Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C277 Surprised

C277 Surprised

Duk! Duk!    


Sun Yan raised her hand and knocked three times on the door of the chairman's office.    


"Come in!"    


Gu Xiaohui's emotionless voice came from the chairman's office.    


Sun Yan pushed the door open.    


Gu Xiaohui, who was sitting in her office, looked at the door.    


When she saw Ma Junhao standing behind Sun Yan, it was as if she had seen a ghost in broad daylight. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was wide open. She could not help but scream.    


"Ma... Ma Junhao, why... Why is it you?"    


Ever since Ma Junhao got into a car accident and became a disabled person, he had been staying at home, lying on the bed or sitting in a wheelchair, shutting himself in.    


When Gu Xiaohui received a call from receptionist Zhang Lei, she said that a person who called himself Ma Junhao was downstairs at the company. When she was about to go upstairs to look for her, she mistakenly thought that Shen Ao was pretending to be Ma Junhao. He came to find trouble with her because he did not know Ma Junhao. She refused to let that person go upstairs to see her, but she felt that something was not right. He sent Sun Yan downstairs to investigate.    


He did not expect that the person Sun Yan brought up was indeed Ma Junhao. Furthermore, it was Ma Junhao who was standing there. He felt very shocked.    


Sun Yan understood Gu Xiaohui's thoughts. She turned around and smiled at Ma Junhao and said, "Mr Ma, you can go in. The Director Gu is waiting for you in the office!"    


Ma Junhao walked into the chairman's office with his head held high. Sun Yan knew that they had something to discuss and did not enter the room with him. Instead, she gently closed the door for them.    


When Ma Junhao entered the room, Gu Xiaohui had already recovered her senses. She returned to being the beautiful chairman of Gu's Group.    


Her eyes had never left Ma Junhao's legs. When she saw that Ma Junhao walked like a normal person, she could not help frowning and asked:    


"Junhao, how is your leg good?"    


Ma Junhao did not directly answer Gu Xiaohui's question. Instead, he walked to the opposite side of her desk and questioned loudly.    


"Gu Xiaohui, what do you mean? Why did you tell the security downstairs that you do not know me? You want them to stop me downstairs? "    


Gu Xiaohui suddenly saw that Ma Junhao's face was swollen. She asked with concern, "What happened to your face? Who hit you?"    


"Wasn't it given to you by the security guards downstairs?" Ma Junhao said angrily," Gu Xiaohui, stop being hypocritical in front of me. If you don't want to see me, just say it. Why did you order your company's security guards to use force on me?"    


"Junhao, I'm sorry." Gu Xiaohui saw Ma Junhao's angry look and said, "The main thing is that there are always people coming to the company to cause trouble for me these few days. You didn't call me in advance. I didn't know it was you who caused this kind of misunderstanding. The security guards were wrong to hit people. I will call them now and ask them to come upstairs. Apologize to you face to face! "    


"I think it's better to forget about it." Ma Junhao's anger had yet to subside. He said in a strange tone, "People like me have cheap lives. I can't bear the apology of others!"    


"Let's see what you are talking about. Everyone should be responsible for his actions. The security guards beat people up indiscriminately. They should pay the price for their actions!" Gu Xiaohui replied.    


"Do you really think so? " Ma Junhao's anger instantly dissipated by more than half.    


"Of course!" Gu Xiaohui nodded.    


"In that case, fire the two security guards downstairs!" Ma Junhao said straightforwardly.    


Gu Xiaohui frowned and said, "Isn't it too serious to do this?"    


"Let me tell you the truth. If Ms Sun did not arrive in time, "I will tell you the truth. If ___ didn't arrive in time, I would have been beaten up by that fat security guard again," Ma Junhao said coldly. Fortunately, I was the one they beat up today. If it was an important person who came to visit, wouldn't the company's image be ruined by them? "    


"Is it as serious as you say?" Gu Xiaohui frowned and was stunned.    


"What do you think?" Ma Junhao asked.    


After Ma Junhao said that, Gu Xiaohui realized the seriousness of the problem. She thought about it carefully and immediately picked up the phone to call the security captain's office.    


Ring! Ring!    


The phone rang twice before someone picked it up.    


"This is the Gu's Group's security team. I am the captain of the security team, Yang Jianbo. Do you need any help?" The voice of the new captain of the security team, Yang Jianbo, came through the phone.    


Gu Xiaohui asked loudly, "Yang Jianbo, how did you become the captain of the security team? Just now, there was a company security guard beating someone up at the entrance of the company. Did you know that? "    


When he heard Gu Xiaohui's voice, Yang Jianbo's head turned big. He hurriedly explained, "Director Gu, just now, two security guards who were on duty at the company's entrance reported to me. Someone barged into the company to see you and was stopped by them..."    


"What nonsense!" Gu Xiaohui said angrily, "Those two security guards beat people at the company's entrance, which has an extremely bad influence on the company. I have decided to fire them immediately. Quickly tell them to get lost!"    


When he heard Gu Xiaohui say to fire the two security guards, a few black lines appeared on Yang Jianbo's forehead. He wanted to plead on behalf of the two security guards, but then he remembered that Gu Xiaohui always kept her word. He had already removed a few senior executives and had just taken over Wai Dayong's position. There was no need to go against her.    


Thus, he said submissively, "Okay... Okay, I'll let them leave the company now..."    


Before Yang Jianbo could finish speaking, Gu Xiaohui had already hung up the phone.    


After putting down the phone, Gu Xiaohui looked at Ma Junhao and said, "I have already fired the two security guards. Are you satisfied now?"    


Ma Junhao gave her a thumbs up and said with a smile, "You are indeed worthy of being the chairman of Gu's Group. You are decisive and admirable!"    


Gu Xiaohui curled her lips and said, "Don't try to flatter me. Tell me, how are your legs?"    


Ma Junhao said half-heartedly, "Yesterday, when my mother and I moved out of the shantytown, we accidentally fell from the wheelchair and miraculously stood up..."    


Afraid that Gu Xiaohui would become suspicious, Ma Junhao did not let Fifth Ma and the others break into their house last night. Forcing them to move out of their house, he took his mother to build the ground bed in front of Project Department's gate in the shantytown. He told her about his encounter with Shen Ao there and what happened afterwards.    


"Ah? You guys have moved out of the shed?" Gu Xiaohui asked in surprise.    


"Yes," Ma Junhao answered. "The construction of the shed has begun. It has been razed to the ground. We have to move out from there."    


"Then where do you live now?" Gu Xiaohui asked.    


"We live in Room 102, Building 3, Building 1, in Wanjia International." Ma Junhao suddenly felt that he had said something wrong and added, "This house is a temporary residence arranged by the Project Department leader for us."    


Gu Xiaohui was immersed in the joy of Ma Junhao's legs having recovered and becoming a normal person again. She did not think about other things and said excitedly,    


"This is great. I have not seen Auntie for a long time. When I am done with my work, I will go and visit Auntie!"    


"I think it is better to forget about it." Ma Junhao waved his hand and said in a sarcastic tone, "You have so many things to do in your company and your family is so busy. If you come to my house often, someone will have a problem..."    


Gu Xiaohui's heart skipped a beat when she heard Ma Junhao's words. She suddenly felt her face turn red and asked, "Junhao, did you hear something from someone?"    


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