Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C171 To the Appointment

C171 To the Appointment

Liu Chuang wasn't familiar with the route to Rongcheng City, so he used the Gade map navigation system. A gentle computer sound came from the car's speakers. :    


"The road ahead is limited to 50. Current speed is 53. You have exceeded the speed limit. Please follow the traffic rules..."    


Gu Xiaohui asked, "Liu, how long have you been in the army?"    


"Six years!" Liu Chuang replied.    


"How many years have you gotten your driver's license?" Gu Xiaohui continued to ask.    


"Five years!" Liu Chuang answered truthfully.    


"So you are an experienced driver?" Gu Xiaohui asked tentatively.    


"I guess so!" Liu Chuang introduced, "When I was training in the army, I drove a transport car. The off-road vehicles and tanks were just small cars. Because the cars in the army were usually reserved for the Chiefs. They were all driven by their guards. "    


"Ah? You've even driven a tank before?" Gu Xiaohui asked in surprise.    


"Yes," Liu Chuang replied. "I'm a special forces soldier. According to the requirements, any vehicle and equipment in the army must be familiar and mastered."    


"No wonder you drive so well. So you are a special forces soldier?" Gu Xiaohui asked curiously, "Since you are a special forces soldier, then you should have knowledge in capturing and fighting, as well as actual combat experience."    


"Yes, that is our compulsory course!" Liu Chuang replied.    


"Very good," Gu Xiaohui said with a sigh. "With you as my driver and bodyguard, I am relieved. You do well in the future, and I will not treat you unfairly!"    


"Thank you, Director Gu!" Liu Chuang thanked Gu Xiaohui, who was sitting at the back of the rearview mirror, with a grateful smile.    


"By the way, are you married?" Gu Xiaohui asked with concern.    


"I'm married!"    


"Do you have a child?"    




"Then where is your lover now?"    


"She's in her hometown in the countryside!"    


"Then why didn't you bring her to the city and live with you?"    


"Because I just retired from the army and joined a job not long ago, my income hasn't stabilized yet. The expenses in the city are higher than the price, so I temporarily let her live in the countryside."    


"Oh, so that's the case." Gu Xiaohui thought for a while and said, "How about this, I will call Ms Sun in a while. Let her rent a house nearby for you. At that time. You can bring your lover to live with you. In that case, you can look after each other. It's more convenient for you to drive me to and fro from work... "    


"Thank you so much, Director Gu." Liu Chuang said gratefully.    


"It's alright. You're welcome. This is what I should do!" Gu Xiaohui said straightforwardly, "If you need anything, please say it. I will do my best to help you solve it."    


The reason Gu Xiaohui made this decision was that she was not familiar with Liu Chuang. She wanted to give him a favor and use this to win him over. On the other hand, he did not want Liu Chuang and his lover to affect their work because of the separation between the two places. As long as he solved his worries, talent! He would be loyal to her and serve her wholeheartedly.    


"Director Gu, you're really a good person!" Liu Chuang was very touched. He thought, "I have followed the right person. If she can help me and let my lover reunite with me in the city, I will definitely protect her wholeheartedly."    


After that, both of them had their own thoughts and did not speak.    


Not long after, Liu Chuang had followed the navigation instructions and drove the Mercedes-Benz 500 car to the entrance of the villa area where Gu Xiaohui's parents lived.    


"Master, please open the door!" Gu Xiaohui opened the glass window and stuck her head out to greet the security.    


The security saw that it was Miss Gu's car, so he took the registration book and asked Gu Xiaohui to register the model and license plate number of the car. He then used the remote control to open the electronic folding door.    


Gu Xiaohui asked Liu Chuang to drive the car into the neighborhood.    


Under Gu Xiaohui's guidance, Liu Chuang followed the community road and drove the car to the luxurious villa where Gu Xiaohui's mother lived.    


Before getting off the car, Gu Xiaohui said to Liu Chuang, "Liu, thank you for your hard work. There are security guards in our neighborhood. It is safer here. Drive back to the dormitory first!    


