Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C179 Someone Was Following Him

C179 Someone Was Following Him

It turned out that when Wai Dayong was on the phone with Hou Guangsheng this afternoon, Hou Guangsheng had asked him to go to Wangjiang Hotel for dinner at six o'clock in the evening and discuss how to help him take back his position as the captain of the security team.    


Wai Dayong knew that Hou Guangsheng was a cunning old man. He was afraid that Hou Guangsheng would not keep his promise and turn hostile, so before eating, he secretly set the phone to a recording mode.    


It was really Hou Guangsheng who sent Wai Dayong to kill Gu Xiaohui.    


After listening to this recording, Gu Xiaohui remembered the scene when Wai Dayong killed her. She broke out in cold sweat again. She hated this old guy Hou Guangsheng so much that her teeth itched. She wished she could catch him and skin him. Smack his tendons.    


After Hsiao Yue listened to the recording, she thought to herself, "Since it was Hou Guangsheng who ordered Wai Dayong to assassinate Gu Xiaohui, then... He poisoned Wai Dayong, and it was most likely that he wanted to kill her to silence her. We must find a way to control him!"    


Thinking of this, she asked Gu Xiaohui, "Do you know where Hou Guangsheng lives?"    


" I don't know! " Gu Xiaohui shook her head and said.    


"What about you?" Hsiao Yue's gaze fell on Liu Chuang.    


"I don't know either!" Liu Chuang shook his head blankly.    


After listening to the recording, he knew that he was not the murderer of Wai Dayong. But before the police caught the murderer, he still had something to do with Wai Dayong's death. He had to prove himself in front of the police.    


So he said to Hsiao Yue, "How about I call my colleagues in the security team now and ask them about it?"    


"If you ask them about it like this, won't you let them pass on the news to Hou Guangsheng? Did you alert the enemy? " Hsiao Yue glanced at Liu Chuang and said, "We have not removed the suspicion of killing you. You are not qualified to make this call. You must cut off all contact with the outside world and hand over your phone. Let us keep it for you for the time being! "    


When Liu Chuang heard this, he knew that he could not convince this beautiful police officer, so he took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to the police in charge of recording and gathering evidence.    


Hsiao Yue looked at Gu Xiaohui and asked, "Does anyone in your company know Hou Guangsheng's address?"    


"Sun Yan!" Gu Xiaohui replied.    


"Who is Sun Yan?" Hsiao Yue deliberately asked.    


After Gu Yuming died in the car accident and Zhang Xuezhong was dragged to the wasteland in the suburbs to be buried alive, in order to solve the case, Hsiao Yue went to the Gu's Group to find out about the situation and gather evidence. She had dealt with Sun Yan before, but she still had to ask Gu Xiaohui about it. To find out Sun Yan's true identity.    


"She is the assistant of our company's chairman. You have seen her before!" Gu Xiaohui replied.    


"Oh, I got it." Hsiao Yue used a tone that did not allow discussion and said, "You immediately inform Sun Yan to wait for me at the entrance of Gu's Group. I will let her personally take me to Hou Guangsheng's residence."    


"Do I need to tell her about what happened in our family just now?" Gu Xiaohui asked.    


"You don't need to do that for the time being." Hsiao Yue shook her head and said, "In order to avoid unnecessary complications, you only need to tell Sun Yan that you have something to talk to her about and let her wait for you at the company entrance..."    


"Okay, I understand!" Gu Xiaohui said and went to pick up the phone that she had placed on the bedside table. She pressed the turn on button and after opening the phone, she immediately dialed Sun Yan's number.    


"Chairman, what do you want from me?" The phone was connected. Sun Yan's warm voice came from the phone.    


Gu Xiaohui tried her best to calm her emotions and asked, "Ms Sun, where are you now?"    


"I am at home. What's wrong?" Sun Yan asked.    


"I have something to discuss with you. Go to the company door and wait for me." Gu Xiaohui said with a tone that did not allow discussion.    


"Okay, I will go right now!" Sun Yan replied.    


Gu Xiaohui called her at this time, indicating that the matter was very urgent. Since Gu Xiaohui was not willing to tell her on the phone, it meant that the degree of confidentiality of the matter was very high. She was embarrassed to ask more.    


This was a habit she had developed by the old chairman Gu Yuming's side over the years. Now it was Gu Yuming's daughter who was the chairman of the company. Sun Yan still inherited the habit of the past.    


After putting down the phone, Gu Xiaohui said to Hsiao Yue, "Hsiao, Sun Yan will go to the company immediately. Do I need to go with you guys?"    


"No need." Hsiao Yue looked at Mrs Gu who was standing beside Gu Xiaohui and shook her head. "You stay and accompany your mother at home. The rest of the matters will be left to us."    


After she finished speaking, her eyes fell on Liu Chuang and said, "Liu, later you and our team members will go to the police station to take a statement and cooperate with them in investigating this case!"    


Liu Chuang knew that at this point, it was unnecessary to explain himself. He nodded and said,    




After settling Mrs Gu, Gu Xiaohui, and Liu Chuang, Hsiao Yue ordered the policemen she brought.    


"Leave a few people here to protect the scene. Inform the forensic doctor to come over and examine the body. Immediately send the body to the funeral home. The rest of you, follow me!"    


After everything was settled, Hsiao Yue led the few police officers and left Mrs Gu's home.    


After that, two modern police cars flashed with police lights and drove out of the neighborhood. Then, they pulled up police sirens and sped wildly on the street towards Gu's Group's independent office building.    




After work, Shen Ao sat on the office chair in his general manager's office, smoking cigarette after cigarette.    


The entire office was covered in a pungent smoke.    


He had been troubled by the fact that his father had ordered him to get rid of Ye Ping. After all, Ye Ping was his classmate and lover in college. After graduation, they got married very quickly, and Ye Ping became his legal wife. If he had to kill her with his own hands, he would not be able to bear it.    


However, Ye Ping had already betrayed him and stood on Gu Xiaohui's side, standing opposite of him.    


That night, in the private room of Blue Sky Club, although Ye Ping did not have the time to have a relationship with Gu Xiaohui's husband, Wu Xu, however, she had already betrayed him spiritually. It had been like this for a long time. Sooner or later, she would get involved with Wu Xu and make a cuckold for herself. If that happened, she would lose a lot of face.    


The key was that Ye Ping, as Shen Ao's wife, knew too many things about him. Once they divorced and went their separate ways, it would be because he had done domestic abuse on her. And this time, he had become his enemy for kidnapping her. His shameful matters would be exposed by Ye Ping.    


From this, it seemed that if he didn't get rid of Ye Ping as soon as possible and keep her here, it would still be a hidden danger to Shen Ao. If he wasn't careful, it would bring him a disaster.    


After thinking it over and over again, Shen Ao still decided to get rid of Ye Ping. But seeing the relationship between husband and wife, he wanted to see Ye Ping before she died.    


So, after he took a deep breath of smoke, he put the cigarette butt into the cylinder and snuffed it out. Then he stood up from the stool, put the phone on the desk into his pocket, and walked out of the office.    


After taking the elevator downstairs, Shen Ao jumped onto the Land Rover that he parked in the parking lot. He drove away from the Shen's Group, passing through the busy streets and heading towards the eastern suburbs.    


When his Land Rover just left the company's entrance, a taxi parked not far away slowly started up and followed behind the Land Rover unhurriedly.    


Shen Ao drove while thinking about how to face Ye Ping when he met her later. He did not notice that there were people following behind and did not know about what was about to happen at all.    


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