Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C319 The House Was Empty

C319 The House Was Empty

"Ye Ping just came to work. What does she know?" Sun Yan said in a deep voice, "You don't need to tell her about this. After you prepare the information, just give it to me directly!"    


"Then... Alright!" Du Lala hesitated for a moment and quickly walked out of the office.    


Sun Yan got up and left her office. She knocked on the door of the chairman's office again and said to Gu Xiaohui who was still sitting in her office in a daze,    


"Director Gu, I asked Du Lala to work overtime tonight and ask her to quickly sort out the company's financial report and employee wages..."    


"Very good." Gu Xiaohui recovered her senses and said, "After it is done, give it to me immediately."    


"Okay." Sun Yan nodded and said, "But I see that your complexion is not very good. Go home early and rest. When the time comes, I will call you!"    


"That's fine." Gu Xiaohui felt that her body and mind were a little tired and it was not convenient for her to forcefully hold on here. She said gratefully, "Ms Sun, I have troubled you!"    


"Nothing much. This is what I should do." Sun Yan replied, "Director Gu, don't worry. This matter will be resolved very soon. Take care of your health is more important..."    


At this time, Gu Xiaohui's driver and bodyguard Liu Chuang knocked on the door and entered the house.    


He first smiled at Sun Yan as a greeting and then asked Gu Xiaohui, "Director Gu, it's time to get off work. Should I send you home or where?"    


"Go home!" Gu Xiaohui replied and said to Sun Yan, "Ms Sun, I will wait for your news at home!"    


"Okay." Sun Yan nodded and said, "Don't worry about the Director Gu. After we prepare the information tonight, we will personally deliver it to you!"    


"Thank you!" Gu Xiaohui thanked him and turned to walk out of the office.    


Sun Yan and Liu Chuang followed her out.    


After leaving the office, Liu Chuang followed Gu Xiaohui to the special elevator for the chairman. They took the elevator downstairs with her and Sun Yan returned to her office. After Du Lala sorted out the information, she sent it to her.    


Gu Xiaohui and Liu Chuang took the elevator down to the first floor and arrived in front of the Mercedes-Benz 500 that was specially reserved for the chairman.    


Liu Chuang opened the door of the back seat and Gu Xiaohui got into the car. She sat in the back seat and leaned against the back of the seat. She closed her eyes tiredly.    


Gu Xiaohui originally wanted to drive her own car over and park next to the BMW to go home, but after experiencing so many things today, she really could not support it anymore, so she agreed to drive her car over to Liu Chuang.    


Liu Chuang sat in the driver's seat and looked at Gu Xiaohui through the rearview mirror. Seeing Gu Xiaohui lean against the seat with her eyes closed to rest, he did not have the nerve to speak. Instead, he started the car and slowly drove the Mercedes-Benz out of the parking lot. After leaving the Gu's Group.    


Although Gu Xiaohui closed her eyes, her mind was working rapidly.    


Thinking of himself this afternoon, Wu Xu did not hesitate to go with her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to settle the divorce procedures. After the divorce procedures were completed, there was a Ferrari sports car driven by a "nursing worker" Zhang Mengmeng at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.    


He remembered that after his divorce with Wu Xu, he took Ma Junhao to the shopping center to buy high-end clothing. Her wallet was stolen by two thieves, and Ma Junhao was injured by one of them. Wu Xu, however, rushed out from the crowd and subdued the two thieves, then took his wallet back. The scene of him handing the wallet back to him was a complete mess in his heart.    


"Isn't Wu Xu a wimp? Why did he seem like a different person after he was injured and hospitalized by Shen Ao and the others? Not only is he tough when he speaks, but he is also so good at beating, "Gu Xiaohui thought to herself." Where did he learn martial arts from? Could it be that the last time he was hospitalized by Shen Ao in a private room in Blue Sky Club, he was pretending? The purpose of putting on an act in front of me was to get my sympathy. Don't propose to divorce him? "    


"Since Wu Xu doesn't want to divorce me, then why did he divorce me so readily today? I proposed to transfer the property rights of the house we used to live in under his name, but he refused. He said that he already had a house, and that he would move out tonight. Where exactly is he moving to? " Gu Xiaohui asked herself," Who exactly is Zhang Mengmeng? Which family's heiress is she? Could it be that during the time Wu Xu was hospitalized, or before he was hospitalized, he had an affair with Zhang Mengmeng, that vixen? Did Zhang Mengmeng give Wu Xu's house to him?"    


He recalled the scene of Zhang Mengmeng's two bodyguards fighting with Liu Chuang at the door of Wu Xu's ward this morning. Gu Xiaohui had an indescribable feeling in her heart when Zhang Mengmeng drove a Ferrari sports car in front of her.    


Gu Xiaohui remembered the days when she and Wu Xu met and married, because she had Ma Junhao in her heart. She had always disliked Wu Xu, and had always spoken coldly and maliciously to him. Wu Xu, on the other hand, did not bother to argue with her. In front of her, he just went along with her. He was very careful, especially after they got married. Wu Xu basically took care of all the family matters. Cooking, washing, mopping, and so on were all done by him. Not only did he not let Wu Xu share a room with her, he was also always picking on her. He was always criticizing him and calling him a good-for-nothing who lived off a woman. He often showed off his young lady's temper in front of him.    


"Am I too domineering in front of Wu Xu? Did I go too far?" Thinking of this, Gu Xiaohui asked herself in her heart and began to regret her actions.    


Humans were a strange animal, especially some women. Not only were they strange, but they were also very strange. Some things would only know how precious they were if they were lost. How was Gu Xiaohui's current mood not like this?    


"Didn't Wu Xu say that he was going to move this afternoon? I want to see where he is moving to." Gu Xiaohui had a flash of inspiration. She opened her eyes and said to Liu Chuang, "Liu, I don't plan to go to my mother's place tonight. I plan to go back to my home... "    


"Your own home?" Liu Chuang did not know about Gu Xiaohui's marriage and divorce with Wu Xu. He frowned and asked, "Where is your own home?"    


"My home is..." Gu Xiaohui said in one breath the residential area where she and Wu Xu lived after they got married.    


Liu Chuang immediately opened the Baidu map on the car screen and entered the name of the residential area that Gu Xiaohui provided. He then safely sent Gu Xiaohui to the entrance of the residential area through the Baidu map.    


"Liu, I plan to live here tonight. You drive back!" Just as the car stopped, Gu Xiaohui said to Liu Chuang, seeing that he was hesitating. She immediately understood what he was thinking. She comforted him, "Don't worry. Our neighborhood is safe. Nothing will happen. I will call you when I need to use the car!"    


"Then... Alright," Liu Chuang hesitated for a moment and said, "Director Gu, be careful. If there is anything, call me in time!"    


"Okay, you can go back!" Gu Xiaohui said, pushed open the car door in the back, and got out of the car.    


After Liu Chuang drove his Mercedes-Benz 500 private car away, Gu Xiaohui dragged her tired body into the neighborhood and came to the building where they lived.    


After that, she went to the elevator on the first floor and took the elevator to the floor where her house was. She came to the door of her house and took out the key from her handbag to open the door.    


When she pushed the door open and entered the room, a familiar smell and breath hit her face. After Gu Xiaohui took a deep breath, she closed the door and walked into the living room.    


Little did she know that the house was empty and it seemed to be very quiet...    


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