Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C190 Capture(4)

C190 Capture(4)

Under Sun Yan's lead, Hsiao Yue led the group of police to the neighborhood where Hou Guangsheng's family lived.    


When the guard heard that the police came to the neighborhood to solve the case, he hurriedly opened the door of the neighborhood.    


The police quickly drove a few police cars into the neighborhood, and with Sun Yan leading the way, they stopped in front of Hou Guangsheng's villa.    


After getting out of the car, Sun Yan brought Hsiao Yue and the other police officers to the entrance of the villa on the first floor.    


Knock, knock, knock!    


Sun Yan raised her hand and knocked on the door.    


At this moment, a large group of people were sitting around the dining table and finishing their meal.    


"This old Hou always forgot to bring the key home!" After hearing the knock on the door, Madam Hou quickly stood up from the dining table. She complained as she walked to the door of the living room.    


When she reached out and opened the door, she saw Sun Yan and a group of uniformed policemen standing at the door. She was shocked. She mumbled, What?    


"You... Who are you looking for?"    


Sun Yan said, "Madam Hou, I am the assistant of the chairman of Gu Industries Corporation, Sun Yan. Don't you remember me?"    


"Yes, of course I remember." Madam Hou nodded and said, "Why did you bring these policemen here? Did something happen to our Marquis? I..."    


Hsiao Yue interrupted Madam Hou's words and said, "We suspect that Hou Guangsheng is related to a murder case. We want to invite them to the police station to cooperate with our investigation. Is he home?"    


When Madam Hou heard that her husband was involved in a murder case, she was shocked.    


The old lady knew in her heart that her husband often took a large sum of money home and handed it to her for safekeeping. She thought that he would have financial problems and persuaded him to accept it many times. However, he did not listen and kept reminding her, fearing that he would be taken away by the police.    


However, she had thought that tonight, the police really came to find her. It was not because of financial problems, but because of a murder case. This made the old lady very surprised.    


"He... He hasn't returned yet..." Madam Hou hurriedly said.    


"Then call Hou Guangsheng now and ask him where he is." Hsiao Yue said with a tone that could not be discussed.    


"Okay, okay," ___ said. Madam Hou said in a hurry, "Everyone, please come in and have a seat. I will call our family's old marquis now..."    


Sun Yan was the first to walk into the living room on the first floor.    


Hsiao Yue only brought two policemen into the room and arranged for the other policemen to wait outside. Once Hou Guangsheng appeared, they would arrest him.    


After the group entered the house, Madam Hou arranged for them to sit on the sofa in the living room.    


"Everyone, thank you for your hard work. Please have some water!" Madam Hou placed tea cups on the coffee table and was about to pour water for Hsiao Yue and the others.    


"Madam Hou, there is no need. We are not here to drink water." Hsiao Yue hurriedly waved her hand and urged, "Call Hou Guangsheng now and ask him where he is. Don't tell him that the police are looking for him for the time being..."    


Madam Gu tentatively asked, "I want to know, what kind of case did our Marquis commit?"    


Afraid that Madam Hou would tell Hou Guangsheng the news that the police were looking for him, Hsiao Yue did not want to tell the truth. Instead, she said perfunctorily,    


"Actually, it's nothing much. It's just that the original captain of Gu Industries' security team, Wai Dayong, was poisoned. Poisoned. " Dead. It... He was promoted by Hou Guangsheng. The relationship between the two of them has always been good. I only asked Ms Sun to bring me here to understand the situation... "    


Just now, the descendants of Hou Guangsheng's family who were eating around the dining table... Seeing that the police had come, they didn't know what had happened. They put down their chopsticks and ran from the dining room to the living room to find out what had happened. Upon hearing Hsiao Yue's words, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. For the time being, they were relieved.    


"Oh, so that's the case. I'll contact him now!" Madam Hou picked up the phone on the coffee table and dialed Hou Guangsheng's phone.    


At this moment, Hou Guangsheng's full-time driver was driving his Mercedes-Benz car home.    


Hou Guangsheng leaned against the back seat, thinking about his current situation and how he was going to deal with what was about to happen.    


He really regretted that he had acted on impulse and did not discuss it with Shen Ao. He sent Wei Dayong to Gu Xiaohui's mother's house to assassinate Gu Xiaohui. He also took advantage of the time when Wei Dayong gave Gu Xiaohui's driver Liu Chuang a call. He poured slow-acting medicine into his wine glass to silence him.    


The current situation was that not only did Wai Dayong not kill Gu Xiaohui at Gu Xiaohui's parents' house, but he also did not kill her. Instead, he was poisoned by himself and died a violent death. He made the police suspect him for nothing and ended up as a result of "stealing a chicken and not eating the rice."    


"If I am caught by the police, should I follow Shen Ao's instructions and take responsibility for causing a car accident and killing Gu Yuming and his driver?" Hou Guangsheng thought to himself.    


Thinking of his wife and children at home, Hou Guangsheng was afraid that Shen Ao and others would take revenge on him after he told them about Shen Ao and his friends, which would implicate his family.    


Therefore, he decided to do as Shen Ao said and put all the blame on himself.    


Ring, ring, ring!    


At this time, the hand in his pocket rang.    


Hou Guangsheng took out his phone and saw the number of his home phone on the screen. He hurriedly picked up the phone.    


"Old Hou, where are you now?" His wife's urgent voice came from the phone.    


Hou Guangsheng pretended to be calm and said, "I am on my way home. What's wrong?"    


"We have guests. Come back quickly!" Madam Hou said anxiously.    


Hou Guangsheng asked anxiously, "What... What guest..."    


"You'll know when you come back. They said they have something important to talk to you about, and they want you to come back immediately!" Madam Hou hinted.    


"Okay, I'll be right back!" After Hou Guangsheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.    


After being married for so many years, he naturally understood the meaning behind his wife's words. He understood the meaning of "important thing." He knew that the police had come to find him, and he had nowhere to go.    


Therefore, he said to the driver without revealing his emotions, "Zhang, I don't want to go home yet. Drive the car to the police station at the city gate!"    


Whenever Hou Guangsheng did anything, he would let the driver wait for him in the car. Therefore, the driver did not know that he had committed a crime outside.    


"Director Hou, what are we going to the police station for?" The driver asked curiously.    


Hou Guangsheng lied and said, "I have a junior who got caught by the police because he fought with others. I am going to see what happened."    


"Oh, so that's the case!" The driver looked at Hou Guangsheng through the rearview mirror and looked at him suspiciously. Then, he turned around at an intersection and drove towards the police station.    


After Madam Hou put down the phone, she said to Hsiao Yue, who was sitting on the sofa, "I have already called our family's Marquis. He said that he is on the way home and will be home soon."    


Hsiao Yue did not hear anything fishy from the conversation between Madam Hou and her husband, so she said, "Okay, we will wait for him here!"    


However, time passed, minute by minute. Hou Guangsheng had not returned yet.    


Xiao Yue immediately felt that something was wrong and stood up from the sofa in the living room. Just as she was about to leave Hou Guangsheng's house, her phone rang urgently in her pocket.    


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