"When the time comes, I will let Ms Sun rent the house and let you move in. Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, you can come here and pick me up. If I need a car at the last minute, I will call you!"    


" Okay. If you need anything, feel free to tell me. I will tell you my phone right now. From now on, I will turn on the phone 24 hours a day. I will listen to your orders at any time! "Liu Chuang said flatteringly.    


Since Gu Xiaohui did not let Liu Chuang stay or let him sit at home, he was also embarrassed to stay there shamelessly, so he exchanged phone numbers with Gu Xiaohui.    


After Gu Xiaohui got off the car and watched Gu Xiaohui walk into her mother's villa, Liu Chuang drove away.    




After work, Wai Dayong took a taxi to the Wangjiang Hotel at the entrance of Gu Industries.    


At noon today, after he received Hou Guangsheng's call, he led all the security guards of the company to the Wangjiang Hotel to drink and eat.    


During the meal, Hou Guangsheng asked everyone to set the mobile phone to fly mode, which caused Zhang Xuezhong's lover to bring 20 or 30 people to the company to cause trouble. They knew nothing about the trouble with the chairman Gu Xiaohui.    


Luckily, Ma Zhong, who Wu Xu sent to secretly protect Gu Xiaohui, stopped them in time and forced all the troublemakers to retreat. Otherwise, Gu Xiaohui would have been in danger and even met with misfortune.    


After the incident, Gu Xiaohui was very angry.    


When Wei Dayong had lunch and returned to the company with his team members who were drunk and full, gu Xiaohui vented her anger on him, as he had left his post without permission. On the grounds that he had violated the company's rules, in the lobby on the first floor of the company, he publicly announced that he would be removed from his position as the captain of the security team and let the deputy captain of the security team, Yang Jianbo, take over his job.    


This matter made Wai Dayong lose face in front of the employees of the company. He could not raise his head among the members of the security team, which made him very distressed.    


Therefore, he called Hou Guangsheng and asked him why he would frame him.    


Hou Guangsheng denied it over the phone, saying that he did not have any intention of harming him. He agreed to help him take back the position of captain of the security team and asked him to have dinner at the Wangjiang Hotel at six o'clock in the evening to discuss countermeasures.    


When the taxi driver took Wei Dayong to the Wangjiang Hotel, it was ten minutes earlier than the time they had agreed on.    


After paying the taxi fare, Wei Dayong stood at the entrance of the restaurant and waited. From afar, he saw Hou Guangsheng's exclusive Mercedes-Benz driving over from the street and parked in the parking lot at the entrance of the Wangjiang Hotel.    


"Director Hou, you're here?" As soon as Hou Guangsheng got off the car, Wei Dayong went up to greet him.    


Hou Guangsheng said in a hurry, "This is not the place to talk. Let's talk in the restaurant!"    


That night, he brought Zhang Xuezhong to the Pacific Hotel to get to know Shen Ao. When they shook hands and were secretly taken photos, Hou Guangsheng became very alert.    


He was afraid that someone would follow him again, so he instinctively looked around. Seeing that no one noticed them, he took the lead and walked into the Wangjiang Hotel.    


Wai Dayong, on the other hand, was like an underground worker, following behind Hou Guangsheng unhurriedly. He followed him through the dining hall and walked into a private room.    


The two of them entered the room and sat down at the round table inside. The waiter in the restaurant started to serve the dishes for them.    


In a short while, four or five steaming hot dishes were placed on the dining table.    


A beautiful waitress opened a bottle of Maotai wine and poured the wine glasses in front of them before tactfully leaving the private room.    


Hou Guangsheng was the first to raise the wine glass and said, "Captain Wei, I've let you suffer. Come, let me toast to you first to suppress your shock!"    


"Director Hou, I'm sorry, I'm not here to drink tonight. I'm not in the mood to drink either." Wai Dayong did not raise his wine cup to respond, but put on a cold face. He said, "I just want to ask you, how can you help me take back the position of captain of the security team?"    


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