Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C275 I Don't Know Him

C275 I Don't Know Him

Gu Xiaohui was concentrating on tidying up the piles of documents on her desk, and when she was at work, she didn't want anyone to disturb her. But at this moment... The phone on the desk rang with an ear-piercing ringtone.    


Gu Xiaohui frowned and stopped what she was doing. She picked up the phone and asked, What is it?" Hello, what's the matter?"    


"Director Gu, I am receptionist Zhang Lei. There is a man called Ma Junhao who claims to be your friend. He wants to see you in your office!"    


" Ah? Ma Junhao?" Gu Xiaohui's heart tightened when she heard this person's name.    


Ever since that day, Ma Junhao called Gu Xiaohui and asked her why she asked Sun Yan to send him the company's information. After the two of them had an argument over the phone, they had not contacted each other for a few days.    


Gu Xiaohui thought, "Isn't it inconvenient for Ma Junhao's legs to be in a wheelchair all day long and he stays in the room all day? How could he come to the company to find me? Besides, why didn't he call me before he came to the company? In this city, other than Shen Ao and Ye Ping, almost no one knew Ma Junhao. It must be Shen Ao who knew that I didn't want to see him. He deliberately used Ma Junhao as a disguise!"    


Thinking of this, Gu Xiaohui said coldly," I'm very busy and don't want to see anyone. I don't have such a friend. I don't know him. Let him go back! "    


" Oh, I know! " Zhang Lei said eagerly, "Director Gu, you're busy. I won't disturb you, you..."    


Before Zhang Lei could finish speaking, Gu Xiaohui had already put the microphone back into the landline and continued to organize and review the company's documents.    


However, when she thought of the matter between her and Ma Junhao, how could Gu Xiaohui calm her heart down? It had been so long since she contacted Ma Junhao. She did not know how his current situation was, so she picked up the phone on her desk. She called Ma Junhao's number.    


"Sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be connected for the time being. Please dial later..." The pleasant voice of the computer operator came from the phone.    


"Why isn't Ma Junhao's cell phone in the service area? Could something have happened to him?" Gu Xiaohui thought to herself, "The construction of the shacks has entered the construction stage. Could it be that the person downstairs looking for me is really Ma Junhao?"    


Gu Xiaohui felt that something was not right. She quickly picked up the landline receiver and dialed an inline number.    


The call went through.    


Gu Xiaohui said to the phone, "Ms Sun, come to my office."    


"Okay, I'll be there right away!" Sun Yan replied and quickly put the microphone back into the landline. He left his office and walked to the door of Gu Xiaohui's chairman's office. Seeing Gu Xiaohui sitting in her office with a blank expression, she knocked on the door and went in. He walked to the opposite side of her desk and asked, "Director Gu, what happened?"    


"Just now, the front desk called and said that Ma Junhao wanted to come upstairs to see me..." Gu Xiaohui truthfully told him the content of the receptionist Zhang Lei's call.    


"Ma Junhao?" Sun Yan frowned and said, "Isn't it inconvenient for Ma Junhao to move and he wants to stay at home? Why would he come to your company to find you?"    


Recalling the scene when she went to Ma Junhao's house for Gu Xiaohui that morning and gave him the information, Sun Yan did not have a good impression of Ma Junhao at all.    


"I also do not know what is going on. Go downstairs and take a look!" Gu Xiaohui instructed.    


"Okay. I will go down now." Sun Yan hesitated and asked, "If the person who came to find you is really Ma Junhao, will I bring him upstairs to see you?"    


Sun Yan knew in her heart that Gu Xiaohui had always kept Ma Junhao in her heart. For the sake of Ma Junhao, that disabled person, she was prepared to divorce Wu Xu and let Ma Junhao come to the company to work and let him be the general manager.    


If Ma Junhao came to find her and did not let him go upstairs to see her, Gu Xiaohui would definitely not agree. When she said this, it sounded like she was taking off her pants and farting.    


Even so, she still wanted to rely on Gu Xiaohui.    


"Of course!" Gu Xiaohui nodded and said, "If Ma Junhao came to the company to find me, you can directly bring him to my office..."    


"Okay, I understand!" Sun Yan nodded heavily and turned around to leave the chairman's office.    


"If Ma Junhao really came to the company to find me, what should I say to him when we meet?" Watching Sun Yan's back as she left, Gu Xiaohui immediately fell into deep thought.    




After Zhang Lei finished the phone call with Gu Xiaohui, she faced the thin security guard standing in front of the reception desk and said, "Director Gu said on the phone that she does not know Ma Junhao..."    


"So that means that guy isn't Director Gu's friend at all, but an impostor?" The thin security guard asked in shock.    


"I think so!" Zhang Lei said noncommittally.    


"F * ck, there's actually someone here to wreak havoc in Gu's Group. Let's see how we deal with him!" The thin security guard swore before turning around and walking towards the company's entrance.    


"How is it?" When the fat security guard at the company's entrance saw his companion walk out of the company's lobby on the first floor, he pointed at Ma Junhao and asked, "Is this kid really a friend of Director Gu?"    


The thin security guard said angrily, "Director Gu said that she doesn't have such a friend at all. This guy came to the company to find trouble."    


Ma Junhao saw the two security guards standing together and whispering something. He asked proudly, "How is it? Did your Director Gu want me to go upstairs to see her?"    


"I saw your mother's head," the thin security guard scolded angrily. "Since when did Director Gu have friends like you? Get lost, the Director Gu said that she doesn't know you at all!"    


"Ah? What did you say?" Ma Junhao looked at the thin security guard with distrust and asked, "Gu Xiaohui said she doesn't know me? Did you hear it wrong? "    


"Stop talking nonsense. Is the name of the Director Gu something a person like you can casually call? Get lost! Otherwise, I won't be polite to you!" The fat security guard berated loudly.    


Ma Junhao never would have thought that he would come to the company to see Gu Xiaohui with such enthusiasm. He tried to surprise Gu Xiaohui, but Gu Xiaohui actually did not want to see him. In front of these two security guards, he touched his nose and felt a little unwilling in his heart. She said in a sincere tone:    


"You two, I am really Gu Xiaohui's university classmate. Please help me make an exception..."    


"Make an exception for your mother's balls." The fat security guard took a big stride forward and stretched out his left hand. He grabbed Ma Junhao's collar and said, "I have seen many people like you. I told you to get lost. You just didn't listen. You thought we were joking. It seems like you would think that this is a place where anyone can behave atrociously if I didn't teach you a lesson! "    


As he spoke, the fat security guard raised his right hand and slapped Ma Junhao.    




A crisp sound.    


Ma Junhao's left cheek was struck by the palm print, and he felt a burning pain. He instinctively covered his face with his hand and questioned:    


"You... Why did you hit me?"    


"I hit you, what's wrong?" The fat security guard said and let go of Ma Junhao's collar. He raised his leg and kicked towards Ma Junhao's abdomen.    


Ma Junhao staggered backwards and lost his balance. He fell to the ground.    


A burst of intense pain hit him. Ma Junhao covered his stomach with his hand and struggled to stand up from the ground. He pointed at the fat security guard and said:    


"You... you dare to hit me. I... I will make you pay the price..."    


"You f * cking dare to be stubborn when you are about to die. I want to see what kind of price I will have to pay." After saying that, the fat security guard immediately clenched his fist and punched towards Ma Junhao's face.    


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