Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C176 Slay Dissension

C176 Slay Dissension

On the way, Liu Chuang was worried about Gu Xiaohui's safety and kept calling her phone.    


"Sorry, the number you have dialed has been turned off. Please dialing later..." The phone repeated the same voice notification.    


"Director Gu, you must not be in trouble. If you have something to do... Can I still be considered your driver and bodyguard?" Liu Chuang prayed for Gu Xiaohui as he stepped on the accelerator. He nagged from his mouth, "Hurry up, drive faster..."    


The Mercedes-Benz 500 sedan was like a wild horse that had lost its reins, racing wildly on the street.    


Not long after, Gu Xiaohui's mother's neighborhood arrived. Because Gu Xiaohui's car had just been registered not long ago, after the camera at the entrance of the neighborhood took pictures, the electronic folding door automatically opened.    


After entering the residential area, Liu Chuang drove the car to Mrs Gu's villa and parked it in front of it. He quickly jumped out of the car and rushed to the entrance of the villa.    


Realizing that the lights in the villa were on, he walked to the window on the first floor and looked through the window. When he saw that it was not tight, Liu Chuang was shocked.    


It turned out that Mrs Gu was knocked unconscious on the sofa in the living room.    


"Not good, something really happened to the Director Gu!" Liu Chuang immediately felt that something was wrong. He quickly walked to the door of the living room on the first floor and used a special method to open the door.    


As soon as he entered the room, he heard Gu Xiaohui calling for help from a room upstairs.    


Therefore, he did not care about saving Mrs Gu, who had been knocked out by Wai Dayong and collapsed on the sofa. He rushed to the inner staircase, jumped, and flew upstairs.    


He rushed to the door of the room where Gu Xiaohui called out, raised his leg, and kicked the door open with a bang.    




Gu Xiaohui saw Wai Dayong's pair of devil claws attacking her. She instinctively pulled her head down and rolled on the bed, barely dodging Wai Dayong's attack.    


Wai Dayong was furious and pounced towards her.    


Gu Xiaohui rolled again and with a "putong," she rolled down the bed.    


Wai Dayong once again missed, and in his heart, he was even more furious.    


Suddenly, he heard an explosive sound.    


"Oh no, Gu Xiaohui's reinforcements are here!" Wai Dayong's heart tightened. He jumped off the bed like a carp. He looked at the door of the room and found Liu Chuang standing at the door like an iron tower. He asked, "Liu... Liu Chuang, you... why are you here?"    


"What are you doing?" Liu Chuang asked angrily.    


Wai Dayong smiled and said, "I... I am here to kill Gu Xiaohui. I did not expect this b * tch to have some ability. She actually let her escape twice. You must be laughing at her..."    


"Who asked you to kill the Director Gu?" Liu Chuang asked loudly.    


Wai Dayong's brain spun a few times and he came up with a plan. He deliberately said, "It was you. You were the one who provided me with Gu Xiaohui's whereabouts. I rushed here before you."    


After Gu Xiaohui dodged Wai Dayong's attacks twice in a row, she fell heavily onto the floor.    


Suddenly, she realized that someone had barged in to save her. She endured the pain and got up from the floor. When she saw that it was her driver and bodyguard, Liu Chuang, she heaved a sigh of relief.    


However, when she heard Wai Dayong say that her whereabouts had been betrayed by Liu Chuang, she was shocked and looked at Liu Chuang in shock.    


Liu Chuang wanted to explain to Gu Xiaohui, but he felt that he could not wash himself clean even if he jumped into the Yellow River. He looked at Wai Dayong coldly and said angrily,    


"Wai Dayong, don't you slander people here and sow discord between us. Get out of the Director Gu family now. Otherwise, I won't be polite to you."    


Wai Dayong saw that his move of framing Liu Chuang did not work, so he said loudly.    


"Liu Chuang, you heartless thing, you have to find out. Who hired you to come to Gu's Group? After you go to work, how did I treat you? Who recommended you to Gu Xiaohui as a driver and bodyguard? If it wasn't for me, would you have today? "    


Liu Chuang looked at Gu Xiaohui and saw her looking at him suspiciously. He replied,    


"Wai Dayong, I also want to ask you to find out that I am applying to work in the Gu's Group. I am not working in your company. I am taking money from you to eat. You recommended me to be the driver and bodyguard of the Director Gu, so I should be responsible for the safety of the Director Gu. Seeing that you've recruited me into the company, I'll let you go. Consider this as returning a favor to you. Hurry up and leave Director Gu's home. Otherwise, I won't be polite to you! "    


" Brother Liu Chuang, Gu Xiaohui, this stinky girl is too arbitrary. She just came to the company. She has already caused the Gu's Group to be in a foul mood. People are anxious. Sooner or later, the company will be destroyed by her hands. Why do you have to work for her? " Wai Dayong saw that he was not going to use force on Liu Chuang, so he began to soften his words. He tried to tempt him. : "You'd better cooperate with me and kill her. If she dies, the Gu's Group has changed owners. I guarantee you that you'll be able to eat and drink as much as you want. You will be promoted to a senior executive of the company... "    


"Stop your mother's bullsh * t!" Liu Chuang shouted angrily.    


He could no longer hold himself back from Wai Dayong writing an empty cheque for himself in front of Gu Xiaohui and sowing discord between him and Gu Xiaohui. He threw a punch at Wai Dayong's head.    


Wai Dayong wanted to dodge, but he realized that his feet seemed to have taken root on the ground. He could not move at all, as if he did not listen to his orders.    




There was a dull sound.    


The fist landed solidly on Wai Dayong's face.    


Wai Dayong immediately felt that he was seeing stars. He was stunned and his vision went black. He staggered and fell onto the floor. He suddenly felt a tightness in his chest and spat out a mouthful of blood. His body twitched a few times before he lay on the ground and did not move.    


Liu Chuang saw that Wai Dayong was bleeding from his seven orifices, so he used his hand to check his nostrils. When he found that he was no longer breathing, he was shocked.    


So, he looked at Gu Xiaohui, who was standing in the bedroom in a daze, and stammered,    


"Gu... Director Gu, he... He is dead. I only punched him. How could I die? I... What should we do now?"    


"Ah? Wai Dayong is dead?" Gu Xiaohui suddenly woke up and walked over to look at Wai Dayong. She said loudly, "Quick... Call the police..."    


"What if the police treat me as a murderer?" Liu Chuang said in a daze. Although he had been a special forces soldier in the army, he had never killed anyone. Seeing Wai Dayong die in his hands, he was still a little flustered.    


"No," Gu Xiaohui comforted. "Wai Dayong drank too much and broke into my house, trying to kill me. You are my bodyguard. If you kill him, you will at most retaliate in self-defense. I can testify for you..."    


In fact, Gu Xiaohui also did not understand how Wai Dayong died.    


She saw with her own eyes that Liu Chuang just punched him and died on the ground. She mistakenly thought that he died because he drank too much and could not fight. She did not think about other things.    


"Then... Alright!" Liu Chuang hesitated as he took out his phone from his pocket. His fingers trembled as he typed "110" on the screen.    


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