Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C178 Investigating the Case

C178 Investigating the Case

Mrs Gu let go of her daughter and said to Hsiao Yue, "When I was sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor and watching TV, the door of the living room was suddenly opened from the outside. When I saw a masked man walk in from the outside and was about to shout, that man quickly rushed in front of me and knocked me out with a palm..."    


After listening to Mrs Gu's narration, Hsiao Yue turned her gaze towards Gu Xiaohui and pointed at the man's corpse lying on the ground and asked her.    


" This deceased person is that masked man, right? "    


"Yes!" Gu Xiaohui nodded.    


"Do you know him?" Hsiao Yue continued to ask.    


"Yes," Gu Xiaohui answered honestly. "His name is Wai Dayong. He was the original captain of our company's security team."    


"How did he enter your house?" Hsiao Yue asked.    


Gu Xiaohui replied, "He said that when my father was alive, he gave him a key to my parents' house. I think he was lying..."    


"Why did he come to your house?"    


"He was going to kill me!"    


"Why did he come to kill you?"    


"Because, at noon today, I revoked his position as the captain of the security team."    


"Why did you revoke his position as the captain of the security team?"    


"At noon today, he brought all the members of the security team to Wangjiang Hotel to drink and eat. "And..." He asked them to set the mobile phone in flight mode, causing Zhang Xuezhong's lover, Cui Lan, to bring a large group of people to the company to cause trouble. When they cause trouble for me, no one came to stop them... " Gu Xiaohui recounted what had happened to Hsiao Yue.    


Hsiao Yue knew a little about what had happened in the Gu's Group this afternoon. However, when she received the police report and led the team to the Gu's Group, the troublemakers had already left.    


Hence, she looked at Gu Xiaohui and continued to ask, "So, you removed his position as the captain of the security team?"    


"Yes." Gu Xiaohui nodded and said, "I didn't expect that he would come to my parents' house to take revenge on me because of this matter. He sneaked into my bedroom and was prepared to kill me..."    


Hsiao Yue saw that Gu Xiaohui was still in shock and said, "Tell me what happened when he went into the bedroom and was prepared to kill you!"    


"It is like this." Gu Xiaohui thought for a while and replied, "I went home to have dinner and felt a little tired. His body was not feeling well so he went in early and laid down on the bed to sleep. I had a terrible dream and when I woke up from it, I was shocked to see a person turn on the light in the room and found that it was Wai Dayong... "    


After Gu Xiaohui answered everything truthfully, she said, "Luckily my driver Liu Chuang arrived in time. Otherwise, I would have been killed by him!"    


Gu Xiaohui still had some lingering fear when she remembered Wai Dayong opening his hands and pouncing at her.    


After listening to Gu Xiaohui's narration, Hsiao Yue looked at Liu Chuang and asked, "You are the driver of Gu Xiaohui's chairman, Liu Chuang?"    


Although Liu Chuang had introduced himself to her in the living room on the first floor downstairs, Hsiao Yue still had to confirm Liu Chuang's identity in person.    


"Yes." Liu Chuang nodded and said.    


"When did you start being Gu Xiaohui's driver?"    


"This afternoon."    


" Which department did you work in before this? "    


"Security Department."    


" Does that mean Wai Dayong recommended you to be Gu Xiaohui's driver? "    




She asked, "When did you send Gu Xiaohui here?"    


"After work, I sent Director Gu home."    


"After sending the Director Gu home, where did you go?"    


"I went back to the company dormitory."    


"Then how did you know that Wai Dayong would come to Gu Xiaohui's house tonight to kill her?" Hsiao Yue looked straight into Liu Chuang's eyes.    


"I just entered the dormitory and received a call from Wai Dayong. He euphemistically asked me about the whereabouts of the Director Gu. I didn't think too much about it at that time. I told him about the situation of the Director Gu coming here. After putting down the phone, only then did I recall that he was stripped of his position by the Director Gu this afternoon. I felt that there was something strange about it. I just returned here, and as expected, I saw Wai Dayong committing a crime against the Director Gu. In a moment of desperation, I punched him, but he fell to the ground and died... "    


After Liu Chuang finished narrating what had happened, Hsiao Yue frowned and asked, "Are you sure you only punched Wai Dayong?"    


"I am sure!" Liu Chuang nodded and said seriously.    


"That's strange. How can one punch kill someone?" Hsiao Yue was a little puzzled in her heart. She looked at the policeman who was performing an autopsy on Wai Dayong and asked, "Did you guys find anything?"    


A policeman reported to Hsiao Yue, "The victim's body reeks of alcohol. He must have drunk some alcohol and came here. Other than being punched in the face, there was nothing else. From the blood flowing out of his mouth and nose, he found that he must have been poisoned to death. As for whether it was true or not, it had to be appraised by a forensic doctor. Talent. Complete confirmation... "    


Another police officer handed a stack of bills and a phone to Hsiao Yue and said, "We found these from the deceased..."    


Hsiao Yue's gaze fell on the phone and asked, "Can you turn this phone on?"    


"Yes!" The police nodded.    


Hsiao Yue said in a commanding tone, "Open your phone now and see who Wai Dayong has contacted before."    




The policeman nodded and immediately turned on his phone. From the contact information displayed on the phone records, he found that Wai Dayong had only called two people since he got off work at five o'clock in the afternoon.    


One was Hou Guangsheng, and the other was Liu Chuang.    


"Hou Guangsheng?" Hsiao Yue looked at Gu Xiaohui and asked, "Is this Hou Guangsheng the vice chairman of your company?"    


"Yes," Gu Xiaohui answered honestly. She said, "This afternoon, he asked Wai Dayong to bring the security team members to the company for a meal."    


"If Wai Dayong was poisoned to death, this Hou Guangsheng was the most suspicious." Hsiao Yue frowned and asked the police, "Did you find anything from the deceased's phone?"    


"Yes," the police said, nodding. "There is a recording in the phone."    


"Play it and listen to it!" Hsiao Yue ordered.    


The policeman turned on the recording and pressed the speaker button on his phone. The conversation between Wai Dayong and Hou Guangsheng immediately appeared in the microphone.    


Wai Dayong said, "Ah? You want me to kill someone?"    


Hou Guangsheng said, "Yes, as the saying goes, the heart of a woman is the most poisonous. No poison can harm a husband. Gu Xiaohui did not give you face. Don't you hate her?"    


Wai Dayong said," Of course I hate her, but I don't need to take her life! "    


Hou Guangsheng said, "You are wrong. If you want to do something big, you need to bring down the obstacle in front of you. If Gu Xiaohui is not removed, I can't help you. You can't be the captain of the security team anymore. Gu Xiaohui is the only one who died. At that time, I will be the chairman of the company. Not only will I be able to restore your original position, but I will also be able to promote you to a senior executive in the company. This is a way to kill two birds with one stone. It's a win-win situation. "    


Wai Dayong said, "But, this is a murder case after all. If the police find out about me, won't my life be over?"    


Hou Guangsheng said," Didn't you once work in the police and know about detective and anti-detective knowledge? If you can handle this matter more efficiently and cleanly, ___ said. Who would suspect you? How about this, as long as you agree to do it, I'll give you 500,000 yuan, what do you think?"    




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