl. You must not let her down. Don't do anything that will let her down. Don't forget. After your car accident, who has been helping, caring, and taking care of you? "    


" Mom, don't worry. I will never do anything that would let Gu Xiaohui down. ” Although Ma Junhao said so, he was thinking in his heart, If Gu Xiaohui sincerely helped and cared about me, why would she do it behind my back? Secretly marry another man?"    


This matter was one of Ma Junhao's worries. He could not tell his mother and secretly made up his mind to make Gu Xiaohui pay the price for betraying him.    


Ma Junhao knew that if he spoke too much, he would lose something. He did not want to get entangled in Gu Xiaohui's topic, so he took out the ten thousand yuan Shen Ao gave him in the KTV room last night and handed it to his mother.    


"Mom, take this money!"    


"Where did you get so much money from?" Mrs Ma asked in surprise.    


"It was Shen Ao who gave me pocket money. You can use it to make our living expenses!" Ma Junhao answered truthfully. Seeing that his mother did not want to take the money, "When we get the compensation, I will return the money to him..."    


"Then... Mrs Ma took the money from Ma Junhao's hand and took out 50 hundred-yuan notes. She returned the money to Ma Junhao and said, "Take this money to buy a better set of clothes. The remaining five thousand yuan. I can use it to make living expenses. It's a big man's home. He doesn't have money in his pocket. He wears ragged clothes all day long. He'll be looked down upon!"    


"Then... Alright!" Ma Junhao felt that his mother's words made sense, so he put the money back into his pocket.    


Isn't that so? If he hadn't dressed so shabby when he went to the Gu's Group to find Gu Xiaohui this morning... The two arrogant security guards wouldn't have been fired by Gu Xiaohui because of him. They had taken revenge on him and injured him.    


The old lady looked at her son lovingly and continued to ask, "Junhao, your legs are healed. What do you plan to do?"    


Ma Junhao said without hesitation, "I want to go out and find a job."    


The old lady asked tentatively, "A few days ago, didn't Gu Xiaohui ask someone to send you the information? Are you going to work at her place?"    


Ma Junhao deliberately said, "I do want to work at her company, but I don't have any work experience at all. Didn't I want to drag her down and get someone to poke my spine?"    


" You are wrong. You are going to work at Gu's Group to help Gu Xiaohui. How could you drag her down? " Mrs Ma encouraged him, "You are an excellent man and also my proudest son. You will definitely help Gu Xiaohui manage the company well. I think highly of you! "    


"Mom, thank you for your support and encouragement. After you said that, I know what to do. "Ma Junhao did not want his mother to see through his thoughts. He said," I am not feeling well. I need to go back to my room to rest. "    


"Okay, you can go. I will call you when lunch is ready." Mrs Ma nodded.    


"I don't have much appetite today. Go ahead and eat after I wake up!" After Ma Junhao said that, he walked straight to his bedroom.    


After entering the room, Ma Junhao plunged his head into the large double bed in the bedroom.    


Recalling the series of events that had happened after meeting Shen Ao last night, and Shen Ao's exhortations, he felt more and more that Shen Ao was a bit scary.    


"Do I need to act according to Shen Ao's request and take action against Gu Xiaohui?" Recalling the words his mother had said to him, Ma Junhao started to waver.    


So, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in a daze.    


In his sleep, he returned to his university days and walked into the familiar university campus.    


On a sunny day, he and Gu Xiaohui strolled along the main road in the shade of the campus. They sat under a big tree and told each other their true feelings.    


Suddenly, the sky was filled with dark clouds. A bolt of lightning flashed past and a clap of thunder exploded above their heads.    


He instinctively closed his eyes and covered his ears. After a gust of wild wind, the surroundings were dead silent. He opened his eyes but found that Gu Xiaohui was gone.    


He searched everywhere but he could not find Gu Xiaohui.    


"Gu Xiaohui, where are you? Don't leave me. Don't leave me, okay?" Ma Junhao's hysterical voice echoed in the sky above the school.    




"Junhao, what's wrong with you?"    


Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded by his ear. Ma Junhao's heart shook and he woke up from his dream. He hurriedly opened his eyes.    


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